#!/bin/sh CWD=$(pwd) KERNEL_VAR_FILE=${CWD}/kernel-vars if ! dpkg-architecture -iamd64; then echo "Intel drivers only buildable on amd64 platforms" exit 0 fi if [ ! -f ${KERNEL_VAR_FILE} ]; then echo "Kernel variable file '${KERNEL_VAR_FILE}' does not exist, run ./build_kernel.sh first" exit 1 fi . ${KERNEL_VAR_FILE} if [ -z $KERNEL_DIR ]; then echo "KERNEL_DIR not defined" exit 1 fi DRIVER_NAME=$1 cd ${CWD}/ethernet-linux-${DRIVER_NAME} if [ -d .git ]; then git clean --force -d -x git reset --hard origin/main fi DRIVER_VERSION=$(git describe | sed s/^v//) # Build up Debian related variables required for packaging DEBIAN_ARCH=$(dpkg --print-architecture) DEBIAN_DIR="${CWD}/vyos-intel-${DRIVER_NAME}_${DRIVER_VERSION}_${DEBIAN_ARCH}" DEBIAN_CONTROL="${DEBIAN_DIR}/DEBIAN/control" DEBIAN_POSTINST="${CWD}/vyos-intel-${DRIVER_NAME}.postinst" # See https://vyos.dev/T6155 # See https://vyos.dev/T6162 PATCH_DIR=${CWD}/patches/${DRIVER_NAME} if [ -d $PATCH_DIR ]; then for patch in $(ls ${PATCH_DIR}) do echo "I: Apply patch: ${PATCH_DIR}/${patch}" patch -p1 < ${PATCH_DIR}/${patch} done fi echo "I: Compile Kernel module for Intel ${DRIVER_NAME} driver" make KSRC=${KERNEL_DIR} INSTALL_MOD_PATH=${DEBIAN_DIR} INSTALL_FW_PATH=${DEBIAN_DIR} -j $(getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN) -C src install if [ "x$?" != "x0" ]; then exit 1 fi if [ -f ${DEBIAN_DIR}.deb ]; then rm ${DEBIAN_DIR}.deb fi # build Debian package echo "I: Building Debian package vyos-intel-${DRIVER_NAME}" cd ${CWD} # Sign generated Kernel modules ${CWD}/sign-modules.sh ${DEBIAN_DIR} # delete non required files which are also present in the kernel package # und thus lead to duplicated files find ${DEBIAN_DIR} -name "modules.*" | xargs rm -f echo "#!/bin/sh" > ${DEBIAN_POSTINST} echo "/sbin/depmod -a ${KERNEL_VERSION}${KERNEL_SUFFIX}" >> ${DEBIAN_POSTINST} fpm --input-type dir --output-type deb --name vyos-intel-${DRIVER_NAME} \ --version ${DRIVER_VERSION} --deb-compression gz \ --maintainer "VyOS Package Maintainers " \ --description "Vendor based driver for Intel ${DRIVER_NAME}" \ --depends linux-image-${KERNEL_VERSION}${KERNEL_SUFFIX} \ --license "GPL2" -C ${DEBIAN_DIR} --after-install ${DEBIAN_POSTINST}