path: root/sysvinit
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2014-08-09fix: The correct path end with an s.Harm Weites
2014-02-05Init script after consistencyNate House
2014-02-05Cleanup and cloud-init-local local/net mount dep fixNate House
2014-02-03Added is_excluded tests and updated gentoo init scriptNate House
2014-02-03Fix merge conflictNate House
2014-01-24Fixes gentoo sysvinit orderingNate House
2014-01-23Initial add Gentoo distroNate House
2014-01-17Fix defaultingJoshua Harlow
2014-01-17More white space fixJoshua Harlow
2014-01-17White space fixJoshua Harlow
2014-01-17Fix curly bracesJoshua Harlow
2014-01-17Add freebsd rc.d/sysvinit scriptsJoshua Harlow
2013-07-25pull in fixes for debian bug 712985Scott Moser
2013-07-19move redhat sysvinit scriptsJuerg Haefliger
2013-07-16Add SysV init scripts for DebianJuerg Haefliger
2013-02-21Modify init-scripts to be able to run both on RHEL and Debian.Vlastimil Holer
2012-10-04For the cloud-init rc.d ensure that theJoshua Harlow
cloud-init-local mode is attempted as a hard requirement (instead of the previous soft requirement) which in the rhel5.6 case makes it not run in the right order.
2012-07-10Tweaks to sysvinit so that cloud-init-local will run beforeJoshua Harlow
cloud-init, but there will not be a strong dependency between them if cloud-init-local is missing.
2012-07-09Adjust the sysvinit local script to provide 'cloud-init-local' and haveJoshua Harlow
the cloud-config script depend on that as well. This is a portion of revno 573 at lp:~harlowja/cloud-init/rework . rename "daemon type" to "init system"Scott Moser
This brings with it other changes, and also makes an install install all of the requisite init files. (ie, cloud-init needs the -local and the non-local)