path: root/debian/cloud-init.preinst
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/cloud-init.preinst')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 254 deletions
diff --git a/debian/cloud-init.preinst b/debian/cloud-init.preinst
deleted file mode 100644
index c8406e31..00000000
--- a/debian/cloud-init.preinst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,254 +0,0 @@
-set -e
-# Remove a no-longer used conffile
-rm_conffile() {
- local PKGNAME="$1"
- local CONFFILE="$2"
- [ -e "$CONFFILE" ] || return 0
- local md5sum="$(md5sum $CONFFILE | sed -e 's/ .*//')"
- local old_md5sum="$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Conffiles}' $PKGNAME | \
- sed -n -e "\' $CONFFILE ' { s/ obsolete$//; s/.* //; p }")"
- if [ "$md5sum" != "$old_md5sum" ]; then
- echo "Obsolete conffile $CONFFILE has been modified by you."
- echo "Saving as $CONFFILE.dpkg-bak ..."
- mv -f "$CONFFILE" "$CONFFILE".dpkg-bak
- else
- echo "Removing obsolete conffile $CONFFILE ..."
- rm -f "$CONFFILE"
- fi
-# move_sem(src,targets)
-# rename sem/* items named $src to $targets
-# (with hard links if more than one)
-move_sem() {
- local src=$1 f="" targ="" freqid="" dir=/var/lib/cloud/sem
- shift
- # link the remaining targets to src, if it exists
- for f in "${dir}/${src}."*; do
- # if there were no src entries, nothing to do
- [ -f "${f}" ] || return 0
- freqid=${f#${dir}/${src}.} # 'i-abcdefg' or 'always'
- for targ in "$@"; do
- [ -e "${dir}/${targ}.${freqid}" ] && continue
- ln -f "${f}" "${dir}/${targ}.${freqid}"
- done
- rm "${f}"
- done
- return 0
-fix_ephemeral0_micro() {
- # make ephemeral0 entries in /etc/fstab written by cloudconfig
- # 'nobootwait', so they do not block subsequent boots (LP: #634102)
- local out="" oldver=$1 dev="" adop="nobootwait"
- local s="[[:space:]]" ns="[^[:space:]]" # space and "not space"
- local remain="${s}\+.*" first4=""
- for dev in /dev/sda2 /dev/sdb; do
- first4="${dev}$s\+$ns\+$s\+$ns\+$s\+$ns\+"
- out=$(awk '$1 == dev && $4 ~ /cloudconfig/ && $4 !~ op { print $1 ; }' \
- dev="${dev}" "op=${adop}" /etc/fstab) || return 0
- [ -n "${out}" ] || continue
- echo "making ephemeral ${dev} in /etc/fstab ${adop} (LP: #634102)" 1>&2
- sed -i "s|^\(${first4}\)\(${remain}\)|\1,${adop}\2|" /etc/fstab
- done
-convert_varlib_05x_06x() {
- local url=""
- local tout="--connect-timeout .5 --read-timeout .5"
- local iid="" f="" uptime="" bn=""
- iid=$(wget "${url}" ${tout} --tries 1 -O - 2>/dev/null) || iid=""
- [ -n "${iid}" -a -d /var/lib/cloud ] || return 0
- cd /var/lib/cloud
- mkdir -p "instances/${iid}" "instances/${iid}/sem"
- [ -e instance ] || ln -sf "instances/${iid}" instance
- for f in data/*; do
- [ -f "$f" ] || continue
- case "${f#*/}" in
- user-data.txt.i|user-data.txt|cloud-config.txt)
- mv "${f}" instance/
- ;;
- esac
- done
- [ -f data/cache/obj.pkl ] && mv data/cache/obj.pkl instance/
- for f in sem/*.${iid}; do
- [ -f "${f}" ] || continue
- bn=${f#*/}; bn=${bn%.${iid}}
- case "${bn}" in
- set_defaults) mv "${f}" "instance/sem/config-locale";;
- set_hostname) mv "${f}" "instance/sem/config-set_hostname";;
- *) mv "${f}" "instance/sem/${bn}";;
- esac
- done
- [ ! -f sem/update_hostname.always ] ||
- mv sem/update_hostname.always sem/config-update_hostname.always
- rmdir data/cache 2>/dev/null || :
- rm -f data/
- mkdir -p instance/scripts
- if [ -d data/scripts ]; then
- mv data/scripts/* instance/scripts || :
- rmdir data/scripts || :
- fi
- [ -d data/scripts/* ] && mv data/scripts instance/
- [ ! -e instance/boot-finished ] &&
- [ -f /proc/uptime ] && read uptime other </proc/uptime &&
- echo "${uptime}" > instance/boot-finished || :
- return 0
-azure_apply_new_instance_id_1506187() {
- # With LP: #1506187, the Azure instance ID detection method was changed
- # to use the DMI data. In order to prevent existing instances from thinking
- # they are new instances, the instance ID needs to be updated here.
