path: root/tox.ini
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-09-01tox: add nose timer outputJoshua Powers
This adds the output of the nose timer plugin to the py3 environment to tox. This will print out the 10 longest running tests and automatically turn tests longer than 1 second "red" after the coverage output.
2017-08-30tox: make xenial environment run with python3.6Scott Moser
The pinned versions of python packages in xenial do not work with python3.6. Currently, the failure can be seen with: $ tox -e xenial tests/unittests/ which ends up failing with in /usr/lib/python3.6/ with: ValueError: Function has keyword-only parameters or annotations, use getfullargspec() API which can support them Instead of setting 'basepython' to 3.5 for the 'xenial', we just update the one package that does not run correctly with python3.6. That allows the developer to have either python3.5 or python3.6 installed and have tox work as expected.
2017-08-30suse: Add support for openSUSE and return SLES to a working state.Robert Schweikert
This gets initial opensuse and SLES support back to a working state. Still missing is more complete network file writing and unit tests.
2017-08-09ec2: Allow Ec2 to run in init-local using dhclient in a sandbox.Chad Smith
This branch is a prerequisite for IPv6 support in AWS by allowing Ec2 datasource to query the metadata source version 2016-09-02 about whether or not it needs to configure IPv6 on interfaces. If version 2016-09-02 is not present, fallback to the min_metadata_version of 2009-04-04. The DataSourceEc2Local not run on FreeBSD because dhclient in doesn't support the -sf flag allowing us to run dhclient without filesystem side-effects. To query AWS' metadata address @, the instance must have a dhcp-allocated address configured. Configuring IPv4 link-local addresses result in timeouts from the metadata service. We introduced a DataSourceEc2Local subclass which will perform a sandboxed dhclient discovery which obtains an authorized IP address on eth0 and crawl metadata about full instance network configuration. Since ec2 IPv6 metadata is not sufficient in itself to tell us all the ipv6 knownledge we need, it only be used as a boolean to tell us which nics need IPv6. Cloud-init will then configure desired interfaces to DHCPv6 versus DHCPv4. Performance side note: Shifting the dhcp work into init-local for Ec2 actually gets us 1 second faster deployments by skipping init-network phase of alternate datasource checks because Ec2Local is configured in an ealier boot stage. In 3 test runs prior to this change: cloud-init runs were 5.5 seconds, with the change we now average 4.6 seconds. This efficiency could be even further improved if we avoiding dhcp discovery in order to talk to the metadata service from an AWS authorized dhcp address if there were some way to advertize the dhcp configuration via DMI/SMBIOS or system environment variables. Inspecting time costs of the dhclient setup/teardown in 3 live runs the time cost for the dhcp setup round trip on AWS is: test 1: 76 milliseconds dhcp discovery + metadata: 0.347 seconds metadata alone: 0.271 seconds test 2: 88 milliseconds dhcp discovery + metadata: 0.388 seconds metadata alone: 0.300 seconds test 3: 75 milliseconds dhcp discovery + metadata: 0.366 seconds metadata alone: 0.291 seconds LP: #1709772 add initialize_network_device function and testsChad Smith
This is not yet called, but will be called in a subsequent Ec2-related branch to manually initialize a network interface with the responses using dhcp discovery without any dhcp-script side-effects. The functionality has been tested on Ec2 ubuntu and CentOS vms to ensure that network interface initialization works in both OS-types. Since there was poor unit test coverage for the module, this branch adds a bunch of coverage to the functions in We can also now have unit tests local to the cloudinit modules. The benefits of having unittests under cloudinit module: - Proximity of unittest to cloudinit module makes it easier for ongoing devs to know where to augment unit tests. The tests.unittest directory is organizated such that it - Allows for 1 to 1 name mapping module -> tests/ - Improved test and module isolation, if we find unit tests have to import from a number of modules besides the module under test, it will better prompt resturcturing of the module. This also branch touches: - tox.ini to run unit tests found in cloudinit as well as include all test-requirements for pylint since we now have unit tests living within cloudinit package - to exclude any test modules under cloudinit when packaging
2017-07-11tests: Update version of pylxdJoshua Powers
With the upgrade to lxd 2.15, pylxd version 2.2.3 broke. Upgrading to version 2.2.4 fixes issues with missing attributes.
