path: root/tests/unittests/
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unittests/')
1 files changed, 353 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unittests/ b/tests/unittests/
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+# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
+"""Tests for cloudinit.subp utility functions"""
+import json
+import os
+import stat
+import sys
+from unittest import mock
+from cloudinit import subp, util
+from tests.unittests.helpers import CiTestCase, get_top_level_dir
+BASH = subp.which("bash")
+BOGUS_COMMAND = "this-is-not-expected-to-be-a-program-name"
+class TestPrependBaseCommands(CiTestCase):
+ with_logs = True
+ def test_prepend_base_command_errors_on_neither_string_nor_list(self):
+ """Raise an error for each command which is not a string or list."""
+ orig_commands = ["ls", 1, {"not": "gonna work"}, ["basecmd", "list"]]
+ with self.assertRaises(TypeError) as context_manager:
+ subp.prepend_base_command(
+ base_command="basecmd", commands=orig_commands
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "Invalid basecmd config. These commands are not a string or"
+ " list:\n1\n{'not': 'gonna work'}",
+ str(context_manager.exception),
+ )
+ def test_prepend_base_command_warns_on_non_base_string_commands(self):
+ """Warn on each non-base for commands of type string."""
+ orig_commands = [
+ "ls",
+ "basecmd list",
+ "touch /blah",
+ "basecmd install x",
+ ]
+ fixed_commands = subp.prepend_base_command(
+ base_command="basecmd", commands=orig_commands
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "WARNING: Non-basecmd commands in basecmd config:\n"
+ "ls\ntouch /blah\n",
+ self.logs.getvalue(),
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(orig_commands, fixed_commands)
+ def test_prepend_base_command_prepends_on_non_base_list_commands(self):
+ """Prepend 'basecmd' for each non-basecmd command of type list."""
+ orig_commands = [
+ ["ls"],
+ ["basecmd", "list"],
+ ["basecmda", "/blah"],
+ ["basecmd", "install", "x"],
+ ]
+ expected = [
+ ["basecmd", "ls"],
+ ["basecmd", "list"],
+ ["basecmd", "basecmda", "/blah"],
+ ["basecmd", "install", "x"],
+ ]
+ fixed_commands = subp.prepend_base_command(
+ base_command="basecmd", commands=orig_commands
+ )
+ self.assertEqual("", self.logs.getvalue())
+ self.assertEqual(expected, fixed_commands)
+ def test_prepend_base_command_removes_first_item_when_none(self):
+ """Remove the first element of a non-basecmd when it is None."""
+ orig_commands = [
+ [None, "ls"],
+ ["basecmd", "list"],
+ [None, "touch", "/blah"],
+ ["basecmd", "install", "x"],
+ ]
+ expected = [
+ ["ls"],
+ ["basecmd", "list"],
+ ["touch", "/blah"],
+ ["basecmd", "install", "x"],
+ ]
+ fixed_commands = subp.prepend_base_command(
+ base_command="basecmd", commands=orig_commands
+ )
+ self.assertEqual("", self.logs.getvalue())
+ self.assertEqual(expected, fixed_commands)
+class TestSubp(CiTestCase):
+ allowed_subp = [
+ "cat",
+ sys.executable,
+ ]
+ stdin2err = [BASH, "-c", "cat >&2"]
+ stdin2out = ["cat"]
+ utf8_invalid = b"ab\xaadef"
+ utf8_valid = b"start \xc3\xa9 end"
+ utf8_valid_2 = b"d\xc3\xa9j\xc8\xa7"
+ printenv = [BASH, "-c", 'for n in "$@"; do echo "$n=${!n}"; done', "--"]
+ def printf_cmd(self, *args):
+ # bash's printf supports \xaa. So does /usr/bin/printf
+ # but by using bash, we remove dependency on another program.
+ return [BASH, "-c", 'printf "$@"', "printf"] + list(args)
+ def test_subp_handles_bytestrings(self):
+ """subp can run a bytestring command if shell is True."""
+ tmp_file = self.tmp_path("test.out")
+ cmd = "echo HI MOM >> {tmp_file}".format(tmp_file=tmp_file)
+ (out, _err) = subp.subp(cmd.encode("utf-8"), shell=True)
+ self.assertEqual("", out)
+ self.assertEqual("", _err)
+ self.assertEqual("HI MOM\n", util.load_file(tmp_file))
+ def test_subp_handles_strings(self):
+ """subp can run a string command if shell is True."""
