path: root/tests/unittests/test_datasource/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unittests/test_datasource/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 837 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/ b/tests/unittests/test_datasource/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6f830cc6..00000000
--- a/tests/unittests/test_datasource/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,837 +0,0 @@
-# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-from copy import copy, deepcopy
-import json
-import os
-from cloudinit import helpers
-from import eni
-from import network_state
-from cloudinit import settings
-from cloudinit.sources import DataSourceConfigDrive as ds
-from cloudinit.sources.helpers import openstack
-from cloudinit import util
-from cloudinit.tests.helpers import CiTestCase, ExitStack, mock, populate_dir
-PUBKEY = u'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1....sIkJhq8wdX+4I3A4cYbYP ubuntu@server-460\n'
-EC2_META = {
- 'ami-id': 'ami-00000001',
- 'ami-launch-index': 0,
- 'ami-manifest-path': 'FIXME',
- 'block-device-mapping': {
- 'ami': 'sda1',
- 'ephemeral0': 'sda2',
- 'root': '/dev/sda1',
- 'swap': 'sda3'},
- 'hostname': 'sm-foo-test.novalocal',
- 'instance-action': 'none',
- 'instance-id': 'i-00000001',
- 'instance-type': 'm1.tiny',
- 'local-hostname': 'sm-foo-test.novalocal',
- 'local-ipv4': None,
- 'placement': {'availability-zone': 'nova'},
- 'public-hostname': 'sm-foo-test.novalocal',
- 'public-ipv4': '',
- 'public-keys': {'0': {'openssh-key': PUBKEY}},
- 'reservation-id': 'r-iru5qm4m',
- 'security-groups': ['default']
-USER_DATA = b'#!/bin/sh\necho This is user data\n'
- 'availability_zone': 'nova',
- 'files': [{'content_path': '/content/0000', 'path': '/etc/foo.cfg'},
- {'content_path': '/content/0001', 'path': '/etc/bar/bar.cfg'}],
- 'hostname': 'sm-foo-test.novalocal',
- 'meta': {'dsmode': 'local', 'my-meta': 'my-value'},
- 'name': 'sm-foo-test',
- 'public_keys': {'mykey': PUBKEY},
- 'uuid': 'b0fa911b-69d4-4476-bbe2-1c92bff6535c'}
-CONTENT_0 = b'This is contents of /etc/foo.cfg\n'
-CONTENT_1 = b'# this is /etc/bar/bar.cfg\n'
- 'services': [
- {'type': 'dns', 'address': ''},
- {'type': 'dns', 'address': ''}
- ],
- 'links': [
- {'vif_id': '2ecc7709-b3f7-4448-9580-e1ec32d75bbd',
- 'ethernet_mac_address': 'fa:16:3e:69:b0:58',
- 'type': 'ovs', 'mtu': None, 'id': 'tap2ecc7709-b3'},
- {'vif_id': '2f88d109-5b57-40e6-af32-2472df09dc33',
- 'ethernet_mac_address': 'fa:16:3e:d4:57:ad',
- 'type': 'ovs', 'mtu': None, 'id': 'tap2f88d109-5b'},
- {'vif_id': '1a5382f8-04c5-4d75-ab98-d666c1ef52cc',
- 'ethernet_mac_address': 'fa:16:3e:05:30:fe',
- 'type': 'ovs', 'mtu': None, 'id': 'tap1a5382f8-04', 'name': 'nic0'}
- ],
- 'networks': [
- {'link': 'tap2ecc7709-b3', 'type': 'ipv4_dhcp',
- 'network_id': '6d6357ac-0f70-4afa-8bd7-c274cc4ea235',
- 'id': 'network0'},
- {'link': 'tap2f88d109-5b', 'type': 'ipv4_dhcp',
- 'network_id': 'd227a9b3-6960-4d94-8976-ee5788b44f54',
- 'id': 'network1'},
- {'link': 'tap1a5382f8-04', 'type': 'ipv4_dhcp',
- 'network_id': 'dab2ba57-cae2-4311-a5ed-010b263891f5',
- 'id': 'network2'}
- ]
- "services": [
- {"type": "dns", "address": ""},
- {"type": "dns", "address": ""}],
- "networks": [
- {"network_id": "d94bbe94-7abc-48d4-9c82-4628ea26164a", "type": "ipv4",
- "netmask": "", "link": "eth0",
- "routes": [{"netmask": "", "network": "",
- "gateway": ""}],
- "ip_address": "", "id": "network0-ipv4"},
- {"network_id": "ca447c83-6409-499b-aaef-6ad1ae995348", "type": "ipv4",
- "netmask": "", "link": "eth1",
- "routes": [], "ip_address": "", "id": "network1-ipv4"}],
- "links": [
- {"ethernet_mac_address": "fa:16:3e:dd:50:9a", "mtu": 1500,
- "type": "vif", "id": "eth0", "vif_id": "vif-foo1"},
- {"ethernet_mac_address": "fa:16:3e:a8:14:69", "mtu": 1500,
- "type": "vif", "id": "eth1", "vif_id": "vif-foo2"}]
-# This network data ha 'tap' or null type for a link.
