path: root/tests/unittests/
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authorzdc <>2022-03-26 15:41:59 +0200
committerGitHub <>2022-03-26 15:41:59 +0200
commitaa60d48c2711cdcd9f88a4e5c77379adb0408231 (patch)
tree349631a02467dae0158f6f663cc8aa8537974a97 /tests/unittests/
parent5c4b3943343a85fbe517e5ec1fc670b3a8566b4b (diff)
parent31448cccedd8f841fb3ac7d0f2e3cdefe08a53ba (diff)
Merge pull request #51 from zdc/T2117-sagitta-22.1
T2117: Cloud-init updated to 22.1
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unittests/')
1 files changed, 200 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unittests/ b/tests/unittests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..85810e00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unittests/
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+import logging
+import httpretty
+import requests
+from cloudinit import util, version
+from cloudinit.url_helper import (
+ UrlError,
+ oauth_headers,
+ read_file_or_url,
+ retry_on_url_exc,
+from tests.unittests.helpers import CiTestCase, mock, skipIf
+ import oauthlib
+ assert oauthlib # avoid pyflakes error F401: import unused
+ _missing_oauthlib_dep = False
+except ImportError:
+ _missing_oauthlib_dep = True
+M_PATH = "cloudinit.url_helper."
+class TestOAuthHeaders(CiTestCase):
+ def test_oauth_headers_raises_not_implemented_when_oathlib_missing(self):
+ """oauth_headers raises a NotImplemented error when oauth absent."""
+ with mock.patch.dict("sys.modules", {"oauthlib": None}):
+ with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as context_manager:
+ oauth_headers(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "oauth support is not available", str(context_manager.exception)
+ )
+ @skipIf(_missing_oauthlib_dep, "No python-oauthlib dependency")
+ @mock.patch("oauthlib.oauth1.Client")
+ def test_oauth_headers_calls_oathlibclient_when_available(self, m_client):
+ """oauth_headers calls oaut1.hClient.sign with the provided url."""
+ class fakeclient(object):
+ def sign(self, url):
+ # The first and 3rd item of the client.sign tuple are ignored
+ return ("junk", url, "junk2")
+ m_client.return_value = fakeclient()
+ return_value = oauth_headers(
+ "url",
+ "consumer_key",
+ "token_key",
+ "token_secret",
+ "consumer_secret",
+ )
+ self.assertEqual("url", return_value)
+class TestReadFileOrUrl(CiTestCase):
+ with_logs = True
+ def test_read_file_or_url_str_from_file(self):
+ """Test that str(result.contents) on file is text version of contents.
+ It should not be "b'data'", but just "'data'" """
+ tmpf = self.tmp_path("myfile1")
+ data = b"This is my file content\n"
+ util.write_file(tmpf, data, omode="wb")
+ result = read_file_or_url("file://%s" % tmpf)
+ self.assertEqual(result.contents, data)
+ self.assertEqual(str(result), data.decode("utf-8"))
+ @httpretty.activate
+ def test_read_file_or_url_str_from_url(self):
+ """Test that str(result.contents) on url is text version of contents.
+ It should not be "b'data'", but just "'data'" """
+ url = "http://hostname/path"
+ data = b"This is my url content\n"
+ httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, url, data)
+ result = read_file_or_url(url)
+ self.assertEqual(result.contents, data)
+ self.assertEqual(str(result), data.decode("utf-8"))
+ @httpretty.activate
+ def test_read_file_or_url_str_from_url_redacting_headers_from_logs(self):
+ """Headers are redacted from logs but unredacted in requests."""
