[Unit] Description=VyOS DNS configuration keeper # Without this option, lots of default dependencies are added, # among them network.target, which creates a dependency cycle DefaultDependencies=no # Seemingly sensible way to say "as early as the system is ready" # All vyos-hostsd needs is read/write mounted root After=systemd-remount-fs.service [Service] WorkingDirectory=/run/vyos-hostsd RuntimeDirectory=vyos-hostsd RuntimeDirectoryPreserve=yes ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 -u /usr/libexec/vyos/services/vyos-hostsd Type=idle KillMode=process SyslogIdentifier=vyos-hostsd SyslogFacility=daemon Restart=on-failure # Does't work in Jessie but leave it here User=root Group=vyattacfg [Install] # Note: After= doesn't actually create a dependency, # it just sets order for the case when both services are to start, # and without RequiredBy it *does not* set vyos-hostsd to start. RequiredBy=cloud-init-local.service vyos-router.service