path: root/cloudinit/sources/tests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cloudinit/sources/tests/')
1 files changed, 202 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cloudinit/sources/tests/ b/cloudinit/sources/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..af151154
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloudinit/sources/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+import os
+import six
+import stat
+from cloudinit.helpers import Paths
+from cloudinit.sources import (
+from cloudinit.tests.helpers import CiTestCase, skipIf
+from cloudinit.user_data import UserDataProcessor
+from cloudinit import util
+class DataSourceTestSubclassNet(DataSource):
+ dsname = 'MyTestSubclass'
+ def __init__(self, sys_cfg, distro, paths, custom_userdata=None):
+ super(DataSourceTestSubclassNet, self).__init__(
+ sys_cfg, distro, paths)
+ self._custom_userdata = custom_userdata
+ def _get_cloud_name(self):
+ return 'SubclassCloudName'
+ def _get_data(self):
+ self.metadata = {'availability_zone': 'myaz',
+ 'local-hostname': 'test-subclass-hostname',
+ 'region': 'myregion'}
+ if self._custom_userdata:
+ self.userdata_raw = self._custom_userdata
+ else:
+ self.userdata_raw = 'userdata_raw'
+ self.vendordata_raw = 'vendordata_raw'
+ return True
+class InvalidDataSourceTestSubclassNet(DataSource):
+ pass
+class TestDataSource(CiTestCase):
+ with_logs = True
+ def setUp(self):
+ super(TestDataSource, self).setUp()
+ self.sys_cfg = {'datasource': {'_undef': {'key1': False}}}
+ self.distro = 'distrotest' # generally should be a Distro object
+ self.paths = Paths({})
+ self.datasource = DataSource(self.sys_cfg, self.distro, self.paths)
+ def test_datasource_init(self):
+ """DataSource initializes metadata attributes, ds_cfg and ud_proc."""
+ self.assertEqual(self.paths, self.datasource.paths)
+ self.assertEqual(self.sys_cfg, self.datasource.sys_cfg)
+ self.assertEqual(self.distro, self.datasource.distro)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.datasource.userdata)
+ self.assertEqual({}, self.datasource.metadata)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.datasource.userdata_raw)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.datasource.vendordata)
+ self.assertIsNone(self.datasource.vendordata_raw)
+ self.assertEqual({'key1': False}, self.datasource.ds_cfg)
+ self.assertIsInstance(self.datasource.ud_proc, UserDataProcessor)
+ def test_datasource_init_gets_ds_cfg_using_dsname(self):
+ """Init uses DataSource.dsname for sourcing ds_cfg."""
+ sys_cfg = {'datasource': {'MyTestSubclass': {'key2': False}}}
+ distro = 'distrotest' # generally should be a Distro object
+ paths = Paths({})
+ datasource = DataSourceTestSubclassNet(sys_cfg, distro, paths)
+ self.assertEqual({'key2': False}, datasource.ds_cfg)
+ def test_str_is_classname(self):
+ """The string representation of the datasource is the classname."""
+ self.assertEqual('DataSource', str(self.datasource))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ 'DataSourceTestSubclassNet',
+ str(DataSourceTestSubclassNet('', '', self.paths)))
+ def test__get_data_unimplemented(self):
+ """Raise an error when _get_data is not implemented."""
+ with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as context_manager:
+ self.datasource.get_data()
+ self.assertIn(
+ 'Subclasses of DataSource must implement _get_data',
+ str(context_manager.exception))
+ datasource2 = InvalidDataSourceTestSubclassNet(
+ self.sys_cfg, self.distro, self.paths)
+ with self.assertRaises(NotImplementedError) as context_manager:
+ datasource2.get_data()
+ self.assertIn(
+ 'Subclasses of DataSource must implement _get_data',
+ str(context_manager.exception))
+ def test_get_data_calls_subclass__get_data(self):
+ """Datasource.get_data uses the subclass' version of _get_data."""
+ tmp = self.tmp_dir()
+ datasource = DataSourceTestSubclassNet(
+ self.sys_cfg, self.distro, Paths({'run_dir': tmp}))
+ self.assertTrue(datasource.get_data())
+ self.assertEqual(
+ {'availability_zone': 'myaz',
+ 'local-hostname': 'test-subclass-hostname',
+ 'region': 'myregion'},
+ datasource.metadata)
+ self.assertEqual('userdata_raw', datasource.userdata_raw)
+ self.assertEqual('vendordata_raw', datasource.vendordata_raw)
+ def test_get_data_write_json_instance_data(self):
+ """get_data writes INSTANCE_JSON_FILE to run_dir as readonly root."""
