path: root/tests/unittests/sources/helpers/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unittests/sources/helpers/')
1 files changed, 573 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unittests/sources/helpers/ b/tests/unittests/sources/helpers/
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index 00000000..5eabf104
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/unittests/sources/helpers/
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+# Author: Tamilmani Manoharan <>
+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+import codecs
+import socket
+import struct
+from cloudinit.sources.helpers.netlink import (
+ NetlinkCreateSocketError,
+ create_bound_netlink_socket,
+ read_netlink_socket,
+ read_rta_oper_state,
+ unpack_rta_attr,
+ wait_for_media_disconnect_connect,
+ wait_for_nic_attach_event,
+ wait_for_nic_detach_event,
+from tests.unittests.helpers import CiTestCase, mock
+def int_to_bytes(i):
+ """convert integer to binary: eg: 1 to \x01"""
+ hex_value = "{0:x}".format(i)
+ hex_value = "0" * (len(hex_value) % 2) + hex_value
+ return codecs.decode(hex_value, "hex_codec")
+class TestCreateBoundNetlinkSocket(CiTestCase):
+ @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.helpers.netlink.socket.socket")
+ def test_socket_error_on_create(self, m_socket):
+ """create_bound_netlink_socket catches socket creation exception"""
+ """NetlinkCreateSocketError is raised when socket creation errors."""
+ m_socket.side_effect = socket.error("Fake socket failure")
+ with self.assertRaises(NetlinkCreateSocketError) as ctx_mgr:
+ create_bound_netlink_socket()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "Exception during netlink socket create: Fake socket failure",
+ str(ctx_mgr.exception),
+ )
+class TestReadNetlinkSocket(CiTestCase):
+ @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.helpers.netlink.socket.socket")
+ @mock.patch("")
+ def test_read_netlink_socket(self, m_select, m_socket):
+ """read_netlink_socket able to receive data"""
+ data = "netlinktest"
+ m_select.return_value = [m_socket], None, None
+ m_socket.recv.return_value = data
+ recv_data = read_netlink_socket(m_socket, 2)
+ m_select.assert_called_with([m_socket], [], [], 2)
+ m_socket.recv.assert_called_with(MAX_SIZE)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(recv_data)
+ self.assertEqual(recv_data, data)
+ @mock.patch("cloudinit.sources.helpers.netlink.socket.socket")
+ @mock.patch("")
+ def test_netlink_read_timeout(self, m_select, m_socket):
+ """read_netlink_socket should timeout if nothing to read"""
+ m_select.return_value = [], None, None
+ data = read_netlink_socket(m_socket, 1)
+ m_select.assert_called_with([m_socket], [], [], 1)
+ self.assertEqual(m_socket.recv.call_count, 0)
+ self.assertIsNone(data)
+ def test_read_invalid_socket(self):
+ """read_netlink_socket raises assert error if socket is invalid"""
+ socket = None
+ with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as context:
+ read_netlink_socket(socket, 1)
+ self.assertTrue("netlink socket is none" in str(context.exception))
+class TestParseNetlinkMessage(CiTestCase):
+ def test_read_rta_oper_state(self):
+ """read_rta_oper_state could parse netlink message and extract data"""
+ ifname = "eth0"
+ bytes = ifname.encode("utf-8")
+ buf = bytearray(48)
+ struct.pack_into(
+ "HH4sHHc",
+ buf,
+ 8,
+ 3,
+ bytes,
+ 5,
+ 16,
+ int_to_bytes(OPER_DOWN),
+ )
+ interface_state = read_rta_oper_state(buf)
+ self.assertEqual(interface_state.ifname, ifname)
+ self.assertEqual(interface_state.operstate, OPER_DOWN)
+ def test_read_none_data(self):
+ """read_rta_oper_state raises assert error if data is none"""
+ data = None
+ with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as context:
+ read_rta_oper_state(data)
+ self.assertEqual("data is none", str(context.exception))
+ def test_read_invalid_rta_operstate_none(self):
+ """read_rta_oper_state returns none if operstate is none"""
+ ifname = "eth0"
