path: root/cloudinit/distros/
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1 files changed, 35 insertions, 269 deletions
diff --git a/cloudinit/distros/ b/cloudinit/distros/
index b1192e84..4a726430 100644..100755
--- a/cloudinit/distros/
+++ b/cloudinit/distros/
@@ -367,6 +367,9 @@ class Distro(object):
adduser_cmd = ['useradd', name]
log_adduser_cmd = ['useradd', name]
+ if util.system_is_snappy():
+ adduser_cmd.append('--extrausers')
+ log_adduser_cmd.append('--extrausers')
# Since we are creating users, we want to carefully validate the
# inputs. If something goes wrong, we can end up with a system
@@ -445,6 +448,32 @@ class Distro(object):
util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to create user %s", name)
raise e
+ def add_snap_user(self, name, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Add a snappy user to the system using snappy tools
+ """
+ snapuser = kwargs.get('snapuser')
+ known = kwargs.get('known', False)
+ adduser_cmd = ["snap", "create-user", "--sudoer", "--json"]
+ if known:
+ adduser_cmd.append("--known")
+ adduser_cmd.append(snapuser)
+ # Run the command
+ LOG.debug("Adding snap user %s", name)
+ try:
+ (out, err) = util.subp(adduser_cmd, logstring=adduser_cmd,
+ capture=True)
+ LOG.debug("snap create-user returned: %s:%s", out, err)
+ jobj = util.load_json(out)
+ username = jobj.get('username', None)
+ except Exception as e:
+ util.logexc(LOG, "Failed to create snap user %s", name)
+ raise e
+ return username
def create_user(self, name, **kwargs):
Creates users for the system using the GNU passwd tools. This
@@ -452,6 +481,10 @@ class Distro(object):
distros where useradd is not desirable or not available.
+ # Add a snap user, if requested
+ if 'snapuser' in kwargs:
+ return self.add_snap_user(name, **kwargs)
# Add the user
self.add_user(name, **kwargs)
@@ -602,6 +635,8 @@ class Distro(object):
def create_group(self, name, members=None):
group_add_cmd = ['groupadd', name]
+ if util.system_is_snappy():
+ group_add_cmd.append('--extrausers')
if not members:
members = []
@@ -685,275 +720,6 @@ def _get_arch_package_mirror_info(package_mirrors, arch):
return default
-# Normalizes a input group configuration
-# which can be a comma seperated list of
-# group names, or a list of group names
-# or a python dictionary of group names
-# to a list of members of that group.
-# The output is a dictionary of group
-# names => members of that group which
-# is the standard form used in the rest
-# of cloud-init
-def _normalize_groups(grp_cfg):
- if isinstance(grp_cfg, six.string_types):
- grp_cfg = grp_cfg.strip().split(",")
- if isinstance(grp_cfg, list):
- c_grp_cfg = {}
- for i in grp_cfg:
- if isinstance(i, dict):
- for k, v in i.items():
- if k not in c_grp_cfg:
- if isinstance(v, list):
- c_grp_cfg[k] = list(v)
- elif isinstance(v, six.string_types):
- c_grp_cfg[k] = [v]
- else:
- raise TypeError("Bad group member type %s" %
- type_utils.obj_name(v))
- else:
- if isinstance(v, list):
- c_grp_cfg[k].extend(v)
- elif isinstance(v, six.string_types):
- c_grp_cfg[k].append(v)
- else:
- raise TypeError("Bad group member type %s" %
- type_utils.obj_name(v))
- elif isinstance(i, six.string_types):
- if i not in c_grp_cfg:
- c_grp_cfg[i] = []
- else:
- raise TypeError("Unknown group name type %s" %
- type_utils.obj_name(i))
- grp_cfg = c_grp_cfg
- groups = {}
- if isinstance(grp_cfg, dict):
- for (grp_name, grp_members) in grp_cfg.items():
- groups[grp_name] = util.uniq_merge_sorted(grp_members)
- else:
- raise TypeError(("Group config must be list, dict "
- " or string types only and not %s") %
- type_utils.obj_name(grp_cfg))
- return groups
-# Normalizes a input group configuration
-# which can be a comma seperated list of
-# user names, or a list of string user names
-# or a list of dictionaries with components
-# that define the user config + 'name' (if
-# a 'name' field does not exist then the
-# default user is assumed to 'own' that
-# configuration.
-# The output is a dictionary of user
-# names => user config which is the standard
-# form used in the rest of cloud-init. Note
-# the default user will have a special config
-# entry 'default' which will be marked as true
-# all other users will be marked as false.
-def _normalize_users(u_cfg, def_user_cfg=None):
- if isinstance(u_cfg, dict):
- ad_ucfg = []
- for (k, v) in u_cfg.items():
- if isinstance(v, (bool, int, float) + six.string_types):
- if util.is_true(v):
- ad_ucfg.append(str(k))
- elif isinstance(v, dict):
- v['name'] = k
- ad_ucfg.append(v)
- else:
- raise TypeError(("Unmappable user value type %s"
- " for key %s") % (type_utils.obj_name(v), k))
- u_cfg = ad_ucfg
- elif isinstance(u_cfg, six.string_types):
- u_cfg = util.uniq_merge_sorted(u_cfg)
- users = {}
- for user_config in u_cfg:
- if isinstance(user_config, (list,) + six.string_types):
- for u in util.uniq_merge(user_config):
- if u and u not in users:
- users[u] = {}
- elif isinstance(user_config, dict):
- if 'name' in user_config:
- n = user_config.pop('name')
- prev_config = users.get(n) or {}
- users[n] = util.mergemanydict([prev_config,
- user_config])
- else:
- # Assume the default user then
- prev_config = users.get('default') or {}
- users['default'] = util.mergemanydict([prev_config,
- user_config])
- else:
- raise TypeError(("User config must be dictionary/list "
- " or string types only and not %s") %
- type_utils.obj_name(user_config))
- # Ensure user options are in the right python friendly format
- if users:
- c_users = {}
- for (uname, uconfig) in users.items():
- c_uconfig = {}
- for (k, v) in uconfig.items():
- k = k.replace('-', '_').strip()
- if k:
- c_uconfig[k] = v
- c_users[uname] = c_uconfig
- users = c_users
- # Fixup the default user into the real
- # default user name and replace it...
