Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
Package a single JSON schema file for user-data validation at
Perform validate_cloudconfig_schema call to just after the
user-data is consumed. This will allow single validation of all
user-data against the full schema instead of
repetitive validatation calls against each cloud-config module
(cloudinit.config.cc_*) sub-schemas.
This branch defines the simple apt_pipelining schema and
migrates existing cc_apk_configure into cloud-init-schema.json.
The expectation will be additional branches to migrate from legacy
"schema" attributes inside each cloud-config module toward unique
cc_<module_name> definitions in the global shema file under "$defs"
of cloud-init-schema-X.Y..json.
Before legacy sub-schema definitions are migrated the following
funcs grew support to read sub-schemas from both static
cloud-init-schema.json and the individual cloud-config module
"schema" attributes:
- get_schema: source base schema file from cloud-init-schema.json
and supplement with all legacy cloud-config module "schema" defs
- get_meta_doc: optional schema param so cloud-config modules
no longer provide the own local sub-schemas
- _get_property_doc: render only documentation of sub-schema based
on meta['id'] provided
- validate_cloudconfig_schema: allow optional schema param
Additionally, fix two minor bugs in _schemapath_for_cloudconfig:
- `cloud-init devel schema --annotate` which results in a Traceback
if two keys at the same indent level have invalid types.
- exit early on empty cloud-config to avoid a Traceback on the CLI
Applied Black and isort, fixed any linting issues, updated tox.ini
and CI.
In #919 (81299de), we refactored some of the code used to bring up
networks across distros. Previously, the call to bring up network
interfaces during 'init' stage unintentionally resulted in a no-op
such that network interfaces were NEVER brought up by cloud-init, even
if new network interfaces were found after crawling the metadata.
The code was altered to bring up these discovered network interfaces.
On ubuntu, this results in a 'netplan apply' call during 'init' stage
for any ubuntu-based distro on a datasource that has a NETWORK
dependency. On GCE, this additional 'netplan apply' conflicts with the
google-guest-agent service, resulting in an instance that can no
be connected to.
This commit adds a 'disable_network_activation' option that can be
enabled in /etc/cloud.cfg to disable the activation of network
interfaces in 'init' stage.
LP: #1938299
In CI run against pylint 2.9.3 and fix occurrences of:
- W0237 (arguments-renamed)
- W0402 (deprecated-module)
The W0402 deprecated-module was about module `imp`:
cloudinit/ [W0402(deprecated-module), ]
Uses of a deprecated module 'imp'
The imp module is deprecated and replaced by importlib, which according
to the documentation has no replacement for acquire_lock() and
release_lock(), which are the only reason why `imp` is imported.
Nothing about the code using this lock that actually requires it.
Let's remove the locking code and the import altogether.
Dropping the locking makes patcher.patch() an empty wrapper around
_patch_logging(). Rename _patch_logging() to patch_logging() and
call it directly instead. Drop patch().
summary: Clear cache when a Python version change is detected
When a distribution gets updated it is possible that the Python version
changes. Python makes no guarantee that pickle is consistent across
versions as such we need to purge the cache and start over.
Co-authored-by: James Falcon <>
Fedora build system's rpmlint is complaining that there is a file with a
shebang but no executable flag set. No need to have shebang on this
file, so drop it.
Signed-off-by: Eduardo Otubo <>
Co-authored-by: Scott Moser <>
Cloud-init's will fail when presented with a new
stage name 'modules-init' if upgrading an older cloud-init.
Fix this by initializing unknown stage names before accessing.
LP: #1815109
I noticed a bug in dhclient_hook on the 'down' event, using 'is'
operator rather than '==' (if self.net_action is 'down').
This refactors/simplifies the code a bit for easier testing and adds
tests. The reason for the rename of 'action' to 'event' is to just
be internally consistent. The word and Namespace 'action' is used
by cloud-init main, so it was not really usable here.
