path: root/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2010-02-03rename ec2-init to cloudinitScott Moser
2010-02-03globally remove ec2init and rename to cloudinitScott Moser
2010-01-28Add support for user defined mount pointsScott Moser
Also, move swap to use this format for specifying mounts. That way the user can turn off swap if they want with: | mounts: | - [ swap ] Other change wrapped in here is to have DataSourceEc2 read plain text (evalable) text for its metadata rather than pickl. This is really for debuging anyway, so any speed difference is not important.
2010-01-26move writing sources.list to CloudConfig. add 'apt_preserve_sources_list'Scott Moser
Move the writing of sources.list to CloudConfig. This way we have access to the cloud-config user data. Then, allow the user to specify the archive mirror using 'apt_mirror' key. Now, if specified in cloud-config, that is used, otherwise, we get one from the DataSource. One other change here is adding 'apt_preserve_sources_list'. If set to true, then overwriting of the sources.list with the selected mirror will not be done.
2010-01-22function ec2 metadata service removal. also fix issues with empty cloud-configScott Moser
2010-01-22only run setting of default locale and apt sources once-per-instanceScott Moser
2010-01-20lots of shuffling around. more fully support old ec2-init.cfg and, addScott Moser
new preferred config file /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg. cloud.cfg is read, its values are overridden by the cloud-config data from user data
2010-01-12add swap devices if there are any foundScott Moser
2010-01-08fixes found testing in ec2Scott Moser
2010-01-07support setting hostnameScott Moser
2010-01-07add setting of default locale and apt-sourcesScott Moser
2010-01-07support getting public ssh keys from ec2 metadata serviceScott Moser
2010-01-07functional state now in kvm testsScott Moser
supports user data as mime-multipart and handling types of text/x-shellscript - execute at rc.local text/cloud-config - feed to cloud config text/upstart-job - add to /etc/init as upstart job text/x-include-url - include urls as if they were in-line
2010-01-06put upstart files in upstart/, minor other changesScott Moser
adding cat-cloud-config.conf, a debug file that just cats the config
2010-01-06add general flow of ec2-init.pyScott Moser