#!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Copyright (C) 2019-2021, VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # File: check-qemu-install # Purpose: # This script installs a system on a emulated qemu host to verify # that the iso produced is installable and boots. # after the iso is booted from disk it also tries to execute the # vyos-smoketest script to verify checks there. # # For now it will not fail on failed smoketest but will fail on # install and boot errors. # Arguments: # iso iso image to install # [disk] disk filename to use, if none is provided it # is autogenerated # [--keep] Keep the disk image after completion # [--logfile] name of logfile to save, defaulting to stdout # [--silent] only print on errors # [--debug] print all communication with the device import pexpect import sys import os import time import argparse import subprocess import random import traceback import logging import re from io import BytesIO from io import StringIO from datetime import datetime EXCEPTION = 0 now = datetime.now() parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Install and start a test VyOS vm.') parser.add_argument('iso', help='ISO file to install') parser.add_argument('disk', help='name of disk image file', nargs='?', default='testinstall-{}-{}.img'.format(now.strftime('%Y%m%d-%H%M%S'), "%04x" % random.randint(0,65535))) parser.add_argument('--keep', help='Do not remove disk-image after installation', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('--silent', help='Do not show output on stdout unless an error has occured', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('--debug', help='Send all debug output to stdout', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('--logfile', help='Log to file') parser.add_argument('--no-kvm', help='Disable use of kvm', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('--configd', help='Execute testsuite with config daemon', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_argument('--configtest', help='Execute load/commit config tests', action='store_true', default=False) args = parser.parse_args() class StreamToLogger(object): """ Fake file-like stream object that redirects writes to a logger instance. """ def __init__(self, logger, log_level=logging.INFO): self.logger = logger self.log_level = log_level self.linebuf = b'' self.ansi_escape = re.compile(r'\x1B[@-_][0-?]*[ -/]*[@-~]') def write(self, buf): self.linebuf += buf #print('.') while b'\n' in self.linebuf: f = self.linebuf.split(b'\n', 1) if len(f) == 2: self.logger.debug(self.ansi_escape.sub('', f[0].decode(errors="replace").rstrip())) self.linebuf = f[1] #print(f) def flush(self): pass def get_half_cpus(): """ return 1/2 of the numbers of available CPUs """ cpu = os.cpu_count() if cpu > 1: cpu /= 2 return int(cpu) def get_qemu_cmd(name, enable_kvm, disk_img, iso_img=None): kvm = "" cpu = "-cpu host" if not enable_kvm: kvm = "--no-kvm" cpu = "" cdrom = "" if iso_img: cdrom = "-boot d -cdrom {}".format(iso_img) # test using half of the available CPUs on the system cpucount = get_half_cpus() macbase = '52:54:00:00:00' cmd = f'qemu-system-x86_64 \ -name "{name}" \ -smp {cpucount} \ -m 2G \ -netdev user,id=n1 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=n1,mac={macbase}:01 \ -netdev user,id=n2 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=n2,mac={macbase}:02 \ -netdev user,id=n3 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=n3,mac={macbase}:03 \ -netdev user,id=n4 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=n4,mac={macbase}:04 \ -netdev user,id=n5 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=n5,mac={macbase}:05 \ -netdev user,id=n6 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=n6,mac={macbase}:06 \ -netdev user,id=n7 -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=n7,mac={macbase}:07 \ -machine accel=kvm \ -nographic {cpu} {cdrom} {kvm} \ -drive format=raw,file={disk_img}' return cmd # Setting up logger log = logging.getLogger() log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) stl = StreamToLogger(log) formatter = logging.Formatter('%(levelname)5s - %(message)s') handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) if args.silent: handler.setLevel(logging.ERROR) elif args.debug: handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: handler.setLevel(logging.INFO) handler.