+ url = "http://hostname/path"
+ headers = {"sensitive": "sekret", "server": "blah"}
+ httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, url)
+ # By default, httpretty will log our request along with the header,
+ # so if we don't change this the secret will show up in the logs
+ logging.getLogger("httpretty.core").setLevel(logging.CRITICAL)
+ read_file_or_url(url, headers=headers, headers_redact=["sensitive"])
+ logs = self.logs.getvalue()
+ for k in headers.keys():
+ self.assertEqual(headers[k], httpretty.last_request().headers[k])
+ self.assertIn(REDACTED, logs)
+ self.assertNotIn("sekret", logs)
+ @httpretty.activate
+ def test_read_file_or_url_str_from_url_redacts_noheaders(self):
+ """When no headers_redact, header values are in logs and requests."""
+ url = "http://hostname/path"
+ headers = {"sensitive": "sekret", "server": "blah"}
+ httpretty.register_uri(httpretty.GET, url)
+ read_file_or_url(url, headers=headers)
+ for k in headers.keys():
+ self.assertEqual(headers[k], httpretty.last_request().headers[k])
+ logs = self.logs.getvalue()
+ self.assertNotIn(REDACTED, logs)
+ self.assertIn("sekret", logs)
+ @mock.patch(M_PATH + "readurl")
+ def test_read_file_or_url_passes_params_to_readurl(self, m_readurl):
+ """read_file_or_url passes all params through to readurl."""
+ url = "http://hostname/path"
+ response = "This is my url content\n"
+ m_readurl.return_value = response
+ params = {
+ "url": url,
+ "timeout": 1,
+ "retries": 2,
+ "headers": {"somehdr": "val"},
+ "data": "data",
+ "sec_between": 1,
+ "ssl_details": {"cert_file": "/path/cert.pem"},
+ "headers_cb": "headers_cb",
+ "exception_cb": "exception_cb",
+ }
+ self.assertEqual(response, read_file_or_url(**params))
+ params.pop("url") # url is passed in as a positional arg
+ self.assertEqual([, **params)], m_readurl.call_args_list)
+ def test_wb_read_url_defaults_honored_by_read_file_or_url_callers(self):
+ """Readurl param defaults used when unspecified by read_file_or_url
+ Param defaults tested are as follows:
+ retries: 0, additional headers None beyond default, method: GET,
+ data: None, check_status: True and allow_redirects: True
+ """
+ url = "http://hostname/path"
+ m_response = mock.MagicMock()
+ class FakeSession(requests.Session):
+ @classmethod
+ def request(cls, **kwargs):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ {
+ "url": url,
+ "allow_redirects": True,
+ "method": "GET",
+ "headers": {
+ "User-Agent": "Cloud-Init/%s"
+ % (version.version_string())
+ },
+ },
+ kwargs,
+ )
+ return m_response
+ with mock.patch(M_PATH + "requests.Session") as m_session:
+ error = requests.exceptions.HTTPError("broke")
+ m_session.side_effect = [error, FakeSession()]
+ # assert no retries and check_status == True
+ with self.assertRaises(UrlError) as context_manager:
+ response = read_file_or_url(url)
+ self.assertEqual("broke", str(context_manager.exception))
+ # assert default headers, method, url and allow_redirects True
+ # Success on 2nd call with FakeSession
+ response = read_file_or_url(url)
+ self.assertEqual(m_response, response._response)
+class TestRetryOnUrlExc(CiTestCase):
+ def test_do_not_retry_non_urlerror(self):
+ """When exception is not UrlError return False."""
+ myerror = IOError("something unexcpected")
+ self.assertFalse(retry_on_url_exc(msg="", exc=myerror))
+ def test_perform_retries_on_not_found(self):
+ """When exception is UrlError with a 404 status code return True."""
+ myerror = UrlError(
+ cause=RuntimeError("something was not found"), code=NOT_FOUND
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(retry_on_url_exc(msg="", exc=myerror))
+ def test_perform_retries_on_timeout(self):
+ """When exception is a requests.Timout return True."""
+ myerror = UrlError(cause=requests.Timeout("something timed out"))
+ self.assertTrue(retry_on_url_exc(msg="", exc=myerror))
+# vi: ts=4 expandtab