path: root/tests/unittests/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/unittests/')
1 files changed, 1522 insertions, 138 deletions
diff --git a/tests/unittests/ b/tests/unittests/
index bc30c90b..1290cbc6 100644
--- a/tests/unittests/
+++ b/tests/unittests/
@@ -1,23 +1,1311 @@
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.
-import io
+"""Tests for cloudinit.util"""
+import base64
import logging
+import json
+import platform
+import pytest
+import io
import os
import re
import shutil
import stat
import tempfile
-import pytest
import yaml
from unittest import mock
from cloudinit import subp
from cloudinit import importer, util
-from cloudinit.tests import helpers
+from tests.unittests import helpers
+from tests.unittests.helpers import CiTestCase
+from textwrap import dedent
+LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ '68 0 8:3 / / ro,relatime shared:1 - btrfs /dev/sda1 ro,attr2,inode64',
+ '153 68 254:0 / /home rw,relatime shared:101 - xfs /dev/sda2 rw,attr2',
+OS_RELEASE_SLES = dedent(
+ """\
+ VERSION="12-SP3"
+ VERSION_ID="12.3"
+ PRETTY_NAME="SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 12 SP3"
+ ID="sles"
+ ANSI_COLOR="0;32"
+ CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:suse:sles:12:sp3"
+ """\
+ NAME="openSUSE Leap"
+ VERSION="42.3"
+ ID=opensuse
+ ID_LIKE="suse"
+ VERSION_ID="42.3"
+ PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Leap 42.3"
+ ANSI_COLOR="0;32"
+ CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:opensuse:leap:42.3"
+ """\
+ NAME="openSUSE Leap"
+ VERSION="15.0"
+ ID="opensuse-leap"
+ ID_LIKE="suse opensuse"
+ VERSION_ID="15.0"
+ PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Leap 15.0"
+ ANSI_COLOR="0;32"
+ CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:opensuse:leap:15.0"
+ """\
+ NAME="openSUSE Tumbleweed"
+ ID="opensuse-tumbleweed"
+ ID_LIKE="opensuse suse"
+ VERSION_ID="20180920"
+ PRETTY_NAME="openSUSE Tumbleweed"
+ ANSI_COLOR="0;32"
+ CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:opensuse:tumbleweed:20180920"
+ """\
+ NAME="CentOS Linux"
+ VERSION="7 (Core)"
+ ID="centos"
+ ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
+ PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 7 (Core)"
+ ANSI_COLOR="0;31"
+ CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:centos:centos:7"
+OS_RELEASE_REDHAT_7 = dedent(
+ """\
+ NAME="Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server"
+ VERSION="7.5 (Maipo)"
+ ID="rhel"
+ ID_LIKE="fedora"
+ VARIANT="Server"
+ VARIANT_ID="server"
+ VERSION_ID="7.5"
+ ANSI_COLOR="0;31"
+ CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:redhat:enterprise_linux:7.5:GA:server"
+ REDHAT_BUGZILLA_PRODUCT="Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7"
+ REDHAT_SUPPORT_PRODUCT="Red Hat Enterprise Linux"
+ """\
+ NAME="AlmaLinux"
+ VERSION="8.3 (Purple Manul)"
+ ID="almalinux"
+ ID_LIKE="rhel centos fedora"
+ VERSION_ID="8.3"
+ PLATFORM_ID="platform:el8"
+ PRETTY_NAME="AlmaLinux 8.3 (Purple Manul)"
+ ANSI_COLOR="0;34"
+ CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:almalinux:almalinux:8.3:GA"
+ """\
+ VERSION="7.9 (Minsk)"
+ ID="eurolinux"
+ ID_LIKE="rhel scientific centos fedora"
+ VERSION_ID="7.9"
+ PRETTY_NAME="EuroLinux 7.9 (Minsk)"
+ ANSI_COLOR="0;31"
+ CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:eurolinux:eurolinux:7.9:GA"
+ """\
+ NAME="EuroLinux"
+ VERSION="8.4 (Vaduz)"
+ ID="eurolinux"
+ ID_LIKE="rhel fedora centos"
+ VERSION_ID="8.4"
+ PLATFORM_ID="platform:el8"
+ PRETTY_NAME="EuroLinux 8.4 (Vaduz)"
+ ANSI_COLOR="0;34"
+ CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:eurolinux:eurolinux:8"
+OS_RELEASE_ROCKY_8 = dedent(
+ """\
+ NAME="Rocky Linux"
+ VERSION="8.3 (Green Obsidian)"
+ ID="rocky"
+ ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
+ VERSION_ID="8.3"
+ PLATFORM_ID="platform:el8"
+ PRETTY_NAME="Rocky Linux 8.3 (Green Obsidian)"
+ ANSI_COLOR="0;31"
+ CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:rocky:rocky:8"
+ """\
+ NAME="Virtuozzo Linux"
+ ID="virtuozzo"
+ ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
+ PLATFORM_ID="platform:el8"
+ PRETTY_NAME="Virtuozzo Linux"
+ ANSI_COLOR="0;31"
+ CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:virtuozzoproject:vzlinux:8"
+ """\
+ NAME="CloudLinux"
+ VERSION="8.4 (Valery Rozhdestvensky)"
+ ID="cloudlinux"
+ ID_LIKE="rhel fedora centos"
+ VERSION_ID="8.4"
+ PLATFORM_ID="platform:el8"
+ PRETTY_NAME="CloudLinux 8.4 (Valery Rozhdestvensky)"
+ ANSI_COLOR="0;31"
+ CPE_NAME="cpe:/o:cloudlinux:cloudlinux:8.4:GA:server"
+ """\
+ NAME="openEuler"
+ VERSION="20.03 (LTS-SP2)"
+ ID="openEuler"
+ VERSION_ID="20.03"
+ PRETTY_NAME="openEuler 20.03 (LTS-SP2)"
+ ANSI_COLOR="0;31"
+REDHAT_RELEASE_CENTOS_6 = "CentOS release 6.10 (Final)"
+REDHAT_RELEASE_CENTOS_7 = "CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)"
+ "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.10 (Santiago)"
+REDHAT_RELEASE_REDHAT_7 = "Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 7.5 (Maipo)"
+REDHAT_RELEASE_ALMALINUX_8 = "AlmaLinux release 8.3 (Purple Manul)"
+REDHAT_RELEASE_EUROLINUX_7 = "EuroLinux release 7.9 (Minsk)"
+REDHAT_RELEASE_EUROLINUX_8 = "EuroLinux release 8.4 (Vaduz)"
+REDHAT_RELEASE_ROCKY_8 = "Rocky Linux release 8.3 (Green Obsidian)"
+REDHAT_RELEASE_VIRTUOZZO_8 = "Virtuozzo Linux release 8"
+REDHAT_RELEASE_CLOUDLINUX_8 = "CloudLinux release 8.4 (Valery Rozhdestvensky)"
+ """\
+ PRETTY_NAME="Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
+ NAME="Debian GNU/Linux"
+ VERSION="9 (stretch)"
+ ID=debian
+ """\
+ NAME="Ubuntu"\n
+ # comment test
+ VERSION="16.04.3 LTS (Xenial Xerus)"\n
+ ID=ubuntu\n
+ ID_LIKE=debian\n
+ PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS"\n
+ VERSION_ID="16.04"\n
+ HOME_URL=""\n
+ NAME="VMware Photon OS"
+ VERSION="4.0"
+ ID=photon
+ PRETTY_NAME="VMware Photon OS/Linux"
+ ANSI_COLOR="1;34"
+class FakeCloud(object):
+ def __init__(self, hostname, fqdn):
+ self.hostname = hostname
+ self.fqdn = fqdn
+ self.calls = []
+ def get_hostname(self, fqdn=None, metadata_only=None):
+ myargs = {}
+ if fqdn is not None:
+ myargs['fqdn'] = fqdn
+ if metadata_only is not None:
+ myargs['metadata_only'] = metadata_only
+ self.calls.append(myargs)
+ if fqdn:
+ return self.fqdn
+ return self.hostname
+class TestUtil(CiTestCase):
+ def test_parse_mount_info_no_opts_no_arg(self):
+ result = util.parse_mount_info('/home', MOUNT_INFO, LOG)
+ self.assertEqual(('/dev/sda2', 'xfs', '/home'), result)
+ def test_parse_mount_info_no_opts_arg(self):
+ result = util.parse_mount_info('/home', MOUNT_INFO, LOG, False)
+ self.assertEqual(('/dev/sda2', 'xfs', '/home'), result)
+ def test_parse_mount_info_with_opts(self):
+ result = util.parse_mount_info('/', MOUNT_INFO, LOG, True)
+ self.assertEqual(('/dev/sda1', 'btrfs', '/', 'ro,relatime'), result)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.get_mount_info')
+ def test_mount_is_rw(self, m_mount_info):
+ m_mount_info.return_value = ('/dev/sda1', 'btrfs', '/', 'rw,relatime')
+ is_rw = util.mount_is_read_write('/')
+ self.assertEqual(is_rw, True)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.get_mount_info')
+ def test_mount_is_ro(self, m_mount_info):
+ m_mount_info.return_value = ('/dev/sda1', 'btrfs', '/', 'ro,relatime')
+ is_rw = util.mount_is_read_write('/')
+ self.assertEqual(is_rw, False)
+class TestUptime(CiTestCase):
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.boottime')
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.os.path.exists')
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.time.time')
+ def test_uptime_non_linux_path(self, m_time, m_exists, m_boottime):
+ boottime = 1000.0
+ uptime = 10.0
+ m_boottime.return_value = boottime
+ m_time.return_value = boottime + uptime
+ m_exists.return_value = False
+ result = util.uptime()
+ self.assertEqual(str(uptime), result)
+class TestShellify(CiTestCase):
+ def test_input_dict_raises_type_error(self):
+ self.assertRaisesRegex(
+ TypeError,
+ 'Input.*was.*dict.*xpected',
+ util.shellify,
+ {'mykey': 'myval'},
+ )
+ def test_input_str_raises_type_error(self):
+ self.assertRaisesRegex(
+ TypeError, 'Input.*was.*str.*xpected', util.shellify, "foobar"
+ )
-class FakeSelinux(object):
+ def test_value_with_int_raises_type_error(self):
+ self.assertRaisesRegex(
+ TypeError, 'shellify.*int', util.shellify, ["foo", 1]
+ )
+ def test_supports_strings_and_lists(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '\n'.join(
+ [
+ "#!/bin/sh",
+ "echo hi mom",
+ "'echo' 'hi dad'",
+ "'echo' 'hi' 'sis'",
+ "",
+ ]
+ ),
+ util.shellify(
+ ["echo hi mom", ["echo", "hi dad"], ('echo', 'hi', 'sis')]
+ ),
+ )
+ def test_supports_comments(self):
+ self.assertEqual(
+ '\n'.join(["#!/bin/sh", "echo start", "echo end", ""]),
+ util.shellify(["echo start", None, "echo end"]),
+ )
+class TestGetHostnameFqdn(CiTestCase):
+ def test_get_hostname_fqdn_from_only_cfg_fqdn(self):
+ """When cfg only has the fqdn key, derive hostname and fqdn from it."""