2017-06-08Integration Testing: tox env, pyxld 2.2.3, and revamp frameworkWesley Wiedenmeier
Massive update to clean up and greatly enhance the integration testing framework developed by Wesley Wiedenmeier. - Updated tox environment to run integration test 'citest' to utilize pylxd 2.2.3 - Add support for distro feature flags - add framework for feature flags to release config with feature groups and overrides allowed in any release conf override level - add support for feature flags in platform and config handling - during collect, skip testcases that require features not supported by the image with a warning message - Enable additional distros (i.e. centos, debian) - Add 'bddeb' command to build a deb from the current working tree cleanly in a container, so deps do not have to be installed on host - Adds a command line option '--preserve-data' that ensures that collected data will be left after tests run. This also allows the directory to store collected data in during the run command to be specified using '--data-dir'. - Updated Read the Docs testing page and doc strings for pep 257 compliance
2017-05-24tox/build: do not package depend on style requirements.Scott Moser
When the style/checking dependencies were updated in test-requirements.txt, the debian package build dependencies created by ./packages/bddeb were also updated. Pycodestyle was added to the list in order to pin its version. That broke the package build for 16.04. The reason for this is simply that python3-pycodestyle is not available in 16.04. The change here is to remove style dependencies from test-requirements, and add them to the tox environments directly. We had previously changed the package build process to not run pep8 or flake8 simply to avoid having to code to N different versions of style checkers (3bcb72c593f). The link between package build and test-requirements still exists, though. So future breakage can occur if any package is added to test-requirements.txt (or requirements.txt) if the target distro release does not have a python3-<packagename> in its archive. There is also a bit of a tox.ini cleanup here, in that we do not have to explictly list '-rrequirements.txt' as the pulls those in. And lastly, we drop the -rtest-requirements.txt from the base 'testenv', and add these test requirements only to environments that need to run test. Finally, a change to packages/debian/ to drop the build dependencies that were listed for style checking and also a dependency on iproute2 which was a bad unit test that has been previously fixed.
2017-05-23flake8: move the pinned version of flake8 up to 3.3.0Scott Moser
This just moves flake8 and related tools up to newer versions and fixes the complaints associated with that. We added to the list of flake8 ignores: H102: do not put vim info in source files H304: no relative imports Also updates and pins the following in the flake8 environment: pep8: 1.7.0 => drop (although hacking still pulls it in). pyflakes 1.1.0 => 1.5.0 hacking 0.10.2 => 0.13.0 flake8 2.5.4 => 3.3.0 pycodestyle none => 2.3.1
2017-05-22tox: move pylint target to 1.7.1Scott Moser
The motivation for this is to make tip-pylint target green. It does 2 things: a.) silence a warning that is generated in pylint 1.7.1, but not other versions of pylint. This bug in pylint is filed at b.) move tox -e pylint to use pylint 1.7.1
2017-05-16unittests: fix unittests run on centosJoshua Powers
Apt related tests were broken when running on centos becasue apt is not available. This fixes the unit test, with a small re-work of apt_configure. Also in 'tox -e centos6' only run nose on tests/unittests as tests/ also contain integration tests that should not be run.
2017-03-24test: add running of pylintJoshua Powers
Now tox will run pylint. The .pylintrc file sets pylint to only produce errors, and will ignore certain classes that are known problematic (six).
2017-03-10tox: add a citest environmentScott Moser
Because the tests/cloud_tests require specific version of pylxd adding a tox environment makes that much easier. Additionally it makes calling it at least a bit simpler. Example: tox -e citest -- run -v -n zesty --deb=cloud-init_all.deb
2017-02-06Remove style checking during build and add latest style checks to toxJoshua Powers
- make check will no longer run the style checks, that way package builds wont fail on a style difference in versions of the style tools in that distro. - created style-check make file target to continue to run pep8 and pyflakes - added tox envs 'tip-pycodestyle' and 'tip-pyflakes' to run latest style checking. These are not enabled by default run of tox. LP: #1652329
2016-12-22integration test: initial commit of integration test frameworkWesley Wiedenmeier
The adds in end-to-end testing of cloud-init. The framework utilizes LXD and cloud images as a backend to test user-data passed in. Arbitrary data is then captured from predefined commands specified by the user. After collection, data verification is completed by running a series of Python unit tests against the collected data. Currently only the Ubuntu Trusty, Xenial, Yakkety, and Zesty releases are supported. Test cases for 50% of the modules is complete and available. Additionally a Read the Docs file was created to guide test writing and execution.