+ tmp_file = self.tmp_path("test.out")
+ cmd = "echo HI MOM >> {tmp_file}".format(tmp_file=tmp_file)
+ (out, _err) = subp.subp(cmd, shell=True)
+ self.assertEqual("", out)
+ self.assertEqual("", _err)
+ self.assertEqual("HI MOM\n", util.load_file(tmp_file))
+ def test_subp_handles_utf8(self):
+ # The given bytes contain utf-8 accented characters as seen in e.g.
+ # the "deja dup" package in Ubuntu.
+ cmd = self.printf_cmd(self.utf8_valid_2)
+ (out, _err) = subp.subp(cmd, capture=True)
+ self.assertEqual(out, self.utf8_valid_2.decode("utf-8"))
+ def test_subp_respects_decode_false(self):
+ (out, err) = subp.subp(
+ self.stdin2out, capture=True, decode=False, data=self.utf8_valid
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(out, bytes))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(err, bytes))
+ self.assertEqual(out, self.utf8_valid)
+ def test_subp_decode_ignore(self):
+ # this executes a string that writes invalid utf-8 to stdout
+ (out, _err) = subp.subp(
+ self.printf_cmd("abc\\xaadef"), capture=True, decode="ignore"
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(out, "abcdef")
+ def test_subp_decode_strict_valid_utf8(self):
+ (out, _err) = subp.subp(
+ self.stdin2out, capture=True, decode="strict", data=self.utf8_valid
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(out, self.utf8_valid.decode("utf-8"))
+ def test_subp_decode_invalid_utf8_replaces(self):
+ (out, _err) = subp.subp(
+ self.stdin2out, capture=True, data=self.utf8_invalid
+ )
+ expected = self.utf8_invalid.decode("utf-8", "replace")
+ self.assertEqual(out, expected)
+ def test_subp_decode_strict_raises(self):
+ args = []
+ kwargs = {
+ "args": self.stdin2out,
+ "capture": True,
+ "decode": "strict",
+ "data": self.utf8_invalid,
+ }
+ self.assertRaises(UnicodeDecodeError, subp.subp, *args, **kwargs)
+ def test_subp_capture_stderr(self):
+ data = b"hello world"
+ (out, err) = subp.subp(
+ self.stdin2err,
+ capture=True,
+ decode=False,
+ data=data,
+ update_env={"LC_ALL": "C"},
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(err, data)
+ self.assertEqual(out, b"")
+ def test_subp_reads_env(self):
+ with mock.patch.dict("os.environ", values={"FOO": "BAR"}):
+ out, _err = subp.subp(self.printenv + ["FOO"], capture=True)
+ self.assertEqual("FOO=BAR", out.splitlines()[0])
+ def test_subp_env_and_update_env(self):
+ out, _err = subp.subp(
+ self.printenv + ["FOO", "HOME", "K1", "K2"],
+ capture=True,
+ env={"FOO": "BAR"},
+ update_env={"HOME": "/myhome", "K2": "V2"},
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ ["FOO=BAR", "HOME=/myhome", "K1=", "K2=V2"], out.splitlines()
+ )
+ def test_subp_update_env(self):
+ extra = {"FOO": "BAR", "HOME": "/root", "K1": "V1"}
+ with mock.patch.dict("os.environ", values=extra):
+ out, _err = subp.subp(
+ self.printenv + ["FOO", "HOME", "K1", "K2"],
+ capture=True,
+ update_env={"HOME": "/myhome", "K2": "V2"},
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ ["FOO=BAR", "HOME=/myhome", "K1=V1", "K2=V2"], out.splitlines()
+ )
+ def test_subp_warn_missing_shebang(self):
+ """Warn on no #! in script"""
+ noshebang = self.tmp_path("noshebang")
+ util.write_file(noshebang, "true\n")
+ print("os is %s" % os)
+ os.chmod(noshebang, os.stat(noshebang).st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
+ with self.allow_subp([noshebang]):
+ self.assertRaisesRegex(
+ subp.ProcessExecutionError,
+ r"Missing #! in script\?",
+ subp.subp,
+ (noshebang,),
+ )
+ def test_subp_combined_stderr_stdout(self):
+ """Providing combine_capture as True redirects stderr to stdout."""