- "services": [{"type": "dns", "address": ""},
- {"type": "dns", "address": ""}],
- "networks": [
- {"network_id": "7c41450c-ba44-401a-9ab1-1604bb2da51e",
- "type": "ipv4", "netmask": "",
- "link": "tap77a0dc5b-72", "ip_address": "",
- "id": "network0",
- "routes": [{"netmask": "", "network": "",
- "gateway": ""}]},
- {"network_id": "7c41450c-ba44-401a-9ab1-1604bb2da51e",
- "type": "ipv6", "netmask": "ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff::",
- "link": "tap77a0dc5b-72",
- "ip_address": "fdb8:52d0:9d14:0:f816:3eff:fe9f:70d",
- "id": "network1",
- "routes": [{"netmask": "::", "network": "::",
- "gateway": "fdb8:52d0:9d14::1"}]},
- {"network_id": "1f53cb0e-72d3-47c7-94b9-ff4397c5fe54",
- "type": "ipv4", "netmask": "",
- "link": "tap7d6b7bec-93", "ip_address": "",
- "id": "network2",
- "routes": [{"netmask": "", "network": "",
- "gateway": ""},
- {"netmask": "", "network": "",
- "gateway": ""}]}],
- "links": [
- {"ethernet_mac_address": "fa:16:3e:dd:50:9a", "mtu": None,
- "type": "tap", "id": "tap77a0dc5b-72",
- "vif_id": "77a0dc5b-720e-41b7-bfa7-1b2ff62e0d48"},
- {"ethernet_mac_address": "fa:16:3e:a8:14:69", "mtu": None,
- "type": None, "id": "tap7d6b7bec-93",
- "vif_id": "7d6b7bec-93e6-4c03-869a-ddc5014892d5"}
- ]
-BOND_MAC = "fa:16:3e:b3:72:36"
- "services": [
- {"type": "dns", "address": ""},
- {"type": "dns", "address": ""},
- ],
- "networks": [
- {"id": "network2-ipv4", "ip_address": "",
- "link": "vlan2", "netmask": "",
- "network_id": "4daf5ce8-38cf-4240-9f1a-04e86d7c6117",
- "type": "ipv4",
- "routes": [{"netmask": "", "network": "",
- "gateway": ""}]},
- {"id": "network3-ipv4", "ip_address": "",
- "link": "vlan3", "netmask": "",
- "network_id": "a9e2f47c-3c43-4782-94d0-e1eeef1c8c9d",
- "type": "ipv4",
- "routes": [{"netmask": "",
- "network": "", "gateway": ""}]}
- ],
- "links": [
- {"ethernet_mac_address": "0c:c4:7a:34:6e:3c",
- "id": "eth0", "mtu": 1500, "type": "phy"},
- {"ethernet_mac_address": "0c:c4:7a:34:6e:3d",
- "id": "eth1", "mtu": 1500, "type": "phy"},
- {"bond_links": ["eth0", "eth1"],
- "bond_miimon": 100, "bond_mode": "4",
- "bond_xmit_hash_policy": "layer3+4",
- "ethernet_mac_address": BOND_MAC,
- "id": "bond0", "type": "bond"},
- {"ethernet_mac_address": "fa:16:3e:b3:72:30",
- "id": "vlan2", "type": "vlan", "vlan_id": 602,
- "vlan_link": "bond0", "vlan_mac_address": "fa:16:3e:b3:72:30"},
- {"ethernet_mac_address": "fa:16:3e:66:ab:a6",
- "id": "vlan3", "type": "vlan", "vlan_id": 612, "vlan_link": "bond0",
- "vlan_mac_address": "fa:16:3e:66:ab:a6"}
- ]
- "services": [{"type": "dns", "address": ""}],
- "networks": [
- {"id": "network1-ipv4", "ip_address": "",
- "link": "vlan1", "netmask": "",
- "network_id": "a9e2f47c-3c43-4782-94d0-e1eeef1c8c9d",
