AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-06-12Default to UTF-8 in /var/log/cloud-init.log (#427)James Falcon
2020-06-12travis: cache the chroot we use for package builds (#429)Daniel Watkins
2020-06-10test: fix all flake8 E126 errors (#425)Joshua Powers
2020-06-09Fixes KeyError for bridge with no "parameters:" setting (#423)Brian Candler
2020-06-09When tools.conf does not exist, running cmd "vmware-toolbox-cmd config get de...chengcheng-chcheng
2020-06-09Document CloudStack data-server well-known hostname (#399)Gregor Riepl
2020-06-08test: move to top-level, to cover tests/ also (#414)Daniel Watkins
2020-06-08Replace cc_chef is_installed with use of subp.is_exe. (#421)Scott Moser
2020-06-08Move runparts to subp. (#420)Scott Moser
2020-06-08Move subp into its own module. (#416)Scott Moser
2020-06-08readme: point at (#417)Joshua Powers
2020-06-04New feature flag functionality and fix includes failing silently (#367)James Falcon
2020-06-03Enhance poll imds logging (#365)Moustafa Moustafa
2020-06-02test: fix all flake8 E121 and E123 errors (#404)Joshua Powers
2020-06-02test: fix all flake8 E241 (#403)Joshua Powers
2020-06-02test: ignore flake8 E402 errors in (#402)Joshua Powers
2020-06-01cc_grub_dpkg: determine idevs in more robust manner with grub-probe (#358)Matthew Ruffell
2020-06-01test: fix all flake8 E741 errors (#401)Joshua Powers
2020-05-28tests: add groovy integration tests for ubuntu (#400)Chad Smith
2020-05-27Enable chef_license support for chef infra client (#389)Bipin Bachhao
2020-05-27testing: use flake8 again (#392)Joshua Powers
2020-05-27enable Puppet, Chef mcollective in default config (#385)Mina Galić (deprecated: Igor Galić)
2020-05-26HACKING.rst: introduce .net -> Networking refactor section (#384)Daniel Watkins
2020-05-25Travis: do not install python3-contextlib2 (dropped dependency) (#388)Paride Legovini
2020-05-22HACKING: mention that .github-cla-signers is alpha-sorted (#380)Daniel Watkins
2020-05-22Add bipinbachhao as contributor (#379)Bipin Bachhao
2020-05-21cc_snap: validate that assertions property values are strings (#370)Daniel Watkins
2020-05-21conftest: implement partial disable_subp_usage (#371)Daniel Watkins
2020-05-19test_resolv_conf: refresh stale comment (#374)Daniel Watkins
2020-05-18cc_snap: apply validation to snap.commands properties (#364)Daniel Watkins
2020-05-18make finding libc platform independent (#366)Mina Galić (deprecated: Igor Galić)
2020-05-15doc/rtd/topics/faq: Updates LXD docs links to current site (#368)TomP
2020-05-14templater: drop Jinja Python 2 compatibility shim (#353)Daniel Watkins
2020-05-14cloudinit: minor pylint fixes (#360)Daniel Watkins
2020-05-14cloudinit: remove unneeded __future__ imports (#362)Daniel Watkins
2020-05-14migrating momousta lp user to Moustafa-Moustafa GitHub user (#361)Moustafa Moustafa
2020-05-14cloud_tests: emit dots on Travis while fetching images (#347)Daniel Watkins
2020-05-13Add schema to apt configure config (#357)lucasmoura
2020-05-12conftest: add docs and tests regarding CiTestCase's subp functionality (#343)Daniel Watkins
2020-05-11analyze/dump: refactor shared string into variable (#350)Daniel Watkins
2020-05-11doc: update boot.rst with correct timing of runcmd (#351)Daniel Watkins
2020-05-11HACKING.rst: change contact info to Rick Harding (#359)lucasmoura
2020-05-11HACKING.rst: guide people to add themselves to the CLA file (#349)Daniel Watkins
2020-05-11HACKING.rst: more unit testing documentation (#354)Daniel Watkins
2020-05-08.travis.yml: don't run lintian during integration test package builds (#352)Daniel Watkins
2020-05-08Add test to ensure docs examples are valid cloud-init configs (#355)James Falcon
2020-05-07make suse and sles support (#336)chengcheng-chcheng
2020-05-07lp-to-git-users: adding chengcheng-chcheng (#356)chengcheng-chcheng
2020-05-06Create tests to validate schema examples (#348)lucasmoura
2020-05-06analyze/dump: add support for Amazon Linux 2 log lines (#346)Daniel Watkins