path: root/cloudinit/tests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'cloudinit/tests/')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cloudinit/tests/ b/cloudinit/tests/
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index 00000000..ec1152a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cloudinit/tests/
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+# Copyright (C) 2020 Canonical Ltd.
+# Author: Daniel Watkins <>
+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+Tests for cloudinit.persistence.
+Per, only "classes that are
+defined at the top level of a module" can be pickled. This means that all of
+our ``CloudInitPickleMixin`` subclasses for testing must be defined at
+module-level (rather than being defined inline or dynamically in the body of
+test methods, as we would do without this constraint).
+``TestPickleMixin.test_subclasses`` iterates over a list of all of these
+classes, and tests that they round-trip through a pickle dump/load. As the
+interface we're testing is that ``_unpickle`` is called appropriately on
+subclasses, our subclasses define their assertions in their ``_unpickle``
+implementation. (This means that the assertions will not be executed if
+``_unpickle`` is not called at all; we have
+``TestPickleMixin.test_unpickle_called`` to ensure it is called.)
+To avoid manually maintaining a list of classes for parametrization we use a
+simple metaclass, ``_Collector``, to gather them up.
+import pickle
+from unittest import mock
+import pytest
+from cloudinit.persistence import CloudInitPickleMixin
+class _Collector(type):
+ """Any class using this as a metaclass will be stored in test_classes."""
+ test_classes = []
+ def __new__(cls, *args):
+ new_cls = super().__new__(cls, *args)
+ _Collector.test_classes.append(new_cls)
+ return new_cls
+class InstanceVersionNotUsed(CloudInitPickleMixin, metaclass=_Collector):
+ """Test that the class version is used over one set in instance state."""
+ _ci_pkl_version = 1
+ def __init__(self):
+ self._ci_pkl_version = 2
+ def _unpickle(self, ci_pkl_version: int) -> None:
+ assert 1 == ci_pkl_version
+class MissingVersionHandled(CloudInitPickleMixin, metaclass=_Collector):
+ """Test that pickles without ``_ci_pkl_version`` are handled gracefully.
+ This is tested by overriding ``__getstate__`` so the dumped pickle of this
+ class will not have ``_ci_pkl_version`` included.
+ """
+ def __getstate__(self):
+ return self.__dict__
+ def _unpickle(self, ci_pkl_version: int) -> None:
+ assert 0 == ci_pkl_version
+class OverridenVersionHonored(CloudInitPickleMixin, metaclass=_Collector):
+ """Test that the subclass's version is used."""
+ _ci_pkl_version = 1
+ def _unpickle(self, ci_pkl_version: int) -> None:
+ assert 1 == ci_pkl_version
+class StateIsRestored(CloudInitPickleMixin, metaclass=_Collector):
+ """Instance state should be restored before ``_unpickle`` is called."""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.some_state = "some state"
+ def _unpickle(self, ci_pkl_version: int) -> None:
+ assert "some state" == self.some_state
+class UnpickleCanBeUnoverriden(CloudInitPickleMixin, metaclass=_Collector):
+ """Subclasses should not need to override ``_unpickle``."""
+class VersionDefaultsToZero(CloudInitPickleMixin, metaclass=_Collector):
+ """Test that the default version is 0."""
+ def _unpickle(self, ci_pkl_version: int) -> None:
+ assert 0 == ci_pkl_version
+class VersionIsPoppedFromState(CloudInitPickleMixin, metaclass=_Collector):
+ """Test _ci_pkl_version is popped from state before being restored."""
+ def _unpickle(self, ci_pkl_version: int) -> None:
+ # `self._ci_pkl_version` returns the type's _ci_pkl_version if it isn't
+ # in instance state, so we need to explicitly check self.__dict__.
+ assert "_ci_pkl_version" not in self.__dict__
+class TestPickleMixin:
+ def test_unpickle_called(self):
+ """Test that self._unpickle is called on unpickle."""
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ CloudInitPickleMixin, "_unpickle"
+ ) as m_unpickle:
+ pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(CloudInitPickleMixin()))
+ assert 1 == m_unpickle.call_count
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", _Collector.test_classes)
+ def test_subclasses(self, cls):
+ """For each collected class, round-trip through pickle dump/load.
+ Assertions are implemented in ``cls._unpickle``, and so are evoked as
+ part of the pickle load.
+ """
+ pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(cls()))