- "type": "ipv4",
- "routes": [{"netmask": "",
- "network": "", "gateway": ""}]}
- ],
- "links": [
- {"ethernet_mac_address": "fa:16:3e:69:b0:58",
- "id": "eth0", "mtu": 1500, "type": "phy"},
- {"ethernet_mac_address": "fa:16:3e:b3:72:30",
- "id": "vlan1", "type": "vlan", "vlan_id": 602,
- "vlan_link": "eth0", "vlan_mac_address": "fa:16:3e:b3:72:30"},
- ]
- 'fa:16:3e:69:b0:58': 'enp0s1',
- 'fa:16:3e:d4:57:ad': 'enp0s2',
- 'fa:16:3e:dd:50:9a': 'foo1',
- 'fa:16:3e:a8:14:69': 'foo2',
- 'fa:16:3e:ed:9a:59': 'foo3',
- '0c:c4:7a:34:6e:3d': 'oeth1',
- '0c:c4:7a:34:6e:3c': 'oeth0',
- 'ec2/2009-04-04/meta-data.json': json.dumps(EC2_META),
- 'ec2/2009-04-04/user-data': USER_DATA,
- 'ec2/latest/meta-data.json': json.dumps(EC2_META),
- 'ec2/latest/user-data': USER_DATA,
- 'openstack/2012-08-10/meta_data.json': json.dumps(OSTACK_META),
- 'openstack/2012-08-10/user_data': USER_DATA,
- 'openstack/content/0000': CONTENT_0,
- 'openstack/content/0001': CONTENT_1,
- 'openstack/latest/meta_data.json': json.dumps(OSTACK_META),
- 'openstack/latest/user_data': USER_DATA,
- 'openstack/latest/network_data.json': json.dumps(NETWORK_DATA),
- 'openstack/2015-10-15/meta_data.json': json.dumps(OSTACK_META),
- 'openstack/2015-10-15/user_data': USER_DATA,
- 'openstack/2015-10-15/network_data.json': json.dumps(NETWORK_DATA)}
-M_PATH = "cloudinit.sources.DataSourceConfigDrive."
-class TestConfigDriveDataSource(CiTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestConfigDriveDataSource, self).setUp()
- self.add_patch(
- M_PATH + "util.find_devs_with",
- "m_find_devs_with", return_value=[])
- self.tmp = self.tmp_dir()
- def test_ec2_metadata(self):
- populate_dir(self.tmp, CFG_DRIVE_FILES_V2)
- found = ds.read_config_drive(self.tmp)
- self.assertTrue('ec2-metadata' in found)
- ec2_md = found['ec2-metadata']
- self.assertEqual(EC2_META, ec2_md)
- def test_dev_os_remap(self):
- populate_dir(self.tmp, CFG_DRIVE_FILES_V2)
- cfg_ds = ds.DataSourceConfigDrive(settings.CFG_BUILTIN,
- None,
- helpers.Paths({}))
- found = ds.read_config_drive(self.tmp)
- cfg_ds.metadata = found['metadata']
- name_tests = {
- 'ami': '/dev/vda1',
- 'root': '/dev/vda1',
- 'ephemeral0': '/dev/vda2',
- 'swap': '/dev/vda3',
- }
- for name, dev_name in name_tests.items():
- with ExitStack() as mocks:
- provided_name = dev_name[len('/dev/'):]
- provided_name = "s" + provided_name[1:]
- find_mock = mocks.enter_context(
- mock.patch.object(util, 'find_devs_with',
- return_value=[provided_name]))
- # We want os.path.exists() to return False on its first call,
- # and True on its second call. We use a handy generator as
- # the mock side effect for this. The mocked function returns
- # what the side effect returns.
