path: root/cloudinit/CloudConfig/
diff options
authorScott Moser <>2010-06-17 22:22:39 -0400
committerScott Moser <>2010-06-17 22:22:39 -0400
commit22184b7ca3f78808d8025bab5981ed92f8ad99f5 (patch)
tree89c9f4b1991d5f453b7fec5d9239c09adeb7f0f3 /cloudinit/CloudConfig/
parent257da18b16434360e656fe1ef94e4cf8ba3a5210 (diff)
make cloud-config modules configurable by cloud-config
The list of cloud-config modules is now kept in cloud config itself. There is a builtin list in cloudinit, which is overrideable by /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg or user data cloud-config. This should make the modules more easily added or removed (as no code needs to be edited now) Basic summary of changes: - move -> cloudinit/CloudConfig/ - split cloud-config modules into their own files named cloudinit/CloudConfig/cc_<name>.py - remove all the upstart/cloud-config-* scripts, replacing them with upstart/cloud-config.conf
Diffstat (limited to 'cloudinit/CloudConfig/')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cloudinit/CloudConfig/ b/cloudinit/CloudConfig/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bd16240
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloudinit/CloudConfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+import cloudinit.util as util
+import os
+import re
+import string
+def handle(name,cfg,cloud,log,args):
+ # these are our default set of mounts
+ defmnts = [ [ "ephemeral0", "/mnt", "auto", "defaults", "0", "0" ],
+ [ "swap", "none", "swap", "sw", "0", "0" ] ]
+ # fs_spec, fs_file, fs_vfstype, fs_mntops, fs-freq, fs_passno
+ defvals = [ None, None, "auto", "defaults", "0", "0" ]
+ cfgmnt = [ ]
+ if cfg.has_key("mounts"):
+ cfgmnt = cfg["mounts"]
+ for i in range(len(cfgmnt)):
+ # skip something that wasn't a list
+ if not isinstance(cfgmnt[i],list): continue
+ # workaround, allow user to specify 'ephemeral'
+ # rather than more ec2 correct 'ephemeral0'
+ if cfgmnt[i][0] == "ephemeral":
+ cfgmnt[i][0] = "ephemeral0"
+ newname = cfgmnt[i][0]
+ if not newname.startswith("/"):
+ newname = cloud.device_name_to_device(cfgmnt[i][0])
+ if newname is not None:
+ cfgmnt[i][0] = newname
+ else:
+ # there is no good way of differenciating between
+ # a name that *couldn't* exist in the md service and
+ # one that merely didnt
+ # in order to allow user to specify 'sda3' rather
+ # than '/dev/sda3', go through some hoops
+ ok = False
+ for f in [ "/", "sd", "hd", "vd", "xvd" ]:
+ if cfgmnt[i][0].startswith(f):
+ ok = True
+ break
+ if not ok:
+ cfgmnt[i][1] = None
+ for i in range(len(cfgmnt)):
+ # fill in values with
+ for j in range(len(defvals)):
+ if len(cfgmnt[i]) <= j:
+ cfgmnt[i].append(defvals[j])
+ elif cfgmnt[i][j] is None:
+ cfgmnt[i][j] = defvals[j]
+ if not cfgmnt[i][0].startswith("/"):
+ cfgmnt[i][0]="/dev/%s" % cfgmnt[i][0]
+ # if the second entry in the list is 'None' this
+ # clears all previous entries of that same 'fs_spec'
+ # (fs_spec is the first field in /etc/fstab, ie, that device)
+ if cfgmnt[i][1] is None:
+ for j in range(i):
+ if cfgmnt[j][0] == cfgmnt[i][0]:
+ cfgmnt[j][1] = None
+ # for each of the "default" mounts, add them only if no other
+ # entry has the same device name
+ for defmnt in defmnts:
+ devname = cloud.device_name_to_device(defmnt[0])
+ if devname is None: continue
+ if devname.startswith("/"):
+ defmnt[0] = devname
+ else:
+ defmnt[0] = "/dev/%s" % devname
+ cfgmnt_has = False
+ for cfgm in cfgmnt:
+ if cfgm[0] == defmnt[0]:
+ cfgmnt_has = True
+ break
+ if cfgmnt_has: continue
+ cfgmnt.append(defmnt)
+ # now, each entry in the cfgmnt list has all fstab values
+ # if the second field is None (not the string, the value) we skip it
+ actlist = filter(lambda x: x[1] is not None, cfgmnt)
+ if len(actlist) == 0: return
+ comment="comment=cloudconfig"
+ cc_lines = [ ]
+ needswap = False
+ dirs = [ ]
+ for line in actlist:
+ # write 'comment' in the fs_mntops, entry, claiming this
+ line[3]="%s,comment=cloudconfig" % line[3]
+ if line[2] == "swap": needswap = True
+ if line[1].startswith("/"): dirs.append(line[1])
+ cc_lines.append('\t'.join(line))
+ fstab_lines = [ ]
+ fstab=open("/etc/fstab","r+")
+ ws = re.compile("[%s]+" % string.whitespace)
+ for line in
+ try:
+ toks = ws.split(line)
+ if toks[3].find(comment) != -1: continue
+ except:
+ pass
+ fstab_lines.append(line)
+ fstab_lines.extend(cc_lines)
+ fstab.write("%s\n" % '\n'.join(fstab_lines))
+ fstab.truncate()
+ fstab.close()
+ if needswap:
+ try: util.subp(("swapon", "-a"))
+ except: log.warn("Failed to enable swap")
+ for d in dirs:
+ if os.path.exists(d): continue
+ try: os.makedirs(d)
+ except: log.warn("Failed to make '%s' config-mount\n",d)
+ try: util.subp(("mount","-a"))
+ except: pass