path: root/tests/unittests
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2018-04-23DataSourceSmartOS: add locking of serial device.Mike Gerdts
cloud-init and mdata-get each have their own implementation of the SmartOS metadata protocol. If cloud-init and other services that call mdata-get are run concurrently, crosstalk on the serial port can cause them both to become confused. This change makes it so that cloud-init uses the same cooperative locking scheme that's used by mdata-get, thus preventing cross-talk between mdata-get and cloud-init. For testing, a VM running on a SmartOS host and pyserial are required. If the tests are run on a platform other than SmartOS, those that use a real serial port are skipped. pyserial remains commented in requirements.txt because most testers will not be running atop SmartOS. LP: #1746605
2018-04-20DataSourceSmartOS: sdc:hostname is ignoredMike Gerdts
There are three potential sources of the hostname, one of which is documented SmartOS's vmadm(1M) via the hostname property. That property's value is retrieved via the sdc:hostname key. The other two sources for the hostname are a hostname key in customer_metadata and the VM's uuid (sdc:uuid). Of these three, the sdc:hostname value is not used in a meaningful way by DataSourceSmartOS. This fix changes the fallback mechanism when hostname is not specified in customer_metadata. The order of precedence for setting the hostname is now 1) hostname in customer_metadata, 2) sdc:hostname, then 3) sdc:uuid. LP: #1765085
2018-04-20DataSourceSmartOS: list() should always return a listMike Gerdts
If customer_metadata has no keys, the KEYS request returns an empty string. Callers of the list() method expect a list to be returned and will give a stack trace if this expectation is not met. LP: #1763480
2018-04-20schema: in validation, raise ImportError if strict but no jsonschema.Scott Moser
validate_cloudconfig_schema with strict=True would not actually validate if there was no jsonschema available. That seems kind of strange. The change here is to make it raise an exception if strict was passed in. And then to fix the one test that needed a skipIfJsonSchema wrapper.
2018-04-20set_passwords: Add newline to end of sshd config, only restart if updated.Scott Moser
This admittedly does a fairly extensive re-factor to simply add a newline to the end of sshd_config. It makes the ssh_config updating portion of set_passwords more testable and adds tests for that. The new function is in 'update_ssh_config_lines' which allows you to update a config with multiple changes even though only a single one is currently used. We also only restart the ssh daemon now if a change was made to the config file. Before it was always restarted if the user specified a value for ssh_pwauth other than 'unchanged'. Thanks to Lorens Kockum for initial diagnosis and patch. LP: #1677205
2018-04-19pylint: pay attention to unused variable warnings.Scott Moser
This enables warnings produced by pylint for unused variables (W0612), and fixes the existing errors.
2018-04-18Schema: do not warn on duplicate items in commands.Scott Moser
runcmd, bootcmd, snap/commands, ubuntu-advantage/commands would log warning (and fail if strict) on duplicate values in the commands. But those should be allowed. Example, it is perfectly valid to do: runcmd: ['sleep 1', 'sleep 1'] LP: #1764264
2018-04-18net: Depend on iproute2's ip instead of net-tools ifconfig or routeChad Smith
The net-tools package is deprecated and will eventually be dropped. Use "ip route", "link" or "address" instead of "ifconfig" or "route" calls. Cloud-init can now run in an environment that no longer has net-tools. This affects the network and route printing emitted to cloud-config-output.log as well as the cc_disable_ec2_metadata module. Additional changes:  - separate readResource and resourceLocation into standalone test    functions  - Fix ipv4 address rows to report scopes represented by ip addr show  - Formatted route/address ouput now handles multiple ipv4 and ipv6    addresses on a single interface Co-authored-by: James Hogarth <> Co-authored-by: Robert Schweikert <>
2018-04-18DataSourceSmartOS: fix hang when metadata service is downMike Gerdts
If the metadata service in the host is down while a guest that uses DataSourceSmartOS is booting, the request from the guest falls into the bit bucket. When the metadata service is eventually started, the guest has no awareness of this and does not resend the request. This results in cloud-init hanging forever with a guest reboot as the only recovery option. This fix updates the metadata protocol to implement the initialization phase, just as is implemented by mdata-get and related utilities. The initialization phase includes draining all pending data from the serial port, writing an empty command and getting an expected error message in reply. If the initialization phase times out, it is retried every five seconds. Each timeout results in a warning message: "Timeout while initializing metadata client. Is the host metadata service running?" By default, warning messages are logged to the console, thus the reason for a hung boot is readily apparent. LP: #1667735
2018-04-18pycodestyle: Fix invalid escape sequences in string literals.Scott Moser
Python has deprecated these invalid string literals now and pycodestyle is identifying them with a W605 warning. So basically, any use of \ not followed by one of [\'"abfnrtv] or \ooo (octal) \xhh (hex) or a newline is invalid. This is most comomnly seen for us in regex. To solve, you either: a.) use a raw string r'...' b.) correctly escape the \ that was not intended to be interpreted.