+ data = b"hello world"
+ (out, err) = subp.subp(
+ self.stdin2err,
+ capture=True,
+ combine_capture=True,
+ decode=False,
+ data=data,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(b"", err)
+ self.assertEqual(data, out)
+ def test_returns_none_if_no_capture(self):
+ (out, err) = subp.subp(self.stdin2out, data=b"", capture=False)
+ self.assertIsNone(err)
+ self.assertIsNone(out)
+ def test_exception_has_out_err_are_bytes_if_decode_false(self):
+ """Raised exc should have stderr, stdout as bytes if no decode."""
+ with self.assertRaises(subp.ProcessExecutionError) as cm:
+ subp.subp([BOGUS_COMMAND], decode=False)
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(cm.exception.stdout, bytes))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(cm.exception.stderr, bytes))
+ def test_exception_has_out_err_are_bytes_if_decode_true(self):
+ """Raised exc should have stderr, stdout as string if no decode."""
+ with self.assertRaises(subp.ProcessExecutionError) as cm:
+ subp.subp([BOGUS_COMMAND], decode=True)
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(cm.exception.stdout, str))
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(cm.exception.stderr, str))
+ def test_bunch_of_slashes_in_path(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "/target/my/path/", subp.target_path("/target/", "//my/path/")
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ "/target/my/path/", subp.target_path("/target/", "///my/path/")
+ )
+ def test_c_lang_can_take_utf8_args(self):
+ """Independent of system LC_CTYPE, args can contain utf-8 strings.
+ When python starts up, its default encoding gets set based on
+ the value of LC_CTYPE. If no system locale is set, the default
+ encoding for both python2 and python3 in some paths will end up
+ being ascii.
+ Attempts to use setlocale or patching (or changing) os.environ
+ in the current environment seem to not be effective.
+ This test starts up a python with LC_CTYPE set to C so that
+ the default encoding will be set to ascii. In such an environment
+ Popen(['command', 'non-ascii-arg']) would cause a UnicodeDecodeError.
+ """
+ python_prog = "\n".join(
+ [
+ "import json, sys",
+ 'sys.path.insert(0, "{}")'.format(get_top_level_dir()),
+ "from cloudinit.subp import subp",
+ "data =",
+ "cmd = json.loads(data)",
+ "subp(cmd, capture=False)",
+ "",
+ ]
+ )
+ cmd = [
+ "-c",
+ 'echo -n "$@"',
+ "--",
+ self.utf8_valid.decode("utf-8"),
+ ]
+ python_subp = [sys.executable, "-c", python_prog]
+ out, _err = subp.subp(
+ python_subp,
+ update_env={"LC_CTYPE": "C"},
+ data=json.dumps(cmd).encode("utf-8"),
+ decode=False,
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(self.utf8_valid, out)
+ def test_bogus_command_logs_status_messages(self):
+ """status_cb gets status messages logs on bogus commands provided."""
+ logs = []
+ def status_cb(log):
+ logs.append(log)
+ with self.assertRaises(subp.ProcessExecutionError):
+ subp.subp([BOGUS_COMMAND], status_cb=status_cb)
+ expected = [
+ "Begin run command: {cmd}\n".format(cmd=BOGUS_COMMAND),
+ "ERROR: End run command: invalid command provided\n",
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(expected, logs)
+ def test_command_logs_exit_codes_to_status_cb(self):
+ """status_cb gets status messages containing command exit code."""
+ logs = []
+ def status_cb(log):
+ logs.append(log)
+ with self.assertRaises(subp.ProcessExecutionError):
+ subp.subp([BASH, "-c", "exit 2"], status_cb=status_cb)
+ subp.subp([BASH, "-c", "exit 0"], status_cb=status_cb)
+ expected = [
+ "Begin run command: %s -c exit 2\n" % BASH,
+ "ERROR: End run command: exit(2)\n",
+ "Begin run command: %s -c exit 0\n" % BASH,
+ "End run command: exit(0)\n",
+ ]
+ self.assertEqual(expected, logs)
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