#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (C) 2022-2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# File: build-vyos-image
# Purpose: builds VyOS images using a fork of Debian's live-build tool

# Import Python's standard library modules
import re
import os
import sys
import uuid
import glob
import json
import shutil
import getpass
import platform
import argparse
import datetime
import functools
import string

# Import third-party modules
    import tomli
    import jinja2
    import git
    import psutil
except ModuleNotFoundError as e:
    print(f"E: Cannot load required library {e}")
    print("E: Please make sure the following Python3 modules are installed: tomli jinja2 git psutil")

# Initialize Git object from our repository
    repo = git.Repo('.', search_parent_directories=True)
    repo.git.submodule('update', '--init')

    # Retrieve the Git commit ID of the repository, 14 charaters will be sufficient
    build_git = repo.head.object.hexsha[:14]
    # If somone played around with the source tree and the build is "dirty", mark it
    if repo.is_dirty():
        build_git += "-dirty"

    # Retrieve git branch name or current tag
    # Building a tagged release might leave us checking out a git tag that is not the tip of a named branch (detached HEAD)
    # Check if the current HEAD is associated with a tag and use its name instead of an unavailable branch name.
    git_branch = next((tag.name for tag in repo.tags if tag.commit == repo.head.commit), None)
    if git_branch is None:
        git_branch = repo.active_branch.name
except Exception as e:
    print(f'W: Could not retrieve information from git: {repr(e)}')
    build_git = ""
    git_branch = ""

# Add the vyos-1x submodule directory to the Python path
# so that we can import modules from it.
VYOS1X_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'packages/vyos-1x/python')
if not os.path.exists(VYOS1X_DIR):
    print("E: packages/vyos-1x subdirectory does not exist, did git submodules fail to initialize?")

# Import local modules from scripts/image-build
# They rely on modules from vyos-1x
import utils
import defaults
import raw_image

from utils import cmd

# argparse converts hyphens to underscores,
# so for lookups in the original options hash we have to convert them back
def field_to_option(s):
    return re.sub(r'_', '-', s)

def get_default_build_by():
    return "{user}@{host}".format(user= getpass.getuser(), host=platform.node())

def get_validator(optdict, name):
        return optdict[name][2]
    except KeyError:
        return None

def merge_dicts(source, destination, skip_none=False):
    """ Merge two dictionaries and return a new dict which has the merged key/value pairs.
    Merging logic is as follows:
      Sub-dicts are merged.
      List values are combined.
      Scalar values are set to those from the source dict.
    from copy import deepcopy
    tmp = deepcopy(destination)

    for key, value in source.items():
        if key not in tmp:
            tmp[key] = value
        elif isinstance(source[key], dict):
            tmp[key] = merge_dicts(source[key], tmp[key])
        elif isinstance(source[key], list):
            tmp[key] = source[key] + tmp[key]
        elif not skip_none or source[key] is not None:
            tmp[key] = source[key]

    return tmp

def has_nonempty_key(config, key):
    if key in config:
        if config[key]:
            return True
    return False

def make_toml_path(dir, file_basename):
    return os.path.join(dir, file_basename + ".toml")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    ## Check if the script is running wirh root permissions
    ## Since live-build requires privileged calls such as chroot(),
    ## there's no real way around it.
    if os.getuid() != 0:
        print("E: this script requires root privileges")

    ## Check if there are missing build dependencies
    deps = {
        'packages': [
       'binaries': []

    print("I: Checking if packages required for VyOS image build are installed")
        checker = utils.check_system_dependencies(deps)
    except OSError as e:
        print(f"E: {e}")

    ## Load the file with default build configuration options
        with open(defaults.DEFAULTS_FILE, 'rb') as f:
            build_defaults = tomli.load(f)
    except Exception as e:
        print("E: Failed to open the defaults file {0}: {1}".format(defaults.DEFAULTS_FILE, e))

    ## Get a list of available build flavors
    flavor_dir_env = os.getenv("VYOS_BUILD_FLAVORS_DIR")
    if flavor_dir_env:
        flavor_dir = flavor_dir_env
        flavor_dir = defaults.BUILD_FLAVORS_DIR

    print(f"I: using build flavors directory {flavor_dir}")
    build_flavors = [f[0] for f in map(os.path.splitext, os.listdir(flavor_dir)) if (f[1] == ".toml")]

    ## Set up the option parser
    ## XXX: It uses values from the default configuration file for its option defaults,
    ## which is why it's defined after loading the defaults.toml file data.

