path: root/tests
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authorDaniil Baturin <>2020-11-05 05:18:31 +0700
committerGitHub <>2020-11-05 05:18:31 +0700
commit16783239ad2dd69c28b279b6027eba6c3ad6f05b (patch)
treea76e1408ecdc89c858a13870a18cf2d5961ee91a /tests
parent889ff2dbb7ebcc26e5256b4a9f478e203db7bce0 (diff)
parentd0ec0c1800097250594a17e88cae28b423a8eff2 (diff)
Merge pull request #25 from zdc/T3039-equuleus
T3039: Enabled growpart and resizefs (modified) modules
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
1 files changed, 401 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_handler/ b/tests/unittests/test_handler/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d1fafff7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unittests/test_handler/
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+from cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos import (
+ can_skip_resize, handle, maybe_get_writable_device_path, _resize_btrfs,
+ _resize_zfs, _resize_xfs, _resize_ext, _resize_ufs)
+from collections import namedtuple
+import logging
+import textwrap
+from cloudinit.tests.helpers import (
+ CiTestCase, mock, skipUnlessJsonSchema, util, wrap_and_call)
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class TestResizefs(CiTestCase):
+ with_logs = True
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestResizefs, self).setUp()
+ = "resizefs"
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos._get_dumpfs_output')
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos._get_gpart_output')
+ def test_skip_ufs_resize(self, gpart_out, dumpfs_out):
+ fs_type = "ufs"
+ resize_what = "/"
+ devpth = "/dev/da0p2"
+ dumpfs_out.return_value = (
+ "# newfs command for / (/dev/label/rootfs)\n"
+ "newfs -O 2 -U -a 4 -b 32768 -d 32768 -e 4096 "
+ "-f 4096 -g 16384 -h 64 -i 8192 -j -k 6408 -m 8 "
+ "-o time -s 58719232 /dev/label/rootfs\n")
+ gpart_out.return_value = textwrap.dedent("""\
+ => 40 62914480 da0 GPT (30G)
+ 40 1024 1 freebsd-boot (512K)
+ 1064 58719232 2 freebsd-ufs (28G)
+ 58720296 3145728 3 freebsd-swap (1.5G)
+ 61866024 1048496 - free - (512M)
+ """)
+ res = can_skip_resize(fs_type, resize_what, devpth)
+ self.assertTrue(res)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos._get_dumpfs_output')
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos._get_gpart_output')
+ def test_skip_ufs_resize_roundup(self, gpart_out, dumpfs_out):
+ fs_type = "ufs"
+ resize_what = "/"
+ devpth = "/dev/da0p2"
+ dumpfs_out.return_value = (
+ "# newfs command for / (/dev/label/rootfs)\n"
+ "newfs -O 2 -U -a 4 -b 32768 -d 32768 -e 4096 "
+ "-f 4096 -g 16384 -h 64 -i 8192 -j -k 368 -m 8 "
+ "-o time -s 297080 /dev/label/rootfs\n")
+ gpart_out.return_value = textwrap.dedent("""\
+ => 34 297086 da0 GPT (145M)
+ 34 297086 1 freebsd-ufs (145M)
+ """)
+ res = can_skip_resize(fs_type, resize_what, devpth)
+ self.assertTrue(res)
+ def test_can_skip_resize_ext(self):
+ self.assertFalse(can_skip_resize('ext', '/', '/dev/sda1'))
+ def test_handle_noops_on_disabled(self):
+ """The handle function logs when the configuration disables resize."""
+ cfg = {'resizefs_enabled': False}
+ handle('cc_resizefs_vyos', cfg, _cloud=None, log=LOG, args=[])
+ self.assertIn(
+ 'DEBUG: Skipping module named cc_resizefs_vyos, resizing disabled\n',
+ self.logs.getvalue())
+ @skipUnlessJsonSchema()
+ def test_handle_schema_validation_logs_invalid_resize_enabled_value(self):
+ """The handle reports json schema violations as a warning.
+ Invalid values for resizefs_enabled result in disabling the module.
+ """
+ cfg = {'resizefs_enabled': 'junk'}
+ handle('cc_resizefs_vyos', cfg, _cloud=None, log=LOG, args=[])
+ logs = self.logs.getvalue()
+ self.assertIn(
+ "WARNING: Invalid config:\nresizefs_enabled: 'junk' is not one of"
+ " [True, False, 'noblock']",
+ logs)
+ self.assertIn(
+ 'DEBUG: Skipping module named cc_resizefs_vyos, resizing disabled\n',
+ logs)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos.util.get_mount_info')
+ def test_handle_warns_on_unknown_mount_info(self, m_get_mount_info):
+ """handle warns when get_mount_info sees unknown filesystem for /."""