2018-04-12renderer: support unicode in render_from_file.Scott Moser
If a file passed to render_from_file had non-ascii text then jinja in python2 would decode as ascii, which would cause UnicodeDecodeError. This issue can be re-created in python2 with just: 'can\xe2\x80\x99t'.decode() The solution here is to explicitly pass in unicode supporting type (py3 str, py2 unicode). Those are six.text_type. Then jinja does not try to decode. The reason we hit this is that load_file calls decode_binary. decode_binary believes it has no work to do if it got a six.string_types. isinstance('can\xe2\x80\x99t', six.string_types) == True So it returns the original string which will blow up for jinja. Our fix here then is to load the file in binary mode and explicitly decode it to utf-8. Then in python2 we'll have a unicode type and in python3 we'll have a string type.
2018-04-12Implement ntp client spec with auto support for distro selectionRyan Harper
Add a base NTP client configuration dictionary and allow Distro specific changes to be merged. Add a select client function which implements logic to preferr installed clients over clients which need to be installed. Also allow distributions to override the cloud-init defaults. LP: #1749722
2018-04-02cc_resizefs, util: handle no /dev/zfsRyan Harper
The zfs/zpool commands will hang for 10 seconds if /dev/zfs is not present (bug 1760173). This is a common occurence for containers using zfs as rootfs. Additionally handle missing zpool command or other errors that may occur while executing the zpool command.
2018-03-27Hetzner: Exit early if dmi system-manufacturer is not Hetzner.Scott Moser
This takes the same basic check that is in ds-identify. If the DMI system manufacturer (aka sys_vendor) is not 'Hetzner', then exit out of the datasource's get_data quickly.
2018-03-27FreeBSD: resizefs module now able to handle zfs/zpool.Dominic Schlegel
Previously there was no support at all for zfs file system. With this change it is now possible to use the resizefs module to grow a zpool to its maximum partition size on FreeBSD. LP: #1721243
2018-03-23Enable IBMCloud datasource in Moser
This just got missed in the IBMCloud datasource addition. Add it to the builtin list of datasources.
2018-03-23IBMCloud: Initial IBM Cloud datasource.Scott Moser
This adds a specific IBM Cloud datasource. IBM Cloud is identified by: a.) running on xen b.) one of a LABEL=METADATA disk or a LABEL=config-2 disk with UUID=9796-932E The datasource contains its own config-drive reader that reads only the currently supported portion of config-drive needed for ibm cloud. During the provisioning boot, cloud-init is disabled. See the docstring in for more more information.
2018-03-23Reduce AzurePreprovisioning HTTP timeouts.Douglas Jordan
Reducing timeout to 1 second as IMDS responds within a handful of milliseconds. Also get rid of max_retries to prevent exiting out of polling loop early due to IMDS outage / upgrade. Reduce Azure PreProvisioning HTTP timeouts during polling to avoid waiting an extra minute. LP: #1752977
2018-03-22ubuntu-advantage: Add new config module to support ubuntu-advantage-toolsChad Smith
ubuntu-advantage-tools is a package for enabling and disabling extended support services such as Extended Security Maintenance (ESM), Canonical Livepatch and FIPS certified PPAs. Simplify Ubuntu Advantage setup on machines by allowing users to provide a list of ubuntu-advantage commands in cloud-config.
