AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-05-25remove debug print statementsScott Moser
2016-05-24update changelogScott Moser
2016-05-24fix logic error in ec2 get_instance_userdata and slow testsScott Moser
2016-05-24fix up tests that take too long due to retries and timeoutsScott Moser
2016-05-24Make the usage of 'nose-timer' optionalJoshua Harlow
2016-05-17Document improvements for runcmd/bootcmdMatt Fischer
2016-05-16Fix slow testsJoshua Harlow
2016-05-12Enable nose-timer and always show top 10 slow testsJoshua Harlow
2016-05-12Enable flake8 and fix a large amount of reported issuesJoshua Harlow
2016-05-12fix last flake8 errorScott Moser
2016-05-12fix for flake8Scott Moser
2016-05-12run flake8 instead of pyflakes in tox. expect tests/ to pass flake8.Scott Moser
2016-05-12Freeze lint testing requirementsJoshua Harlow
2016-05-12Ensure hacking is installedJoshua Harlow
2016-05-12Fix logging importJoshua Harlow
2016-05-12Fix up a ton of flake8 issuesJoshua Harlow
2016-05-06fix timestamp in reporting events.Scott Moser
2016-05-01initial commit of reworkScott Moser
2016-04-29Paths: fix instance path if datasource's id has a '/'.Scott Moser
2016-04-29Config Drive: fix check_instance_id signature.Scott Moser
2016-04-29cloudstack: Only use DHCPv4 lease files as a datasourceDaniel Watkins
2016-04-28Tweak instance path name based on review feedbackRobert Jennings
2016-04-28cloudstack: Only use DHCPv4 lease files as a datasourceWido den Hollander
2016-04-27Ensure instance path is a child of cloud_dirRobert Jennings
2016-04-15network: do not write interface as 'auto' from ip= on command line.Scott Moser
2016-04-15write 'allow-hotplug', but 'auto' for auto.Scott Moser
2016-04-15support and render control=manual on initramfs network devicesScott Moser
2016-04-15sync with curtin on render_interfacesScott Moser
2016-04-15apply networking less oftenScott Moser
2016-04-15log that you're not applying configScott Moser
2016-04-15only apply networking once per instanceScott Moser
2016-04-15networking: no longer delete eth0.cfg on debian/ubuntuScott Moser
2016-04-14fallback net config: do not consider devices starting with 'veth'Scott Moser
2016-04-13phone_home: allow usage of fqdnScott Moser
2016-04-13chef: straighten out validation_cert and validation_keyScott Moser
2016-04-13skip bridges when generating fallback networkingScott Moser
2016-04-12rh_subscription: only check subscription if configuredScott Moser
2016-04-12SmartOS, CloudSigma: fix error when dmi data is not availbleScott Moser
2016-04-12DataSourceNoCloud: fix check_instance_id when upgradedScott Moser
2016-04-12provide a warning if 'system' but file does not existScott Moser
2016-04-12chef: straighten out validation_cert and validation_keyScott Moser
2016-04-11lxd: adds basic support for dpkg based lxd-bridge configuration.Scott Moser
2016-04-11minor cleanupsScott Moser
2016-04-11Add tests for lxd-bridgeStéphane Graber
2016-04-11lxd-bridge: Don't require a bridge name and implement support for domain nameStéphane Graber
2016-04-11Update lxd-bridge code to do a single debconf-communicate run and split debco...Stéphane Graber
2016-04-11Add support for lxd-bridge configurationStéphane Graber
2016-04-06Ensure that a resolve conf object is written as a string.Scott Moser
2016-04-06fix tests and hopefully actually workScott Moser
2016-04-06rh_subscription: only check subscription if configuredScott Moser