path: root/cloudinit/distros
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-11-26set_passwords: support for FreeBSD (#46)Igor Galić
Allow setting of user passwords on FreeBSD The www/chpasswd utility which we depended on for FreeBSD installations does *not* do the same thing as the equally named Linux utility. For FreeBSD, we now use the pw(8) utility (which can only process one user at a time) Additionally, we abstract expire passwd into a function, and override it in the FreeBSD distro class. Co-Authored-By: Chad Smith <>
2019-11-13distro: correctly set usr_lib_exec path for FreeBSD distro (#40)Igor Galić
On FreeBSD our helpers live in /usr/local/lib/cloud-init/ LP: #1852491
2019-09-27debian/ubuntu: add missing word to netplan/ENI headerDaniel Watkins
Specifically, add in "reboot" to make it clear what people should expect when modifying the file. This also renames the variable to indicate it is used for netplan and ENI, not just ENI. LP: #1845669
2019-08-16cloudinit/distros/parsers/sys_conf: add docstring to SysConfDaniel Watkins
2019-08-14distros: fix confusing variable namesDaniel Watkins
Building the subp arguments for a `useradd` call in a variable named `adduser_cmd` is extremely confusing; let's not do that. (This also changes the snap and freebsd variables to something more apropos.)
2019-07-17net: update net sequence, include wait on netdevs, opensuse netrules pathRyan Harper
On systems with many interfaces, processing udev events may take a while. Cloud-init expects devices included in a provided network-configuration to be present when attempting to configure them. This patch adds a step in net configuration where it will check for devices provided in the configuration and if not found, issue udevadm settle commands to wait for them to appear. Additionally, the default path for udev persistent network rules 70-persistent-net.rules may also be written to systems which include the 75-net-generator.rules. During boot, cloud-init and the generator may race and interleave values causing issues. OpenSUSE will now use a newer file, 85-persistent-net-cloud-init.rules which will take precedence over values created by 75-net-generator and avoid collisions on the same file. LP: #1817368
2019-07-16Support netplan renderer in Arch LinuxConrad Hoffmann
Support is for now implemented in such a way that it will fall back to the old `_write_network()` if netplan is not available on the image.
2019-07-15Update debian eni network configuration location, retain Ubuntu settingJanos Lenart
On Debian, ifupdown uses `source-directory /etc/network/interfaces.d` (for new installs) to include files. The current filename, 50-cloud-init.cfg, does not match against the RE that is used to scan the directory for configurations (ASCII upper- and lower-case letters, ASCII digits, ASCII underscores, and ASCII minus-hyphens): Of course many installations use `source /etc/network/interfaces.d/*`, but not all.
2019-03-06Support locking user with usermod if passwd is not available.Scott Moser
In some cases, the 'passwd' command might not be available, but 'usermod' might be. In debian systems both are provided by the 'passwd' package. In Redhat/Centos passwd comes from 'passwd' package while 'usermod' comes from `shadow-utils` This should just support either one with no real cost other than the check.
2018-09-21pylint: ignore warning assignment-from-no-return for _write_networkChad Smith
Distro subclasses arch, freebsd and debian still have a path with an implemented _write_network method which has a return value. Can drop this pylint ignore when _write_network is dropped from arch, freebsd and debian.
2018-09-20Remove dead-code _write_network distro implementations.Scott Moser
Any distro that has a '_write_nework_config' method should no longer get their _write_network called at all. So lets drop that code and raise a RuntimeError any time we got there. Replace the one caller of 'apply_network' (legacy openstack path) with a call to apply_network_config after converting the ENI to network config.