+ hostname, fqdn = util.get_hostname_fqdn(
+ cfg={'fqdn': ''}, cloud=None
+ )
+ self.assertEqual('myhost', hostname)
+ self.assertEqual('', fqdn)
+ def test_get_hostname_fqdn_from_cfg_fqdn_and_hostname(self):
+ """When cfg has both fqdn and hostname keys, return them."""
+ hostname, fqdn = util.get_hostname_fqdn(
+ cfg={'fqdn': '', 'hostname': 'other'}, cloud=None
+ )
+ self.assertEqual('other', hostname)
+ self.assertEqual('', fqdn)
+ def test_get_hostname_fqdn_from_cfg_hostname_with_domain(self):
+ """When cfg has only hostname key which represents a fqdn, use that."""
+ hostname, fqdn = util.get_hostname_fqdn(
+ cfg={'hostname': ''}, cloud=None
+ )
+ self.assertEqual('myhost', hostname)
+ self.assertEqual('', fqdn)
+ def test_get_hostname_fqdn_from_cfg_hostname_without_domain(self):
+ """When cfg has a hostname without a '.' query cloud.get_hostname."""
+ mycloud = FakeCloud('cloudhost', '')
+ hostname, fqdn = util.get_hostname_fqdn(
+ cfg={'hostname': 'myhost'}, cloud=mycloud
+ )
+ self.assertEqual('myhost', hostname)
+ self.assertEqual('', fqdn)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [{'fqdn': True, 'metadata_only': False}], mycloud.calls
+ )
+ def test_get_hostname_fqdn_from_without_fqdn_or_hostname(self):
+ """When cfg has neither hostname nor fqdn cloud.get_hostname."""
+ mycloud = FakeCloud('cloudhost', '')
+ hostname, fqdn = util.get_hostname_fqdn(cfg={}, cloud=mycloud)
+ self.assertEqual('cloudhost', hostname)
+ self.assertEqual('', fqdn)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [{'fqdn': True, 'metadata_only': False}, {'metadata_only': False}],
+ mycloud.calls,
+ )
+ def test_get_hostname_fqdn_from_passes_metadata_only_to_cloud(self):
+ """Calls to cloud.get_hostname pass the metadata_only parameter."""
+ mycloud = FakeCloud('cloudhost', '')
+ _hn, _fqdn = util.get_hostname_fqdn(
+ cfg={}, cloud=mycloud, metadata_only=True
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [{'fqdn': True, 'metadata_only': True}, {'metadata_only': True}],
+ mycloud.calls,
+ )
+class TestBlkid(CiTestCase):
+ ids = {
+ "id01": "1111-1111",
+ "id02": "22222222-2222",
+ "id03": "33333333-3333",
+ "id04": "44444444-4444",
+ "id05": "55555555-5555-5555-5555-555555555555",
+ "id06": "66666666-6666-6666-6666-666666666666",
+ "id07": "52894610484658920398",
+ "id08": "86753098675309867530",
+ "id09": "99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999",
+ }
+ blkid_out = dedent(
+ """\
+ /dev/loop0: TYPE="squashfs"
+ /dev/loop1: TYPE="squashfs"
+ /dev/loop2: TYPE="squashfs"
+ /dev/loop3: TYPE="squashfs"
+ /dev/sda1: UUID="{id01}" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="{id02}"
+ /dev/sda2: UUID="{id03}" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="{id04}"
+ /dev/sda3: UUID="{id05}" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="{id06}"
+ /dev/sda4: LABEL="default" UUID="{id07}" UUID_SUB="{id08}" """
+ """TYPE="zfs_member" PARTUUID="{id09}"
+ /dev/loop4: TYPE="squashfs"
+ """
+ )
+ maxDiff = None
+ def _get_expected(self):
+ return {
+ "/dev/loop0": {"DEVNAME": "/dev/loop0", "TYPE": "squashfs"},
+ "/dev/loop1": {"DEVNAME": "/dev/loop1", "TYPE": "squashfs"},
+ "/dev/loop2": {"DEVNAME": "/dev/loop2", "TYPE": "squashfs"},
+ "/dev/loop3": {"DEVNAME": "/dev/loop3", "TYPE": "squashfs"},
+ "/dev/loop4": {"DEVNAME": "/dev/loop4", "TYPE": "squashfs"},
+ "/dev/sda1": {
+ "DEVNAME": "/dev/sda1",
+ "TYPE": "vfat",
+ "UUID": self.ids["id01"],
+ "PARTUUID": self.ids["id02"],
+ },
+ "/dev/sda2": {
+ "DEVNAME": "/dev/sda2",
+ "TYPE": "ext4",
+ "UUID": self.ids["id03"],
+ "PARTUUID": self.ids["id04"],
+ },
+ "/dev/sda3": {
+ "DEVNAME": "/dev/sda3",
+ "TYPE": "ext4",
+ "UUID": self.ids["id05"],
+ "PARTUUID": self.ids["id06"],
+ },
+ "/dev/sda4": {
+ "DEVNAME": "/dev/sda4",
+ "TYPE": "zfs_member",
+ "LABEL": "default",
+ "UUID": self.ids["id07"],
+ "UUID_SUB": self.ids["id08"],
+ "PARTUUID": self.ids["id09"],
+ },
+ }
+ @mock.patch("cloudinit.subp.subp")
+ def test_functional_blkid(self, m_subp):
+ m_subp.return_value = (self.blkid_out.format(**self.ids), "")
+ self.assertEqual(self._get_expected(), util.blkid())
+ m_subp.assert_called_with(
+ ["blkid", "-o", "full"], capture=True, decode="replace"
+ )
+ @mock.patch("cloudinit.subp.subp")
+ def test_blkid_no_cache_uses_no_cache(self, m_subp):
+ """blkid should turn off cache if disable_cache is true."""
+ m_subp.return_value = (self.blkid_out.format(**self.ids), "")
+ self.assertEqual(self._get_expected(), util.blkid(disable_cache=True))
+ m_subp.assert_called_with(
+ ["blkid", "-o", "full", "-c", "/dev/null"],
+ capture=True,
+ decode="replace",
+ )
+class TestUdevadmSettle(CiTestCase):
+ def test_with_no_params(self, m_subp):
+ """called with no parameters."""