+ buf = bytearray(40)
+ bytes = ifname.encode("utf-8")
+ struct.pack_into("HH4s", buf, RTATTR_START_OFFSET, 8, 3, bytes)
+ interface_state = read_rta_oper_state(buf)
+ self.assertIsNone(interface_state)
+ def test_read_invalid_rta_ifname_none(self):
+ """read_rta_oper_state returns none if ifname is none"""
+ buf = bytearray(40)
+ struct.pack_into(
+ "HHc", buf, RTATTR_START_OFFSET, 5, 16, int_to_bytes(OPER_DOWN)
+ )
+ interface_state = read_rta_oper_state(buf)
+ self.assertIsNone(interface_state)
+ def test_read_invalid_data_len(self):
+ """raise assert error if data size is smaller than required size"""
+ buf = bytearray(32)
+ with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as context:
+ read_rta_oper_state(buf)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ "length of data is smaller than RTATTR_START_OFFSET"
+ in str(context.exception)
+ )
+ def test_unpack_rta_attr_none_data(self):
+ """unpack_rta_attr raises assert error if data is none"""
+ data = None
+ with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as context:
+ unpack_rta_attr(data, RTATTR_START_OFFSET)
+ self.assertTrue("data is none" in str(context.exception))
+ def test_unpack_rta_attr_invalid_offset(self):
+ """unpack_rta_attr raises assert error if offset is invalid"""
+ data = bytearray(48)
+ with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as context:
+ unpack_rta_attr(data, "offset")
+ self.assertTrue("offset is not integer" in str(context.exception))
+ with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as context:
+ unpack_rta_attr(data, 31)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ "rta offset is less than expected length" in str(context.exception)
+ )
+class TestNicAttachDetach(CiTestCase):
+ with_logs = True
+ def _media_switch_data(self, ifname, msg_type, operstate):
+ """construct netlink data with specified fields"""
+ if ifname and operstate is not None:
+ data = bytearray(48)
+ bytes = ifname.encode("utf-8")
+ struct.pack_into(
+ "HH4sHHc",
+ data,
+ 8,
+ 3,
+ bytes,
+ 5,
+ 16,
+ int_to_bytes(operstate),
+ )
+ elif ifname:
+ data = bytearray(40)
+ bytes = ifname.encode("utf-8")
+ struct.pack_into("HH4s", data, RTATTR_START_OFFSET, 8, 3, bytes)
+ elif operstate:
+ data = bytearray(40)
+ struct.pack_into(
+ "HHc",
+ data,
+ 5,
+ 16,
+ int_to_bytes(operstate),
+ )
+ struct.pack_into("=LHHLL", data, 0, len(data), msg_type, 0, 0, 0)
+ return data
+ def test_nic_attached_oper_down(self, m_read_netlink_socket, m_socket):
+ """Test for a new nic attached"""
+ ifname = "eth0"
+ data_op_down = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_DOWN)
+ m_read_netlink_socket.side_effect = [data_op_down]
+ ifread = wait_for_nic_attach_event(m_socket, [])
+ self.assertEqual(m_read_netlink_socket.call_count, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(ifname, ifread)
+ def test_nic_attached_oper_up(self, m_read_netlink_socket, m_socket):
+ """Test for a new nic attached"""
+ ifname = "eth0"
+ data_op_up = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_UP)
+ m_read_netlink_socket.side_effect = [data_op_up]
+ ifread = wait_for_nic_attach_event(m_socket, [])
+ self.assertEqual(m_read_netlink_socket.call_count, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(ifname, ifread)
+ def test_nic_attach_ignore_existing(self, m_read_netlink_socket, m_socket):
+ """Test that we read only the interfaces we are interested in."""
+ data_eth0 = self._media_switch_data("eth0", RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_DOWN)
+ data_eth1 = self._media_switch_data("eth1", RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_DOWN)
+ m_read_netlink_socket.side_effect = [data_eth0, data_eth1]
+ ifread = wait_for_nic_attach_event(m_socket, ["eth0"])
+ self.assertEqual(m_read_netlink_socket.call_count, 2)
+ self.assertEqual("eth1", ifread)
+ def test_nic_attach_read_first(self, m_read_netlink_socket, m_socket):
+ """Test that we read only the interfaces we are interested in."""