+ m_get_mount_info.return_value = None
+ cfg = {'resizefs_enabled': True}
+ handle('cc_resizefs_vyos', cfg, _cloud=None, log=LOG, args=[])
+ logs = self.logs.getvalue()
+ self.assertNotIn("WARNING: Invalid config:\nresizefs_enabled:", logs)
+ self.assertIn(
+ 'WARNING: Could not determine filesystem type of /\n',
+ logs)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ ['/', LOG)],
+ m_get_mount_info.call_args_list)
+ def test_handle_warns_on_undiscoverable_root_path_in_commandline(self):
+ """handle noops when the root path is not found on the commandline."""
+ cfg = {'resizefs_enabled': True}
+ exists_mock_path = 'cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos.os.path.exists'
+ def fake_mount_info(path, log):
+ self.assertEqual('/', path)
+ self.assertEqual(LOG, log)
+ return ('/dev/root', 'ext4', '/')
+ with mock.patch(exists_mock_path) as m_exists:
+ m_exists.return_value = False
+ wrap_and_call(
+ 'cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos.util',
+ {'is_container': {'return_value': False},
+ 'get_mount_info': {'side_effect': fake_mount_info},
+ 'get_cmdline': {'return_value': 'BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz.efi'}},
+ handle, 'cc_resizefs_vyos', cfg, _cloud=None, log=LOG,
+ args=[])
+ logs = self.logs.getvalue()
+ self.assertIn("WARNING: Unable to find device '/dev/root'", logs)
+ def test_resize_zfs_cmd_return(self):
+ zpool = 'zroot'
+ devpth = 'gpt/system'
+ self.assertEqual(('zpool', 'online', '-e', zpool, devpth),
+ _resize_zfs(zpool, devpth))
+ def test_resize_xfs_cmd_return(self):
+ mount_point = '/mnt/test'
+ devpth = '/dev/sda1'
+ self.assertEqual(('xfs_growfs', mount_point),
+ _resize_xfs(mount_point, devpth))
+ def test_resize_ext_cmd_return(self):
+ mount_point = '/'
+ devpth = '/dev/sdb1'
+ self.assertEqual(('resize2fs', devpth),
+ _resize_ext(mount_point, devpth))
+ def test_resize_ufs_cmd_return(self):
+ mount_point = '/'
+ devpth = '/dev/sda2'
+ self.assertEqual(('growfs', '-y', mount_point),
+ _resize_ufs(mount_point, devpth))
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.is_container', return_value=False)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.parse_mount')
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.get_device_info_from_zpool')
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.get_mount_info')
+ def test_handle_zfs_root(self, mount_info, zpool_info, parse_mount,
+ is_container):
+ devpth = 'vmzroot/ROOT/freebsd'
+ disk = 'gpt/system'
+ fs_type = 'zfs'
+ mount_point = '/'
+ mount_info.return_value = (devpth, fs_type, mount_point)
+ zpool_info.return_value = disk
+ parse_mount.return_value = (devpth, fs_type, mount_point)
+ cfg = {'resizefs_enabled': True}
+ with mock.patch('cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos.do_resize') as dresize:
+ handle('cc_resizefs_vyos', cfg, _cloud=None, log=LOG, args=[])
+ ret = dresize.call_args[0][0]
+ self.assertEqual(('zpool', 'online', '-e', 'vmzroot', disk), ret)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.is_container', return_value=False)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.get_mount_info')
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.get_device_info_from_zpool')
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.parse_mount')
+ def test_handle_modern_zfsroot(self, mount_info, zpool_info, parse_mount,
+ is_container):
+ devpth = 'zroot/ROOT/default'
+ disk = 'da0p3'
+ fs_type = 'zfs'
+ mount_point = '/'
+ mount_info.return_value = (devpth, fs_type, mount_point)
+ zpool_info.return_value = disk
+ parse_mount.return_value = (devpth, fs_type, mount_point)
+ cfg = {'resizefs_enabled': True}
+ def fake_stat(devpath):
+ if devpath == disk:
+ raise OSError("not here")
+ FakeStat = namedtuple(
+ 'FakeStat', ['st_mode', 'st_size', 'st_mtime']) # minimal stat
+ return FakeStat(25008, 0, 1) # fake char block device
+ with mock.patch('cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos.do_resize') as dresize:
+ with mock.patch('cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos.os.stat') as m_stat:
+ m_stat.side_effect = fake_stat
+ handle('cc_resizefs_vyos', cfg, _cloud=None, log=LOG, args=[])
+ self.assertEqual(('zpool', 'online', '-e', 'zroot', '/dev/' + disk),
+ dresize.call_args[0][0])
+class TestRootDevFromCmdline(CiTestCase):
+ def test_rootdev_from_cmdline_with_no_root(self):
+ """Return None from rootdev_from_cmdline when root is not present."""
