# The spirit

VyOS is free (as in freedom) software. We keep the source code and the build tools freely-licensed
and available to everyone to inspect, modify, and distribute.
The goal of VyOS is to create a network operating system available to everyone who needs it.
We welcome contributions from all community members and we are happy to share our work on LTS releases
with contributors. We also don't require contributors to give us exclusive rights to their contributions,
and VyOS source code belongs to the entire community.

However, success of a project and its ability to receive funding through commercial services
rests on the reputation of its maintainers.
And the "pay for binaries" LTS release model only works if access to images is actually restricted
to those who support the project by purchasing a subscription or contributing.

We cannot let other people and organizations exploit our reputation for gain or put it at risk
by distributing modified images with VyOS branding, or compromise the LTS business model
by redistributing pre-built images meant for subscription holders.

We enforce that through trademarks and copyrighted artwork.

Use and distribution of pre-built LTS images is governed by a EULA you can find in /usr/share/doc/vyos/EULA
on the live image and in installed systems. 

Self-built images can be freely distributed, but only if you replace the branding with yourn own,
that is, replace all artwork files that contain the VyOS logo and all end-user-visible mentions of the VyOS name.

# The letter

VyOS is a registered trademarks in the United States, countries of the European Union, and other countries.

The copyright to the artwork files that contain the VyOS logo, such as data/live-build-config/includes.binary/isolinux/splash.png
belongs to Sentrium S.L. and affiliated, all rights reserved.