2018-09-18net_util: ensure static configs have netmask in translate_network resultThomas Berger
If a DataSource provides a network configuration in version 2 and runs on a distro which does not have a network renderer class in use, then the conversion of V2 to eni results in static ip configurations with subnet prefix-length ( rather than explicit netmask value. When sending such a config to net_util.translate_network the resulting dictionary is missing the 'netmask' key for static configured addresses breaking network configurations on multiple distributions. This patch detects static ip configurations using prefix-length and converts the format into the previous 'address' and 'netmask' parts to keep compatibility for these distribtuions until they move to the v2 network configuration. LP: #1792454
2018-09-08config: disable ssh access to a configured user accountChad Smith
Cloud config can now disable ssh access to non-root users. When defining the 'users' list in cloud-configuration a boolean 'ssh_redirect_user: true' can be provided to disable ssh logins for that user. Any ssh 'public-keys' defined in cloud meta-data will be added and disabled in .ssh/authorized_keys. Any attempts to ssh as this user using acceptable ssh keys will be presented with a message like the following: Please login as the user "ubuntu" rather than the user "youruser".
2018-09-05sysconfig: refactor sysconfig to accept distro specific templates pathsRyan Harper
Multiple distros use sysconfig format but have different content and paths to certain files. Update distros to specify these template paths in their renderer_configs dictionary.
2018-08-24logging: Add logging config type hyperv for reporting via Azure KVPAndy Liu
Linux guests can provide information to Hyper-V hosts via KVP. KVP allows the guests to provide any string key-value-pairs back to the host's registry. On linux, kvp communication pools are presented as pool files in /var/lib/hyperv/.kvp_pool_#. The following reporting configuration can enable this kvp reporting in addition to default logging if the pool files exist: reporting:     logging:         type: log     telemetry:         type: hyperv
2018-06-19Explicitly prevent `sudo` access for user moduleJacob Bednarz
To deny a user elevated access, you can omit the `sudo` key from the `users` dictionary. This works fine however it's implicitly defined based on defaults of `cloud-init`. If the project moves to have `sudo` access allowed for all by default (quite unlikely but still possible) this will catch a few people out. This introduces the ability to define an explicit `sudo: False` in the `users` dictionary and it will prevent `sudo` access. The behaviour is identical to omitting the key. LP: #1771468
2018-04-19pylint: pay attention to unused variable warnings.Scott Moser
This enables warnings produced by pylint for unused variables (W0612), and fixes the existing errors.
2018-04-18pycodestyle: Fix invalid escape sequences in string literals.Scott Moser
Python has deprecated these invalid string literals now and pycodestyle is identifying them with a W605 warning. So basically, any use of \ not followed by one of [\'"abfnrtv] or \ooo (octal) \xhh (hex) or a newline is invalid. This is most comomnly seen for us in regex. To solve, you either: a.) use a raw string r'...' b.) correctly escape the \ that was not intended to be interpreted.
2018-04-12Implement ntp client spec with auto support for distro selectionRyan Harper
Add a base NTP client configuration dictionary and allow Distro specific changes to be merged. Add a select client function which implements logic to preferr installed clients over clients which need to be installed. Also allow distributions to override the cloud-init defaults. LP: #1749722
2018-03-15FreeBSD: Set hostname to FQDN.Dominic Schlegel
FreeBSD requires the hostname to be set to FQDN. Previously the hostname just got set to short hostname (without FQDN part). Now cloud-init does set the hostname to the FQDN on FreeBSD hosts if a valid FQDN is given. LP: #1753499
2018-03-02Change some list creation and population to literal.Rémy Léone
This will provide a small performance improvement and shorter code.