+ invalid_cases = [
+ 'BOOT_IMAGE=/adsf asdfa werasef root adf', 'BOOT_IMAGE=/adsf', '']
+ for case in invalid_cases:
+ self.assertIsNone(util.rootdev_from_cmdline(case))
+ def test_rootdev_from_cmdline_with_root_startswith_dev(self):
+ """Return the cmdline root when the path starts with /dev."""
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '/dev/this', util.rootdev_from_cmdline('asdf root=/dev/this'))
+ def test_rootdev_from_cmdline_with_root_without_dev_prefix(self):
+ """Add /dev prefix to cmdline root when the path lacks the prefix."""
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '/dev/this', util.rootdev_from_cmdline('asdf root=this'))
+ def test_rootdev_from_cmdline_with_root_with_label(self):
+ """When cmdline root contains a LABEL, our root is disk/by-label."""
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '/dev/disk/by-label/unique',
+ util.rootdev_from_cmdline('asdf root=LABEL=unique'))
+ def test_rootdev_from_cmdline_with_root_with_uuid(self):
+ """When cmdline root contains a UUID, our root is disk/by-uuid."""
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '/dev/disk/by-uuid/adsfdsaf-adsf',
+ util.rootdev_from_cmdline('asdf root=UUID=adsfdsaf-adsf'))
+class TestMaybeGetDevicePathAsWritableBlock(CiTestCase):
+ with_logs = True
+ def test_maybe_get_writable_device_path_none_on_overlayroot(self):
+ """When devpath is overlayroot (on MAAS), is_dev_writable is False."""
+ info = 'does not matter'
+ devpath = wrap_and_call(
+ 'cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos.util',
+ {'is_container': {'return_value': False}},
+ maybe_get_writable_device_path, 'overlayroot', info, LOG)
+ self.assertIsNone(devpath)
+ self.assertIn(
+ "Not attempting to resize devpath 'overlayroot'",
+ self.logs.getvalue())
+ def test_maybe_get_writable_device_path_warns_missing_cmdline_root(self):
+ """When root does not exist isn't in the cmdline, log warning."""
+ info = 'does not matter'
+ def fake_mount_info(path, log):
+ self.assertEqual('/', path)
+ self.assertEqual(LOG, log)
+ return ('/dev/root', 'ext4', '/')
+ exists_mock_path = 'cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos.os.path.exists'
+ with mock.patch(exists_mock_path) as m_exists:
+ m_exists.return_value = False
+ devpath = wrap_and_call(
+ 'cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos.util',
+ {'is_container': {'return_value': False},
+ 'get_mount_info': {'side_effect': fake_mount_info},
+ 'get_cmdline': {'return_value': 'BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz.efi'}},
+ maybe_get_writable_device_path, '/dev/root', info, LOG)
+ self.assertIsNone(devpath)
+ logs = self.logs.getvalue()
+ self.assertIn("WARNING: Unable to find device '/dev/root'", logs)
+ def test_maybe_get_writable_device_path_does_not_exist(self):
+ """When devpath does not exist, a warning is logged."""
+ info = 'dev=/dev/I/dont/exist mnt_point=/ path=/dev/none'
+ devpath = wrap_and_call(
+ 'cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos.util',
+ {'is_container': {'return_value': False}},
+ maybe_get_writable_device_path, '/dev/I/dont/exist', info, LOG)
+ self.assertIsNone(devpath)
+ self.assertIn(
+ "WARNING: Device '/dev/I/dont/exist' did not exist."
+ ' cannot resize: %s' % info,
+ self.logs.getvalue())
+ def test_maybe_get_writable_device_path_does_not_exist_in_container(self):
+ """When devpath does not exist in a container, log a debug message."""
+ info = 'dev=/dev/I/dont/exist mnt_point=/ path=/dev/none'
+ devpath = wrap_and_call(
+ 'cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos.util',
+ {'is_container': {'return_value': True}},
+ maybe_get_writable_device_path, '/dev/I/dont/exist', info, LOG)
+ self.assertIsNone(devpath)
+ self.assertIn(
+ "DEBUG: Device '/dev/I/dont/exist' did not exist in container."
+ ' cannot resize: %s' % info,
+ self.logs.getvalue())
+ def test_maybe_get_writable_device_path_raises_oserror(self):
+ """When unexpected OSError is raises by os.stat it is reraised."""
