# Copyright (C) 2024 VyOS maintainers and contributors # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # File: raw_image.py # Purpose: Helper functions for building raw images. import os import sys import shutil import traceback import vyos.utils.process import vyos.template vyos.template.DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_DIR = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'build/vyos-1x/data/templates') SQUASHFS_FILE = 'live/filesystem.squashfs' VERSION_FILE = 'version.json' from utils import cmd def mkdir(path): os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True) class BuildContext: def __init__(self, iso_path, work_dir, debug=False): self.work_dir = work_dir self.iso_path = iso_path self.debug = debug self.loop_device = None def __enter__(self): print(f"I: Setting up a raw image build directory in {self.work_dir}") self.iso_dir = os.path.join(self.work_dir, "iso") self.squash_dir = os.path.join(self.work_dir, "squash") self.raw_dir = os.path.join(self.work_dir, "raw") self.efi_dir = os.path.join(self.work_dir, "efi") # Create mount point directories mkdir(self.iso_dir) mkdir(self.squash_dir) mkdir(self.raw_dir) mkdir(self.efi_dir) # Mount the ISO image cmd(f"""mount -t iso9660 -o ro,loop {self.iso_path} {self.iso_dir}""") # Mount the SquashFS image cmd(f"""mount -t squashfs -o ro,loop {self.iso_dir}/{SQUASHFS_FILE} {self.squash_dir}""") return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): print(f"I: Tearing down the raw image build environment in {self.work_dir}") cmd(f"""umount {self.squash_dir}/dev/""") cmd(f"""umount {self.squash_dir}/proc/""") cmd(f"""umount {self.squash_dir}/sys/""") cmd(f"umount {self.squash_dir}/boot/efi") cmd(f"umount {self.squash_dir}/boot") cmd(f"""umount {self.squash_dir}""") cmd(f"""umount {self.iso_dir}""") cmd(f"""umount {self.raw_dir}""") cmd(f"""umount {self.efi_dir}""") if self.loop_device: cmd(f"""losetup -d {self.loop_device}""") def create_disk(path, size): cmd(f"""qemu-img create -f raw "{path}" {size}G""") def read_version_data(iso_dir): from json import load with open(os.path.join(iso_dir, VERSION_FILE), 'r') as f: data = load(f) return data def setup_loop_device(con, raw_file): from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT from re import match command = f'losetup --show -f {raw_file}' p = Popen(command, stderr=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, shell=True) (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate() if p.returncode > 0: raise OSError(f"Could not set up a loop device: {stderr.decode()}") con.loop_device = stdout.decode().strip() if con.debug: print(f"I: Using loop device {con.loop_device}") def mount_image(con): import vyos.system.disk from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT from re import match vyos.system.disk.filesystem_create(con.disk_details.partition['efi'], 'efi') vyos.system.disk.filesystem_create(con.disk_details.partition['root'], 'ext4') cmd(f"mount -t ext4 {con.disk_details.partition['root']} {con.raw_dir}") cmd(f"mount -t vfat {con.disk_details.partition['efi']} {con.efi_dir}") def install_image(con, version): from glob import glob vyos_dir = os.path.join(con.raw_dir, f'boot/{version}/') mkdir(vyos_dir) mkdir(os.path.join(vyos_dir, 'work/work')) mkdir(os.path.join(vyos_dir, 'rw')) shutil.copy(f"{con.iso_dir}/{SQUASHFS_FILE}", f"{vyos_dir}/{version}.squashfs") boot_files = glob(f'{con.squash_dir}/boot/*') boot_files = [f for f in boot_files if os.path.isfile(f)] for f in boot_files: print(f"I: Copying file {f}") shutil.copy(f, vyos_dir) with open(f"{con.raw_dir}/persistence.conf", 'w') as f: f.write("/ union\n") def setup_grub_configuration(build_config, root_dir) -> None: """Install GRUB configurations Args: root_dir (str): a path to the root of target filesystem """ from vyos.system import grub print('I: Installing GRUB configuration files') grub_cfg_main = f'{root_dir}/{grub.GRUB_DIR_MAIN}/grub.cfg' grub_cfg_vars = f'{root_dir}/{grub.CFG_VYOS_VARS}' grub_cfg_modules = f'{root_dir}/{grub.CFG_VYOS_MODULES}' grub_cfg_menu = f'{root_dir}/{grub.CFG_VYOS_MENU}' grub_cfg_options = f'{root_dir}/{grub.CFG_VYOS_OPTIONS}' # create new files vyos.template.render(grub_cfg_main, grub.TMPL_GRUB_MAIN, {}) grub.common_write(root_dir) grub.vars_write(grub_cfg_vars, build_config["boot_settings"]) grub.modules_write(grub_cfg_modules, []) grub.write_cfg_ver(1, root_dir) vyos.template.render(grub_cfg_menu, grub.TMPL_GRUB_MENU, {}) vyos.template.render(grub_cfg_options, grub.TMPL_GRUB_OPTS, {}) def install_grub(con, version): from re import match from vyos.system import disk, grub # Mount the required virtual filesystems os.makedirs(f"{con.raw_dir}/boot/efi", exist_ok=True) cmd(f"mount --bind /dev {con.squash_dir}/dev") cmd(f"mount --bind /proc {con.squash_dir}/proc") cmd(f"mount --bind /sys {con.squash_dir}/sys") cmd(f"mount --bind {con.raw_dir}/boot {con.squash_dir}/boot") cmd(f"mount --bind {con.efi_dir} {con.squash_dir}/boot/efi") DIR_DST_ROOT = con.raw_dir setup_grub_configuration(con.build_config, DIR_DST_ROOT) # add information about version grub.create_structure(DIR_DST_ROOT) grub.version_add(version, DIR_DST_ROOT) grub.set_default(version, DIR_DST_ROOT) grub.set_console_type(con.build_config["boot_settings"]["console_type"], DIR_DST_ROOT) print('I: Installing GRUB to the disk image') grub.install(con.loop_device, f'/boot/', f'/boot/efi', chroot=con.squash_dir) # sort inodes (to make GRUB read config files in alphabetical order) grub.sort_inodes(f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/{grub.GRUB_DIR_VYOS}') grub.sort_inodes(f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/{grub.GRUB_DIR_VYOS_VERS}') def create_raw_image(build_config, iso_file, work_dir): from vyos.system.disk import parttable_create if not os.path.exists(iso_file): print(f"E: ISO file {iso_file} does not exist in the build directory") sys.exit(1) with BuildContext(iso_file, work_dir, debug=True) as con: con.build_config = build_config version_data = read_version_data(con.iso_dir) version = version_data['version'] raw_file = f"vyos-{version}-{build_config['build_flavor']}-{build_config['architecture']}.raw" print(f"I: Building raw file {raw_file}") create_disk(raw_file, build_config["disk_size"]) setup_loop_device(con, raw_file) disk_details = parttable_create(con.loop_device, (int(build_config["disk_size"]) - 1) * 1024 * 1024) con.disk_details = disk_details mount_image(con) install_image(con, version) install_grub(con, version) return raw_file