2018-01-26Fix potential cases of uninitialized variables.Chad Smith
While addressing undeclared variable in 'cloud-init status', I also fixed the errors raised by automated code reviews against cloud-init master at The following items are addressed:  * Fix 'cloud-init status':     * Only report 'running' state when any stage in /run/cloud-init/status.json has a start time but no finished time. Default start time to 0 if null.     * undeclared variable 'reason' now reports 'Cloud-init enabled by systemd cloud-init-generator' when systemd enables cloud-init  * util.subp return values aren't set during if an exception is raised, use ProcessExecution as e instead.  * distros/    * Drop repetitive looping over ipv4 and ipv6 nic lists.    * Initialize bsddev to 'NOTFOUND' in the event that no devs are discovered    * declare nics_with_addresses = set() in broader scope outside check_downable conditional  * cloudinit/ Raise TypeError if mtype parameter isn't string, iterable or None. LP: #1744796
2017-12-11ec2: Use instance-identity doc for region and instance-idAndrew Jorgensen
The instance identity document is a better source for region information, partly because region isn't actually in meta-data at all, only availability-zone, which happens to be named similarly. Reviewed-by: Ethan Faust <> Reviewed-by: Cyle Riggs <> Reviewed-by: Tom Kirchner <> Reviewed-by: Matt Nierzwicki <> [ rebase onto 0.7.9] [ changes per merge proposal discussions]
2017-12-05cli: Add clean and status subcommandsChad Smith
The 'cloud-init clean' command allows a user or script to clear cloud-init artifacts from the system so that cloud-init sees the system as unconfigured upon reboot. Optional parameters can be provided to remove cloud-init logs and reboot after clean. The 'cloud-init status' command allows the user or script to check whether cloud-init has finished all configuration stages and whether errors occurred. An optional --wait argument will poll on a 0.25 second interval until cloud-init configuration is complete. The benefit here is scripts can block on cloud-init completion before performing post-config tasks.
2017-10-26Gentoo: Use "rc-service" rather than "service".ckonstanski
The "service" command will be disappearing soon from Gentoo"s openrc package. The "rc-service" command is preferred. LP: #1727121
2017-09-13cloud-config modules: honor distros definitions in each moduleChad Smith
Modules can optionally define a list of supported distros on which they can run by declaring a distros attribute in the cc_*py module. This branch fixes handling of cloudinit.stages.Modules.run_section. The behavior of run_section is now the following: - always run a module if the module doesn't declare a distros attribute - always run a module if the module declares distros = [ALL_DISTROS] - skip a module if the distribution on which we run isn't in module.distros - force a run of a skipped module if unverified_modules configuration contains the module name LP: #1715738 LP: #1715690
2017-08-30distro: allow distro to specify a default localeRyan Harper
Currently the cloud-init default locale (en_US.UTF-8) is set by the base datasource class. This patch allows a distro to overide the fallback value with one that's available in the distro but continues to respect an image which has preconfigured a locale. - Distro object now has a get_locale method which will return a preconfigure locale setting by checking the distros locale system configuration file. If not set or not present, return the default locale of en_US.UTF-8 which retains behavior of all previous cloud-init releases. - Apply locale now handles regenerating locales or system configuration files as needed. - Adjust apply_locale logic to skip locale-regen if the specified LANG value is C.UTF-8,C, or POSIX; they do not require regeneration. - Further add unittests to exercise the default paths for Ubuntu and non-ubuntu paths to validate they get the LANG expected.
2017-08-30suse: Add support for openSUSE and return SLES to a working state.Robert Schweikert
This gets initial opensuse and SLES support back to a working state. Still missing is more complete network file writing and unit tests.
2017-08-01archlinux: Fix bug with empty dns, do not render 'lo' devices.Scott Moser
If no dns nameservers were provided a stack trace would occur. The changes here add some unit tests for the arch distro. Also avoids rendering an 'lo' interface. LP: #1663045 LP: #1706593
2017-07-25locale: Do not re-run locale-gen if provided locale is system default.Scott Moser
If the system configure default in /etc/default/locale is set to the same value that is provided for cloud-init's "locale" setting, then do not re-run locale-gen. This allows images built with a locale already generated to not re-run locale-gen (which can be very heavy). Also here is a fix to invoke update-locale correctly and remove the internal writing of /etc/default/locale. We were calling update-locale <locale> This ends up having no affect. The more correct invocation is: update-locale LANG=<locale> Also added some support here should we ever want to change setting LANG to setting LC_ALL (or any other key). Lastly, a test change to allow us to use assert_not_called from mock. Versions of mock in CentOS 6 do not have assert_not_called.