    # Options dict format:
    # '$option_name_without_leading_dashes': { ('$help_string', $default_value_generator_thunk, $value_checker_thunk) }
    options = {
       'architecture': ('Image target architecture (amd64 or arm64)', None, lambda x: x in ['amd64', 'arm64', None]),
       'build-by': ('Builder identifier (e.g. jrandomhacker@example.net)', get_default_build_by, None),
       'debian-mirror': ('Debian repository mirror', None, None),
       'debian-security-mirror': ('Debian security updates mirror', None, None),
       'pbuilder-debian-mirror': ('Debian repository mirror for pbuilder env bootstrap', None, None),
       'vyos-mirror': ('VyOS package mirror', None, None),
       'build-type': ('Build type, release or development', None, lambda x: x in ['release', 'development']),
       'version': ('Version number (release builds only)', None, None),
       'build-comment': ('Optional build comment', lambda: '', None)

    # Create the option parser
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    for k, v in options.items():
        help_string, default_value_thunk = v[0], v[1]
        if default_value_thunk is None:
            parser.add_argument('--' + k, type=str, help=help_string)
            parser.add_argument('--' + k, type=str, help=help_string, default=default_value_thunk())

    # Debug options
    parser.add_argument('--debug', help='Enable debug output', action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('--dry-run', help='Check build configuration and exit', action='store_true')

    # Custom APT entry and APT key options can be used multiple times
    parser.add_argument('--custom-apt-entry', help="Custom APT entry", action='append', default=[])
    parser.add_argument('--custom-apt-key', help="Custom APT key file", action='append', default=[])
    parser.add_argument('--custom-package', help="Custom package to install from repositories", action='append', default=[])

    # Options relevant for non-ISO format flavors
    parser.add_argument('--reuse-iso', help='Use an existing ISO file to build additional image formats', type=str, action='store', default=None)
    parser.add_argument('--disk-size', help='Disk size for non-ISO image formats', type=int, action='store', default=10)

    # Build flavor is a positional argument
    parser.add_argument('build_flavor', help='Build flavor', nargs='?', action='store')

    args = vars(parser.parse_args())

    debug = args["debug"]

    # Validate options
    for k, v in args.items():
        key = field_to_option(k)
        func = get_validator(options, k)
        if func is not None:
            if not func(v):
                print("E: {v} is not a valid value for --{o} option".format(o=key, v=v))

    if not args["build_flavor"]:
        print("E: Build flavor is not specified!")
        print("E: For example, to build the generic ISO, run {} iso".format(sys.argv[0]))
        print("Available build flavors:\n")

    ## Try to get correct architecture and build type from build flavor and CLI arguments
    pre_build_config = merge_dicts({}, build_defaults)

    flavor_config = {}
    build_flavor = args["build_flavor"]
        toml_flavor_file = make_toml_path(flavor_dir, args["build_flavor"])
        with open(toml_flavor_file, 'rb') as f:
            flavor_config = tomli.load(f)
            pre_build_config = merge_dicts(flavor_config, pre_build_config)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        print(f"E: Flavor '{build_flavor}' does not exist")
    except tomli.TOMLDecodeError as e:
        print(f"E: Failed to parse TOML file for flavor '{build_flavor}': {e}")

    ## Combine configs args > flavor > defaults
    pre_build_config = merge_dicts(args, pre_build_config, skip_none=True)

    # Some fixup for mirror settings.
    # The idea is: if --debian-mirror is specified but --pbuilder-debian-mirror is not,
    # use the --debian-mirror value for both lb and pbuilder bootstrap
    if pre_build_config['debian_mirror'] is None or pre_build_config['debian_security_mirror'] is None:
        print("E: debian_mirror and debian_security_mirror cannot be empty")

    if pre_build_config['pbuilder_debian_mirror'] is None:
        args['pbuilder_debian_mirror'] = pre_build_config['pbuilder_debian_mirror'] = pre_build_config['debian_mirror']

    # Version can only be set for release builds,
    # for dev builds it hardly makes any sense
    if pre_build_config['build_type'] == 'development':
        if args['version'] is not None:
            print("E: Version can only be set for release builds")
            print("Use --build-type=release option if you want to set version number")