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(handler) if args.logfile: filehandler = logging.FileHandler(args.logfile) filehandler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) filehandler.setFormatter(formatter) log.addHandler(filehandler) if args.silent: output = BytesIO() else: output = sys.stdout.buffer if not os.path.isfile(args.iso): log.error('Unable to find iso image to install') sys.exit(1) if args.no_kvm: log.error('KVM forced off by command line') kvm=False elif not os.path.exists('/dev/kvm'): log.error('KVM not enabled on host, proceeding with software emulation') kvm=False else: kvm=True # Creating diskimage!! if not os.path.isfile(args.disk): log.info(f'Creating Disk image {args.disk}') c = subprocess.check_output(['qemu-img', 'create', args.disk, '2G']) log.debug(c.decode()) else: log.info('Diskimage already exists, using the existing one') try: ################################################# # Installing image to disk ################################################# log.info('Installing system') cmd = get_qemu_cmd('TESTVM', kvm, args.disk, args.iso) log.debug('Executing command: {cmd}') c = pexpect.spawn(cmd, logfile=stl) ################################################# # Logging into VyOS system ################################################# try: c.expect('Automatic boot in', timeout=10) c.sendline('') except pexpect.TIMEOUT: log.warning('Did not find GRUB countdown window, ignoring') log.info('Waiting for login prompt') c.expect('[Ll]ogin:', timeout=600) c.sendline('vyos') c.expect('[Pp]assword:', timeout=20) c.sendline('vyos') c.expect(r'vyos@vyos:~\$') log.info('Logged in!') ################################################# # Installing into VyOS system ################################################# log.info('Starting installer') c.sendline('install image') c.expect('\nWould you like to continue?.*:') c.sendline('yes') log.info('Partitioning disk') c.expect('\nPartition.*:') c.sendline('') c.expect('\nInstall the image on.*:') c.sendline('') c.expect(r'\nContinue\?.*:') c.sendline('Yes') c.expect('\nHow big of a root partition should I create?.*:') c.sendline('') log.info('Disk partitioned, installing') c.expect('\nWhat would you like to name this image?.*:') c.sendline('') log.info('Copying files') c.expect('\nWhich one should I copy to.*:', timeout=300) c.sendline('') log.info('Files Copied!') c.expect('\nEnter password for user.*:') c.sendline('vyos') c.expect('\nRetype password for user.*:') c.sendline('vyos') c.expect('\nWhich drive should GRUB modify the boot partition on.*:') c.sendline('') c.expect(r'\nvyos@vyos:~\$') log.info('system installed, shutting down') ################################################# # Powering down installer ################################################# log.info('Shutting down installation system') c.sendline('poweroff') c.expect(r'\nAre you sure you want to poweroff this system.*\]') c.sendline('Y') for i in range(30): log.info('Waiting for shutdown...') if not c.isalive(): log.info('VM shutdown!') break time.sleep(10) else: log.error('VM Did not shutdown after 300sec, killing it!') c.close() ################################################# # Booting installed system ################################################# log.info('Booting installed system') cmd = get_qemu_cmd('TESTVM', kvm, args.disk) log.debug(f'Executing command: {cmd}') c = pexpect.spawn(cmd, logfile=stl) ################################################# # Logging into VyOS system ################################################# try: c.expect('The highlighted entry will be executed automatically in', timeout=10) c.sendline('') except pexpect.TIMEOUT: log.warning('Did not find GRUB countdown window, ignoring') log.info('Waiting for login prompt') c.expect('[Ll]ogin:', timeout=600) c.sendline('vyos') c.expect('[Pp]assword:', timeout=20) c.sendline('vyos') c.expect(r'vyos@vyos:~\$') log.info('Logged in!') # additional settling time time.sleep(20) ################################################ # Always load the WiFi simulation module ################################################ c.sendline('sudo modprobe mac80211_hwsim') c.expect(r'vyos@vyos:~\$') ################################################# # Start/stop config daemon ################################################# if args.configd: c.sendline('sudo systemctl start vyos-configd.service &> /dev/null') else: c.sendline('sudo systemctl stop vyos-configd.service &> /dev/null') c.expect(r'vyos@vyos:~\$') ################################################# # Basic Configmode/Opmode switch ################################################# log.info('Basic CLI configuration mode