path: root/upstart
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Diffstat (limited to 'upstart')
2 files changed, 51 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/upstart/cloud-init-container.conf b/upstart/cloud-init-container.conf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..051c6e50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/upstart/cloud-init-container.conf
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# in a lxc container, events for network interfaces do not
+# get created or may be missed. This helps cloud-init-nonet along
+# by emitting those events if they have not been emitted.
+start on container
+stop on static-network-up
+emits net-device-added
+console output
+ # if we are inside a container, then we may have to emit the ifup
+ # events for 'auto' network devices.
+ set -f
+ # from /etc/network/if-up.d/upstart
+ MARK_DEV_PREFIX="/run/network/ifup."
+ MARK_STATIC_NETWORK_EMITTED="/run/network/static-network-up-emitted"
+ # if the all static network interfaces are already up, nothing to do
+ [ -f "$MARK_STATIC_NETWORK_EMITTED" ] && exit 0
+ # get list of all 'auto' interfaces. if there are none, nothing to do.
+ auto_list=$(ifquery --list --allow auto 2>/dev/null) || :
+ [ -z "$auto_list" ] && exit 0
+ set -- ${auto_list}
+ [ "$*" = "lo" ] && exit 0
+ # we only want to emit for interfaces that do not exist, so filter
+ # out anything that does not exist.
+ for iface in "$@"; do
+ [ "$iface" = "lo" ] && continue
+ # skip interfaces that are already up
+ [ -f "${MARK_DEV_PREFIX}${iface}" ] && continue
+ if [ -d /sys/net ]; then
+ # if /sys is mounted, and there is no /sys/net/iface, then no device
+ [ -e "/sys/net/$iface" ] && continue
+ else
+ # sys wasn't mounted, so just check via 'ifconfig'
+ ifconfig "$iface" >/dev/null 2>&1 || continue
+ fi
+ initctl emit --no-wait net-device-added "INTERFACE=$iface" &&
+ emitted="$emitted $iface" ||
+ echo "warn: ${UPSTART_JOB} failed to emit net-device-added INTERFACE=$iface"
+ done
+ [ -z "${emitted# }" ] ||
+ echo "${UPSTART_JOB}: emitted ifup for ${emitted# }"
+end script
diff --git a/upstart/cloud-init-nonet.conf b/upstart/cloud-init-nonet.conf
index 7b69e584..118ffc1c 100644
--- a/upstart/cloud-init-nonet.conf
+++ b/upstart/cloud-init-nonet.conf
@@ -18,8 +18,6 @@ script
[ -f /var/lib/cloud/instance/obj.pkl ] && exit 0
- start networking >/dev/null
short=10; long=120;
sleep ${short}
echo $UPSTART_JOB "waiting ${long} seconds for a network device."