+ info = 'dev=/dev/I/dont/exist mnt_point=/ path=/dev/none'
+ with self.assertRaises(OSError) as context_manager:
+ wrap_and_call(
+ 'cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos',
+ {'util.is_container': {'return_value': True},
+ 'os.stat': {'side_effect': OSError('Something unexpected')}},
+ maybe_get_writable_device_path, '/dev/I/dont/exist', info, LOG)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'Something unexpected', str(context_manager.exception))
+ def test_maybe_get_writable_device_path_non_block(self):
+ """When device is not a block device, emit warning return False."""
+ fake_devpath = self.tmp_path('dev/readwrite')
+ util.write_file(fake_devpath, '', mode=0o600) # read-write
+ info = 'dev=/dev/root mnt_point=/ path={0}'.format(fake_devpath)
+ devpath = wrap_and_call(
+ 'cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos.util',
+ {'is_container': {'return_value': False}},
+ maybe_get_writable_device_path, fake_devpath, info, LOG)
+ self.assertIsNone(devpath)
+ self.assertIn(
+ "WARNING: device '{0}' not a block device. cannot resize".format(
+ fake_devpath),
+ self.logs.getvalue())
+ def test_maybe_get_writable_device_path_non_block_on_container(self):
+ """When device is non-block device in container, emit debug log."""
+ fake_devpath = self.tmp_path('dev/readwrite')
+ util.write_file(fake_devpath, '', mode=0o600) # read-write
+ info = 'dev=/dev/root mnt_point=/ path={0}'.format(fake_devpath)
+ devpath = wrap_and_call(
+ 'cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos.util',
+ {'is_container': {'return_value': True}},
+ maybe_get_writable_device_path, fake_devpath, info, LOG)
+ self.assertIsNone(devpath)
+ self.assertIn(
+ "DEBUG: device '{0}' not a block device in container."
+ ' cannot resize'.format(fake_devpath),
+ self.logs.getvalue())
+ def test_maybe_get_writable_device_path_returns_cmdline_root(self):
+ """When root device is UUID in kernel commandline, update devpath."""
+ # XXX Long-term we want to use FilesystemMocking test to avoid
+ # touching os.stat.
+ FakeStat = namedtuple(
+ 'FakeStat', ['st_mode', 'st_size', 'st_mtime']) # minimal def.
+ info = 'dev=/dev/root mnt_point=/ path=/does/not/matter'
+ devpath = wrap_and_call(
+ 'cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos',
+ {'util.get_cmdline': {'return_value': 'asdf root=UUID=my-uuid'},
+ 'util.is_container': False,
+ 'os.path.exists': False, # /dev/root doesn't exist
+ 'os.stat': {
+ 'return_value': FakeStat(25008, 0, 1)} # char block device
+ },
+ maybe_get_writable_device_path, '/dev/root', info, LOG)
+ self.assertEqual('/dev/disk/by-uuid/my-uuid', devpath)
+ self.assertIn(
+ "DEBUG: Converted /dev/root to '/dev/disk/by-uuid/my-uuid'"
+ " per kernel cmdline",
+ self.logs.getvalue())
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.mount_is_read_write')
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos.os.path.isdir')
+ def test_resize_btrfs_mount_is_ro(self, m_is_dir, m_is_rw):
+ """Do not resize / directly if it is read-only. (LP: #1734787)."""
+ m_is_rw.return_value = False
+ m_is_dir.return_value = True
+ self.assertEqual(
+ ('btrfs', 'filesystem', 'resize', 'max', '//.snapshots'),
+ _resize_btrfs("/", "/dev/sda1"))
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.mount_is_read_write')
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.config.cc_resizefs_vyos.os.path.isdir')
+ def test_resize_btrfs_mount_is_rw(self, m_is_dir, m_is_rw):
+ """Do not resize / directly if it is read-only. (LP: #1734787)."""
+ m_is_rw.return_value = True
+ m_is_dir.return_value = True
+ self.assertEqual(
+ ('btrfs', 'filesystem', 'resize', 'max', '/'),
+ _resize_btrfs("/", "/dev/sda1"))
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.is_container', return_value=True)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.is_FreeBSD')
+ def test_maybe_get_writable_device_path_zfs_freebsd(self, freebsd,
+ m_is_container):
+ freebsd.return_value = True
+ info = 'dev=gpt/system mnt_point=/ path=/'
+ devpth = maybe_get_writable_device_path('gpt/system', info, LOG)
+ self.assertEqual('gpt/system', devpth)
+# vi: ts=4 expandtab