test') c.sendline('configure') c.expect(r'vyos@vyos#') c.sendline('exit') c.expect(r'vyos@vyos:~\$') c.sendline('show version') c.expect(r'vyos@vyos:~\$') c.sendline('show interfaces') c.expect(r'vyos@vyos:~\$') ################################################# # Executing test-suite ################################################# # run default smoketest suite if not args.configtest: log.info('Executing VyOS smoketests') c.sendline('/usr/bin/vyos-smoketest') i = c.expect(['\n +Invalid command:', '\n +Set failed', 'No such file or directory', r'\n\S+@\S+[$#]'], timeout=7200) if i == 0: raise Exception('Invalid command detected') elif i == 1: raise Exception('Set syntax failed :/') elif i == 2: tmp = '(W)hy (T)he (F)ace? VyOS smoketest not found!' log.error(tmp) raise Exception(tmp) c.sendline('echo EXITCODE:$\x16?') i = c.expect(['EXITCODE:0', 'EXITCODE:\d+'], timeout=20) if i == 0: log.info('Smoketest finished successfully!') pass elif i == 1: log.error('Smoketest failed :/') raise Exception("Smoketest-failed, please look into debug output") # else, run configtest suite else: log.info('Generating a WireGuard default keypair') c.sendline('generate wireguard default-keypair') c.expect(r'vyos@vyos:~\$') log.info('Generating some OpenVPN keys') subject = '/C=DE/ST=BY/O=VyOS/localityName=Cloud/commonName=vyos/' \ 'organizationalUnitName=VyOS/emailAddress=maintainers@vyos.io/' ca_cert = '/config/auth/ovpn_test_ca.pem' ssl_cert = '/config/auth/ovpn_test_server.pem' ssl_key = '/config/auth/ovpn_test_server.key' dh_pem = '/config/auth/ovpn_test_dh.pem' s2s_key = '/config/auth/ovpn_test_site2site.key' auth_key = '/config/auth/ovpn_test_tls_auth.key' c.sendline(f'openssl req -newkey rsa:4096 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 '\ f'-keyout {ssl_key} -out {ssl_cert} -subj {subject}') c.expect(r'vyos@vyos:~\$', timeout=600) c.sendline(f'openssl req -new -x509 -key {ssl_key} -out {ca_cert} -subj {subject}') c.expect(r'vyos@vyos:~\$', timeout=600) c.sendline(f'openssl dhparam -out {dh_pem} 2048') c.expect(r'vyos@vyos:~\$', timeout=600) c.sendline(f'generate openvpn key {s2s_key}') c.expect(r'vyos@vyos:~\$') c.sendline(f'generate openvpn key {auth_key}') c.expect(r'vyos@vyos:~\$') script_file = '/config/scripts/vyos-foo-update.script' c.sendline(f'echo "#!/bin/sh" > {script_file}; chmod 775 {script_file}') c.expect(r'vyos@vyos:~\$') for file in [ca_cert, ssl_cert, ssl_key, dh_pem, s2s_key, auth_key]: c.sendline(f'sudo chown openvpn:openvpn {file}') c.expect(r'vyos@vyos:~\$') log.info('Executing load config tests') c.sendline('/usr/bin/vyos-configtest') i = c.expect(['\n +Invalid command:', 'No such file or directory', r'\n\S+@\S+[$#]'], timeout=3600) if i==0: raise Exception('Invalid command detected') elif i==1: tmp = '(W)hy (T)he (F)ace? VyOS smoketest not found!' log.error(tmp) raise Exception(tmp) c.sendline('echo EXITCODE:$\x16?') i = c.expect(['EXITCODE:0', 'EXITCODE:\d+'], timeout=10) if i == 0: log.info('Configtest finished successfully!') pass elif i == 1: tmp = 'Configtest failed :/ - check debug output' log.error(tmp) raise Exception(tmp) ################################################# # Powering off system ################################################# log.info("Powering off system ") c.sendline('poweroff') c.expect(r'\nAre you sure you want to poweroff this system.*\]') c.sendline('Y') log.info('Shutting down virtual machine') for i in range(30): log.info('Waiting for shutdown...') if not c.isalive(): log.info('VM is shut down!') break time.sleep(10) else: tmp = 'VM Did not shut down after 300sec' log.error(tmp) raise Exception(tmp) c.close() except pexpect.exceptions.TIMEOUT: log.error('Timeout waiting for VyOS system') log.error(traceback.format_exc()) EXCEPTION = 1 except pexpect.exceptions.ExceptionPexpect: log.error('Exeption while executing QEMU') log.error('Is qemu working on this system?') log.error(traceback.format_exc()) EXCEPTION = 1 except Exception: log.error('Unknown error occured while VyOS!') traceback.print_exc() EXCEPTION = 1 ################################################# # Cleaning up ################################################# log.info("Cleaning up") if not args.keep: log.info(f'Removing disk file: {args.disk}') try: os.remove(args.disk) except Exception: log.error('Exception while removing diskimage!') log.error(traceback.format_exc()) EXCEPTION = 1 if EXCEPTION: log.error('Hmm... system got an exception while processing.') log.error('The ISO image is not considered usable!') sys.exit(1)