path: root/doc/rtd
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2013-05-16remove executable on logo.svgScott Moser
2013-03-08Enable the merging.txt to be in .rst format for public viewingJoshua Harlow
2013-03-07pep8 and pylint fixesScott Moser
2013-02-20Add OpenNebula DS on list of datasources.Vlastimil Holer
2013-02-05Continue adding datasource docs.harlowja
2013-02-04Add initial docs about datasources.harlowja
2013-01-28Include the resolv.conf example.Joshua Harlow
2013-01-25Don't forget the hacking 'inclusion' file.Joshua Harlow
2013-01-25Integreate HACKING into the rtd site.Joshua Harlow
2013-01-24Remove the release for now.harlowja
2013-01-24Fix the release variable.harlowja
2013-01-24Make the logo better.harlowja
2013-01-24Add docs which can be used on readthedocs.orgJoshua Harlow