#!/usr/bin/env groovy // Copyright (C) 2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // in order to easy exprort images built to "external" world // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as // published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see . def call(description, pkgList) { /* Only keep the 10 most recent builds. */ def projectProperties = [ [$class: 'BuildDiscarderProperty',strategy: [$class: 'LogRotator', numToKeepStr: '10']], ] properties(projectProperties) setDescription(description) node('Docker') { stage('Define Agent') { script { // create container name on demand def branchName = getGitBranchName() // Adjust PR target branch name so we can re-map it to the proper // Docker image. CHANGE_ID is set only for pull requests, so it is // safe to access the pullRequest global variable if (env.CHANGE_ID) { branchName = "${env.CHANGE_TARGET}".toLowerCase() } if (branchName.equals("master")) { branchName = "current" } env.DOCKER_IMAGE = "vyos/vyos-build:" + branchName } } } pipeline { agent { docker { args "--sysctl net.ipv6.conf.lo.disable_ipv6=0 -e GOSU_UID=1006 -e GOSU_GID=1006" image "${env.DOCKER_IMAGE}" alwaysPull true } } environment { // get relative directory path to Jenkinsfile BASE_DIR = currentBuild.rawBuild.parent.definition.scriptPath.replace('Jenkinsfile', '') CHANGESET_DIR = "**/${env.BASE_DIR}*" DEBIAN_ARCH = sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'dpkg --print-architecture').trim() } options { disableConcurrentBuilds() timeout(time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES') timestamps() } stages { stage('Fetch Source') { when { beforeOptions true beforeAgent true anyOf { changeset "${env.CHANGESET_DIR}" triggeredBy 'TimerTrigger' triggeredBy cause: "UserIdCause" } } steps { script { checkout scm pkgList.each { pkg -> dir(pkg.name) { checkout([$class: 'GitSCM', doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false, extensions: [[$class: 'CleanCheckout']], branches: [[name: pkg.scmCommit]], userRemoteConfigs: [[url: pkg.scmUrl]]]) } } } } } stage('Build Source') { when { beforeOptions true beforeAgent true anyOf { changeset "${env.CHANGESET_DIR}" triggeredBy 'TimerTrigger' triggeredBy cause: "UserIdCause" } } steps { script { pkgList.each { pkg -> dir(pkg.name) { sh pkg.buildCmd } } } } } } post { cleanup { deleteDir() } success { script { if (isCustomBuild()) { // archive *.deb artifact on custom builds, deploy to repo otherwise archiveArtifacts artifacts: '**/*.deb', allowEmptyArchive: true } else { // publish build result, using SSH-dev.packages.vyos.net Jenkins Credentials sshagent(['SSH-dev.packages.vyos.net']) { // build up some fancy groovy variables so we do not need to write/copy // every option over and over again! def RELEASE = getGitBranchName() if (getGitBranchName() == "master") { RELEASE = 'current' } def VYOS_REPO_PATH = '/home/sentrium/web/dev.packages.vyos.net/public_html/repositories/' + RELEASE + '/' if (getGitBranchName() == "crux") VYOS_REPO_PATH += 'vyos/' def SSH_OPTS = '-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o LogLevel=ERROR' def SSH_REMOTE = 'khagen@' echo "Uploading package(s) and updating package(s) in the repository ..." def SSH_DIR = '~/VyOS/' + RELEASE + '/' + env.DEBIAN_ARCH def ARCH_OPT = '' if (env.DEBIAN_ARCH != 'all') ARCH_OPT = '-A ' + env.DEBIAN_ARCH sh """scp ${SSH_OPTS} *.deb ${SSH_REMOTE}:${SSH_DIR}/""" files = findFiles(glob: '*.deb') files.each { FILE -> def PKG = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "dpkg-deb -f ${FILE} Package").trim() // No need to explicitly check the return code. The pipeline // will fail if sh returns a noni-zero exit code sh """ ssh ${SSH_OPTS} ${SSH_REMOTE} "mkdir -p ${SSH_DIR}" ssh ${SSH_OPTS} ${SSH_REMOTE} "\ uncron-add 'reprepro -v -b ${VYOS_REPO_PATH} ${ARCH_OPT} remove ${RELEASE} ${PKG}'; \ uncron-add 'reprepro -v -b ${VYOS_REPO_PATH} deleteunreferenced'; \ uncron-add 'reprepro -v -b ${VYOS_REPO_PATH} ${ARCH_OPT} includedeb ${RELEASE} ${SSH_DIR}/${FILE}'; \ " """ } } } } } } } }