When cloud-init tries to read a key from a keyserver, it will now
retry twice with 1 second in between each.
Retries of import are done by default because keyservers can be
unreliable. Additionally, there is no way to determine the difference
between a non-existant key and a failure. In both cases gpg (at least
2.2.4) exits with status 2 and stderr: "keyserver receive failed: No data"
It is assumed that a key provided to cloud-init exists on the keyserver so
re-trying makes better sense than failing.
Examples of things that made receive keys particularly unreliable:
There is also a change here from 'gpg --recv' to the longer
'gpg --recv-keys'. That option is functional and working back to
centos 6 (gpg 2.0.14) and ubuntu 14.04 (gpg 1.4.16).