- def exists_side_effect():
- yield False
- yield True
- exists_mock = mocks.enter_context(
- mock.patch.object(os.path, 'exists',
- side_effect=exists_side_effect()))
- self.assertEqual(dev_name, cfg_ds.device_name_to_device(name))
- find_mock.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY)
- self.assertEqual(exists_mock.call_count, 2)
- def test_dev_os_map(self):
- populate_dir(self.tmp, CFG_DRIVE_FILES_V2)
- cfg_ds = ds.DataSourceConfigDrive(settings.CFG_BUILTIN,
- None,
- helpers.Paths({}))
- found = ds.read_config_drive(self.tmp)
- os_md = found['metadata']
- cfg_ds.metadata = os_md
- name_tests = {
- 'ami': '/dev/vda1',
- 'root': '/dev/vda1',
- 'ephemeral0': '/dev/vda2',
- 'swap': '/dev/vda3',
- }
- for name, dev_name in name_tests.items():
- with ExitStack() as mocks:
- find_mock = mocks.enter_context(
- mock.patch.object(util, 'find_devs_with',
- return_value=[dev_name]))
- exists_mock = mocks.enter_context(
- mock.patch.object(os.path, 'exists',
- return_value=True))
- self.assertEqual(dev_name, cfg_ds.device_name_to_device(name))
- find_mock.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY)
- exists_mock.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY)
- def test_dev_ec2_remap(self):
- populate_dir(self.tmp, CFG_DRIVE_FILES_V2)
- cfg_ds = ds.DataSourceConfigDrive(settings.CFG_BUILTIN,
- None,
- helpers.Paths({}))
- found = ds.read_config_drive(self.tmp)
- ec2_md = found['ec2-metadata']
- os_md = found['metadata']
- cfg_ds.ec2_metadata = ec2_md
- cfg_ds.metadata = os_md
- name_tests = {
- 'ami': '/dev/vda1',
- 'root': '/dev/vda1',
- 'ephemeral0': '/dev/vda2',
- 'swap': '/dev/vda3',
- None: None,
- 'bob': None,
- 'root2k': None,
- }
- for name, dev_name in name_tests.items():
- # We want os.path.exists() to return False on its first call,
- # and True on its second call. We use a handy generator as
- # the mock side effect for this. The mocked function returns
- # what the side effect returns.
- def exists_side_effect():
- yield False
- yield True
- with mock.patch.object(os.path, 'exists',
- side_effect=exists_side_effect()):
- self.assertEqual(dev_name, cfg_ds.device_name_to_device(name))
- # We don't assert the call count for os.path.exists() because
- # not all of the entries in name_tests results in two calls to
- # that function. Specifically, 'root2k' doesn't seem to call
- # it at all.
- def test_dev_ec2_map(self):
- populate_dir(self.tmp, CFG_DRIVE_FILES_V2)
- cfg_ds = ds.DataSourceConfigDrive(settings.CFG_BUILTIN,
- None,
- helpers.Paths({}))
- found = ds.read_config_drive(self.tmp)
- ec2_md = found['ec2-metadata']
- os_md = found['metadata']
- cfg_ds.ec2_metadata = ec2_md
- cfg_ds.metadata = os_md
- name_tests = {
- 'ami': '/dev/sda1',
- 'root': '/dev/sda1',
- 'ephemeral0': '/dev/sda2',
- 'swap': '/dev/sda3',
- None: None,
- 'bob': None,
- 'root2k': None,
- }
- for name, dev_name in name_tests.items():
- with mock.patch.object(os.path, 'exists', return_value=True):
- self.assertEqual(dev_name, cfg_ds.device_name_to_device(name))
- def test_dir_valid(self):
- """Verify a dir is read as such."""
- populate_dir(self.tmp, CFG_DRIVE_FILES_V2)
- found = ds.read_config_drive(self.tmp)
- expected_md = copy(OSTACK_META)
- expected_md['instance-id'] = expected_md['uuid']
- expected_md['local-hostname'] = expected_md['hostname']
- self.assertEqual(USER_DATA, found['userdata'])
- self.assertEqual(expected_md, found['metadata'])
- self.assertEqual(NETWORK_DATA, found['networkdata'])
- self.assertEqual(found['files']['/etc/foo.cfg'], CONTENT_0)
- self.assertEqual(found['files']['/etc/bar/bar.cfg'], CONTENT_1)
- def test_seed_dir_valid_extra(self):
- """Verify extra files do not affect datasource validity."""
- data = copy(CFG_DRIVE_FILES_V2)
- data["myfoofile.txt"] = "myfoocontent"
- data["openstack/latest/random-file.txt"] = "random-content"
- populate_dir(self.tmp, data)
- found = ds.read_config_drive(self.tmp)
- expected_md = copy(OSTACK_META)
- expected_md['instance-id'] = expected_md['uuid']
- expected_md['local-hostname'] = expected_md['hostname']
- self.assertEqual(expected_md, found['metadata'])
- def test_seed_dir_bad_json_metadata(self):
- """Verify that bad json in metadata raises BrokenConfigDriveDir."""