+ data_eth0 = self._media_switch_data("eth0", RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_DOWN)
+ data_eth1 = self._media_switch_data("eth1", RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_DOWN)
+ m_read_netlink_socket.side_effect = [data_eth0, data_eth1]
+ ifread = wait_for_nic_attach_event(m_socket, ["eth1"])
+ self.assertEqual(m_read_netlink_socket.call_count, 1)
+ self.assertEqual("eth0", ifread)
+ def test_nic_detached(self, m_read_netlink_socket, m_socket):
+ """Test for an existing nic detached"""
+ ifname = "eth0"
+ data_op_down = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_DELLINK, OPER_DOWN)
+ m_read_netlink_socket.side_effect = [data_op_down]
+ ifread = wait_for_nic_detach_event(m_socket)
+ self.assertEqual(m_read_netlink_socket.call_count, 1)
+ self.assertEqual(ifname, ifread)
+class TestWaitForMediaDisconnectConnect(CiTestCase):
+ with_logs = True
+ def _media_switch_data(self, ifname, msg_type, operstate):
+ """construct netlink data with specified fields"""
+ if ifname and operstate is not None:
+ data = bytearray(48)
+ bytes = ifname.encode("utf-8")
+ struct.pack_into(
+ "HH4sHHc",
+ data,
+ 8,
+ 3,
+ bytes,
+ 5,
+ 16,
+ int_to_bytes(operstate),
+ )
+ elif ifname:
+ data = bytearray(40)
+ bytes = ifname.encode("utf-8")
+ struct.pack_into("HH4s", data, RTATTR_START_OFFSET, 8, 3, bytes)
+ elif operstate:
+ data = bytearray(40)
+ struct.pack_into(
+ "HHc",
+ data,
+ 5,
+ 16,
+ int_to_bytes(operstate),
+ )
+ struct.pack_into("=LHHLL", data, 0, len(data), msg_type, 0, 0, 0)
+ return data
+ def test_media_down_up_scenario(self, m_read_netlink_socket, m_socket):
+ """Test for media down up sequence for required interface name"""
+ ifname = "eth0"
+ # construct data for Oper State down
+ data_op_down = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_DOWN)
+ # construct data for Oper State up
+ data_op_up = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_UP)
+ m_read_netlink_socket.side_effect = [data_op_down, data_op_up]
+ wait_for_media_disconnect_connect(m_socket, ifname)
+ self.assertEqual(m_read_netlink_socket.call_count, 2)
+ def test_wait_for_media_switch_diff_interface(
+ self, m_read_netlink_socket, m_socket
+ ):
+ """wait_for_media_disconnect_connect ignores unexpected interfaces.
+ The first two messages are for other interfaces and last two are for
+ expected interface. So the function exit only after receiving last
+ 2 messages and therefore the call count for m_read_netlink_socket
+ has to be 4
+ """
+ other_ifname = "eth1"
+ expected_ifname = "eth0"
+ data_op_down_eth1 = self._media_switch_data(
+ other_ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_DOWN
+ )
+ data_op_up_eth1 = self._media_switch_data(
+ other_ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_UP
+ )
+ data_op_down_eth0 = self._media_switch_data(
+ expected_ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_DOWN
+ )
+ data_op_up_eth0 = self._media_switch_data(
+ expected_ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_UP
+ )
+ m_read_netlink_socket.side_effect = [
+ data_op_down_eth1,
+ data_op_up_eth1,
+ data_op_down_eth0,
+ data_op_up_eth0,
+ ]
+ wait_for_media_disconnect_connect(m_socket, expected_ifname)
+ self.assertIn(
+ "Ignored netlink event on interface %s" % other_ifname,
+ self.logs.getvalue(),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(m_read_netlink_socket.call_count, 4)
+ def test_invalid_msgtype_getlink(self, m_read_netlink_socket, m_socket):
+ """wait_for_media_disconnect_connect ignores GETLINK events.