- def_user = None
- if users and 'default' in users:
- def_config = users.pop('default')
- if def_user_cfg:
- # Pickup what the default 'real name' is
- # and any groups that are provided by the
- # default config
- def_user_cfg = def_user_cfg.copy()
- def_user = def_user_cfg.pop('name')
- def_groups = def_user_cfg.pop('groups', [])
- # Pickup any config + groups for that user name
- # that we may have previously extracted
- parsed_config = users.pop(def_user, {})
- parsed_groups = parsed_config.get('groups', [])
- # Now merge our extracted groups with
- # anything the default config provided
- users_groups = util.uniq_merge_sorted(parsed_groups, def_groups)
- parsed_config['groups'] = ",".join(users_groups)
- # The real config for the default user is the
- # combination of the default user config provided
- # by the distro, the default user config provided
- # by the above merging for the user 'default' and
- # then the parsed config from the user's 'real name'
- # which does not have to be 'default' (but could be)
- users[def_user] = util.mergemanydict([def_user_cfg,
- def_config,
- parsed_config])
- # Ensure that only the default user that we
- # found (if any) is actually marked as being
- # the default user
- if users:
- for (uname, uconfig) in users.items():
- if def_user and uname == def_user:
- uconfig['default'] = True
- else:
- uconfig['default'] = False
- return users
-# Normalizes a set of user/users and group
-# dictionary configuration into a useable
-# format that the rest of cloud-init can
-# understand using the default user
-# provided by the input distrobution (if any)
-# to allow for mapping of the 'default' user.
-# Output is a dictionary of group names -> [member] (list)
-# and a dictionary of user names -> user configuration (dict)
-# If 'user' exists it will override
-# the 'users'[0] entry (if a list) otherwise it will
-# just become an entry in the returned dictionary (no override)
-def normalize_users_groups(cfg, distro):
- if not cfg:
- cfg = {}
- users = {}
- groups = {}
- if 'groups' in cfg:
- groups = _normalize_groups(cfg['groups'])
- # Handle the previous style of doing this where the first user
- # overrides the concept of the default user if provided in the user: XYZ
- # format.
- old_user = {}
- if 'user' in cfg and cfg['user']:
- old_user = cfg['user']
- # Translate it into the format that is more useful
- # going forward
- if isinstance(old_user, six.string_types):
- old_user = {
- 'name': old_user,
- }
- if not isinstance(old_user, dict):
- LOG.warn(("Format for 'user' key must be a string or "
- "dictionary and not %s"), type_utils.obj_name(old_user))
- old_user = {}
- # If no old user format, then assume the distro
- # provides what the 'default' user maps to, but notice
- # that if this is provided, we won't automatically inject
- # a 'default' user into the users list, while if a old user
- # format is provided we will.
- distro_user_config = {}
- try:
- distro_user_config = distro.get_default_user()
- except NotImplementedError:
- LOG.warn(("Distro has not implemented default user "
- "access. No distribution provided default user"
- " will be normalized."))
- # Merge the old user (which may just be an empty dict when not
- # present with the distro provided default user configuration so
- # that the old user style picks up all the distribution specific
- # attributes (if any)
- default_user_config = util.mergemanydict([old_user, distro_user_config])
- base_users = cfg.get('users', [])
- if not isinstance(base_users, (list, dict) + six.string_types):
- LOG.warn(("Format for 'users' key must be a comma separated string"
- " or a dictionary or a list and not %s"),
- type_utils.obj_name(base_users))
- base_users = []
- if old_user:
- # Ensure that when user: is provided that this user
- # always gets added (as the default user)
- if isinstance(base_users, list):
- # Just add it on at the end...
- base_users.append({'name': 'default'})
- elif isinstance(base_users, dict):
- base_users['default'] = dict(base_users).get('default', True)
- elif isinstance(base_users, six.string_types):
- # Just append it on to be re-parsed later
- base_users += ",default"
- users = _normalize_users(base_users, default_user_config)
- return (users, groups)
-# Given a user dictionary config it will
-# extract the default user name and user config
-# from that list and return that tuple or
-# return (None, None) if no default user is
-# found in the given input
-def extract_default(users, default_name=None, default_config=None):
- if not users:
- users = {}
- def safe_find(entry):
- config = entry[1]
- if not config or 'default' not in config:
- return False
- else:
- return config['default']
- tmp_users = users.items()
- tmp_users = dict(filter(safe_find, tmp_users))
- if not tmp_users:
- return (default_name, default_config)
- else:
- name = list(tmp_users)[0]
- config = tmp_users[name]
- config.pop('default', None)
- return (name, config)
def fetch(name):
locs, looked_locs = importer.find_module(name, ['', __name__], ['Distro'])
if not locs: