// Copyright (C) 2019-2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// in order to easy exprort images built to "external" world
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
// published by the Free Software Foundation.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


// Using a version specifier library, use 'current' branch. The underscore (_)
// is not a typo! You need this underscore if the line immediately after the
// @Library annotation is not an import statement!

/* Only keep the most recent builds. */
def projectProperties = [
    [$class: 'BuildDiscarderProperty',strategy: [$class: 'LogRotator', numToKeepStr: '1']],


node('Docker') {
    stage('Define Agent') {
        script {
            // create container name on demand
            def branchName = getGitBranchName()
            // Adjust PR target branch name so we can re-map it to the proper
            // Docker image. CHANGE_ID is set only for pull requests, so it is
            // safe to access the pullRequest global variable
            if (env.CHANGE_ID) {
                branchName = "${env.CHANGE_TARGET}".toLowerCase()
            if (branchName.equals("master")) {
                branchName = "current"
            env.DOCKER_IMAGE = "vyos/vyos-build:" + branchName

pipeline {
    agent {
        docker {
            reuseNode true
            args "--sysctl net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6=0 -e GOSU_UID=1006 -e GOSU_GID=1006"
            image "${env.DOCKER_IMAGE}"
            alwaysPull true
    options {
        timeout(time: 120, unit: 'MINUTES')
    environment {
        DEBIAN_ARCH = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'dpkg --print-architecture').trim()
        BASE_DIR = getJenkinsfilePath()
        CHANGESET_DIR = getChangeSetPath()
    stages {
        stage('Fetch') {
            steps {
                script {
                    checkout scm
        stage('Git Clone - Components') {
            parallel {
                stage('Kernel') {
                    when {
                        beforeOptions true
                        beforeAgent true
                        anyOf {
                            changeset pattern: "${env.CHANGESET_DIR}"
                            changeset pattern: "**/data/defaults.json"
                            triggeredBy 'TimerTrigger'
                            triggeredBy cause: "UserIdCause"
                    steps {
                        script {
                            dir(env.BASE_DIR) {
                                sh '''
                                    KERNEL_VER=\$(cat ../../data/defaults.json | jq -r .kernel_version)
                                    gpg2 --locate-keys torvalds@kernel.org gregkh@kernel.org
                                    curl -OL https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-${KERNEL_VER}.tar.xz
                                    curl -OL https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v5.x/linux-${KERNEL_VER}.tar.sign
                                    xz -cd linux-${KERNEL_VER}.tar.xz | gpg2 --verify linux-${KERNEL_VER}.tar.sign -
                                    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
                                        exit 1
                                    tar xf linux-${KERNEL_VER}.tar.xz
                                    ln -s linux-${KERNEL_VER} linux
                stage('Kernel Firmware') {
                    when {
                        beforeOptions true
                        beforeAgent true
                        anyOf {
                            changeset pattern: "${env.CHANGESET_DIR}"
                            changeset pattern: "**/data/defaults.json"
                            triggeredBy 'TimerTrigger'
                            triggeredBy cause: "UserIdCause"
                    steps {
                        dir(env.BASE_DIR + '/linux-firmware') {
                            checkout([$class: 'GitSCM',
                                doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
                                extensions: [[$class: 'CleanCheckout'],
                                             [$class: 'CloneOption', depth: 1, noTags: false, reference: '', shallow: true]],
                                branches: [[name: '20201218' ]],
                                userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'GitHub-vyosbot', url: 'https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/firmware/linux-firmware.git']]])
                stage('Accel-PPP') {
                    when {
                        beforeOptions true
                        beforeAgent true
                        anyOf {
                            changeset pattern: "${env.CHANGESET_DIR}"
                            changeset pattern: "**/data/defaults.json"
                            triggeredBy 'TimerTrigger'
                            triggeredBy cause: "UserIdCause"
                    steps {
                        dir(env.BASE_DIR + '/accel-ppp') {
                            checkout([$class: 'GitSCM',
                                doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
                                extensions: [[$class: 'CleanCheckout']],
                                branches: [[name: '59f8e1bc3f199c8d0d985253e19a74ad87130179' ]],
                                userRemoteConfigs: [[credentialsId: 'GitHub-vyosbot', url: 'https://github.com/accel-ppp/accel-ppp.git']]])
        stage('Compile Kernel') {
            when {
                beforeOptions true
                beforeAgent true
                anyOf {
                    changeset pattern: "${env.CHANGESET_DIR}"
                    changeset pattern: "**/data/defaults.json"
                    triggeredBy 'TimerTrigger'
                    triggeredBy cause: "UserIdCause"
            steps {
                dir(env.BASE_DIR) {
                    sh "./build-kernel.sh"