Also adds a main which can easily be debugged with:
CI_DHCP_HOOK_DATA_D=./my.d python -m cloudinit.dhclient_hook up eth0
Cloud-init caches any cloud metadata crawled during boot in the file
/run/cloud-init/instance-data.json. Cloud-init also standardizes some of
that metadata across all clouds. The command 'cloud-init query' surfaces a
simple CLI to query or format any cached instance metadata so that scripts
or end-users do not have to write tools to crawl metadata themselves.
Since 'cloud-init query' is runnable by non-root users, redact any
sensitive data from instance-data.json and provide a root-readable
unredacted instance-data-sensitive.json. Datasources can now define a
sensitive_metadata_keys tuple which will redact any matching keys
which could contain passwords or credentials from instance-data.json.
Also add the following standardized 'v1' instance-data.json keys:
- user_data: The base64encoded user-data provided at instance launch
- vendor_data: Any vendor_data provided to the instance at launch
- underscore_delimited versions of existing hyphenated keys:
instance_id, local_hostname, availability_zone, cloud_name
Allow users to provide '## template: jinja' as the first line or their
#cloud-config or custom script user-data parts. When this header exists,
the cloud-config or script will be rendered as a jinja template.
All instance metadata keys and values present in
/run/cloud-init/instance-data.json will be available as jinja variables
for the template. This means any cloud-config module or script can
reference any standardized instance data in templates and scripts.
Additionally, any standardized instance-data.json keys scoped below a
'<v#>' key will be promoted as a top-level key for ease of reference in
templates. This means that '{{ local_hostname }}' is the same as using the
latest '{{ v#.local_hostname }}'.
Since instance-data is written to /run/cloud-init/instance-data.json, make
sure it is persisted across reboots when the cached datasource opject is
LP: #1791781
Switch the implementation to a daemon thread which uses a
blocking get from the Queue. No additional locking or flag checking
is needed since the Queue itself handles acquiring the lock as needed.
cloud-init only has a single producer (the main thread calling publish)
and the consumer will read all events in the queue and write them out.
Using the daemon mode of the thread handles flushing the queue on
main exit in python3; in python2.7 we handle the EOFError that results
when the publish thread calls to get() fails indicating the main thread
has exited.
The result is that the handler is no longer spawing a thread on each
publish event but rather creates a single thread when we start up
the reporter and we remove any additional use of separate locks and
flags as we only have a single Queue object and we're only calling
queue.put() from main thread and queue.get() from consuming thread.
Linux guests can provide information to Hyper-V hosts via KVP.
KVP allows the guests to provide any string key-value-pairs back to the
host's registry. On linux, kvp communication pools are presented as pool
files in /var/lib/hyperv/.kvp_pool_#.
The following reporting configuration can enable this kvp reporting in
addition to default logging if the pool files exist:
type: log
type: hyperv
The result of a read_file_or_url on a file and on a url would differ
in behavior.
str(UrlResponse) would return UrlResponse.contents.decode('utf-8')
str(FileResponse) would return str(FileResponse.contents)
The difference being "b'foo'" versus "foo".
As part of the general goal of cleaning util, move read_file_or_url
into url_helper.
When instance meta-data provides hostname information, run
cc_set_hostname in the init-local or init-net stage before network
comes up.
Prevent an initial DHCP request which leaks the stock cloud-image default
hostname before the meta-data provided hostname was processed.
A leaked cloud-image hostname adversely affects Dynamic DNS which
would reallocate 'ubuntu' hostname in DNS to every instance brought up by
cloud-init. These instances would only update DNS to the cloud-init
configured hostname upon DHCP lease renewal.
This branch extends the get_hostname methods in datasource, cloud and
util to limit results to metadata_only to avoid extra cost of querying
the distro for hostname information if metadata does not provide that
LP: #1746455
This will provide a small performance improvement and shorter code.
This issue was first identified when manual_cache_clean was set, as
ds-identify would write /run/cloud-init/cloud.cfg with
# manual_cache_clean
that would generate a warning as cloud-init expected to load a dict.
Any other "empty" config would also log such a warning.
