path: root/debian/new-upstream-snapshot
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'debian/new-upstream-snapshot')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/debian/new-upstream-snapshot b/debian/new-upstream-snapshot
index 0e71d41a..ef7510c2 100755
--- a/debian/new-upstream-snapshot
+++ b/debian/new-upstream-snapshot
@@ -1,69 +1,117 @@
+error() { echo "$@" 1>&2; }
+fail() { [ $# -eq 0 ] || error "$@"; exit 1; }
Usage() {
- cat <<EOF
-Usage: ${0##*/} trunk-dir [next-upstream-version]
- pull in new upstream snapshot from trunk-dir
+cat <<EOF
+${0##*/} [branch]
+ update current branch with trunk branch.
+ branch defaults to 'master'
- Leaves file 'new-changes.log'
+print_commit() {
+ local subject="$1" author="$2" bugs="$3" aname=""
+ aname=${author% <*}
+ echo " - $subject [${aname}]${bugs:+ (LP: ${bugs})}"
- Example:
- $ ${0##*/} ../trunk
- # prepare bzr dir in . with new snapshot from ../trunk
- $ dch --edit
- # read changes in new-changes.log and write changelog
- $ debcommit
- $ dch --release
- $ debcommit --release
+git_log_to_dch() {
+ local line="" commit="" lcommit="" bugs=""
+ while :; do
+ read line || break
+ case "$line" in
+ commit\ *)
+ if [ -n "$commit" ]; then
+ print_commit "$subject" "$author" "$bugs"
+ fi
+ commit=${line#*: }
+ bugs=""
+ author=""
+ subject=""
+ ;;
+ Author:*) author="${line#Author: }";;
+ LP:*) bugs="${bugs:+${bugs}, }${line#*: }";;
+ "") [ -z "$subject" ] && read subject;;
+ esac
+ done
+ if [ -n "$commit" ]; then
+ print_commit "$subject" "$author" "$bugs"
+ fi
-fail() { echo "$@" 1>&2; exit 1; }
-[ $# -eq 0 ] && { Usage 1>&2; exit 1; }
-[ "$1" = "-h" -o "$1" = "--help" ] && { Usage; exit 0; }
-uver=${3:-0.7.7} # the *next* upstream version
-[ -d "$trunk" ] ||
- fail "trunk dir '$trunk' not a dir"
-if [ "$revno" = "tip" ]; then
- revno=$(cd "$trunk" && bzr revno) ||
- fail "failed getting bzr revno from $trunk"
-pversion=$(dpkg-parsechangelog --show-field Version) ||
- fail "failed to read previous version with dpkg-parsechangelog"
-prevno=$(echo "$pversion" | sed 's,.*bzr\([0-9]\+\)-.*,\1,') ||
- fail "fail reading previous bzr revision from previous version '$pversion'"
-if [ -f "$t" ]; then
- echo "using '$t' as tarball" 1>&2
- tarball="$t"
- echo "creating $tarball with bzr export" 1>&2
- bzr export --format=tgz "--revision=${revno}" "$tarball" "${trunk}" ||
- fail "failed exporting bzr in $trunk to $tarball"
+cleanup() {
+ [ ! -d "${TEMP_D}" ] || rm -Rf "${TEMP_D}"
+cur_branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD) ||
+ fail "failed to get current branch"
+case "$cur_branch" in
+ ubuntu/*) :;;
+ *) fail "You are on branch '$cur_branch', expect to be on ubuntu/*";;
+trap cleanup EXIT
+prev_pkg_ver=$(dpkg-parsechangelog --show-field Version) ||
+ fail "failed reading package version"
+pkg_name=$(dpkg-parsechangelog --show-field Source) ||
+ fail "failed to read Source from changelog"
+# turn 0.7.7-10-gbc2c326-0ubuntu1 into 'bc2c326'
+new_pkg_upstream=$(git describe master)
+new_upstream_ver=$(git describe "${from_ref}")
+if [ "${prev_upstream_ver}" = "${new_upstream_ver}" ]; then
+ echo "nothing to commit. '$from_ref' is at ${new_upstream_ver}."
+ exit 0
-bzr merge-upstream "$tarball" "--version=${version}" ||
- fail "failed merge-upstream of $tarball at version=$version"
-( cd "$trunk" && bzr log -r "${oldrev}..${revno}" ) > new-changes.log ||
- fail "failed to get changes from ${oldrev}..$revno"
+git merge "${from_ref}" -m "merge from $from_ref at $new_upstream_ver" ||
+ fail "failed: git merge ${from_ref} -m 'merge from $from_ref ..'"
+TEMP_D=$(mktemp -d) || fail "failed mktemp"
-cat <<EOF
-Now see ./new-changes.log for changes between $oldrev and $revno
- $ dch --edit
- # read changes in new-changes.log and write changelog
- $ debcommit
- $ dch --release
- $ debcommit --release
- $ debuild -S
+git log --first-parent --no-decorate --format=full \
+ "${prev_pkg_hash}..${from_ref}" > "$gitlog" ||
+ fail "failed git log ${prev_pkg_hash}..${from_ref}"
+cat >> "$clog" <<EOF
+$pkg_name ($new_pkg_ver) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
+ * New upstream snapshot.
+git_log_to_dch < "$gitlog" >> "$clog" ||
+ fail "failed git_log_to_dch"
+cat >> "$clog" <<EOF
+ -- ${DEBFULLNAME} <$DEBEMAIL> $(date -R)
+cat "$clog" "debian/changelog" > "$TEMP_D/newlog" &&
+ cp "$TEMP_D/newlog" "debian/changelog" ||
+ fail "failed replacing debian/changelog"
+dch -e || fail "dch -e exited $?"
+git diff
+echo -n "Commit this change? (Y/n): "
+read answer || fail "failed to read answer"
+case "$answer" in
+ n|[Nn][oO]) exit 1;;
+msg="update changelog (new upstream snapshot $new_upstream_ver)."
+git commit -m "$msg" debian/changelog ||
+ fail "failed to commit '$msg'"