+ The first two messages are for oper down and up for RTM_GETLINK type
+ which netlink module will ignore. The last 2 messages are RTM_NEWLINK
+ with oper state down and up messages. Therefore the call count for
+ m_read_netlink_socket has to be 4 ignoring first 2 messages
+ """
+ ifname = "eth0"
+ data_getlink_down = self._media_switch_data(
+ )
+ data_getlink_up = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_GETLINK, OPER_UP)
+ data_newlink_down = self._media_switch_data(
+ )
+ data_newlink_up = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_UP)
+ m_read_netlink_socket.side_effect = [
+ data_getlink_down,
+ data_getlink_up,
+ data_newlink_down,
+ data_newlink_up,
+ ]
+ wait_for_media_disconnect_connect(m_socket, ifname)
+ self.assertEqual(m_read_netlink_socket.call_count, 4)
+ def test_invalid_msgtype_setlink(self, m_read_netlink_socket, m_socket):
+ """wait_for_media_disconnect_connect ignores SETLINK events.
+ The first two messages are for oper down and up for RTM_GETLINK type
+ which it will ignore. 3rd and 4th messages are RTM_NEWLINK with down
+ and up messages. This function should exit after 4th messages since it
+ sees down->up scenario. So the call count for m_read_netlink_socket
+ has to be 4 ignoring first 2 messages of RTM_GETLINK and
+ last 2 messages of RTM_NEWLINK
+ """
+ ifname = "eth0"
+ data_setlink_down = self._media_switch_data(
+ )
+ data_setlink_up = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_SETLINK, OPER_UP)
+ data_newlink_down = self._media_switch_data(
+ )
+ data_newlink_up = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_UP)
+ m_read_netlink_socket.side_effect = [
+ data_setlink_down,
+ data_setlink_up,
+ data_newlink_down,
+ data_newlink_up,
+ data_newlink_down,
+ data_newlink_up,
+ ]
+ wait_for_media_disconnect_connect(m_socket, ifname)
+ self.assertEqual(m_read_netlink_socket.call_count, 4)
+ def test_netlink_invalid_switch_scenario(
+ self, m_read_netlink_socket, m_socket
+ ):
+ """returns only if it receives UP event after a DOWN event"""
+ ifname = "eth0"
+ data_op_down = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_DOWN)
+ data_op_up = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_UP)
+ data_op_dormant = self._media_switch_data(
+ )
+ data_op_notpresent = self._media_switch_data(
+ )
+ data_op_lowerdown = self._media_switch_data(
+ )
+ data_op_testing = self._media_switch_data(
+ )
+ data_op_unknown = self._media_switch_data(
+ )
+ m_read_netlink_socket.side_effect = [
+ data_op_up,
+ data_op_up,
+ data_op_dormant,
+ data_op_up,
+ data_op_notpresent,
+ data_op_up,
+ data_op_lowerdown,
+ data_op_up,
+ data_op_testing,
+ data_op_up,
+ data_op_unknown,
+ data_op_up,
+ data_op_down,
+ data_op_up,
+ ]
+ wait_for_media_disconnect_connect(m_socket, ifname)
+ self.assertEqual(m_read_netlink_socket.call_count, 14)
+ def test_netlink_valid_inbetween_transitions(
+ self, m_read_netlink_socket, m_socket
+ ):
+ """wait_for_media_disconnect_connect handles in between transitions"""
+ ifname = "eth0"
+ data_op_down = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_DOWN)
+ data_op_up = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_UP)
+ data_op_dormant = self._media_switch_data(
+ )
+ data_op_unknown = self._media_switch_data(
+ )
+ m_read_netlink_socket.side_effect = [
+ data_op_down,
+ data_op_dormant,
+ data_op_unknown,
+ data_op_up,
+ ]
+ wait_for_media_disconnect_connect(m_socket, ifname)
+ self.assertEqual(m_read_netlink_socket.call_count, 4)
+ def test_netlink_invalid_operstate(self, m_read_netlink_socket, m_socket):
+ """wait_for_media_disconnect_connect should handle invalid operstates.
+ The function should not fail and return even if it receives invalid
+ operstates. It always should wait for down up sequence.
+ """
+ ifname = "eth0"
+ data_op_down = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_DOWN)
+ data_op_up = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_UP)
+ data_op_invalid = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, 7)
+ m_read_netlink_socket.side_effect = [
+ data_op_invalid,
+ data_op_up,
+ data_op_down,
+ data_op_invalid,
+ data_op_up,
+ ]
+ wait_for_media_disconnect_connect(m_socket, ifname)
+ self.assertEqual(m_read_netlink_socket.call_count, 5)
+ def test_wait_invalid_socket(self, m_read_netlink_socket, m_socket):
+ """wait_for_media_disconnect_connect handle none netlink socket."""