    # Validate characters in version name
    if 'version' in args and args['version'] != None:
        allowed = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + '.' + '-' + '+'
        if not set(args['version']) <= set(allowed):
            print(f'Version contained illegal character(s), allowed: {allowed}')

    ## Inject some useful hardcoded options
    args['build_dir'] = defaults.BUILD_DIR
    args['pbuilder_config'] = os.path.join(defaults.BUILD_DIR, defaults.PBUILDER_CONFIG)

    ## Combine the arguments with non-configurable defaults
    build_config = merge_dicts({}, build_defaults)

    ## Load correct mix-ins
    with open(make_toml_path(defaults.BUILD_TYPES_DIR, pre_build_config["build_type"]), 'rb') as f:
        build_type_config = tomli.load(f)
        build_config = merge_dicts(build_type_config, build_config)

    with open(make_toml_path(defaults.BUILD_ARCHES_DIR, pre_build_config["architecture"]), 'rb') as f:
        build_arch_config = tomli.load(f)
        build_config = merge_dicts(build_arch_config, build_config)

    ## Override with flavor and then CLI arguments
    build_config = merge_dicts(flavor_config, build_config)
    build_config = merge_dicts(args, build_config, skip_none=True)

    ## Rename and merge some fields for simplicity
    ## E.g. --custom-packages is for the user, but internally
    ## it's added to the same package list as everything else
    if has_nonempty_key(build_config, "custom_package"):
        build_config["packages"] += build_config["custom_package"]
        del build_config["custom_package"]

    ## Add architecture-dependent packages from the flavor
    if has_nonempty_key(build_config, "architectures"):
        arch = build_config["architecture"]
        if arch in build_config["architectures"]:
            if has_nonempty_key(build_config["architectures"], "packages"):
                build_config["packages"] += build_config["architectures"][arch]["packages"]

    ## Check if image format is specified,
    ## else we have no idea what we are actually supposed to build.
    if not has_nonempty_key(build_config, "image_format"):
        print("E: image format is not specified in the build flavor file")

    ## Add default boot settings if needed
    if "boot_settings" not in build_config:
        build_config["boot_settings"] = defaults.boot_settings
        build_config["boot_settings"] = merge_dicts(defaults.boot_settings, build_config["boot_settings"])

    ## Convert the image_format field to a single-item list if it's a scalar
    ## (like `image_format = "iso"`)
    if type(build_config["image_format"]) != list:
        build_config["image_format"] = [ build_config["image_format"] ]

    ## Dump the complete config if the user enabled debug mode
    if debug:
        import json
        print("D: Effective build config:\n")
        print(json.dumps(build_config, indent=4))

    ## Clean up the old build config and set up a fresh copy
    lb_config_dir = os.path.join(defaults.BUILD_DIR, defaults.LB_CONFIG_DIR)
    shutil.rmtree(lb_config_dir, ignore_errors=True)
    shutil.copytree("data/live-build-config/", lb_config_dir)
    os.makedirs(lb_config_dir, exist_ok=True)

    # Switch to the build directory, this is crucial for the live-build work
    # because the efective build config files etc. are there.
    # All directory paths from this point must be relative to BUILD_DIR,
    # not to the vyos-build repository root.

    iso_file = None

    if build_config["reuse_iso"]:
        iso_file = build_config["reuse_iso"]
        ## Create the version file

        # Create a build timestamp
        now = datetime.datetime.today()
        build_timestamp = now.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")

        # FIXME: use aware rather than naive object
        build_date = now.strftime("%a %d %b %Y %H:%M UTC")

        # Assign a (hopefully) unique identifier to the build (UUID)
        build_uuid = str(uuid.uuid4())

        # Create the build version string
        if build_config['build_type'] == 'development':
                if not git_branch:
                    raise ValueError("git branch could not be determined")