+ util.udevadm_settle()
+ m_subp.called_once_with(['udevadm', 'settle']))
+ def test_with_exists_and_not_exists(self, m_subp):
+ """with exists=file where file does not exist should invoke subp."""
+ mydev = self.tmp_path("mydev")
+ util.udevadm_settle(exists=mydev)
+ m_subp.called_once_with(
+ ['udevadm', 'settle', '--exit-if-exists=%s' % mydev]
+ )
+ def test_with_exists_and_file_exists(self, m_subp):
+ """with exists=file where file does exist should not invoke subp."""
+ mydev = self.tmp_path("mydev")
+ util.write_file(mydev, "foo\n")
+ util.udevadm_settle(exists=mydev)
+ self.assertIsNone(m_subp.call_args)
+ def test_with_timeout_int(self, m_subp):
+ """timeout can be an integer."""
+ timeout = 9
+ util.udevadm_settle(timeout=timeout)
+ m_subp.called_once_with(
+ ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=%s' % timeout]
+ )
+ def test_with_timeout_string(self, m_subp):
+ """timeout can be a string."""
+ timeout = "555"
+ util.udevadm_settle(timeout=timeout)
+ m_subp.assert_called_once_with(
+ ['udevadm', 'settle', '--timeout=%s' % timeout]
+ )
+ def test_with_exists_and_timeout(self, m_subp):
+ """test call with both exists and timeout."""
+ mydev = self.tmp_path("mydev")
+ timeout = "3"
+ util.udevadm_settle(exists=mydev)
+ m_subp.called_once_with(
+ [
+ 'udevadm',
+ 'settle',
+ '--exit-if-exists=%s' % mydev,
+ '--timeout=%s' % timeout,
+ ]
+ )
+ def test_subp_exception_raises_to_caller(self, m_subp):
+ m_subp.side_effect = subp.ProcessExecutionError("BOOM")
+ self.assertRaises(subp.ProcessExecutionError, util.udevadm_settle)
+class TestGetLinuxDistro(CiTestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # python2 has no lru_cache, and therefore, no cache_clear()
+ if hasattr(util.get_linux_distro, "cache_clear"):
+ util.get_linux_distro.cache_clear()
+ @classmethod
+ def os_release_exists(self, path):
+ """Side effect function"""
+ if path == '/etc/os-release':
+ return 1
+ @classmethod
+ def redhat_release_exists(self, path):
+ """Side effect function"""
+ if path == '/etc/redhat-release':
+ return 1
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_distro_quoted_name(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify we get the correct name if the os-release file has
+ the distro name in quotes"""
+ m_os_release.return_value = OS_RELEASE_SLES
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.os_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('sles', '12.3', platform.machine()), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_distro_bare_name(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify we get the correct name if the os-release file does not
+ have the distro name in quotes"""
+ m_os_release.return_value = OS_RELEASE_UBUNTU
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.os_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('ubuntu', '16.04', 'xenial'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('platform.system')
+ @mock.patch('platform.release')
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util._parse_redhat_release')
+ def test_get_linux_freebsd(
+ self,
+ m_parse_redhat_release,
+ m_platform_release,
+ m_platform_system,
+ m_path_exists,
+ ):
+ """Verify we get the correct name and release name on FreeBSD."""
+ m_path_exists.return_value = False
+ m_platform_release.return_value = '12.0-RELEASE-p10'
+ m_platform_system.return_value = 'FreeBSD'
+ m_parse_redhat_release.return_value = {}
+ util.is_BSD.cache_clear()
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('freebsd', '12.0-RELEASE-p10', ''), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_centos6(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify we get the correct name and release name on CentOS 6."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = REDHAT_RELEASE_CENTOS_6
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.redhat_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('centos', '6.10', 'Final'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_centos7_redhat_release(self, m_os_release, m_exists):
+ """Verify the correct release info on CentOS 7 without os-release."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = REDHAT_RELEASE_CENTOS_7
+ m_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.redhat_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('centos', '7.5.1804', 'Core'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_redhat7_osrelease(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify redhat 7 read from os-release."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = OS_RELEASE_REDHAT_7
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.os_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('redhat', '7.5', 'Maipo'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_redhat7_rhrelease(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify redhat 7 read from redhat-release."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = REDHAT_RELEASE_REDHAT_7
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.redhat_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('redhat', '7.5', 'Maipo'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_redhat6_rhrelease(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify redhat 6 read from redhat-release."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = REDHAT_RELEASE_REDHAT_6
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.redhat_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('redhat', '6.10', 'Santiago'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_copr_centos(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify we get the correct name and release name on COPR CentOS."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = OS_RELEASE_CENTOS
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.os_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('centos', '7', 'Core'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_almalinux8_rhrelease(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify almalinux 8 read from redhat-release."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = REDHAT_RELEASE_ALMALINUX_8
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.redhat_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('almalinux', '8.3', 'Purple Manul'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_almalinux8_osrelease(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify almalinux 8 read from os-release."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = OS_RELEASE_ALMALINUX_8
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.os_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('almalinux', '8.3', 'Purple Manul'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_eurolinux7_rhrelease(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify eurolinux 7 read from redhat-release."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = REDHAT_RELEASE_EUROLINUX_7
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.redhat_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('eurolinux', '7.9', 'Minsk'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_eurolinux7_osrelease(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify eurolinux 7 read from os-release."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = OS_RELEASE_EUROLINUX_7
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.os_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('eurolinux', '7.9', 'Minsk'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_eurolinux8_rhrelease(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify eurolinux 8 read from redhat-release."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = REDHAT_RELEASE_EUROLINUX_8
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.redhat_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('eurolinux', '8.4', 'Vaduz'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_eurolinux8_osrelease(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify eurolinux 8 read from os-release."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = OS_RELEASE_EUROLINUX_8
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.os_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('eurolinux', '8.4', 'Vaduz'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_rocky8_rhrelease(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify rocky linux 8 read from redhat-release."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = REDHAT_RELEASE_ROCKY_8
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.redhat_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('rocky', '8.3', 'Green Obsidian'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_rocky8_osrelease(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify rocky linux 8 read from os-release."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = OS_RELEASE_ROCKY_8
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.os_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('rocky', '8.3', 'Green Obsidian'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_virtuozzo8_rhrelease(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify virtuozzo linux 8 read from redhat-release."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = REDHAT_RELEASE_VIRTUOZZO_8
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.redhat_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('virtuozzo', '8', 'Virtuozzo Linux'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_virtuozzo8_osrelease(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify virtuozzo linux 8 read from os-release."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = OS_RELEASE_VIRTUOZZO_8
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.os_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('virtuozzo', '8', 'Virtuozzo Linux'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_cloud8_rhrelease(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify cloudlinux 8 read from redhat-release."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = REDHAT_RELEASE_CLOUDLINUX_8
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.redhat_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('cloudlinux', '8.4', 'Valery Rozhdestvensky'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_cloud8_osrelease(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify cloudlinux 8 read from os-release."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = OS_RELEASE_CLOUDLINUX_8
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.os_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('cloudlinux', '8.4', 'Valery Rozhdestvensky'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_debian(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify we get the correct name and release name on Debian."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = OS_RELEASE_DEBIAN
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.os_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('debian', '9', 'stretch'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_openeuler(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify get the correct name and release name on Openeuler."""
+ m_os_release.return_value = OS_RELEASE_OPENEULER_20
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.os_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('openEuler', '20.03', 'LTS-SP2'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_opensuse(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify we get the correct name and machine arch on openSUSE
+ prior to openSUSE Leap 15.
+ """
+ m_os_release.return_value = OS_RELEASE_OPENSUSE
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.os_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('opensuse', '42.3', platform.machine()), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_opensuse_l15(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify we get the correct name and machine arch on openSUSE
+ for openSUSE Leap 15.0 and later.