- data = copy(CFG_DRIVE_FILES_V2)
- data["openstack/2012-08-10/meta_data.json"] = "non-json garbage {}"
- data["openstack/2015-10-15/meta_data.json"] = "non-json garbage {}"
- data["openstack/latest/meta_data.json"] = "non-json garbage {}"
- populate_dir(self.tmp, data)
- self.assertRaises(openstack.BrokenMetadata,
- ds.read_config_drive, self.tmp)
- def test_seed_dir_no_configdrive(self):
- """Verify that no metadata raises NonConfigDriveDir."""
- my_d = os.path.join(self.tmp, "non-configdrive")
- data = copy(CFG_DRIVE_FILES_V2)
- data["myfoofile.txt"] = "myfoocontent"
- data["openstack/latest/random-file.txt"] = "random-content"
- data["content/foo"] = "foocontent"
- self.assertRaises(openstack.NonReadable,
- ds.read_config_drive, my_d)
- def test_seed_dir_missing(self):
- """Verify that missing seed_dir raises NonConfigDriveDir."""
- my_d = os.path.join(self.tmp, "nonexistantdirectory")
- self.assertRaises(openstack.NonReadable,
- ds.read_config_drive, my_d)
- def test_find_candidates(self):
- devs_with_answers = {}
- def my_devs_with(*args, **kwargs):
- criteria = args[0] if len(args) else kwargs.pop('criteria', None)
- return devs_with_answers.get(criteria, [])
- def my_is_partition(dev):
- return dev[-1] in "0123456789" and not dev.startswith("sr")
- try:
- orig_find_devs_with = util.find_devs_with
- util.find_devs_with = my_devs_with
- orig_is_partition = util.is_partition
- util.is_partition = my_is_partition
- devs_with_answers = {"TYPE=vfat": [],
- "TYPE=iso9660": ["/dev/vdb"],
- "LABEL=config-2": ["/dev/vdb"]}
- self.assertEqual(["/dev/vdb"], ds.find_candidate_devs())
- # add a vfat item
- # zdd reverse sorts after vdb, but config-2 label is preferred
- devs_with_answers['TYPE=vfat'] = ["/dev/zdd"]
- self.assertEqual(["/dev/vdb", "/dev/zdd"],
- ds.find_candidate_devs())
- # verify that partitions are considered, that have correct label.
- devs_with_answers = {"TYPE=vfat": ["/dev/sda1"],
- "TYPE=iso9660": [],
- "LABEL=config-2": ["/dev/vdb3"]}
- self.assertEqual(["/dev/vdb3"],
- ds.find_candidate_devs())
- # Verify that uppercase labels are also found.
- devs_with_answers = {"TYPE=vfat": [],
- "TYPE=iso9660": ["/dev/vdb"],
- "LABEL=CONFIG-2": ["/dev/vdb"]}
- self.assertEqual(["/dev/vdb"], ds.find_candidate_devs())
- finally:
- util.find_devs_with = orig_find_devs_with
- util.is_partition = orig_is_partition
- @mock.patch(M_PATH + 'on_first_boot')
- def test_pubkeys_v2(self, on_first_boot):
- """Verify that public-keys work in config-drive-v2."""
- myds = cfg_ds_from_dir(self.tmp, files=CFG_DRIVE_FILES_V2)
- self.assertEqual(myds.get_public_ssh_keys(),
- [OSTACK_META['public_keys']['mykey']])
- self.assertEqual('configdrive', myds.cloud_name)
- self.assertEqual('openstack', myds.platform)
- self.assertEqual('seed-dir (%s/seed)' % self.tmp, myds.subplatform)
- def test_subplatform_config_drive_when_starts_with_dev(self):
- """subplatform reports config-drive when source starts with /dev/."""
- cfg_ds = ds.DataSourceConfigDrive(settings.CFG_BUILTIN,
- None,
- helpers.Paths({}))
- with mock.patch(M_PATH + 'find_candidate_devs') as m_find_devs:
- with mock.patch(M_PATH + 'util.is_FreeBSD', return_value=False):
- with mock.patch(M_PATH + 'util.mount_cb'):
- with mock.patch(M_PATH + 'on_first_boot'):
- m_find_devs.return_value = ['/dev/anything']
- self.assertEqual(True, cfg_ds.get_data())
- self.assertEqual('config-disk (/dev/anything)', cfg_ds.subplatform)
-class TestNetJson(CiTestCase):
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestNetJson, self).setUp()
- self.tmp = self.tmp_dir()
- self.maxDiff = None
- @mock.patch(M_PATH + 'on_first_boot')
- def test_network_data_is_found(self, on_first_boot):
- """Verify that network_data is present in ds in config-drive-v2."""
