path: root/cloudinit/CloudConfig/
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-01-12[PATCH 01/13] Fix pylint warnings W0311 (bad indentation)Scott Moser
2012-01-10fix invalid variable name in cloudinit/CloudConfig/cc_resizefs.pyScott Moser
2012-01-09run resizefs module on every bootScott Moser
2011-07-19do not complain if attempt to resizefs in an lxc container failsScott Moser
2011-03-21fix bug with resizefs moduleScott Moser log output of failed resizefs or blkid commandsScott Moser
2011-02-04resizefs didn't work, as 'blkid' would return error status 2Scott Moser
2011-02-04change default of resize_rootfs to TrueScott Moser
2011-01-26change 'except' syntax to python 3 style.Scott Moser
2011-01-20add 'resize_rootfs' cloud-config option.Scott Moser