2016-12-22LICENSE: Allow dual licensing GPL-3 or Apache 2.0Jon Grimm
This has been a recurring ask and we had initially just made the change to the cloud-init 2.0 codebase. As the current thinking is we'll just continue to enhance the current codebase, its desirable to relicense to match what we'd intended as part of the 2.0 plan here. - put a brief description of license in LICENSE file - put full license versions in LICENSE-GPLv3 and LICENSE-Apache2.0 - simplify the per-file header to reference LICENSE - tox: ignore H102 (Apache License Header check) Add license header to files that ship. Reformat headers, make sure everything has vi: at end of file. Non-shipping files do not need the copyright header, but at the moment tests/ have it.
2016-10-28Add coverage collection to tox unit tests.Joshua Powers
First step in increasing coverage is knowing what coverage is currently at. By default, tox only runs coverage on py3 as it is slower to run with coverage.
2016-10-19Fix python2.6 things found running in centos 6.Scott Moser
This gets the tests running in centos 6. * ProcessExecutionError: remove setting of .message Nothing in cloud-init seems to use .message anywhere, so it does not seem necessary. The reason to change it is that on 2.6 it spits out: cloudinit/ DeprecationWarning: BaseException.message * tox.ini: add a centos6 environment the tox versions listed here replicate a centos6 install with packages from EPEL. You will still need a python2.6 to run this env so we do not enable it by default.
2016-10-04unittests: fix use of mock 2.0 'assert_called' when running make checkRyan Harper
Some of the new DigitalOcean unittests were written to use 'assert_called', which is only available in mock versions 2.0. Because of this, the failure would only occur in releases less than yakkety and not in 'tox'. Add a 'xenial' entry to tox.ini with versions from xenial.
2016-09-30Improve module documentation and doc cleanup.Wesley Wiedenmeier
This adds lots of config module documentation in a standard format. It will greatly improve the content at readthedocs. Additionally: * Add a 'doc' env to tox.ini * Changed default highlight language for sphinx conf from python to yaml most examples in documentation are yaml configs * Updated datasource examples to highlight sh code properly
2016-06-10Less less tweaking of tox.iniJoshua Harlow
2016-06-10Less tweaking of tox.iniJoshua Harlow
2016-05-24Remove 26 from default tox.ini listingJoshua Harlow
2016-05-24Revert some of the alterations of the tox.ini fileJoshua Harlow
2016-05-19Fix up tests and flake8 warningsJoshua Harlow
2016-05-19Remerge against head/masterJoshua Harlow
2016-05-12run flake8 instead of pyflakes in tox. expect tests/ to pass flake8.Scott Moser
2016-05-12Fix up a ton of flake8 issuesJoshua Harlow
2016-05-11Fix py26 for rhel (and older versions of python)Joshua Harlow
2016-03-04Apply pep8, pyflakes fixes for python2 and 3Scott Moser
Update make check target to run pep8 and run pyflakes or pyflakes3 depending on the value of 'PYVER'. This way the python3 build environment does not need python2 and vice versa. Also have make check run the 'yaml' test. tox: have tox run pep8 in the pyflakes
2016-03-03run pyflakes in more places, fix falloutScott Moser
this makes 'make' run pyflakes, so failures there will stop a build. also adds it to tox.
2016-02-29tox.ini: only specify py3 not specific py34Scott Moser
This makes tox work on xenial where python3 is python3.5 and on older (trusty) where python3 is python3.4.
2016-02-04tox: use test-requirements.txt and requirements.txtScott Moser
This just allows stops us from repeating ourselves in tox.ini from what is in test-requirements and requirements.txt.
2015-02-24tox: set LC_ALL=en_US.utf-8 rather than CScott Moser
this works around an issue in httpretty where it is not able to install in tox if LC_ALL is set to C.
2015-02-18Set LC_ALL=C for tox tests.Daniel Watkins
As Python 3 uses the locale it's running in to determine the encoding it should use by default, we need this to (a) reproduce a problem we're seeing on Azure, and (b) to have tests run consistently between environments.
2015-02-11Enable passing arguments to nose via tox.Daniel Watkins
2015-01-26Repair the Python 2.6 tests.Barry Warsaw
2015-01-22Convert and from mocker to mock.Barry Warsaw
2015-01-22Use .addCleanup() instead of a .tearDown() where appropriate, although weBarry Warsaw
might have to rewrite this for Python 2.6. Disable Cepko tests ( since they are essentially worthless. Convert test_azure to unittest.mock.
2015-01-22Port to unittest.mock.Barry Warsaw
2015-01-21* Added a simple tox.ini fileBarry Warsaw
* Use universal_newlines in so it will work properly in Python 3. * Fix a pyflakes complaint in * Add a simple