- myds = cfg_ds_from_dir(self.tmp, files=CFG_DRIVE_FILES_V2)
- self.assertIsNotNone(myds.network_json)
- @mock.patch(M_PATH + 'on_first_boot')
- def test_network_config_is_converted(self, on_first_boot):
- """Verify that network_data is converted and present on ds object."""
- myds = cfg_ds_from_dir(self.tmp, files=CFG_DRIVE_FILES_V2)
- network_config = openstack.convert_net_json(NETWORK_DATA,
- known_macs=KNOWN_MACS)
- self.assertEqual(myds.network_config, network_config)
- def test_network_config_conversion_dhcp6(self):
- """Test some ipv6 input network json and check the expected
- conversions."""
- in_data = {
- 'links': [
- {'vif_id': '2ecc7709-b3f7-4448-9580-e1ec32d75bbd',
- 'ethernet_mac_address': 'fa:16:3e:69:b0:58',
- 'type': 'ovs', 'mtu': None, 'id': 'tap2ecc7709-b3'},
- {'vif_id': '2f88d109-5b57-40e6-af32-2472df09dc33',
- 'ethernet_mac_address': 'fa:16:3e:d4:57:ad',
- 'type': 'ovs', 'mtu': None, 'id': 'tap2f88d109-5b'},
- ],
- 'networks': [
- {'link': 'tap2ecc7709-b3', 'type': 'ipv6_dhcpv6-stateless',
- 'network_id': '6d6357ac-0f70-4afa-8bd7-c274cc4ea235',
- 'id': 'network0'},
- {'link': 'tap2f88d109-5b', 'type': 'ipv6_dhcpv6-stateful',
- 'network_id': 'd227a9b3-6960-4d94-8976-ee5788b44f54',
- 'id': 'network1'},
- ]
- }
- out_data = {
- 'version': 1,
- 'config': [
- {'mac_address': 'fa:16:3e:69:b0:58',
- 'mtu': None,
- 'name': 'enp0s1',
- 'subnets': [{'type': 'ipv6_dhcpv6-stateless'}],
- 'type': 'physical'},
- {'mac_address': 'fa:16:3e:d4:57:ad',
- 'mtu': None,
- 'name': 'enp0s2',
- 'subnets': [{'type': 'ipv6_dhcpv6-stateful'}],
- 'type': 'physical',
- 'accept-ra': True}
- ],
- }
- conv_data = openstack.convert_net_json(in_data, known_macs=KNOWN_MACS)
- self.assertEqual(out_data, conv_data)
- def test_network_config_conversions(self):
- """Tests a bunch of input network json and checks the
- expected conversions."""
- in_datas = [
- {
- 'services': [{'type': 'dns', 'address': ''}],
- 'networks': [{
- 'network_id': 'dacd568d-5be6-4786-91fe-750c374b78b4',
- 'type': 'ipv4',
- 'netmask': '',
- 'link': 'tap1a81968a-79',
- 'routes': [{
- 'netmask': '',
- 'network': '',
- 'gateway': '',
- }],
- 'ip_address': '',
- 'id': 'network0',
- }],
- 'links': [{
- 'type': 'bridge',
- 'vif_id': '1a81968a-797a-400f-8a80-567f997eb93f',
- 'ethernet_mac_address': 'fa:16:3e:ed:9a:59',
- 'id': 'tap1a81968a-79',
- 'mtu': None,
- }],
- },
- ]
- out_datas = [
- {
- 'version': 1,
- 'config': [
- {
- 'subnets': [{'type': 'dhcp4'}],
- 'type': 'physical',
- 'mac_address': 'fa:16:3e:69:b0:58',
- 'name': 'enp0s1',
- 'mtu': None,
- },
- {
- 'subnets': [{'type': 'dhcp4'}],
- 'type': 'physical',
- 'mac_address': 'fa:16:3e:d4:57:ad',
- 'name': 'enp0s2',
- 'mtu': None,
- },
- {
- 'subnets': [{'type': 'dhcp4'}],
- 'type': 'physical',
- 'mac_address': 'fa:16:3e:05:30:fe',
- 'name': 'nic0',
- 'mtu': None,
- },
- {
- 'type': 'nameserver',
- 'address': '',
- },
- {
- 'type': 'nameserver',
- 'address': '',
- }
- ],
- },
- {
- 'version': 1,
- 'config': [
- {
- 'name': 'foo3',
- 'mac_address': 'fa:16:3e:ed:9a:59',
- 'mtu': None,