2017-07-24archlinux: fix set hostname usage of write_file.Joshua Powers
cloud-init fails to set the hostname on Arch Linux because that _write_hostname passes conf instead of str(conf) to util.write_file. LP: #1705306
2017-06-12net: Allow for NetworkManager configurationRyan McCabe
In cases where the config json specifies nameserver entries, if there are interfaces configured to use dhcp, NetworkManager, if enabled, will clobber the /etc/resolv.conf that cloud-init has produced, which can break dns. If there are no interfaces configured to use dhcp, NetworkManager could clobber /etc/resolv.conf with an empty file. This patch adds a mechanism for dropping additional configuration into /etc/NetworkManager/conf.d/ and disables management of /etc/resolv.conf by NetworkManager when nameserver information is provided in the config. LP: #1693251 Signed-off-by: Ryan McCabe <>
2017-06-08rhel/centos spec cleanups.Scott Moser
Many changes here to get us able to build rpms on CentOS 5 or 6 and RHEL. * add 'Requires' as 'BuildRequires' also. This allows us to run cloud-init tools in the build environment, and also will allow us to run tests in the build process. * build for both systemd and upstart (centos 5) init systems. * Add 'centos' as a variant Adding the variant means we can use the 'centos' user as default on centos rather than a 'fedora' or 'rhel'. * drop argparse from the requirements. On any system other than python 2.6, having a 'requirements' that mentions argparse just causes problems. Instead we add that Requires to the spec directly. * list dependency on dmidecode (as redhat distro spec had) * remove duplicate line in files section ({_unitdir}/cloud-*) * Use rpm macros for init-system chunks and drop use of init_system variable template * Add el6 only build-req on python-argparse * python-cheetah is not required in the build environment as the the spec is already rendered. (We will soon move the spec to jinja).
2017-05-10FreeBSD: improvements and fixes for use on AzureHongjiang Zhang
This patch targets to make FreeBSD 10.3 or 11 work on Azure. The modifications abide by the rule of: * making as less modification as possible * delegate to the distro or datasource where possible. The main modifications are: 1. network configuration improvements, and movement into distro path. 2. Fix setting of password. Password setting through "pw" can only work through pipe. 3. Add 'root:wheel' to syslog_fix_perms field. 4. Support resizing default file system (ufs) 5. copy cloud.cfg for freebsd to /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg rather than /usr/local/etc/cloud/cloud.cfg. 6. Azure specific changes: a. When reading the azure endpoint, search in a different path and read a different option name (option-245 vs. unknown-245). so, the lease file path should be generated according to platform. b. adjust the handling of ephemeral mounts for ufs filesystem and for finding the ephemeral device. c. fix mounting of cdrom LP: #1636345
2017-04-21pylint: fix all logging warningsJoshua Powers
This will change all instances of LOG.warn to LOG.warning as warn is now a deprecated method. It will also make sure any logging uses lazy logging by passing string format arguments as function parameters.
2017-04-12Remove (and/or fix) URL shortener referencesJon Grimm
Several references that were using URL shorteners are now broken due to their service going away, making it painful to even figure out what they were supposed to be pointing at. Put back long URLS using '# noqa' to make flake8 happy. LP: #1669727 add network config v2 parsing and renderingRyan Harper
Network configuration version 2 format is implemented in a package called netplan (nplan)[1] which allows consolidated network config for multiple network controllers. - Add a new netplan renderer - Update default policy, placing eni and sysconfig first This requires explicit policy to enable netplan over eni on systems which have both (Yakkety, Zesty, UC16) - Allow any network state (parsed from any format cloud-init supports) to render to v2 if system supports netplan. - Move eni's _subnet_is_ipv6 to common code for use by other renderers - Make sysconfig renderer always emit /etc/syconfig/network configuration - Update cloud-init.service systemd unit to also wait on systemd-networkd-wait-online.service 1.