+ """
+ m_os_release.return_value = OS_RELEASE_OPENSUSE_L15
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.os_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('opensuse-leap', '15.0', platform.machine()), dist)
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_opensuse_tw(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify we get the correct name and machine arch on openSUSE
+ for openSUSE Tumbleweed
+ """
+ m_os_release.return_value = OS_RELEASE_OPENSUSE_TW
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.os_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(
+ ('opensuse-tumbleweed', '20180920', platform.machine()), dist
+ )
+ @mock.patch('cloudinit.util.load_file')
+ def test_get_linux_photon_os_release(self, m_os_release, m_path_exists):
+ """Verify we get the correct name and machine arch on PhotonOS"""
+ m_os_release.return_value = OS_RELEASE_PHOTON
+ m_path_exists.side_effect = TestGetLinuxDistro.os_release_exists
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('photon', '4.0', 'VMware Photon OS/Linux'), dist)
+ @mock.patch('platform.system')
+ @mock.patch('platform.dist', create=True)
+ def test_get_linux_distro_no_data(
+ self, m_platform_dist, m_platform_system, m_path_exists
+ ):
+ """Verify we get no information if os-release does not exist"""
+ m_platform_dist.return_value = ('', '', '')
+ m_platform_system.return_value = "Linux"
+ m_path_exists.return_value = 0
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('', '', ''), dist)
+ @mock.patch('platform.system')
+ @mock.patch('platform.dist', create=True)
+ def test_get_linux_distro_no_impl(
+ self, m_platform_dist, m_platform_system, m_path_exists
+ ):
+ """Verify we get an empty tuple when no information exists and
+ Exceptions are not propagated"""
+ m_platform_dist.side_effect = Exception()
+ m_platform_system.return_value = "Linux"
+ m_path_exists.return_value = 0
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('', '', ''), dist)
+ @mock.patch('platform.system')
+ @mock.patch('platform.dist', create=True)
+ def test_get_linux_distro_plat_data(
+ self, m_platform_dist, m_platform_system, m_path_exists
+ ):
+ """Verify we get the correct platform information"""
+ m_platform_dist.return_value = ('foo', '1.1', 'aarch64')
+ m_platform_system.return_value = "Linux"
+ m_path_exists.return_value = 0
+ dist = util.get_linux_distro()
+ self.assertEqual(('foo', '1.1', 'aarch64'), dist)
+class TestGetVariant:
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ 'info, expected_variant',
+ [
+ ({'system': 'Linux', 'dist': ('almalinux',)}, 'almalinux'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('alpine',)}, 'alpine'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('arch',)}, 'arch'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('centos',)}, 'centos'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('cloudlinux',)}, 'cloudlinux'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('debian',)}, 'debian'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('eurolinux',)}, 'eurolinux'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('fedora',)}, 'fedora'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('openEuler',)}, 'openeuler'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('photon',)}, 'photon'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('rhel',)}, 'rhel'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('rocky',)}, 'rocky'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('suse',)}, 'suse'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('virtuozzo',)}, 'virtuozzo'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('ubuntu',)}, 'ubuntu'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('linuxmint',)}, 'ubuntu'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('mint',)}, 'ubuntu'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('redhat',)}, 'rhel'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('opensuse',)}, 'suse'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('opensuse-tumbleweed',)}, 'suse'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('opensuse-leap',)}, 'suse'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('sles',)}, 'suse'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('sle_hpc',)}, 'suse'),
+ ({'system': 'linux', 'dist': ('my_distro',)}, 'linux'),
+ ({'system': 'Windows', 'dist': ('dontcare',)}, 'windows'),
+ ({'system': 'Darwin', 'dist': ('dontcare',)}, 'darwin'),
+ ({'system': 'Freebsd', 'dist': ('dontcare',)}, 'freebsd'),
+ ({'system': 'Netbsd', 'dist': ('dontcare',)}, 'netbsd'),
+ ({'system': 'Openbsd', 'dist': ('dontcare',)}, 'openbsd'),
+ ({'system': 'Dragonfly', 'dist': ('dontcare',)}, 'dragonfly'),
+ ],
+ )
+ def test_get_variant(self, info, expected_variant):
+ """Verify we get the correct variant name"""
+ assert util._get_variant(info) == expected_variant
+class TestJsonDumps(CiTestCase):
+ def test_is_str(self):
+ """json_dumps should return a string."""
+ self.assertTrue(isinstance(util.json_dumps({'abc': '123'}), str))
+ def test_utf8(self):
+ smiley = '\\ud83d\\ude03'
+ self.assertEqual(
+ {'smiley': smiley}, json.loads(util.json_dumps({'smiley': smiley}))
+ )
+ def test_non_utf8(self):
+ blob = b'\xba\x03Qx-#y\xea'
+ self.assertEqual(
+ {'blob': 'ci-b64:' + base64.b64encode(blob).decode('utf-8')},
+ json.loads(util.json_dumps({'blob': blob})),
+ )
+class TestIsLXD(CiTestCase):
+ def test_is_lxd_true_on_sock_device(self, m_exists):
+ """When lxd's /dev/lxd/sock exists, is_lxd returns true."""
+ m_exists.return_value = True
+ self.assertTrue(util.is_lxd())
+ m_exists.assert_called_once_with('/dev/lxd/sock')
+ def test_is_lxd_false_when_sock_device_absent(self, m_exists):
+ """When lxd's /dev/lxd/sock is absent, is_lxd returns false."""
+ m_exists.return_value = False
+ self.assertFalse(util.is_lxd())
+ m_exists.assert_called_once_with('/dev/lxd/sock')
+class TestReadCcFromCmdline:
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "cmdline,expected_cfg",
+ [
+ # Return None if cmdline has no cc:<YAML>end_cc content.
+ (CiTestCase.random_string(), None),
+ # Return None if YAML content is empty string.
+ ('foo cc: end_cc bar', None),
+ # Return expected dictionary without trailing end_cc marker.
+ ('foo cc: ssh_pwauth: true', {'ssh_pwauth': True}),
+ # Return expected dictionary w escaped newline and no end_cc.
+ ('foo cc: ssh_pwauth: true\\n', {'ssh_pwauth': True}),
+ # Return expected dictionary of yaml between cc: and end_cc.
+ ('foo cc: ssh_pwauth: true end_cc bar', {'ssh_pwauth': True}),
+ # Return dict with list value w escaped newline, no end_cc.
+ (
+ 'cc: ssh_import_id: [smoser, kirkland]\\n',
+ {'ssh_import_id': ['smoser', 'kirkland']},
+ ),
+ # Parse urlencoded brackets in yaml content.
+ (
+ 'cc: ssh_import_id: %5Bsmoser, kirkland%5D end_cc',
+ {'ssh_import_id': ['smoser', 'kirkland']},
+ ),
+ # Parse complete urlencoded yaml content.
+ (
+ 'cc: ssh_import_id%3A%20%5Buser1%2C%20user2%5D end_cc',
+ {'ssh_import_id': ['user1', 'user2']},
+ ),
+ # Parse nested dictionary in yaml content.
+ (
+ 'cc: ntp: {enabled: true, ntp_client: myclient} end_cc',
+ {'ntp': {'enabled': True, 'ntp_client': 'myclient'}},
+ ),
+ # Parse single mapping value in yaml content.
+ ('cc: ssh_import_id: smoser end_cc', {'ssh_import_id': 'smoser'}),
+ # Parse multiline content with multiple mapping and nested lists.
+ (
+ (
+ 'cc: ssh_import_id: [smoser, bob]\\n'
+ 'runcmd: [ [ ls, -l ], echo hi ] end_cc'
+ ),
+ {
+ 'ssh_import_id': ['smoser', 'bob'],
+ 'runcmd': [['ls', '-l'], 'echo hi'],
+ },
+ ),
+ # Parse multiline encoded content w/ mappings and nested lists.
+ (
+ (
+ 'cc: ssh_import_id: %5Bsmoser, bob%5D\\n'
+ 'runcmd: [ [ ls, -l ], echo hi ] end_cc'
+ ),
+ {
+ 'ssh_import_id': ['smoser', 'bob'],
+ 'runcmd': [['ls', '-l'], 'echo hi'],
+ },
+ ),
+ # test encoded escaped newlines work.
+ #
+ # unquote(encoded_content)
+ # 'ssh_import_id: [smoser, bob]\\nruncmd: [ [ ls, -l ], echo hi ]'
+ (
+ (
+ 'cc: '
+ + (
+ 'ssh_import_id%3A%20%5Bsmoser%2C%20bob%5D%5Cn'
+ 'runcmd%3A%20%5B%20%5B%20ls%2C%20-l%20%5D%2C'
+ '%20echo%20hi%20%5D'
+ )
+ + ' end_cc'
+ ),
+ {
+ 'ssh_import_id': ['smoser', 'bob'],
+ 'runcmd': [['ls', '-l'], 'echo hi'],
+ },
+ ),
+ # test encoded newlines work.
+ #
+ # unquote(encoded_content)
+ # 'ssh_import_id: [smoser, bob]\nruncmd: [ [ ls, -l ], echo hi ]'
+ (
+ (
+ "cc: "
+ + (
+ 'ssh_import_id%3A%20%5Bsmoser%2C%20bob%5D%0A'
+ 'runcmd%3A%20%5B%20%5B%20ls%2C%20-l%20%5D%2C'
+ '%20echo%20hi%20%5D'
+ )
+ + ' end_cc'
+ ),
+ {
+ 'ssh_import_id': ['smoser', 'bob'],
+ 'runcmd': [['ls', '-l'], 'echo hi'],
+ },
+ ),
+ # Parse and merge multiple yaml content sections.
