AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-06-08Renamed this, since its more of settings, not all constants.Joshua Harlow
2012-06-08Putting back into utils for now (until that gets to big).Joshua Harlow
2012-06-08Seems like the util function extraction was not actually needed.Joshua Harlow
2012-06-08Moved this to a file called parts which handles this type of functionality.Joshua Harlow
2012-06-08Moving exceptions to modules where they are used. Seems to make sense.Joshua Harlow
2012-06-07Add a standard exception holding file.Joshua Harlow
2012-06-07Add in a utility class that will handle all shell-like actions.Joshua Harlow
2012-06-07Add this file which will contain the cloud init and cloud config classes.Joshua Harlow
2012-06-07Start moving code from there to here.Joshua Harlow
2012-06-07Move the contents of this file to __init__ in sources.Joshua Harlow
2012-06-071. Move cloud init and cloud config objects to a cloud file.Joshua Harlow
2012-06-07Add in a helper that is useful for running pep8/pylintJoshua Harlow
2012-06-07Add a file that just deals with url like functionsJoshua Harlow
2012-06-07Add a file that just deals with handling modules and part dataJoshua Harlow
2012-06-07Darn it. Those shouldn't be there!Joshua Harlow
2012-06-071. Adding some new helper files that split off file inclusion, templating, im...Joshua Harlow
2012-06-07Move binaries to an actual binary dir.Joshua Harlow
2012-05-22remove usage of subprocess.check_outputScott Moser
2012-05-22support relative path in AuthorizedKeysFileScott Moser if /etc/landscape does not exist, then create itScott Moser
2012-04-10pep8: fix white spaceScott Moser
2012-04-09fix chef documentation (LP: #960564)Scott Moser
2012-04-09replace bug links with LP: # syntax, use '$RELEASE' for apt sourceScott Moser
2012-04-07Added an example for using Chef with oneiricLorin Hochstein
2012-04-07Added GPG keyLorin Hochstein
2012-04-05Fixed opscode repo in chef recipeLorin Hochstein
2012-04-05Allow a url to cloud-config data to be specified on kernel config lineScott Moser
2012-04-05add a better exception messageScott Moser
2012-04-05revert improved exception printing, as it was brokenScott Moser
2012-04-05syntax error fixScott Moser
2012-04-05improve exception messageScott Moser
2012-04-05move the reading of the cmdline cloud-config url to cloud-init.pyScott Moser
2012-04-04fix issue found in real testScott Moser
2012-04-04add reading of 'seedfrom' via DataSourceNoCloud's DataSourceConfigScott Moser
2012-04-04initial checkin of kernel commandline cloud-config url supportScott Moser
2012-04-04Provide informative message when user logs in with unsupported localeScott Moser
2012-04-04minor cleanup to messages, combine commands to single lineScott Moser
2012-04-04Only show this message one time.Scott Moser
2012-04-04move out of profile.d to toolsScott Moser
2012-04-02Fixed deficiency in merge proposal.Ben Howard
2012-03-30Added a profile.d message to inform people about invalid locale setting.Ben Howard
2012-03-26cc_chef: fix bug when validation_key was present, but validation_cert was notScott Moser
2012-03-21fix bad variable if blocking cc_resizefsScott Moser
2012-03-21allow cloud-config to control if resizefs is blocking or notScott Moser
2012-03-21cc_resizefs: run resizefs in the background during boot.Scott Moser
2012-03-19DataSource: if public-keys is a string, split it on newlineScott Moser
2012-03-16add supprot for reading public-keys from DataSourcMAASScott Moser
2012-03-16rename DataSourceMaaS to DataSourceMAAS, generally use MAAS everywhereScott Moser
2012-03-16fix pylint warnings in test_userdataScott Moser
2012-03-13add python-oauth to dependencies [Cosmin Luță]Scott Moser