Also fix reading of di_report to allow it to be None, as ds-identify
would write:
# manual_cache_clean
which reads as 'di_report: None' rather than di_report: {}.
LP: #1742479
The cli help docs and argument parser allow the 'init' mode value
which caused a traceback.
Fix the cli to support 'init', 'config' and 'final' modes for the
cloud-init modules subcommand.
Add a check in the cli to raise a ValueError if a new
subcommand ends up allowing an unsupported/unimplemented modes.
Drive by unit test additions for a bit better coverage of error
LP: #1736600
The 'cloud-init clean' command allows a user or script to clear cloud-init
artifacts from the system so that cloud-init sees the system as
unconfigured upon reboot. Optional parameters can be provided to remove
cloud-init logs and reboot after clean.
The 'cloud-init status' command allows the user or script to check whether
cloud-init has finished all configuration stages and whether errors
occurred. An optional --wait argument will poll on a 0.25 second interval
until cloud-init configuration is complete. The benefit here is scripts
can block on cloud-init completion before performing post-config tasks.
Add a new collect-logs sub command to the cloud-init CLI. This script
will collect all logs pertinent to a cloud-init run and store them in a
compressed tar-gzipped file. This tarfile can be attached to any
cloud-init bug filed in order to aid in bug triage and resolution.
A cloudinit.apport module is also added that allows apport interaction.
Here is an example bug filed via ubuntu-bug cloud-init: LP: #1716975.
Once the apport launcher is packaged in cloud-init, bugs can be filed
against cloud-init with the following command:
ubuntu-bug cloud-init
LP: #1607345
In an effort to save file load cost during system boot, certain
subcommands, analyze and devel, do not get loaded unless the subcommand is
specified on the commandline. Because entrypoint for cloud-init
script doesn't specify sysv_args parameter when calling the CLI's main()
we need main to read sys.argv into sysv_args so our subparser loading
continues to work.
LP: #1712676
This branch does a few things:
- Add 'schema' subcommand to cloud-init CLI for validating
cloud-config files against strict module jsonschema definitions
- Add --annotate parameter to 'cloud-init schema' to annotate
existing cloud-config file content with validation errors
- Add jsonschema definition to cc_runcmd
- Add unit test coverage for cc_runcmd
- Update CLI capabilities documentation
This branch only imports development (and analyze) subparsers when the
specific subcommand is provided on the CLI to avoid adding costly unused
file imports during cloud-init system boot.
The schema command allows a person to quickly validate a cloud-config text
file against cloud-init's known module schemas to avoid costly roundtrips
deploying instances in their cloud of choice. As of this branch, only
cc_ntp and cc_runcmd cloud-config modules define schemas. Schema
validation will ignore all undefined config keys until all modules define
a strict schema.
To perform validation of runcmd and ntp sections of a cloud-config file:
$ cat > cloud.cfg <<EOF
runcmd: bogus
$ python -m cloudinit.cmd.main schema --config-file cloud.cfg
$ python -m cloudinit.cmd.main schema --config-file cloud.cfg \
Once jsonschema is defined for all ~55 cc modules, we will move this
schema subcommand up as a proper subcommand of the cloud-init CLI.
This branch adds cloudinit-analyze into cloud-init proper. It adds an
"analyze" subcommand to the cloud-init command line utility for quick
performance assessment of cloud-init stages and events.
On a cloud-init configured instance, running "cloud-init analyze blame"
will now report which cloud-init events cost the most wall time. This
allows for quick assessment of the most costly stages of cloud-init.
This functionality is pulled from Ryan Harper's analyze work.
The cloudinit-analyze main script itself has been refactored a bit for
inclusion as a subcommand of cloud-init CLI. There will be a followup
branch at some point which will optionally instrument detailed strace
profiling, but that approach needs a bit more discussion first.
This branch also adds:
* additional debugging topic to the sphinx-generated docs describing
cloud-init analyze, dump and show as well as cloud-init single usage.
* Updates the Makefile unittests target to include cloudinit directory
because we now have unittests within that package.