        stage('Kernel Module(s)') {
            parallel {
                stage('Accel-PPP') {
                    when {
                        beforeOptions true
                        beforeAgent true
                        anyOf {
                            changeset pattern: "${env.CHANGESET_DIR}"
                            changeset pattern: "**/data/defaults.json"
                            triggeredBy 'TimerTrigger'
                            triggeredBy cause: "UserIdCause"
                    steps {
                        dir(env.BASE_DIR) {
                            sh "./build-accel-ppp.sh"
                stage('Intel QuickAssist Technology') {
                    when {
                        beforeOptions true
                        beforeAgent true
                        anyOf {
                            changeset pattern: "${env.CHANGESET_DIR}"
                            changeset pattern: "**/data/defaults.json"
                            triggeredBy 'TimerTrigger'
                            triggeredBy cause: "UserIdCause"
                    steps {
                        dir(env.BASE_DIR) {
                            sh "./build-intel-qat.sh"
        // This stage should not be run in the parallel section as it will call "make"
        // again on the kernel source and this could confuse other build systems
        // like generating Intel or Accel-PPP drivers. Better safe then sorry!
        stage('Linux Firmware') {
            when {
                beforeOptions true
                beforeAgent true
                anyOf {
                    changeset pattern: "${env.CHANGESET_DIR}"
                    changeset pattern: "**/data/defaults.json"
                    triggeredBy 'TimerTrigger'
                    triggeredBy cause: "UserIdCause"
            steps {
                dir(env.BASE_DIR) {
                    sh "./build-linux-firmware.sh"

    post {
        cleanup {
        success {
            script {
                dir(env.BASE_DIR) {
                    // archive *.deb artifact on custom builds, deploy to repo otherwise
                    if ( isCustomBuild()) {
                        archiveArtifacts artifacts: '*.deb', fingerprint: true
                    } else {
                        // publish build result, using SSH-dev.packages.vyos.net Jenkins Credentials
                        sshagent(['SSH-dev.packages.vyos.net']) {
                            // build up some fancy groovy variables so we do not need to write/copy
                            // every option over and over again!
                            def RELEASE = getGitBranchName()
                            if (getGitBranchName() == "master") {
                                RELEASE = 'current'

                            def VYOS_REPO_PATH = '/home/sentrium/web/dev.packages.vyos.net/public_html/repositories/' + RELEASE + '/'
                            if (getGitBranchName() == "crux")
                                VYOS_REPO_PATH += 'vyos/'

                            def SSH_OPTS = '-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=ERROR'
                            def SSH_REMOTE = env.DEV_PACKAGES_VYOS_NET_HOST // defined as global variable

                            echo "Uploading package(s) and updating package(s) in the repository ..."

                            files = findFiles(glob: '*.deb')
                            files.each { PACKAGE ->
                                def ARCH = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "dpkg-deb -f ${PACKAGE} Architecture").trim()
                                def SUBSTRING = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "dpkg-deb -f ${PACKAGE} Package").trim()
                                def SSH_DIR = '~/VyOS/' + RELEASE + '/' + ARCH
                                def ARCH_OPT = ''
                                if (ARCH != 'all')
                                    ARCH_OPT = '-A ' + ARCH

                                // No need to explicitly check the return code. The pipeline
                                // will fail if sh returns a non 0 exit code
                                sh """
                                    ssh ${SSH_OPTS} ${SSH_REMOTE} -t "bash --login -c 'mkdir -p ${SSH_DIR}'"
                                    scp ${SSH_OPTS} ${PACKAGE} ${SSH_REMOTE}:${SSH_DIR}/
                                    ssh ${SSH_OPTS} ${SSH_REMOTE} -t "uncron-add 'reprepro -v -b ${VYOS_REPO_PATH} ${ARCH_OPT} remove ${RELEASE} ${SUBSTRING}'"
                                    ssh ${SSH_OPTS} ${SSH_REMOTE} -t "uncron-add 'reprepro -v -b ${VYOS_REPO_PATH} deleteunreferenced'"
                                    ssh ${SSH_OPTS} ${SSH_REMOTE} -t "uncron-add 'reprepro -v -b ${VYOS_REPO_PATH} ${ARCH_OPT} includedeb ${RELEASE} ${SSH_DIR}/${PACKAGE}'"