+ tmp = self.tmp_dir()
+ datasource = DataSourceTestSubclassNet(
+ self.sys_cfg, self.distro, Paths({'run_dir': tmp}))
+ datasource.get_data()
+ json_file = self.tmp_path(INSTANCE_JSON_FILE, tmp)
+ content = util.load_file(json_file)
+ expected = {
+ 'base64-encoded-keys': [],
+ 'v1': {
+ 'availability-zone': 'myaz',
+ 'cloud-name': 'subclasscloudname',
+ 'instance-id': 'iid-datasource',
+ 'local-hostname': 'test-subclass-hostname',
+ 'region': 'myregion'},
+ 'ds': {
+ 'meta-data': {'availability_zone': 'myaz',
+ 'local-hostname': 'test-subclass-hostname',
+ 'region': 'myregion'},
+ 'user-data': 'userdata_raw',
+ 'vendor-data': 'vendordata_raw'}}
+ self.assertEqual(expected, util.load_json(content))
+ file_stat = os.stat(json_file)
+ self.assertEqual(0o600, stat.S_IMODE(file_stat.st_mode))
+ def test_get_data_handles_redacted_unserializable_content(self):
+ """get_data warns unserializable content in INSTANCE_JSON_FILE."""
+ tmp = self.tmp_dir()
+ datasource = DataSourceTestSubclassNet(
+ self.sys_cfg, self.distro, Paths({'run_dir': tmp}),
+ custom_userdata={'key1': 'val1', 'key2': {'key2.1': self.paths}})
+ self.assertTrue(datasource.get_data())
+ json_file = self.tmp_path(INSTANCE_JSON_FILE, tmp)
+ content = util.load_file(json_file)
+ expected_userdata = {
+ 'key1': 'val1',
+ 'key2': {
+ 'key2.1': "Warning: redacted unserializable type <class"
+ " 'cloudinit.helpers.Paths'>"}}
+ instance_json = util.load_json(content)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ expected_userdata, instance_json['ds']['user-data'])
+ @skipIf(not six.PY3, "json serialization on <= py2.7 handles bytes")
+ def test_get_data_base64encodes_unserializable_bytes(self):
+ """On py3, get_data base64encodes any unserializable content."""
+ tmp = self.tmp_dir()
+ datasource = DataSourceTestSubclassNet(
+ self.sys_cfg, self.distro, Paths({'run_dir': tmp}),
+ custom_userdata={'key1': 'val1', 'key2': {'key2.1': b'\x123'}})
+ self.assertTrue(datasource.get_data())
+ json_file = self.tmp_path(INSTANCE_JSON_FILE, tmp)
+ content = util.load_file(json_file)
+ instance_json = util.load_json(content)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ ['ds/user-data/key2/key2.1'],
+ instance_json['base64-encoded-keys'])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ {'key1': 'val1', 'key2': {'key2.1': 'EjM='}},
+ instance_json['ds']['user-data'])
+ @skipIf(not six.PY2, "json serialization on <= py2.7 handles bytes")
+ def test_get_data_handles_bytes_values(self):
+ """On py2 get_data handles bytes values without having to b64encode."""
+ tmp = self.tmp_dir()
+ datasource = DataSourceTestSubclassNet(
+ self.sys_cfg, self.distro, Paths({'run_dir': tmp}),
+ custom_userdata={'key1': 'val1', 'key2': {'key2.1': b'\x123'}})
+ self.assertTrue(datasource.get_data())
+ json_file = self.tmp_path(INSTANCE_JSON_FILE, tmp)
+ content = util.load_file(json_file)
+ instance_json = util.load_json(content)
+ self.assertEqual([], instance_json['base64-encoded-keys'])
+ self.assertEqual(
+ {'key1': 'val1', 'key2': {'key2.1': '\x123'}},
+ instance_json['ds']['user-data'])
+ @skipIf(not six.PY2, "Only python2 hits UnicodeDecodeErrors on non-utf8")
+ def test_non_utf8_encoding_logs_warning(self):
+ """When non-utf-8 values exist in py2 instance-data is not written."""
+ tmp = self.tmp_dir()
+ datasource = DataSourceTestSubclassNet(
+ self.sys_cfg, self.distro, Paths({'run_dir': tmp}),
+ custom_userdata={'key1': 'val1', 'key2': {'key2.1': b'ab\xaadef'}})
+ self.assertTrue(datasource.get_data())
+ json_file = self.tmp_path(INSTANCE_JSON_FILE, tmp)
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(json_file))
+ self.assertIn(
+ "WARNING: Error persisting instance-data.json: 'utf8' codec can't"
+ " decode byte 0xaa in position 2: invalid start byte",
+ self.logs.getvalue())