#!/usr/bin/env python import os import sys required_packages = [ 'make', 'live-build', 'pbuilder', 'devscripts', 'python-pystache' ] def is_installed(name): result = os.system("dpkg-query -W --showformat='${{Status}}\n' {name} 2>&1 | grep 'install ok installed' >/dev/null".format(name=name)) return True if result == 0 else False missing_packages = [] print("Checking if packages required for VyOS image build are installed") for p in required_packages: if not is_installed(p): missing_packages.append(p) if missing_packages: print("Your system does not have some of the required packages installed.") print("Please install the following packages:") print(" ".join(missing_packages)) sys.exit(1) else: print("All required packages are installed") sys.exit(0)