+ (
+ (
+ 'cc:ssh_import_id: [smoser, bob] end_cc '
+ 'cc: runcmd: [ [ ls, -l ] ] end_cc'
+ ),
+ {'ssh_import_id': ['smoser', 'bob'], 'runcmd': [['ls', '-l']]},
+ ),
+ # Parse and merge multiple encoded yaml content sections.
+ (
+ (
+ 'cc:ssh_import_id%3A%20%5Bsmoser%5D end_cc '
+ 'cc:runcmd%3A%20%5B%20%5B%20ls%2C%20-l%20%5D%20%5D end_cc'
+ ),
+ {'ssh_import_id': ['smoser'], 'runcmd': [['ls', '-l']]},
+ ),
+ ],
+ )
+ def test_read_conf_from_cmdline_config(self, expected_cfg, cmdline):
+ assert expected_cfg == util.read_conf_from_cmdline(cmdline=cmdline)
+class TestMountCb:
+ """Tests for ``util.mount_cb``.
+ These tests consider the "unit" under test to be ``util.mount_cb`` and
+ ``util.unmounter``, which is only used by ``mount_cb``.
+ TODO: Test default mtype determination
+ TODO: Test the if/else branch that actually performs the mounting operation
+ """
+ @pytest.yield_fixture
+ def already_mounted_device_and_mountdict(self):
+ """Mock an already-mounted device, and yield (device, mount dict)"""
+ device = "/dev/fake0"
+ mountpoint = "/mnt/fake"
+ with mock.patch("cloudinit.util.subp.subp"):
+ with mock.patch("cloudinit.util.mounts") as m_mounts:
+ mounts = {device: {"mountpoint": mountpoint}}
+ m_mounts.return_value = mounts
+ yield device, mounts[device]
+ @pytest.fixture
+ def already_mounted_device(self, already_mounted_device_and_mountdict):
+ """already_mounted_device_and_mountdict, but return only the device"""
+ return already_mounted_device_and_mountdict[0]
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "mtype,expected",
+ [
+ # While the filesystem is called iso9660, the mount type is cd9660
+ ("iso9660", "cd9660"),
+ # vfat is generally called "msdos" on BSD
+ ("vfat", "msdos"),
+ # judging from man pages, only FreeBSD has this alias
+ ("msdosfs", "msdos"),
+ # Test happy path
+ ("ufs", "ufs"),
+ ],
+ )
+ @mock.patch("cloudinit.util.is_Linux", autospec=True)
+ @mock.patch("cloudinit.util.is_BSD", autospec=True)
+ @mock.patch("cloudinit.util.subp.subp")
+ @mock.patch("cloudinit.temp_utils.tempdir", autospec=True)
+ def test_normalize_mtype_on_bsd(
+ self, m_tmpdir, m_subp, m_is_BSD, m_is_Linux, mtype, expected
+ ):
+ m_is_BSD.return_value = True
+ m_is_Linux.return_value = False
+ m_tmpdir.return_value.__enter__ = mock.Mock(
+ autospec=True, return_value="/tmp/fake"
+ )
+ m_tmpdir.return_value.__exit__ = mock.Mock(
+ autospec=True, return_value=True
+ )
+ callback = mock.Mock(autospec=True)
+ util.mount_cb('/dev/fake0', callback, mtype=mtype)
+ assert (
+ [
+ "mount",
+ "-o",
+ "ro",
+ "-t",
+ expected,
+ "/dev/fake0",
+ "/tmp/fake",
+ ],
+ update_env=None,
+ )
+ in m_subp.call_args_list
+ )
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("invalid_mtype", [int(0), float(0.0), dict()])
+ def test_typeerror_raised_for_invalid_mtype(self, invalid_mtype):
+ with pytest.raises(TypeError):
+ util.mount_cb(mock.Mock(), mock.Mock(), mtype=invalid_mtype)
+ @mock.patch("cloudinit.util.subp.subp")
+ def test_already_mounted_does_not_mount_or_umount_anything(
+ self, m_subp, already_mounted_device
+ ):
+ util.mount_cb(already_mounted_device, mock.Mock())
+ assert 0 == m_subp.call_count
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("trailing_slash_in_mounts", ["/", ""])
+ def test_already_mounted_calls_callback(
+ self, trailing_slash_in_mounts, already_mounted_device_and_mountdict
+ ):
+ device, mount_dict = already_mounted_device_and_mountdict
+ mountpoint = mount_dict["mountpoint"]
+ mount_dict["mountpoint"] += trailing_slash_in_mounts
+ callback = mock.Mock()
+ util.mount_cb(device, callback)
+ # The mountpoint passed to callback should always have a trailing
+ # slash, regardless of the input
+ assert [ + "/")] == callback.call_args_list
+ def test_already_mounted_calls_callback_with_data(
+ self, already_mounted_device
+ ):
+ callback = mock.Mock()
+ util.mount_cb(
+ already_mounted_device, callback,
+ )
+ assert [
+ ] == callback.call_args_list
+class TestEnsureFile:
+ """Tests for ``cloudinit.util.ensure_file``."""
+ def test_parameters_passed_through(self, m_write_file):
+ """Test the parameters in the signature are passed to write_file."""
+ util.ensure_file(
+ mock.sentinel.path,
+ mode=mock.sentinel.mode,
+ preserve_mode=mock.sentinel.preserve_mode,
+ )
+ assert 1 == m_write_file.call_count
+ args, kwargs = m_write_file.call_args
+ assert (mock.sentinel.path,) == args
+ assert mock.sentinel.mode == kwargs["mode"]
+ assert mock.sentinel.preserve_mode == kwargs["preserve_mode"]
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(
+ "kwarg,expected",
+ [
+ # Files should be world-readable by default
+ ("mode", 0o644),
+ # The previous behaviour of not preserving mode should be retained
+ ("preserve_mode", False),
+ ],
+ )
+ def test_defaults(self, m_write_file, kwarg, expected):
+ """Test that ensure_file defaults appropriately."""
+ util.ensure_file(mock.sentinel.path)
+ assert 1 == m_write_file.call_count
+ _args, kwargs = m_write_file.call_args
+ assert expected == kwargs[kwarg]
+ def test_static_parameters_are_passed(self, m_write_file):
+ """Test that the static write_files parameters are passed correctly."""
+ util.ensure_file(mock.sentinel.path)
+ assert 1 == m_write_file.call_count
+ _args, kwargs = m_write_file.call_args
+ assert "" == kwargs["content"]
+ assert "ab" == kwargs["omode"]
+class TestRedirectOutputPreexecFn:
+ """This tests specifically the preexec_fn used in redirect_output."""
+ @pytest.fixture(params=["outfmt", "errfmt"])
+ def preexec_fn(self, request):
+ """A fixture to gather the preexec_fn used by redirect_output.
+ This enables simpler direct testing of it, and parameterises any tests
+ using it to cover both the stdout and stderr code paths.
+ """
+ test_string = "| piped output to invoke subprocess"
+ if request.param == "outfmt":
+ args = (test_string, None)
+ elif request.param == "errfmt":
+ args = (None, test_string)
+ with mock.patch("cloudinit.util.subprocess.Popen") as m_popen:
+ util.redirect_output(*args)
+ assert 1 == m_popen.call_count
+ _args, kwargs = m_popen.call_args
+ assert "preexec_fn" in kwargs, "preexec_fn not passed to Popen"
+ return kwargs["preexec_fn"]
+ def test_preexec_fn_sets_umask(
+ self, m_os_umask, _m_setgid, _m_getgrnam, preexec_fn
+ ):
+ """preexec_fn should set a mask that avoids world-readable files."""
+ preexec_fn()
+ assert [] == m_os_umask.call_args_list
+ def test_preexec_fn_sets_group_id_if_adm_group_present(
+ self, _m_os_umask, m_setgid, m_getgrnam, preexec_fn
+ ):
+ """We should setgrp to adm if present, so files are owned by them."""
+ fake_group = mock.Mock(gr_gid=mock.sentinel.gr_gid)
+ m_getgrnam.return_value = fake_group
+ preexec_fn()
+ assert ["adm")] == m_getgrnam.call_args_list
+ assert [] == m_setgid.call_args_list
+ def test_preexec_fn_handles_absent_adm_group_gracefully(
+ self, _m_os_umask, m_setgid, m_getgrnam, preexec_fn
+ ):
+ """We should handle an absent adm group gracefully."""