LP: #1709761
On systems with network devices with duplicate mac addresses, cloud-init
will fail to rename the devices according to the specified network
configuration. Refactor net layer to search by device driver and device
id if available. Azure systems may have duplicate mac addresses by
Update Azure datasource to run at init-local time and let Azure datasource
generate a fallback networking config to handle advanced networking
Lastly, add a 'setup' method to the datasources that is called before
userdata/vendordata is processed but after networking is up. That is
used here on Azure to interact with the 'fabric'.
Some versions of Cheetah returned everything as unicode by default (not
utf-8 or ascii) and some varieties of syslog would choke on unicode.
Jinja2 is probably fine, but Python's format() is perfectly adequate for
a short message like the welcome message.
Reviewed-by: Tom Kirchner <>
Reviewed-by: Ben Cressey <>
This will change all instances of LOG.warn to LOG.warning as warn
is now a deprecated method. It will also make sure any logging
uses lazy logging by passing string format arguments as function
This exposes a mechanism for users of cloud-init to determine if
a version has a specific feature, and adds documentation to that affect.
We list an existing feature NETWORK_CONFIG_V1 as an example.
Also add a 'features' subcommand for listing these to stdout.
If ds-identify is in report mode, and the datasource that is found
is not in the list, then warn the user of this situation.
When manual_cache_clean is enabled, write a file to
/var/lib/cloud/instance/manual-clean. That file can then be read by
ds-identify or another tool to indicate that manual cleaning is in place.
Failures to load the kernel command line's url (cloud-config-url=)
would previously get swallowed. This should make it much more
obvious when that happens. With logging going to expected places
at sane levels (WARN will go to stderr by default).
This has been a recurring ask and we had initially just made the change to
the cloud-init 2.0 codebase. As the current thinking is we'll just
continue to enhance the current codebase, its desirable to relicense to
match what we'd intended as part of the 2.0 plan here.
- put a brief description of license in LICENSE file
- put full license versions in LICENSE-GPLv3 and LICENSE-Apache2.0
- simplify the per-file header to reference LICENSE
- tox: ignore H102 (Apache License Header check)
Add license header to files that ship.
Reformat headers, make sure everything has vi: at end of file.
Non-shipping files do not need the copyright header,
but at the moment tests/ have it.
If TZ is not set in environment, then datetime.datetime() will
stat /etc/localtime on every usage. datetime is used in the logging
path of cloud-init, and as such this is very busy.
During a normal cloud-init boot, it results in we roughly
400+ stat calls to /etc/localtime.
The value we set is :/etc/localtime, which is described at
See also merge proposal at 307722 for more background.
This adds a call to 'activate_datasource'. That will be called
during init stage (or init-local in the event of a 'local' dsmode).
It is present so that the datasource can do platform specific operations
that may be necessary. It is passed the fully rendered cloud-config
and whether or not the instance is a new instance.
The Azure datasource uses this to address formatting of the ephemeral
devices. It does so by
a.) waiting for the device to come online
b.) removing the marker files for the disk_setup and mounts modules
if it finds that the ephemeral device has been reset.
LP: #1611074
Change atomic_helper.write_file to have same same signature as write_file.
Add some simple unit tests for atomic_helper.
It is more efficient and cross-distribution safe to use the hooks function
from dhclient to obtain the Azure endpoint server (DHCP option 245).
This is done by providing shell scritps that are called by the hooks
infrastructure of both dhclient and NetworkManager. The hooks then
invoke 'cloud-init dhclient-hook' that maintains json data
with the dhclient options in
/run/cloud-init/dhclient.hooks/<interface>.json .
The azure helper then pulls the value from
/run/cloud-init/dhclient.hooks/<interface>.json file(s). If that file does
not exist or the value is not present, it will then fall back to the
original method of scraping the dhcp client lease file.
This moves bin/cloud-init's content into cloudinit/cmd/,
and then fixes the pep8/flake8 issues with that.
The end result is easier testing of main.
This allows for the test_cli test to be more sane.