2018-03-22Handle global dns entries in netplanRyan Harper
In network config v1 format, there are dns values which are not bound to a specific interface and do not map to the per-interface format in netplan. To handle this case we render netplan configuration that duplicates the DNS configuration on any interface that has a static network config. We avoiding interfaces which have DHCP configuration which may provide conflicting DNS values. LP: #1750884
2018-03-21Identify OpenTelekomCloud Xen as OpenStack DS.Kurt Garloff
Open Telekom Cloud gen1 (Xen) hosts do not provide nova product names in DMI but Xen HVM domU. They can however be safely identified by the OpenTelekomCloud Chassis asset tag. OpenTelekomCloud does use the network OpenStack DataSource, so we better detect it. LP: #1756471
2018-03-20OpenNebula: Update network to return v2 config rather than ENI.Akihiko Ota
OpenNebulaNetwork.gen_conf() was previously returning ENI format. This is updated to return netplan/v2 config. The changes here also adds support for IPv6 configuration distributed from OpenNebula and fixes some issues about nameserver information.
2018-03-19Add Hetzner Cloud DataSourceScott Moser
The Hetzner Cloud metadata service is an AWS-style service available over HTTP via the link local address
2018-03-16net: recognize iscsi root cases without ip= on kernel command line.Scott Moser
When 'ip=' or 'ip6=' is found on the kernel command line, cloud-init will consider read network config from /run/net-*.conf files. There are some iscsi-root scenarios where initramfs configures networking but the ip= parameter is not present. 2 such cases are:  a.) static config in /etc/iscsi/iscsi.initramfs (copied into the initramfs)  b.) iBft This changes cloud-init to consider initramfs provided networking information if:  * there are /run/net-* files and  * (ip= or ip6 is on the command line) or open-iscsi.interface file exists. LP: #1752391
2018-03-16cc_snap: Add new module to install and configure snapd and snap packages.Chad Smith
Support installing and configuring snaps on ubuntu systems. Now, cloud-config files can provide a list or dictionary of snap:assertions which will be allow configuration of snapd on a system via 'snap ack' calls. The snap:commands configuration option supports arbitrary system commands intended to interact with snappy's cli. This allows users to run arbitrary snappy commands to create users, download, install and configure snap packages and snapd. This branch also deprecates old snappy and snap_config modules leaving warnings in documentation and runtime for consumers of these modules. Deprecated snap* modules will be dropped in cloud-init v.18.2 release.
2018-03-16tests: Make pylint happy and fix python2.6 uses of assertRaisesRegex.Scott Moser
Older unittest2.TestCase (as seen in CentOS 6) do not have an assertRaisesRegex method. They only have the now-deprecated assertRaisesRegexp. We need our unit tests to work there and on newer python (3.6). Simply making assertRaisesRegex = assertRaisesRegexp makes pylint complain as described in . What was here before this commit was actually broken. This commit makes assertRaisesRegex functional in CentOS 6 and works around the invalid Deprecated warning from pylint. To prove this, we use assertRaisesRegex in a unit test which will be exectued in py27, py3 and py26.