+ m_getgrnam.side_effect = KeyError("getgrnam(): name not found: 'adm'")
+ preexec_fn()
+ assert 0 == m_setgid.call_count
+class FakeSelinux(object):
def __init__(self, match_what):
self.match_what = match_what
self.restored = []
@@ -175,8 +1463,9 @@ class TestWriteFile(helpers.TestCase):
fake_se = FakeSelinux(my_file)
- with mock.patch.object(importer, 'import_module',
- return_value=fake_se) as mockobj:
+ with mock.patch.object(
+ importer, 'import_module', return_value=fake_se
+ ) as mockobj:
with util.SeLinuxGuard(my_file) as is_on:
@@ -261,8 +1550,9 @@ class TestKeyValStrings(helpers.TestCase):
class TestGetCmdline(helpers.TestCase):
def test_cmdline_reads_debug_env(self):
- with mock.patch.dict("os.environ",
- values={'DEBUG_PROC_CMDLINE': 'abcd 123'}):
+ with mock.patch.dict(
+ "os.environ", values={'DEBUG_PROC_CMDLINE': 'abcd 123'}
+ ):
ret = util.get_cmdline()
self.assertEqual("abcd 123", ret)
@@ -279,52 +1569,68 @@ class TestLoadYaml(helpers.CiTestCase):
'''Any unallowed types result in returning default; log the issue.'''
# for now, anything not in the allowed list just returns the default.
myyaml = yaml.dump({'1': "one"})
- self.assertEqual(util.load_yaml(blob=myyaml,
- default=self.mydefault,
- allowed=(str,)),
- self.mydefault)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ util.load_yaml(
+ blob=myyaml, default=self.mydefault, allowed=(str,)
+ ),
+ self.mydefault,
+ )
regex = re.compile(
r'Yaml load allows \(<(class|type) \'str\'>,\) root types, but'
- r' got dict')
- self.assertTrue(,
- msg='Missing expected yaml load error')
+ r' got dict'
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(
+ msg='Missing expected yaml load error',
+ )
def test_bogus_scan_error_returns_default(self):
'''On Yaml scan error, load_yaml returns the default and logs issue.'''
badyaml = "1\n 2:"
- self.assertEqual(util.load_yaml(blob=badyaml,
- default=self.mydefault),
- self.mydefault)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ util.load_yaml(blob=badyaml, default=self.mydefault),
+ self.mydefault,
+ )
'Failed loading yaml blob. Invalid format at line 2 column 3:'
' "mapping values are not allowed here',
- self.logs.getvalue())
+ self.logs.getvalue(),
+ )
def test_bogus_parse_error_returns_default(self):
'''On Yaml parse error, load_yaml returns default and logs issue.'''
badyaml = "{}}"
- self.assertEqual(util.load_yaml(blob=badyaml,
- default=self.mydefault),
- self.mydefault)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ util.load_yaml(blob=badyaml, default=self.mydefault),
+ self.mydefault,
+ )
'Failed loading yaml blob. Invalid format at line 1 column 3:'
" \"expected \'<document start>\', but found \'}\'",
- self.logs.getvalue())
+ self.logs.getvalue(),
+ )
def test_unsafe_types(self):
# should not load complex types
- unsafe_yaml = yaml.dump((1, 2, 3,))
- self.assertEqual(util.load_yaml(blob=unsafe_yaml,
- default=self.mydefault),
- self.mydefault)
+ unsafe_yaml = yaml.dump(
+ (
+ 1,
+ 2,
+ 3,
+ )
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ util.load_yaml(blob=unsafe_yaml, default=self.mydefault),
+ self.mydefault,
+ )
def test_python_unicode(self):
# complex type of python/unicode is explicitly allowed
myobj = {'1': "FOOBAR"}
safe_yaml = yaml.dump(myobj)
- self.assertEqual(util.load_yaml(blob=safe_yaml,
- default=self.mydefault),
- myobj)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ util.load_yaml(blob=safe_yaml, default=self.mydefault), myobj
+ )
def test_none_returns_default(self):
"""If yaml.load returns None, then default should be returned."""
@@ -332,13 +1638,16 @@ class TestLoadYaml(helpers.CiTestCase):
mdef = self.mydefault
[(b, self.mydefault) for b in blobs],
- [(b, util.load_yaml(blob=b, default=mdef)) for b in blobs])
+ [(b, util.load_yaml(blob=b, default=mdef)) for b in blobs],
+ )
class TestMountinfoParsing(helpers.ResourceUsingTestCase):
def test_invalid_mountinfo(self):
- line = ("20 1 252:1 / / rw,relatime - ext4 /dev/mapper/vg0-root"
- "rw,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered")
+ line = (
+ "20 1 252:1 / / rw,relatime - ext4 /dev/mapper/vg0-root"
+ "rw,errors=remount-ro,data=ordered"
+ )
elements = line.split()
for i in range(len(elements) + 1):
lines = [' '.join(elements[0:i])]
@@ -398,7 +1707,8 @@ class TestMountinfoParsing(helpers.ResourceUsingTestCase):
m_os.path.exists.return_value = True
# mock subp command from util.get_mount_info_fs_on_zpool
zpool_output.return_value = (
- helpers.readResource('zpool_status_simple.txt'), ''
+ helpers.readResource('zpool_status_simple.txt'),
+ '',
# save function return values and do asserts
ret = util.get_device_info_from_zpool('vmzroot')
@@ -431,7 +1741,8 @@ class TestMountinfoParsing(helpers.ResourceUsingTestCase):
m_os.path.exists.return_value = True
# mock subp command from util.get_mount_info_fs_on_zpool
zpool_output.return_value = (
- helpers.readResource('zpool_status_simple.txt'), 'error'
+ helpers.readResource('zpool_status_simple.txt'),
+ 'error',
# save function return values and do asserts
ret = util.get_device_info_from_zpool('vmzroot')
@@ -440,7 +1751,9 @@ class TestMountinfoParsing(helpers.ResourceUsingTestCase):
def test_parse_mount_with_ext(self, mount_out):
mount_out.return_value = (
- helpers.readResource('mount_parse_ext.txt'), '')
+ helpers.readResource('mount_parse_ext.txt'),
+ '',
+ )
# this one is valid and exists in mount_parse_ext.txt
ret = util.parse_mount('/var')
self.assertEqual(('/dev/mapper/vg00-lv_var', 'ext4', '/var'), ret)
@@ -457,7 +1770,9 @@ class TestMountinfoParsing(helpers.ResourceUsingTestCase):
def test_parse_mount_with_zfs(self, mount_out):
mount_out.return_value = (
- helpers.readResource('mount_parse_zfs.txt'), '')
+ helpers.readResource('mount_parse_zfs.txt'),
+ '',
+ )
# this one is valid and exists in mount_parse_zfs.txt
ret = util.parse_mount('/var')
self.assertEqual(('vmzroot/ROOT/freebsd/var', 'zfs', '/var'), ret)
@@ -470,20 +1785,21 @@ class TestMountinfoParsing(helpers.ResourceUsingTestCase):
class TestIsX86(helpers.CiTestCase):
def test_is_x86_matches_x86_types(self):
"""is_x86 returns True if CPU architecture matches."""
matched_arches = ['x86_64', 'i386', 'i586', 'i686']
for arch in matched_arches:
- util.is_x86(arch), 'Expected is_x86 for arch "%s"' % arch)
+ util.is_x86(arch), 'Expected is_x86 for arch "%s"' % arch
+ )
def test_is_x86_unmatched_types(self):
"""is_x86 returns Fale on non-intel x86 architectures."""
unmatched_arches = ['ia64', '9000/800', 'arm64v71']
for arch in unmatched_arches:
- util.is_x86(arch), 'Expected not is_x86 for arch "%s"' % arch)
+ util.is_x86(arch), 'Expected not is_x86 for arch "%s"' % arch
+ )
def test_is_x86_calls_uname_for_architecture(self, m_uname):
@@ -493,7 +1809,6 @@ class TestIsX86(helpers.CiTestCase):
class TestGetConfigLogfiles(helpers.CiTestCase):
def test_empty_cfg_returns_empty_list(self):
"""An empty config passed to get_config_logfiles returns empty list."""
self.assertEqual([], util.get_config_logfiles(None))
@@ -502,36 +1817,53 @@ class TestGetConfigLogfiles(helpers.CiTestCase):
def test_default_log_file_present(self):
"""When default_log_file is set get_config_logfiles finds it."""
- ['/my.log'],
- util.get_config_logfiles({'def_log_file': '/my.log'}))
+ ['/my.log'], util.get_config_logfiles({'def_log_file': '/my.log'})
+ )
def test_output_logs_parsed_when_teeing_files(self):
"""When output configuration is parsed when teeing files."""
