# AWS_terraform_ansible_single_vyos_instance How to create a single instance and install your configuration using Terraform+Ansible+AWS Step by step: # AWS 1.1 Create an account with AWS and get your "access_key", "secret key" 1.2 Create a key pair and download your .pem key 1.3 Create a security group for the new VyOS instance # Terraform 2.1 Create a UNIX or Windows instance 2.2 Download and install Terraform 2.3 Create the folder for example ../awsvyos/ 2.4 Copy all files from my folder /Terraform into your Terraform project (vyos.tf, var.tf) 2.4.1 Please type the information into the strings 22, 35, 36 of file "vyos.tf" 2.5 Type the commands : #cd /your folder #terraform init # Ansible 3.1 Create a UNIX instance 3.2 Download and install Ansible 3.3 Create the folder for example /root/aws/ 3.4 Copy all files from my folder /Ansible into your Ansible project (ansible.cfg, instance.yml, mykey.pem) mykey.pem you have to get using step 1.2 # Start 4.1 Type the commands on your Terrafom instance: #cd /your folder #terraform plan #terraform apply #yes ![ezcv logo](/images/aws.png)