+ socket = None
+ ifname = "eth0"
+ with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as context:
+ wait_for_media_disconnect_connect(socket, ifname)
+ self.assertTrue("netlink socket is none" in str(context.exception))
+ def test_wait_invalid_ifname(self, m_read_netlink_socket, m_socket):
+ """wait_for_media_disconnect_connect handle none interface name"""
+ ifname = None
+ with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as context:
+ wait_for_media_disconnect_connect(m_socket, ifname)
+ self.assertTrue("interface name is none" in str(context.exception))
+ ifname = ""
+ with self.assertRaises(AssertionError) as context:
+ wait_for_media_disconnect_connect(m_socket, ifname)
+ self.assertTrue(
+ "interface name cannot be empty" in str(context.exception)
+ )
+ def test_wait_invalid_rta_attr(self, m_read_netlink_socket, m_socket):
+ """wait_for_media_disconnect_connect handles invalid rta data"""
+ ifname = "eth0"
+ data_invalid1 = self._media_switch_data(None, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_DOWN)
+ data_invalid2 = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, None)
+ data_op_down = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_DOWN)
+ data_op_up = self._media_switch_data(ifname, RTM_NEWLINK, OPER_UP)
+ m_read_netlink_socket.side_effect = [
+ data_invalid1,
+ data_invalid2,
+ data_op_down,
+ data_op_up,
+ ]
+ wait_for_media_disconnect_connect(m_socket, ifname)
+ self.assertEqual(m_read_netlink_socket.call_count, 4)
+ def test_read_multiple_netlink_msgs(self, m_read_netlink_socket, m_socket):
+ """Read multiple messages in single receive call"""
+ ifname = "eth0"
+ bytes = ifname.encode("utf-8")
+ data = bytearray(96)
+ struct.pack_into("=LHHLL", data, 0, 48, RTM_NEWLINK, 0, 0, 0)
+ struct.pack_into(
+ "HH4sHHc",
+ data,
+ 8,
+ 3,
+ bytes,
+ 5,
+ 16,
+ int_to_bytes(OPER_DOWN),
+ )
+ struct.pack_into("=LHHLL", data, 48, 48, RTM_NEWLINK, 0, 0, 0)
+ struct.pack_into(
+ "HH4sHHc",
+ data,
+ 8,
+ 3,
+ bytes,
+ 5,
+ 16,
+ int_to_bytes(OPER_UP),
+ )
+ m_read_netlink_socket.return_value = data
+ wait_for_media_disconnect_connect(m_socket, ifname)
+ self.assertEqual(m_read_netlink_socket.call_count, 1)
+ def test_read_partial_netlink_msgs(self, m_read_netlink_socket, m_socket):
+ """Read partial messages in receive call"""
+ ifname = "eth0"
+ bytes = ifname.encode("utf-8")
+ data1 = bytearray(112)
+ data2 = bytearray(32)
+ struct.pack_into("=LHHLL", data1, 0, 48, RTM_NEWLINK, 0, 0, 0)
+ struct.pack_into(
+ "HH4sHHc",
+ data1,
+ 8,
+ 3,
+ bytes,
+ 5,
+ 16,
+ int_to_bytes(OPER_DOWN),
+ )
+ struct.pack_into("=LHHLL", data1, 48, 48, RTM_NEWLINK, 0, 0, 0)
+ struct.pack_into(
+ "HH4sHHc", data1, 80, 8, 3, bytes, 5, 16, int_to_bytes(OPER_DOWN)
+ )
+ struct.pack_into("=LHHLL", data1, 96, 48, RTM_NEWLINK, 0, 0, 0)
+ struct.pack_into(
+ "HH4sHHc", data2, 16, 8, 3, bytes, 5, 16, int_to_bytes(OPER_UP)
+ )
+ m_read_netlink_socket.side_effect = [data1, data2]
+ wait_for_media_disconnect_connect(m_socket, ifname)
+ self.assertEqual(m_read_netlink_socket.call_count, 2)