- 'type': 'physical',
- 'subnets': [
- {
- 'address': '',
- 'netmask': '',
- 'type': 'static',
- 'ipv4': True,
- 'routes': [{
- 'gateway': '',
- 'netmask': '',
- 'network': '',
- }],
- }
- ]
- },
- {
- 'type': 'nameserver',
- 'address': '',
- }
- ],
- },
- ]
- for in_data, out_data in zip(in_datas, out_datas):
- conv_data = openstack.convert_net_json(in_data,
- known_macs=KNOWN_MACS)
- self.assertEqual(out_data, conv_data)
-class TestConvertNetworkData(CiTestCase):
- with_logs = True
- def setUp(self):
- super(TestConvertNetworkData, self).setUp()
- self.tmp = self.tmp_dir()
- def _getnames_in_config(self, ncfg):
- return set([n['name'] for n in ncfg['config']
- if n['type'] == 'physical'])
- def test_conversion_fills_names(self):
- ncfg = openstack.convert_net_json(NETWORK_DATA, known_macs=KNOWN_MACS)
- expected = set(['nic0', 'enp0s1', 'enp0s2'])
- found = self._getnames_in_config(ncfg)
- self.assertEqual(found, expected)
- @mock.patch('')
- def test_convert_reads_system_prefers_name(self, get_interfaces_by_mac):
- macs = KNOWN_MACS.copy()
- macs.update({'fa:16:3e:05:30:fe': 'foonic1',
- 'fa:16:3e:69:b0:58': 'ens1'})
- get_interfaces_by_mac.return_value = macs
- ncfg = openstack.convert_net_json(NETWORK_DATA)
- expected = set(['nic0', 'ens1', 'enp0s2'])
- found = self._getnames_in_config(ncfg)
- self.assertEqual(found, expected)
- def test_convert_raises_value_error_on_missing_name(self):
- macs = {'aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:00': 'ens1'}
- self.assertRaises(ValueError, openstack.convert_net_json,
- NETWORK_DATA, known_macs=macs)
- def test_conversion_with_route(self):
- ncfg = openstack.convert_net_json(NETWORK_DATA_2,
- known_macs=KNOWN_MACS)
- # not the best test, but see that we get a route in the
- # network config and that it gets rendered to an ENI file
- routes = []
- for n in ncfg['config']:
- for s in n.get('subnets', []):
- routes.extend(s.get('routes', []))
- self.assertIn(
- {'network': '', 'netmask': '', 'gateway': ''},
- routes)
- eni_renderer = eni.Renderer()
- eni_renderer.render_network_state(
- network_state.parse_net_config_data(ncfg), target=self.tmp)
- with open(os.path.join(self.tmp, "etc",
- "network", "interfaces"), 'r') as f:
- eni_rendering =
- self.assertIn("route add default gw", eni_rendering)
- def test_conversion_with_tap(self):
- ncfg = openstack.convert_net_json(NETWORK_DATA_3,
- known_macs=KNOWN_MACS)
- physicals = set()
- for i in ncfg['config']:
- if i.get('type') == "physical":
- physicals.add(i['name'])
- self.assertEqual(physicals, set(('foo1', 'foo2')))
- def test_bond_conversion(self):
- # light testing of bond conversion and eni rendering of bond
- ncfg = openstack.convert_net_json(NETWORK_DATA_BOND,
- known_macs=KNOWN_MACS)
- eni_renderer = eni.Renderer()
- eni_renderer.render_network_state(
- network_state.parse_net_config_data(ncfg), target=self.tmp)
- with open(os.path.join(self.tmp, "etc",
- "network", "interfaces"), 'r') as f:
- eni_rendering =
- # Verify there are expected interfaces in the net config.