- if grep DataSourceAzure /var/lib/cloud/instance/datasource > /dev/null 2>&1; then
- product_id_f="/sys/devices/virtual/dmi/id/product_uuid"
- instance_id_f="/var/lib/cloud/data/instance-id"
- if [ ! -e "${product_id_f}" -o ! -e "${instance_id_f}" ]; then
- return 0
- fi
- # Get the current instance ID's (new and old)
- new_instance_id="$(cat ${product_id_f})"
- old_instance_id="$(cat ${instance_id_f})"
- if [ "${new_instance_id}" = "${old_instance_id}" ]; then
- # this may have been applied for a prior version, i.e. upgrading
- # from 14.04 to 16.04
- return 0
- elif [ -z "${new_instance_id}" -o -z "${old_instance_id}" ]; then
- cat <<EOM
-WARNING: Failed to migrate old instance ID to new instance ID.
- Cloud-init may detect this instance as a new instance upon reboot.
- Please see:
- elif [ "${new_instance_id}" != "${old_instance_id}" ]; then
- cat <<EOM
-AZURE: this instance uses an unstable instance ID. Cloud-init will
- migrate the instance ID from:
- ${old_instance_id}
- to:
- ${new_instance_id}
- For more information about this change, please see:
- # Write the new instance id
- echo "${new_instance_id}" > /var/lib/cloud/data/instance-id
- # Remove the symlink for the instance
- rm /var/lib/cloud/instance
- # Rename the old instance id to the new one
- mv /var/lib/cloud/instances/${old_instance_id} \
- /var/lib/cloud/instances/${new_instance_id}
- # Link the old id to the new one, just incase
- ln -s /var/lib/cloud/instances/${new_instance_id} \
- /var/lib/cloud/instances/${old_instance_id}
- # Make the active instance the new id
- ln -s /var/lib/cloud/instances/${new_instance_id} \
- /var/lib/cloud/instance
- fi
-cleanup_lp1552999() {
- local oldver="$1" last_bad_ver="0.7.7~bzr1178"
- dpkg --compare-versions "$oldver" le "$last_bad_ver" || return 0
- local hdir="/var/lib/systemd/deb-systemd-helper-enabled"
- hdir="$hdir/"
- local edir="/etc/systemd/system/"
- rm -f "$hdir/cloud-config.service" "$hdir/cloud-final.service" \
- "$hdir/cloud-init-local.service" "$hdir/cloud-init.service"
-case "$1" in
- install|upgrade)
- # removing obsolete conffiles from the 'ec2-init' package
- if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" le "0.5.1"; then
- rm_conffile ec2-init "/etc/init/cloud-ssh-keygen.conf"
- fi
- if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" lt "0.5.3"; then
- rm_conffile ec2-init "/etc/init/ec2init.conf"
- fi
- if [ "$2" = "0.5.7-0ubuntu1" ]; then
- bad_d=/etc/update-motd.d/92-ec2-upgrade-available
- rm_conffile cloud-init "${bad_d}/motd-hook"
- # the dir for this file is almost certainly empty, but
- # if the file above was only moved, or other files there
- # then leave it be
- rmdir "${bad_d}" 2>/dev/null || true
- fi
- if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" le "0.5.10-0ubuntu2"; then
- old_confs="cloud-apt-update-upgrade cloud-config-misc
- cloud-config-mounts cloud-config-puppet
- cloud-config-ssh cloud-disable-ec2-metadata"
- for f in ${old_confs}; do
- rm_conffile cloud-init "/etc/init/${f}.conf"
- done
- fi
- if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" le "0.5.11-0ubuntu1"; then
- # rename the config entries in sem/ so they're not run again
- # transition names in 0.5.11 had only short name (no config- prefix)
- # so create config- entries for each
- for name in apt-update-upgrade disable-ec2-metadata mounts \
- puppet runcmd ssh updates-check; do
- move_sem ${name} config-${name}
- done
- # 0.5.11 split 'config-misc' into 'updates-check' and 'runcmd'
- move_sem config-misc config-updates-check config-runcmd
- fi
- if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" le "0.5.14-0ubuntu5"; then
- fix_ephemeral0_micro
- fi
- if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" le 0.6.0-0ubuntu1; then
- # convert /var/lib/cloud from 0.5.x layout to 0.6.x
- convert_varlib_05x_06x
- fi
- # 0.6.0 changed 'user-scripts' to config-scripts-user (LP: #1049146)
- if [ -e /var/lib/cloud/instance/sem/user-scripts ]; then
- ln -sf user-scripts /var/lib/cloud/instance/sem/config-scripts-user
- fi
- # 0.7.7-bzr1556 introduced new instance ID source for Azure
- if dpkg --compare-versions "$2" le "0.7.7~bzr1556-0ubuntu1"; then
- azure_apply_new_instance_id_1506187
- fi
- d=/etc/cloud/
- if [ -f "$d/distro.cfg" ] && [ ! -f "$d/cloud.cfg.d/90_dpkg.cfg" ]; then
- echo "moving $d/distro.cfg -> $d/cloud.cfg.d/90_dpkg.cfg"
- [ -d "${d}/cloud.cfg.d" ] || mkdir "${d}/cloud.cfg.d"
- mv "$d/distro.cfg" "$d/cloud.cfg.d/90_dpkg.cfg"
- fi
- cleanup_lp1552999 "$oldver"