                # Load the branch to version mapping file
                with open('../data/versions') as f:
                    version_mapping = json.load(f)

                branch_version = version_mapping[git_branch]

                version = "{0}-rolling-{1}".format(branch_version, build_timestamp)
            except Exception as e:
                print("W: Could not build a version string specific to git branch, falling back to default: {0}".format(str(e)))
                version = "999.{0}".format(build_timestamp)
            # Release build, use the version from ./configure arguments
            version = build_config['version']

        if build_config['build_type'] == 'development':
            lts_build = False
            lts_build = True

        version_data = {
            'version': version,
            'built_by': build_config['build_by'],
            'built_on': build_date,
            'build_uuid': build_uuid,
            'build_git': build_git,
            'build_branch': git_branch,
            'release_train': build_config['release_train'],
            'lts_build': lts_build,
            'build_comment': build_config['build_comment'],
            'bugtracker_url': build_config['bugtracker_url'],
            'documentation_url': build_config['documentation_url'],
            'project_news_url': build_config['project_news_url'],

        # Multi line strings needs to be un-indented to not have leading
        # whitespaces in the resulting file
        os_release = f"""
    PRETTY_NAME="VyOS {version} ({build_config['release_train']})"
    VERSION="{version} ({build_config['release_train']})"

        # Reminder: all paths relative to the build dir, not to the repository root
        chroot_includes_dir = defaults.CHROOT_INCLUDES_DIR
        binary_includes_dir = defaults.BINARY_INCLUDES_DIR
        vyos_data_dir = os.path.join(chroot_includes_dir, "usr/share/vyos")
        os.makedirs(vyos_data_dir, exist_ok=True)
        with open(os.path.join(vyos_data_dir, 'version.json'), 'w') as f:
            json.dump(version_data, f)
        with open(os.path.join(binary_includes_dir, 'version.json'), 'w') as f:
            json.dump(version_data, f)

        # For backwards compatibility with 'add system image' script from older versions
        # we need a file in the old format so that script can find out the version of the image
        # for upgrade
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(chroot_includes_dir, 'opt/vyatta/etc/'), exist_ok=True)
        with open(os.path.join(chroot_includes_dir, 'opt/vyatta/etc/version'), 'w') as f:
            print("Version: {0}".format(version), file=f)

        # Define variables that influence to welcome message on boot
        os.makedirs(os.path.join(chroot_includes_dir, 'usr/lib/'), exist_ok=True)
        with open(os.path.join(chroot_includes_dir, 'usr/lib/os-release'), 'w') as f:
            print(os_release, file=f)

        ## Clean up earlier build state and artifacts
        print("I: Cleaning the build workspace")
        cmd("lb clean")
        #iter(lambda p: shutil.rmtree(p, ignore_errors=True),
        #  ['config/binary', 'config/bootstrap', 'config/chroot', 'config/common', 'config/source'])
        artifacts = functools.reduce(
          lambda x, y: x + y,
          map(glob.glob, ['*.iso', '*.raw', '*.img', '*.xz', '*.ova', '*.ovf']))
        iter(os.remove, artifacts)

        ## Create the target ISO file path
        iso_file = "vyos-{0}-{1}.iso".format(version_data["version"], build_config["architecture"])

        ## Create live-build configuration files

        # Add the additional repositories to package lists
        print("I: Setting up additional APT entries")
        vyos_repo_entry = "deb {vyos_mirror} {vyos_branch} main\n".format(**build_config)

        apt_file = defaults.VYOS_REPO_FILE

        if debug:
            print(f"D: Adding these entries to {apt_file}:")
            print("\t", vyos_repo_entry)

        with open(apt_file, 'w') as f:

        # Add custom APT entries
        if build_config.get('additional_repositories', False):
            build_config['custom_apt_entry'] += build_config['additional_repositories']

        if build_config.get('custom_apt_entry', False):
            custom_apt_file = defaults.CUSTOM_REPO_FILE
            entries = "\n".join(build_config['custom_apt_entry'])
            if debug:
                print("D: Adding custom APT entries:")
            with open(custom_apt_file, 'w') as f:

        # Add custom APT keys
        if has_nonempty_key(build_config, 'custom_apt_key'):
            key_dir = defaults.ARCHIVES_DIR
            for k in build_config['custom_apt_key']:
                dst_name = '{0}.key.chroot'.format(os.path.basename(k))
                shutil.copy(k, os.path.join(key_dir, dst_name))

        # Add custom packages
        if has_nonempty_key(build_config, 'packages'):
            package_list_file = defaults.PACKAGE_LIST_FILE
            packages = "\n".join(build_config['packages'])
            with open (package_list_file, 'w') as f:

        ## Create includes
        if has_nonempty_key(build_config, "includes_chroot"):
            for i in build_config["includes_chroot"]:
                file_path = os.path.join(chroot_includes_dir, i["path"])
                if debug:
                    print(f"D: Creating chroot include file: {file_path}")
                os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True)
                with open(file_path, 'w') as f:

        ## Create the default config
        ## Technically it's just another includes.chroot entry,
        ## but it's special enough to warrant making it easier for flavor writers
        if has_nonempty_key(build_config, "default_config"):
            file_path = os.path.join(chroot_includes_dir, "opt/vyatta/etc/config.boot.default")
            os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True)
            with open(file_path, 'w') as f:

        ## Configure live-build
        lb_config_tmpl = jinja2.Template("""
        lb config noauto \
                --apt-indices false \
                --apt-options "--yes -oAPT::Get::allow-downgrades=true" \
                --apt-recommends false \
                --architecture {{architecture}} \
                --archive-areas {{debian_archive_areas}} \
                --backports true \
                --binary-image iso-hybrid \
                --bootappend-live "boot=live components hostname=vyos username=live nopersistence noautologin nonetworking union=overlay console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" \
                --bootappend-live-failsafe "live components memtest noapic noapm nodma nomce nolapic nomodeset nosmp nosplash vga=normal console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0 net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" \
                --bootloaders {{bootloaders}} \
                --checksums 'sha256 md5' \
                --chroot-squashfs-compression-type "{{squashfs_compression_type}}" \
                --debian-installer none \
                --debootstrap-options "--variant=minbase --exclude=isc-dhcp-client,isc-dhcp-common,ifupdown --include=apt-utils,ca-certificates,gnupg2" \
                --distribution {{debian_distribution}} \
                --firmware-binary false \
                --firmware-chroot false \
                --iso-application "VyOS" \
                --iso-publisher "{{build_by}}" \
                --iso-volume "VyOS" \
                --linux-flavours {{kernel_flavor}} \
                --linux-packages linux-image-{{kernel_version}} \
                --mirror-binary {{debian_mirror}} \
                --mirror-binary-security {{debian_security_mirror}} \
                --mirror-bootstrap {{debian_mirror}} \
                --mirror-chroot {{debian_mirror}} \
                --mirror-chroot-security {{debian_security_mirror}} \
                --security true \
                --updates true

        lb_config_command = lb_config_tmpl.render(build_config)

        ## Pin release for VyOS packages
        apt_pin = f"""Package: *
    Pin: release n={build_config['release_train']}
    Pin-Priority: 600

        with open(defaults.VYOS_PIN_FILE, 'w') as f:

        print("I: Configuring live-build")

        if debug:
            print("D: live-build configuration command")


        ## In dry-run mode, exit at this point
        if build_config["dry_run"]:
            print("I: dry-run, not starting image build")

        ## Add local packages
        local_packages = glob.glob('../packages/*.deb')
        if local_packages:
            for f in local_packages:
                shutil.copy(f, os.path.join(defaults.LOCAL_PACKAGES_PATH, os.path.basename(f)))

        ## Build the image
        print("I: Starting image build")
        if debug:
            print("D: It's not like I'm building this specially for you or anything!")
        cmd("lb build 2>&1")

        # Copy the image
        shutil.copy("live-image-{0}.hybrid.iso".format(build_config["architecture"]), iso_file)

    # Build additional flavors from the ISO,
    # if the flavor calls for them
    if build_config["image_format"] != ["iso"]:
        raw_image = raw_image.create_raw_image(build_config, iso_file, "tmp/")

        if has_nonempty_key(build_config, "post_build_hook"):
            # Some flavors require special procedures that aren't covered by qemu-img
            # (most notably, the VMware OVA that requires a custom tool to make and sign the image).
            # For those cases, we support running a post-build hook on the raw image.
            # The image_format field should be 'raw' if a post-build hook is used.
            hook_path = build_config["post_build_hook"]
            cmd(f"{hook_path} {raw_image}")
            # Most other formats, thankfully, can be produced with just `qemu-img convert`
            other_formats = filter(lambda x: x not in ["iso", "raw"], build_config["image_format"])
            for f in other_formats:
                target = f"{os.path.splitext(raw_image)[0]}.{f}"
                print(f"I: Building {f} file {target}")
                cmd(f"qemu-img convert -f raw -O {f} {raw_image} {target}")