AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-03-16netplan: render bridge port-priority valuesRyan Harper
2018-03-15util: Fix subp regression. Allow specifying subp command as a string.Chad Smith
2018-03-15doc: fix all warnings issued by 'tox -e doc'Scott Moser
2018-03-15FreeBSD: Set hostname to FQDN.Dominic Schlegel
2018-03-15tests: fix run_tree and bddebScott Moser
2018-03-15tests: Fix some warnings in tests that popped up with newer python.Scott Moser
2018-03-14set_hostname: When present in metadata, set it before network bringup.Chad Smith
2018-03-14tests: Centralize and re-use skipTest based on json schema presense.Scott Moser
2018-03-10This commit fixes get_hostname on the AzureDataSource.Douglas Jordan
2018-03-09shellify: raise TypeError on bad input.Scott Moser
2018-03-08Make salt minion module work on FreeBSD.Dominic Schlegel
2018-03-02Simplify some comparisions.Rémy Léone
2018-03-02Change some list creation and population to literal.Rémy Léone
2018-03-01GCE: fix reading of user-data that is not base64 encoded.Scott Moser
2018-02-26doc: fix chef install from apt packages example in RTD.Chad Smith
2018-02-26Implement puppet 4 supportRomanos Skiadas
2018-02-23subp: Fix subp usage with non-ascii characters when no system locale.Scott Moser
2018-02-23salt: configure grains in grains file rather than in minion config.Daniel Wallace
2018-02-22release 18.1Scott Moser
2018-02-21OVF: Fix VMware support for 64-bit platforms.Sankar Tanguturi
2018-02-21ds-identify: Fix searching for iso9660 OVF cdroms.Scott Moser
2018-02-14SUSE: Fix groups used for ownership of cloud-init.logRobert Schweikert
2018-02-12ds-identify: check /writable/system-data/ for nocloud seed.Scott Moser
2018-02-12tests: run nosetests in cloudinit/ directory, fix py26 fallout.Scott Moser
2018-02-12tools: run-centos: git clone rather than tar.Scott Moser
2018-02-12tests: add support for logs with lxd from snap and future lxd 3.Scott Moser
2018-02-09EC2: Fix get_instance_id called against cached datasource pickle.Chad Smith
2018-02-08cli: fix cloud-init status to report running when before result.jsonChad Smith
2018-02-08net: accept network-config in netplan format for renaming interfacesRyan Harper
2018-02-02Fix ssh keys validation in ssh_utilTatiana Kholkina
2018-01-29docs: Update RTD content for cloud-init subcommands.Chad Smith
2018-01-26OVF: Extend well-known labels to include OVFENV.Scott Moser
2018-01-26Fix potential cases of uninitialized variables.Chad Smith
2018-01-25tests: Collect script output as binary, collect systemd journal, fix lxd.Scott Moser
2018-01-25HACKING.rst: mention setting user name and email via git config.Scott Moser
2018-01-24Azure VM Preprovisioning support.Douglas Jordan
2018-01-24tools/read-version: Fix read-version when in a git worktree.Scott Moser
2018-01-24docs: Fix typos in docs and one debug message.aRkadeFR
2018-01-24btrfs: support resizing if root is mounted ro.Robert Schweikert
2018-01-24OpenNebula: Improve network configuration support.Akihiko Ota
2018-01-23tests: Fix EC2 Platform to return console output as bytes.Scott Moser
2018-01-23tests: Fix attempted use of /run in a test case.Scott Moser
2018-01-23GCE: Improvements and changes to ssh key behavior for default user.Max Illfelder
2018-01-23subp: make ProcessExecutionError have expected types in stderr, stdout.Scott Moser
2018-01-23tests: when querying ntp server, do not do dns resolution.Scott Moser
2018-01-23Recognize uppercase vfat disk labelsJames Penick
2018-01-18tests: remove zesty as supported OS to testJoshua Powers
2018-01-12Do not log warning on config files that represent None.Scott Moser
2018-01-10tests: Use git hash pip dependency format for pylxd.Chad Smith
2018-01-10tests: add integration requirements text fileJoshua Powers