2017-03-17net: add renderers for automatically selecting the renderer.Scott Moser
Previously, the distro had hard coded which network renderer it would use. This adds support for just picking the right renderer based on what is available. Now, that can be set via a priority in system_info, but should generally work. That config looks like: system_info: network: renderers: ["eni", "sysconfig"] When no renderers are found, a specific RendererNotFoundError is raised. is modified to catch that and log it at error level. This path should not really be exercised, but could occur if for example an Ubuntu system did not have ifupdown, or a rhel system did not have sysconfig. In such a system previously we would have quietly rendered ENI configuration but that would have been ignored. This is one step better in that we at least log the error.
2017-03-07net: do not raise exception for > 3 nameserversLars Kellogg-Stedman
log a warning rather than raising ValueError if we see more than three nameserver addresses. LP: #1670052
2017-01-12Use dnf instead of yum when availableLars Kellogg-Stedman
Recent fedora releases use "dnf" instead of "yum" for package management. While there is a compatible "yum" cli available, there's no guarantee that it will be available. With this patch, cloud-init will check for /usr/bin/dnf and use that if it exists instead of yum. rhbz: LP: #1647118
2016-12-22LICENSE: Allow dual licensing GPL-3 or Apache 2.0Jon Grimm
This has been a recurring ask and we had initially just made the change to the cloud-init 2.0 codebase. As the current thinking is we'll just continue to enhance the current codebase, its desirable to relicense to match what we'd intended as part of the 2.0 plan here. - put a brief description of license in LICENSE file - put full license versions in LICENSE-GPLv3 and LICENSE-Apache2.0 - simplify the per-file header to reference LICENSE - tox: ignore H102 (Apache License Header check) Add license header to files that ship. Reformat headers, make sure everything has vi: at end of file. Non-shipping files do not need the copyright header, but at the moment tests/ have it.
2016-12-19user-groups: fix bug when groups was provided as string and had spacesScott Moser
Cloud-config provided like: users: - default - name: foobar groups: sudo, adm Would result in adduser being called as: useradd foobar --groups 'sudo, adm' -m Which would cause error: useradd: group ' adm' does not exist The fix here is just to always normalize groups and remove whitespace. Additionally a fix and unit tests to explicitly set system=False or no_create_home=True. Previously those paths did not test the value of the entry, only the presense of the entry. LP: #1354694
2016-12-03when adding a user, strip whitespace from group listLars Kellogg-Stedman
The documentation shows group names in the 'groups:' key delimited by ", ", but this will result in group names that contain spaces. This can cause the 'groupadd' or 'useradd' commands to fail. This patch ensures that we strip whitespace from either end of the group names passed to the 'groups:' key. LP: #1354694
2016-10-20Add support for snap create-user on Ubuntu Core images.Ryan Harper
Ubuntu Core images use the `snap create-user` to add users to an Ubuntu Core system. Add support for creating snap users by adding a key to the users dictionary. users: - name: bob snapuser: Or via the 'snappy' dictionary: snappy: email: Users may also create a snap user without contacting the SSO by providing a 'system-user' assertion by importing them into snapd. Additionally, Ubuntu Core systems have a read-only /etc/passwd such that the normal useradd/groupadd commands do not function without an additional flag, '--extrausers', which redirects the pwd to /var/lib/extrausers. Move the system_is_snappy() check from cc_snappy module to util for re-use and then update the Distro class to append '--extrausers' if the system is Ubuntu Core.
2016-10-19Fix sshd restarts for rhel distros.Jim Gorz
Set the default value for 'ssh_svcname' in rhel distros. This means that it no longer needs to be set in system_info config.
2016-10-19Move user/group functions to new ug_util fileJoshua Harlow
The amount of code to do user and group normalization and extraction deserves its own file so move the code that does this to a new file and update references to the old location. This removes some of the funkyness done in config modules to avoid namespace and attribute clashes as well.
2016-08-22Fix Gentoo net config generationMatthew Thode
This gets Gentoo work on simple configs with static IPs or DHCP on physical interfaces. This gets Gentoo bootable again.
2016-08-18distros: fix get_primary_arch method use of os.unameAndrew Jorgensen
os.uname is a method, not a property.
2016-07-13merge from trunkScott Moser
2016-07-13pass the return back up, shorten lines some.Scott Moser