AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2011-12-16use the distro when searchingScott Moser
2011-12-16only use apt_mirror if it is non-emptyScott Moser
2011-12-16fix issue if apt_mirror is provided in configScott Moser
2011-12-16replace a print with a log.debugScott Moser
2011-12-16merge trunkScott Moser
2011-12-16tools/bddeb: add a symlink to created debScott Moser
2011-12-16DataSource: fix is_ipv4 usageScott Moser
2011-12-16sync from trunkScott Moser move version to 0.6.3Scott Moser
2011-12-16bddeb: improve 'bddeb' to read version and add bzr revnoScott Moser
2011-12-16initial mirror configuration/discoveryScott Moser
2011-12-16move logic of "is this an ipv4 address" to a function is_ipv4Scott Moser
2011-12-06doc/ovf/README: documentation fix [David Medberry]Scott Moser
2011-11-30do not convert 'None' to a string in cloud-config mounts input.Scott Moser
2011-11-22fix doc for ec2 datasourceScott Moser
2011-10-31use hashlib rather than md5 module to avoid deprecation warning.Scott Moser
2011-10-31fix bug in netinfo.debug_info if no network devices availableScott Moser
2011-10-31Mention in Changelog integration of Fedora packages (LP: #883286)Scott Moser
2011-10-31add documentation of new config optionsScott Moser
2011-10-31make ssh service name configurableScott Moser
2011-10-31make ssh host key deletion configurableScott Moser
2011-10-30Make the types of SSH keys to generate configurableScott Moser
2011-10-30add a warning if there is no known way to enable puppet service.Scott Moser
2011-10-30Make enabling puppet service work on FedoraScott Moser
2011-10-30Write timezone data to /etc/sysconfig/clockScott Moser
2011-10-30Make locale file location configurableScott Moser
2011-10-30Restore created files' selinux contextsScott Moser
2011-10-30Add sample/example systemd config filesScott Moser
2011-10-27make-dist-tarball: make output not be debian-likeScott Moser
2011-10-27Replace static dict mapping version to packages with a method (LP: #848932)Scott Moser
2011-10-27do not run run-parts if directory has no itemsScott Moser
2011-10-13Improve OVF documentation and provide functional demo.Scott Moser
2011-10-09fix updates.tar function in uncloud-initScott Moser
2011-10-06DataSourceEc2: catch a socket timeout in wait-for-md-service codeScott Moser
2011-09-28increase cloud-init-nonet timeout to 130 seconds from 70Scott Moser
2011-09-23DataSourceOVF: specify timeout=None in read_seeded callScott Moser
2011-09-22mention dependency on python-botoScott Moser
2011-09-22wrap-and-sortScott Moser
2011-09-22remove local copy of boto.utilsScott Moser
2011-09-22make read_seeded return OSError for a file not foundScott Moser
2011-09-22add retrying to read_seeded. have it use read_url.Scott Moser
2011-09-22cloudinit/ fix bad usage of get_fqdn_from_hostsScott Moser
2011-09-21add LICENSE fileScott Moser
2011-09-21cloud-init-nonet.conf: redirect 'start networking' output to /dev/nullScott Moser
2011-09-14try a little harder to get a fqdn rather than defaulting to localdomainScott Moser
2011-09-13[doc] add 'preseed' string to cloud-config for debconf-set-selectionsScott Moser
2011-09-13Chef support fixes, and support for environment and initial attr (LP: #845208)Scott Moser
2011-09-13Bringing in proper json support for firstboot.json from lp:~avishai-ish-shalo...Mike Moulton
2011-09-12Set sane defaults for 'node_name' and 'environment'Mike Moulton
2011-09-10Modifications to properly support both 'gems' and 'packages' install types.Mike Moulton