path: root/doc
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2012-12-12add 'omnibus' as an install type for chef.Scott Moser
2012-11-13implement power_state with tests.Scott Moser
2012-11-12add 'finalcmd' module for running code after cloud-init-finalScott Moser
2012-11-10sync with trunkScott Moser
2012-11-07Add a makefile yaml checking targetJoshua Harlow
2012-11-071. Rebased with trunkJoshua Harlow
2012-11-07adjust documentation to account for apt/package aliasesScott Moser
2012-10-23move default user info out of code and into configScott Moser
2012-10-03Minor OpenNebula's documentation tuning.Vlastimil Holer
2012-10-03Add documentation for OpenNebula datasource.Vlastimil Holer
2012-09-21Fix some docs + pylint warnings + log on default created in the module.Joshua Harlow
2012-09-211. Cleanup the user creation so that the distro class isJoshua Harlow
2012-09-19doc: document 'tags' as comma delimited stringsScott Moser
2012-09-18Add support for useradd --selinux-user''Garrett Holmstrom
2012-08-31Add some examples on how to use the new launch-indexJoshua Harlow
2012-08-31incorrect example in docScott Moser
2012-08-31- Converted user list to user dict to allow exclusion of the default userBen Howard
2012-08-27move user-groups section from cloud-config.txt to its own file.Scott Moser
2012-08-27Fixed critical bug where user and group creation was being done after SSHBen Howard
2012-08-22add support for creating initial users and groupsScott Moser
2012-08-20Added "userless" mode to cloud-init for handling the creation of theBen Howard
2012-08-14doc: move datasource documentation to doc/sourcesScott Moser
2012-08-14Add RHEVm and vSphere support as datasource AltCloudScott Moser
2012-08-03do not search for mirror named '<distro>-mirror' in dns by defaultScott Moser
2012-07-24Add documentation for RHEVm and vSphereJoe VLcek
2012-07-11add write-files module for "injecting" files (LP: #1012854)Scott Moser
2012-07-11Update the write files with the new content/compression handling.Joshua Harlow
2012-07-11Adjust the decoding of the files that are given so that a canonicalizeJoshua Harlow
2012-04-09replace bug links with LP: # syntax, use '$RELEASE' for apt sourceScott Moser
2012-04-07Added an example for using Chef with oneiricLorin Hochstein
2012-04-07Added GPG keyLorin Hochstein
2012-04-05Fixed opscode repo in chef recipeLorin Hochstein
2012-04-04add reading of 'seedfrom' via DataSourceNoCloud's DataSourceConfigScott Moser
2012-04-04initial checkin of kernel commandline cloud-config url supportScott Moser
2012-03-21allow cloud-config to control if resizefs is blocking or notScott Moser
2012-03-16rename DataSourceMaaS to DataSourceMAAS, generally use MAAS everywhereScott Moser
2012-03-09add option apt_pipelining to cloud-config to address s3 mirrors (LP: #948461)Scott Moser
2012-03-09mention bug number in cloud-config.txtScott Moser
2012-03-08Simplified proposed patchBen Howard
2012-03-08doc fixesScott Moser
2012-03-07Added ability of cloud-init to manage apt http pipeliningBen Howard
2012-03-05commit initial config information for maas datasourceScott Moser
2012-02-17more documentation on configdriveScott Moser
2012-02-17add doc for configdriveScott Moser
2012-02-17support reading network interface config from DataSourceNoCloudScott Moser
2012-02-11add support for salt minionsJeff Bauer
2012-01-20comment fix to cloud-config-chef.txt [Lorin Hochstein]Scott Moser
2012-01-20Corrected comment: puppet -> chefLorin Hochstein
2012-01-17Add ca-certs example to docs.Mike Milner
2011-12-20support configuration of landscape-client via cloud-config (LP: #857366)Scott Moser