['/himom.log', '/my.log'],
- sorted(util.get_config_logfiles({
- 'def_log_file': '/my.log',
- 'output': {'all': '|tee -a /himom.log'}})))
+ sorted(
+ util.get_config_logfiles(
+ {
+ 'def_log_file': '/my.log',
+ 'output': {'all': '|tee -a /himom.log'},
+ }
+ )
+ ),
+ )
def test_output_logs_parsed_when_redirecting(self):
"""When output configuration is parsed when redirecting to a file."""
['/my.log', '/test.log'],
- sorted(util.get_config_logfiles({
- 'def_log_file': '/my.log',
- 'output': {'all': '>/test.log'}})))
+ sorted(
+ util.get_config_logfiles(
+ {
+ 'def_log_file': '/my.log',
+ 'output': {'all': '>/test.log'},
+ }
+ )
+ ),
+ )
def test_output_logs_parsed_when_appending(self):
"""When output configuration is parsed when appending to a file."""
['/my.log', '/test.log'],
- sorted(util.get_config_logfiles({
- 'def_log_file': '/my.log',
- 'output': {'all': '>> /test.log'}})))
+ sorted(
+ util.get_config_logfiles(
+ {
+ 'def_log_file': '/my.log',
+ 'output': {'all': '>> /test.log'},
+ }
+ )
+ ),
+ )
class TestMultiLog(helpers.FilesystemMockingTestCase):
def _createConsole(self, root):
os.mkdir(os.path.join(root, 'dev'))
open(os.path.join(root, 'dev', 'console'), 'a').close()
@@ -580,8 +1912,9 @@ class TestMultiLog(helpers.FilesystemMockingTestCase):
log = mock.MagicMock()
logged_string = 'something very important'
util.multi_log(logged_string, log=log)
- self.assertEqual([((mock.ANY, logged_string), {})],
- log.log.call_args_list)
+ self.assertEqual(
+ [((mock.ANY, logged_string), {})], log.log.call_args_list
+ )
def test_newlines_stripped_from_log_call(self):
log = mock.MagicMock()
@@ -602,7 +1935,6 @@ class TestMultiLog(helpers.FilesystemMockingTestCase):
class TestMessageFromString(helpers.TestCase):
def test_unicode_not_messed_up(self):
roundtripped = util.message_from_string('\n').as_string()
self.assertNotIn('\x00', roundtripped)
@@ -618,8 +1950,9 @@ class TestReadSeeded(helpers.TestCase):
ud = b"userdatablob"
vd = b"vendordatablob"
- self.tmp, {'meta-data': "key1: val1", 'user-data': ud,
- 'vendor-data': vd})
+ self.tmp,
+ {'meta-data': "key1: val1", 'user-data': ud, 'vendor-data': vd},
+ )
sdir = self.tmp + os.path.sep
(found_md, found_ud, found_vd) = util.read_seeded(sdir)
@@ -638,7 +1971,8 @@ class TestReadSeededWithoutVendorData(helpers.TestCase):
ud = b"userdatablob"
vd = None
- self.tmp, {'meta-data': "key1: val1", 'user-data': ud})
+ self.tmp, {'meta-data': "key1: val1", 'user-data': ud}
+ )
sdir = self.tmp + os.path.sep
(found_md, found_ud, found_vd) = util.read_seeded(sdir)
@@ -649,6 +1983,7 @@ class TestReadSeededWithoutVendorData(helpers.TestCase):
class TestEncode(helpers.TestCase):
"""Test the encoding functions"""
def test_decode_binary_plain_text_with_hex(self):
blob = 'BOOTABLE_FLAG=\x80init=/bin/systemd'
text = util.decode_binary(blob)
@@ -657,12 +1992,14 @@ class TestEncode(helpers.TestCase):
class TestProcessExecutionError(helpers.TestCase):
- template = ('{description}\n'
- 'Command: {cmd}\n'
- 'Exit code: {exit_code}\n'
- 'Reason: {reason}\n'
- 'Stdout: {stdout}\n'
- 'Stderr: {stderr}')
+ template = (
+ '{description}\n'
+ 'Command: {cmd}\n'
+ 'Exit code: {exit_code}\n'
+ 'Reason: {reason}\n'
+ 'Stdout: {stdout}\n'
+ 'Stderr: {stderr}'
+ )
empty_attr = '-'
empty_description = 'Unexpected error while running command.'
@@ -671,23 +2008,37 @@ class TestProcessExecutionError(helpers.TestCase):
msg = 'abc\ndef'
formatted = 'abc\n{0}def'.format(' ' * 4)
self.assertEqual(error._indent_text(msg, indent_level=4), formatted)
- self.assertEqual(error._indent_text(msg.encode(), indent_level=4),
- formatted.encode())
+ self.assertEqual(
+ error._indent_text(msg.encode(), indent_level=4),
+ formatted.encode(),
+ )
- error._indent_text(msg.encode()), type(msg.encode()))
+ error._indent_text(msg.encode()), type(msg.encode())
+ )
def test_pexec_error_type(self):
self.assertIsInstance(subp.ProcessExecutionError(), IOError)
def test_pexec_error_empty_msgs(self):
error = subp.ProcessExecutionError()
- self.assertTrue(all(attr == self.empty_attr for attr in
- (error.stderr, error.stdout, error.reason)))
+ self.assertTrue(
+ all(
+ attr == self.empty_attr
+ for attr in (error.stderr, error.stdout, error.reason)
+ )
+ )
self.assertEqual(error.description, self.empty_description)
- self.assertEqual(str(error), self.template.format(
- description=self.empty_description, exit_code=self.empty_attr,
- reason=self.empty_attr, stdout=self.empty_attr,
- stderr=self.empty_attr, cmd=self.empty_attr))
+ self.assertEqual(
+ str(error),
+ self.template.format(
+ description=self.empty_description,
+ exit_code=self.empty_attr,
+ reason=self.empty_attr,
+ stdout=self.empty_attr,
+ stderr=self.empty_attr,
+ cmd=self.empty_attr,
+ ),
+ )
def test_pexec_error_single_line_msgs(self):
stdout_msg = 'out out'
@@ -695,33 +2046,46 @@ class TestProcessExecutionError(helpers.TestCase):
cmd = 'test command'
exit_code = 3
error = subp.ProcessExecutionError(
- stdout=stdout_msg, stderr=stderr_msg, exit_code=3, cmd=cmd)
- self.assertEqual(str(error), self.template.format(
- description=self.empty_description, stdout=stdout_msg,
- stderr=stderr_msg, exit_code=str(exit_code),
- reason=self.empty_attr, cmd=cmd))
+ stdout=stdout_msg, stderr=stderr_msg, exit_code=3, cmd=cmd
+ )
+ self.assertEqual(
+ str(error),
+ self.template.format(
+ description=self.empty_description,
+ stdout=stdout_msg,
+ stderr=stderr_msg,
+ exit_code=str(exit_code),
+ reason=self.empty_attr,
+ cmd=cmd,
+ ),
+ )
def test_pexec_error_multi_line_msgs(self):
# make sure bytes is converted handled properly when formatting
stdout_msg = 'multi\nline\noutput message'.encode()
stderr_msg = 'multi\nline\nerror message\n\n\n'
error = subp.ProcessExecutionError(
- stdout=stdout_msg, stderr=stderr_msg)
+ stdout=stdout_msg, stderr=stderr_msg
+ )
- '\n'.join((
- '{description}',
- 'Command: {empty_attr}',
- 'Exit code: {empty_attr}',
- 'Reason: {empty_attr}',
- 'Stdout: multi',
- ' line',
- ' output message',
- 'Stderr: multi',
- ' line',
- ' error message',
- )).format(description=self.empty_description,
- empty_attr=self.empty_attr))
+ '\n'.join(
+ (
+ '{description}',
+ 'Command: {empty_attr}',
+ 'Exit code: {empty_attr}',
+ 'Reason: {empty_attr}',
+ 'Stdout: multi',
+ ' line',
+ ' output message',
+ 'Stderr: multi',
+ ' line',
+ ' error message',
+ )
+ ).format(
+ description=self.empty_description, empty_attr=self.empty_attr
+ ),
+ )
class TestSystemIsSnappy(helpers.FilesystemMockingTestCase):
@@ -758,7 +2122,8 @@ class TestSystemIsSnappy(helpers.FilesystemMockingTestCase):
"BOOT_IMAGE=(loop)/kernel.img root=LABEL=writable "
"snap_core=core_x1.snap snap_kernel=pc-kernel_x1.snap ro "
"net.ifnames=0 init=/lib/systemd/systemd console=tty1 "
- "console=ttyS0 panic=-1")
+ "console=ttyS0 panic=-1"
+ )
m_cmdline.return_value = cmdline
self.assertTrue(m_cmdline.call_count > 0)
@@ -777,8 +2142,7 @@ class TestSystemIsSnappy(helpers.FilesystemMockingTestCase):
m_cmdline.return_value = 'root=/dev/sda'
root_d = self.tmp_dir()
content = '\n'.join(["[Foo]", "source = 'ubuntu-core'", ""])
- helpers.populate_dir(
- root_d, {'etc/system-image/channel.ini': content})
+ helpers.populate_dir(root_d, {'etc/system-image/channel.ini': content})
@@ -788,7 +2152,8 @@ class TestSystemIsSnappy(helpers.FilesystemMockingTestCase):
m_cmdline.return_value = 'root=/dev/sda'
root_d = self.tmp_dir()
- root_d, {'etc/system-image/config.d/my.file': "_unused"})
+ root_d, {'etc/system-image/config.d/my.file': "_unused"}
+ )
@@ -798,18 +2163,24 @@ class TestLoadShellContent(helpers.TestCase):
"""Shell comments should be allowed in the content."""