2018-03-16netplan: render bridge port-priority valuesRyan Harper
Update netplan renderer to write out bridge port-priority values now that netplan supports the feature. LP: #1735821
2018-03-15util: Fix subp regression. Allow specifying subp command as a string.Chad Smith
The command provided to subp can either be a string or a list. This patch fixes a regression which raised CalledProcessError whenever providing a string to subp. LP: #1755965
2018-03-14set_hostname: When present in metadata, set it before network bringup.Chad Smith
When instance meta-data provides hostname information, run cc_set_hostname in the init-local or init-net stage before network comes up. Prevent an initial DHCP request which leaks the stock cloud-image default hostname before the meta-data provided hostname was processed. A leaked cloud-image hostname adversely affects Dynamic DNS which would reallocate 'ubuntu' hostname in DNS to every instance brought up by cloud-init. These instances would only update DNS to the cloud-init configured hostname upon DHCP lease renewal. This branch extends the get_hostname methods in datasource, cloud and util to limit results to metadata_only to avoid extra cost of querying the distro for hostname information if metadata does not provide that information. LP: #1746455
2018-03-14tests: Centralize and re-use skipTest based on json schema presense.Scott Moser
This just centralizes a hunk of duplicated code and uses it from the new location.
2018-03-10This commit fixes get_hostname on the AzureDataSource.Douglas Jordan
LP: #1754495
2018-03-09shellify: raise TypeError on bad input.Scott Moser
This makes 2 changes to shellify's behavior: a.) raise a TypeError rather than a RuntimeError. b.) raise a TypeError if input is not a list or tuple.
2018-03-01GCE: fix reading of user-data that is not base64 encoded.Scott Moser
Last set of changes to GCE datasource broke reading of user-data unless the user had base64 encoded their user-data and also set user-data-encoding to 'base64'. This fixes the issue. LP: #1752711
2018-02-23subp: Fix subp usage with non-ascii characters when no system locale.Scott Moser
If python starts up without a locale set, then its default encoding ends up set as ascii. That is not easily changed with the likes of setlocale. In order to avoid UnicodeDecodeErrors cloud-init will encode to bytes a python3 string or python2 basestring so that the values passed to Popen are already bytes. LP: #1751051
2018-02-21OVF: Fix VMware support for 64-bit platforms.Sankar Tanguturi
On few 64-bit platforms, the open-vm-tools package is installed at /usr/lib64/. The DataSourceOVF is changed to search look there for the 'customization plugin'
2018-02-21ds-identify: Fix searching for iso9660 OVF cdroms.Scott Moser
This fixes a bug in parsing of 'blkid -o export' output. The result of the bug meant that DI_ISO9660_DEVS did not get set correctly and is_cdrom_ovf would not identify devices in most cases. The tests are improved to demonstrate both multiple iso devices and also a cdrom that doesn't sort "last" in blkid output. The code change is to use DEVNAME as the record separator when parsing blkid -o export rather than relying on being able to read the empty line. LP: #1749980
2018-02-12ds-identify: check /writable/system-data/ for nocloud seed.Scott Moser
Ubuntu core seeds information to nocloud via a bind-mount of /writable/system-data/var/lib/cloud over /var/lib/cloud. When ds-identify runs as a systemd generator that mount is not guaranteed to have been done. It is guaranteed at cloud-init-local.service time, but not generator time. Images built with 'ubuntu-image --cloud-init=user-data-file' would have cloud-init disabled. The fix here is just to consider the seed dir under /writable/system-data. LP: #1747070
2018-02-12tests: run nosetests in cloudinit/ directory, fix py26 fallout.Scott Moser
When we moved some tests to live under cloudinit/ we inadvertantly failed to change all things that would run nose to include that directory. This changes all the 'nose' invocations to consistently run with tests/unittests and cloudinit/. Also, it works around, more correctly this time, a python2.6-ism with the following code: with assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm: sys.exit(2)
2018-02-09EC2: Fix get_instance_id called against cached datasource pickle.Chad Smith
Fix an issue in EC2 where the datasource.identity had not been initialized before being used when restoring datasource from pickle. This is exposed in upgrade and reboot path. LP: #1748354
2018-02-02Fix ssh keys validation in ssh_utilTatiana Kholkina
This fixes a bug where invalid keys would sneak into authorized_keys.