- interfaces = sorted(
- [i['name'] for i in ncfg['config']
- if i['type'] in ('vlan', 'bond', 'physical')])
- self.assertEqual(
- sorted(["oeth0", "oeth1", "bond0", "bond0.602", "bond0.612"]),
- interfaces)
- words = eni_rendering.split()
- # 'eth0' and 'eth1' are the ids. because their mac adresses
- # map to other names, we should not see them in the ENI
- self.assertNotIn('eth0', words)
- self.assertNotIn('eth1', words)
- # oeth0 and oeth1 are the interface names for eni.
- # bond0 will be generated for the bond. Each should be auto.
- self.assertIn("auto oeth0", eni_rendering)
- self.assertIn("auto oeth1", eni_rendering)
- self.assertIn("auto bond0", eni_rendering)
- # The bond should have the given mac address
- pos = eni_rendering.find("auto bond0")
- self.assertIn(BOND_MAC, eni_rendering[pos:])
- def test_vlan(self):
- # light testing of vlan config conversion and eni rendering
- ncfg = openstack.convert_net_json(NETWORK_DATA_VLAN,
- known_macs=KNOWN_MACS)
- eni_renderer = eni.Renderer()
- eni_renderer.render_network_state(
- network_state.parse_net_config_data(ncfg), target=self.tmp)
- with open(os.path.join(self.tmp, "etc",
- "network", "interfaces"), 'r') as f:
- eni_rendering =
- self.assertIn("iface enp0s1", eni_rendering)
- self.assertIn("address", eni_rendering)
- self.assertIn("auto enp0s1.602", eni_rendering)
- def test_mac_addrs_can_be_upper_case(self):
- # input mac addresses on rackspace may be upper case
- my_netdata = deepcopy(NETWORK_DATA)
- for link in my_netdata['links']:
- link['ethernet_mac_address'] = link['ethernet_mac_address'].upper()
- ncfg = openstack.convert_net_json(my_netdata, known_macs=KNOWN_MACS)
- config_name2mac = {}
- for n in ncfg['config']:
- if n['type'] == 'physical':
- config_name2mac[n['name']] = n['mac_address']
- expected = {'nic0': 'fa:16:3e:05:30:fe', 'enp0s1': 'fa:16:3e:69:b0:58',
- 'enp0s2': 'fa:16:3e:d4:57:ad'}
- self.assertEqual(expected, config_name2mac)
- def test_unknown_device_types_accepted(self):
- # If we don't recognise a link, we should treat it as physical for a
- # best-effort boot
- my_netdata = deepcopy(NETWORK_DATA)
- my_netdata['links'][0]['type'] = 'my-special-link-type'
- ncfg = openstack.convert_net_json(my_netdata, known_macs=KNOWN_MACS)
- config_name2mac = {}
- for n in ncfg['config']:
- if n['type'] == 'physical':
- config_name2mac[n['name']] = n['mac_address']
- expected = {'nic0': 'fa:16:3e:05:30:fe', 'enp0s1': 'fa:16:3e:69:b0:58',
- 'enp0s2': 'fa:16:3e:d4:57:ad'}
- self.assertEqual(expected, config_name2mac)
- # We should, however, warn the user that we don't recognise the type
- self.assertIn('Unknown network_data link type (my-special-link-type)',
- self.logs.getvalue())
-def cfg_ds_from_dir(base_d, files=None):
- run = os.path.join(base_d, "run")
- os.mkdir(run)
- cfg_ds = ds.DataSourceConfigDrive(
- settings.CFG_BUILTIN, None, helpers.Paths({'run_dir': run}))
- cfg_ds.seed_dir = os.path.join(base_d, "seed")
- if files:
- populate_dir(cfg_ds.seed_dir, files)
- cfg_ds.known_macs = KNOWN_MACS.copy()
- if not cfg_ds.get_data():
- raise RuntimeError("Data source did not extract itself from"
- " seed directory %s" % cfg_ds.seed_dir)
- return cfg_ds
-def populate_ds_from_read_config(cfg_ds, source, results):
- """Patch the DataSourceConfigDrive from the results of
- read_config_drive_dir hopefully in line with what it would have
- if cfg_ds.get_data had been successfully called"""
- cfg_ds.source = source
- cfg_ds.metadata = results.get('metadata')
- cfg_ds.ec2_metadata = results.get('ec2-metadata')
- cfg_ds.userdata_raw = results.get('userdata')
- cfg_ds.version = results.get('version')
- cfg_ds.network_json = results.get('networkdata')
- cfg_ds._network_config = openstack.convert_net_json(
- cfg_ds.network_json, known_macs=KNOWN_MACS)
-# vi: ts=4 expandtab