{'key1': 'val1', 'key2': 'val2', 'key3': 'val3 #tricky'},
- util.load_shell_content('\n'.join([
- "#top of file comment",
- "key1=val1 #this is a comment",
- "# second comment",
- 'key2="val2" # inlin comment'
- '#badkey=wark',
- 'key3="val3 #tricky"',
- ''])))
+ util.load_shell_content(
+ '\n'.join(
+ [
+ "#top of file comment",
+ "key1=val1 #this is a comment",
+ "# second comment",
+ 'key2="val2" # inlin comment#badkey=wark',
+ 'key3="val3 #tricky"',
+ '',
+ ]
+ )
+ ),
+ )
class TestGetProcEnv(helpers.TestCase):
"""test get_proc_env."""
null = b'\x00'
simple1 = b'HOME=/'
simple2 = b'PATH=/bin:/sbin'
@@ -824,14 +2195,19 @@ class TestGetProcEnv(helpers.TestCase):
def test_non_utf8_in_environment(self, m_load_file):
"""env may have non utf-8 decodable content."""
content = self.null.join(
- (self.bootflag, self.simple1, self.simple2, self.mixed))
+ (self.bootflag, self.simple1, self.simple2, self.mixed)
+ )
m_load_file.return_value = content
- {'BOOTABLE_FLAG': self._val_decoded(self.bootflag),
- 'HOME': '/', 'PATH': '/bin:/sbin',
- 'MIXED': self._val_decoded(self.mixed)},
- util.get_proc_env(1))
+ {
+ 'BOOTABLE_FLAG': self._val_decoded(self.bootflag),
+ 'HOME': '/',
+ 'PATH': '/bin:/sbin',
+ 'MIXED': self._val_decoded(self.mixed),
+ },
+ util.get_proc_env(1),
+ )
self.assertEqual(1, m_load_file.call_count)
@@ -843,7 +2219,8 @@ class TestGetProcEnv(helpers.TestCase):
dict([t.split(b'=') for t in lines]),
- util.get_proc_env(1, encoding=None))
+ util.get_proc_env(1, encoding=None),
+ )
self.assertEqual(1, m_load_file.call_count)
@@ -852,8 +2229,8 @@ class TestGetProcEnv(helpers.TestCase):
content = self.null.join((self.simple1, self.simple2))
m_load_file.return_value = content
- {'HOME': '/', 'PATH': '/bin:/sbin'},
- util.get_proc_env(1))
+ {'HOME': '/', 'PATH': '/bin:/sbin'}, util.get_proc_env(1)
+ )
self.assertEqual(1, m_load_file.call_count)
@@ -871,14 +2248,15 @@ class TestGetProcEnv(helpers.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(my_ppid, util.get_proc_ppid(my_pid))
-class TestKernelVersion():
+class TestKernelVersion:
"""test kernel version function"""
params = [
('5.6.19-300.fc32.x86_64', (5, 6)),
('4.15.0-101-generic', (4, 15)),
('3.10.0-1062.12.1.vz7.131.10', (3, 10)),
- ('4.18.0-144.el8.x86_64', (4, 18))]
+ ('4.18.0-144.el8.x86_64', (4, 18)),
+ ]
@pytest.mark.parametrize("uname_release,expected", params)
@@ -892,29 +2270,27 @@ class TestFindDevs:
def test_find_devs_with(self, m_subp):
m_subp.return_value = (
'/dev/sda1: UUID="some-uuid" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="some-partid"',
- ''
+ '',
devlist = util.find_devs_with()
assert devlist == [
- '/dev/sda1: UUID="some-uuid" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="some-partid"']
+ '/dev/sda1: UUID="some-uuid" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="some-partid"'
+ ]
devlist = util.find_devs_with("LABEL_FATBOOT=A_LABEL")
assert devlist == [
- '/dev/sda1: UUID="some-uuid" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="some-partid"']
+ '/dev/sda1: UUID="some-uuid" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="some-partid"'
+ ]
def test_find_devs_with_openbsd(self, m_subp):
- m_subp.return_value = (
- 'cd0:,sd0:630d98d32b5d3759,sd1:,fd0:', ''
- )
+ m_subp.return_value = ('cd0:,sd0:630d98d32b5d3759,sd1:,fd0:', '')
devlist = util.find_devs_with_openbsd()
assert devlist == ['/dev/cd0a', '/dev/sd1i']
def test_find_devs_with_openbsd_with_criteria(self, m_subp):
- m_subp.return_value = (
- 'cd0:,sd0:630d98d32b5d3759,sd1:,fd0:', ''
- )
+ m_subp.return_value = ('cd0:,sd0:630d98d32b5d3759,sd1:,fd0:', '')
devlist = util.find_devs_with_openbsd(criteria="TYPE=iso9660")
assert devlist == ['/dev/cd0a']
@@ -923,7 +2299,8 @@ class TestFindDevs:
assert devlist == ['/dev/cd0a', '/dev/sd1i']
- 'criteria,expected_devlist', (
+ 'criteria,expected_devlist',
+ (
(None, ['/dev/msdosfs/EFISYS', '/dev/iso9660/config-2']),
('TYPE=iso9660', ['/dev/iso9660/config-2']),
('TYPE=vfat', ['/dev/msdosfs/EFISYS']),
@@ -940,19 +2317,23 @@ class TestFindDevs:
elif pattern == "/dev/iso9660/*":
return iso9660
raise Exception
m_glob.side_effect = fake_glob
devlist = util.find_devs_with_freebsd(criteria=criteria)
assert devlist == expected_devlist
- 'criteria,expected_devlist', (
+ 'criteria,expected_devlist',
+ (
(None, ['/dev/ld0', '/dev/dk0', '/dev/dk1', '/dev/cd0']),
('TYPE=iso9660', ['/dev/cd0']),
('TYPE=vfat', ["/dev/ld0", "/dev/dk0", "/dev/dk1"]),
- ('LABEL_FATBOOT=A_LABEL', # lp: #1841466
- ['/dev/ld0', '/dev/dk0', '/dev/dk1', '/dev/cd0']),
- )
+ (
+ 'LABEL_FATBOOT=A_LABEL', # lp: #1841466
+ ['/dev/ld0', '/dev/dk0', '/dev/dk1', '/dev/cd0'],
+ ),
+ ),
def test_find_devs_with_netbsd(self, m_subp, criteria, expected_devlist):
@@ -1000,21 +2381,24 @@ class TestFindDevs:
assert devlist == expected_devlist
- 'criteria,expected_devlist', (
+ 'criteria,expected_devlist',
+ (
(None, ['/dev/vbd0', '/dev/cd0', '/dev/acd0']),
('TYPE=iso9660', ['/dev/cd0', '/dev/acd0']),
('TYPE=vfat', ['/dev/vbd0']),
- ('LABEL_FATBOOT=A_LABEL', # lp: #1841466
- ['/dev/vbd0', '/dev/cd0', '/dev/acd0']),
- )
+ (
+ 'LABEL_FATBOOT=A_LABEL', # lp: #1841466
+ ['/dev/vbd0', '/dev/cd0', '/dev/acd0'],
+ ),
+ ),
- def test_find_devs_with_dragonflybsd(self, m_subp, criteria,
- expected_devlist):
- m_subp.return_value = (
- 'md2 md1 cd0 vbd0 acd0 vn3 vn2 vn1 vn0 md0', ''
- )
+ def test_find_devs_with_dragonflybsd(
+ self, m_subp, criteria, expected_devlist
+ ):
+ m_subp.return_value = ('md2 md1 cd0 vbd0 acd0 vn3 vn2 vn1 vn0 md0', '')
devlist = util.find_devs_with_dragonflybsd(criteria=criteria)
assert devlist == expected_devlist
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