2018-01-26OVF: Extend well-known labels to include OVFENV.Scott Moser
Fujitsu Cloud Service attaches a ovf iso transport with a label 'OVFENV'. This seems to be a reasonable value as a label. While the for bug 1731868 would likely fix cloud-init on fujitsu cloud, this change will find it faster. LP: #1698669
2018-01-24Azure VM Preprovisioning support.Douglas Jordan
This change will enable azure vms to report provisioning has completed twice, first to tell the fabric it has completed then a second time to enable customer settings. The datasource for the second provisioning is the Instance Metadata Service (IMDS),and the VM will poll indefinitely for the new ovf-env.xml from IMDS. This branch introduces EphemeralDHCPv4 which encapsulates common logic used by both DataSourceEc2 an DataSourceAzure for temporary DHCP interactions without side-effects. LP: #1734991
2018-01-24btrfs: support resizing if root is mounted ro.Robert Schweikert
Resize of btrfs fails if the mount point for the file system we are trying to resize, i.e. the root of the filesystem is read only. With this change we use a known (currently snapper specific) rw location to work around a flaw that blocks resizing of the ro filesystem. LP: #1734787
2018-01-24OpenNebula: Improve network configuration support.Akihiko Ota
Network configuration in OpenNebula would only work if the host correctly guessed the names of the devices in the guest. OpenNebula provided data in its like 'ETH0_NETWORK', but if the guest named devices differently then results were not predictable. This would occur with Predictable Network Interface Names. To address this, newer versions (of OpenNebula provide the mac address ETH0_MAC. This function is present in 4.14 and documented officially in 5.0 docs. This provides support for reading the mac addresses from the It also fixes cases where provided a field (ETH0_NETWORK or ETH0_MASK) with a empty string. Previously the empty string would be used rather than falling back to the default. LP: #1719157, #1716397, #1736750
2018-01-23tests: Fix attempted use of /run in a test case.Scott Moser
The previous commit added a test that would attempt to create and use /run/cloud-init/. This just modifies it to use a temp dir instead.
2018-01-23GCE: Improvements and changes to ssh key behavior for default user.Max Illfelder
The behavior changes and improvements include: - Only import keys into the default user that contain the name of the default user ('ubuntu', or 'centos') or that contain 'cloudinit'. - Use instance or project level keys based on GCE convention. - Respect expiration time when keys are set. Do not import expired keys. - Support ssh-keys in project level metadata (the GCE default). As part of this change, we also update the request header when talking to the metadata server based on the documentation: LP: #1670456, #1707033, #1707037, #1707039
2018-01-23subp: make ProcessExecutionError have expected types in stderr, stdout.Scott Moser
When subp raised a ProcessExecutionError, that exception's stderr and stdout might end up being the string '-' rather than bytes. This mean that:    try:        subp(mycommand, decode=False)    except ProcessExecutionError as e:        pass Would have 'e.stdout' set to '-' while the caller would expect bytes. Also reduce the try/except block in subp to a specifically the two lines that may raise an OSError.
2018-01-23Recognize uppercase vfat disk labelsJames Penick
New mkfs.vfat and fatlabel tools included in the dosfsutils package no longer support creating vfat disks with lowercase labels. They silently default to an all uppercase label eg CONFIG-2 instead of config-2. This change makes cloud-init handle either upper or lower case. LP: #1598783
2018-01-12Do not log warning on config files that represent None.Scott Moser
This issue was first identified when manual_cache_clean was set, as ds-identify would write /run/cloud-init/cloud.cfg with # manual_cache_clean that would generate a warning as cloud-init expected to load a dict. Any other "empty" config would also log such a warning. Also fix reading of di_report to allow it to be None, as ds-identify would write: di_report: # manual_cache_clean which reads as 'di_report: None' rather than di_report: {}. LP: #1742479
2018-01-10MAAS: add check_instance_id based off oauth tokens.Scott Moser
This stores a hash of the OAuth tokens as an 'id' for the maas datasource. Since new instances get new tokens created and those tokens are written by curtin into datasource system config this will provide a way to identify a new "instance" (install). LP: #1712680