From 83f6bbfbe5b924be61a3c098f4202377d69c8947 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: lucasmoura Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2021 13:22:22 -0300 Subject: Fix unpickle for source paths missing run_dir (#863) On the datasource class, we require the use of paths.run_dir to perform some operations. On older cloud-init version, the Paths class does not have the run_dir attribute. To fix that, we are now manually adding that attribute in the Paths object if doesn't exist in the unpickle operation. LP: #1899299 --- tests/data/old_pickles/trusty-14.04.1-0.7.5.pkl | 504 ++++++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 504 insertions(+) create mode 100644 tests/data/old_pickles/trusty-14.04.1-0.7.5.pkl (limited to 'tests/data') diff --git a/tests/data/old_pickles/trusty-14.04.1-0.7.5.pkl b/tests/data/old_pickles/trusty-14.04.1-0.7.5.pkl new file mode 100644 index 00000000..c7d7844b --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/data/old_pickles/trusty-14.04.1-0.7.5.pkl @@ -0,0 +1,504 @@ +ccopy_reg +_reconstructor +p1 +(ccloudinit.sources.DataSourceNoCloud +DataSourceNoCloudNet +p2 +c__builtin__ +object +p3 +NtRp4 +(dp5 +S'paths' +p6 +g1 +(ccloudinit.helpers +Paths +p7 +g3 +NtRp8 +(dp9 +S'lookups' +p10 +(dp11 +S'cloud_config' +p12 +S'cloud-config.txt' +p13 +sS'userdata' +p14 +S'user-data.txt.i' +p15 +sS'vendordata' +p16 +S'vendor-data.txt.i' +p17 +sS'userdata_raw' +p18 +S'user-data.txt' +p19 +sS'boothooks' +p20 +g20 +sS'scripts' +p21 +g21 +sS'sem' +p22 +g22 +sS'data' +p23 +g23 +sS'vendor_scripts' +p24 +S'scripts/vendor' +p25 +sS'handlers' +p26 +g26 +sS'obj_pkl' +p27 +S'obj.pkl' +p28 +sS'vendordata_raw' +p29 +S'vendor-data.txt' +p30 +sS'vendor_cloud_config' +p31 +S'vendor-cloud-config.txt' +p32 +ssS'template_tpl' +p33 +S'/etc/cloud/templates/%s.tmpl' +p34 +sS'cfgs' +p35 +(dp36 +S'cloud_dir' +p37 +S'/var/lib/cloud/' +p38 +sS'templates_dir' +p39 +S'/etc/cloud/templates/' +p40 +sS'upstart_dir' +p41 +S'/etc/init/' +p42 +ssS'cloud_dir' +p43 +g38 +sS'datasource' +p44 +NsS'upstart_conf_d' +p45 +g42 +sS'boot_finished' +p46 +S'/var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished' +p47 +sS'instance_link' +p48 +S'/var/lib/cloud/instance' +p49 +sS'seed_dir' +p50 +S'/var/lib/cloud/seed' +p51 +sbsS'supported_seed_starts' +p52 +(S'http://' +S'https://' +S'ftp://' +tp53 +sS'sys_cfg' +p54 +(dp55 +S'output' +p56 +(dp57 +S'all' +p58 +S'| tee -a /var/log/cloud-init-output.log' +p59 +ssS'users' +p60 +(lp61 +S'default' +p62 +asS'def_log_file' +p63 +S'/var/log/cloud-init.log' +p64 +sS'cloud_final_modules' +p65 +(lp66 +S'rightscale_userdata' +p67 +aS'scripts-vendor' +p68 +aS'scripts-per-once' +p69 +aS'scripts-per-boot' +p70 +aS'scripts-per-instance' +p71 +aS'scripts-user' +p72 +aS'ssh-authkey-fingerprints' +p73 +aS'keys-to-console' +p74 +aS'phone-home' +p75 +aS'final-message' +p76 +aS'power-state-change' +p77 +asS'disable_root' +p78 +I01 +sS'syslog_fix_perms' +p79 +S'syslog:adm' +p80 +sS'log_cfgs' +p81 +(lp82 +(lp83 +S'[loggers]\nkeys=root,cloudinit\n\n[handlers]\nkeys=consoleHandler,cloudLogHandler\n\n[formatters]\nkeys=simpleFormatter,arg0Formatter\n\n[logger_root]\nlevel=DEBUG\nhandlers=consoleHandler,cloudLogHandler\n\n[logger_cloudinit]\nlevel=DEBUG\nqualname=cloudinit\nhandlers=\npropagate=1\n\n[handler_consoleHandler]\nclass=StreamHandler\nlevel=WARNING\nformatter=arg0Formatter\nargs=(sys.stderr,)\n\n[formatter_arg0Formatter]\nformat=%(asctime)s - %(filename)s[%(levelname)s]: %(message)s\n\n[formatter_simpleFormatter]\nformat=[CLOUDINIT] %(filename)s[%(levelname)s]: %(message)s\n' +p84 +aS'[handler_cloudLogHandler]\nclass=handlers.SysLogHandler\nlevel=DEBUG\nformatter=simpleFormatter\nargs=("/dev/log", handlers.SysLogHandler.LOG_USER)\n' +p85 +aa(lp86 +g84 +aS"[handler_cloudLogHandler]\nclass=FileHandler\nlevel=DEBUG\nformatter=arg0Formatter\nargs=('/var/log/cloud-init.log',)\n" +p87 +aasS'cloud_init_modules' +p88 +(lp89 +S'migrator' +p90 +aS'seed_random' +p91 +aS'bootcmd' +p92 +aS'write-files' +p93 +aS'growpart' +p94 +aS'resizefs' +p95 +aS'set_hostname' +p96 +aS'update_hostname' +p97 +aS'update_etc_hosts' +p98 +aS'ca-certs' +p99 +aS'rsyslog' +p100 +aS'users-groups' +p101 +aS'ssh' +p102 +asS'preserve_hostname' +p103 +I00 +sS'_log' +p104 +(lp105 +g84 +ag87 +ag85 +asS'datasource_list' +p106 +(lp107 +S'NoCloud' +p108 +aS'ConfigDrive' +p109 +aS'OpenNebula' +p110 +aS'Azure' +p111 +aS'AltCloud' +p112 +aS'OVF' +p113 +aS'MAAS' +p114 +aS'GCE' +p115 +aS'OpenStack' +p116 +aS'CloudSigma' +p117 +aS'Ec2' +p118 +aS'CloudStack' +p119 +aS'SmartOS' +p120 +aS'None' +p121 +asS'vendor_data' +p122 +(dp123 +S'prefix' +p124 +(lp125 +sS'enabled' +p126 +I01 +ssS'cloud_config_modules' +p127 +(lp128 +S'emit_upstart' +p129 +aS'disk_setup' +p130 +aS'mounts' +p131 +aS'ssh-import-id' +p132 +aS'locale' +p133 +aS'set-passwords' +p134 +aS'grub-dpkg' +p135 +aS'apt-pipelining' +p136 +aS'apt-configure' +p137 +aS'package-update-upgrade-install' +p138 +aS'landscape' +p139 +aS'timezone' +p140 +aS'puppet' +p141 +aS'chef' +p142 +aS'salt-minion' +p143 +aS'mcollective' +p144 +aS'disable-ec2-metadata' +p145 +aS'runcmd' +p146 +aS'byobu' +p147 +assg14 +Nsg16 +Nsg18 +S'#cloud-config\n{}\n\n' +p148 +sg29 +S'#cloud-config\n{}\n\n' +p149 +sS'dsmode' +p150 +S'net' +p151 +sS'seed' +p152 +S'/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net' +p153 +sS'cmdline_id' +p154 +S'ds=nocloud-net' +p155 +sS'ud_proc' +p156 +g1 +(ccloudinit.user_data +UserDataProcessor +p157 +g3 +NtRp158 +(dp159 +g6 +g8 +sS'ssl_details' +p160 +(dp161 +sbsg50 +g153 +sS'ds_cfg' +p162 +(dp163 +sS'distro' +p164 +g1 +(ccloudinit.distros.ubuntu +Distro +p165 +g3 +NtRp166 +(dp167 +S'osfamily' +p168 +S'debian' +p169 +sS'_paths' +p170 +g8 +sS'name' +p171 +S'ubuntu' +p172 +sS'_runner' +p173 +g1 +(ccloudinit.helpers +Runners +p174 +g3 +NtRp175 +(dp176 +g6 +g8 +sS'sems' +p177 +(dp178 +sbsS'_cfg' +p179 +(dp180 +S'paths' +p181 +(dp182 +g37 +g38 +sg39 +g40 +sg41 +g42 +ssS'default_user' +p183 +(dp184 +S'shell' +p185 +S'/bin/bash' +p186 +sS'name' +p187 +S'ubuntu' +p188 +sS'sudo' +p189 +(lp190 +S'ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' +p191 +asS'lock_passwd' +p192 +I01 +sS'gecos' +p193 +S'Ubuntu' +p194 +sS'groups' +p195 +(lp196 +S'adm' +p197 +aS'audio' +p198 +aS'cdrom' +p199 +aS'dialout' +p200 +aS'dip' +p201 +aS'floppy' +p202 +aS'netdev' +p203 +aS'plugdev' +p204 +aS'sudo' +p205 +aS'video' +p206 +assS'package_mirrors' +p207 +(lp208 +(dp209 +S'arches' +p210 +(lp211 +S'i386' +p212 +aS'amd64' +p213 +asS'failsafe' +p214 +(dp215 +S'security' +p216 +S'' +p217 +sS'primary' +p218 +S'' +p219 +ssS'search' +p220 +(dp221 +S'security' +p222 +(lp223 +sS'primary' +p224 +(lp225 +S'http://%(ec2_region)' +p226 +aS'http://%(availability_zone)' +p227 +aS'http://%(region)' +p228 +assa(dp229 +S'arches' +p230 +(lp231 +S'armhf' +p232 +aS'armel' +p233 +aS'default' +p234 +asS'failsafe' +p235 +(dp236 +S'security' +p237 +S'' +p238 +sS'primary' +p239 +S'' +p240 +ssasS'ssh_svcname' +p241 +S'ssh' +p242 +ssbsS'metadata' +p243 +(dp244 +g150 +g151 +sS'local-hostname' +p245 +S'trusty-upgrade2' +p246 +sS'instance-id' +p247 +S'trusty-upgrade2' +p248 +ssb. \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v1.2.3 From 223b23e2c428aff6c1e61f49d8e2edde77801a12 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: James Falcon Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2022 19:40:06 -0600 Subject: Add json parsing of ip addr show (SC-723) (#1210) When obtaining information from "ip addr", default to using "ip --json addr" rather than using regex to parse "ip addr show" as json is machine readable as less prone to error. Deprecate but leave fallback to use "ip addr" for older iproute2 tooling which does not support --json param. Fix regex parsing of "ip addr" to support peer addresses and metrics. --- cloudinit/ | 97 ++++++++- tests/data/netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-json | 91 ++++++++ tests/data/netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-json-down | 57 +++++ tests/data/netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-output | 3 +- tests/unittests/ | 279 ++++++++++++++++++------- 5 files changed, 443 insertions(+), 84 deletions(-) create mode 100644 tests/data/netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-json create mode 100644 tests/data/netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-json-down (limited to 'tests/data') diff --git a/cloudinit/ b/cloudinit/ index 74e6b35a..5eeeb967 100644 --- a/cloudinit/ +++ b/cloudinit/ @@ -8,8 +8,10 @@ # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. +import json import re from copy import copy, deepcopy +from ipaddress import IPv4Network from cloudinit import log as logging from cloudinit import subp, util @@ -18,13 +20,84 @@ from cloudinit.simpletable import SimpleTable LOG = logging.getLogger() - +# Example netdev format: +# {'eth0': {'hwaddr': '00:16:3e:16:db:54', +# 'ipv4': [{'bcast': '', +# 'ip': '', +# 'mask': '', +# 'scope': 'global'}], +# 'ipv6': [{'ip': 'fd42:baa2:3dd:17a:216:3eff:fe16:db54/64', +# 'scope6': 'global'}, +# {'ip': 'fe80::216:3eff:fe16:db54/64', 'scope6': 'link'}], +# 'up': True}, +# 'lo': {'hwaddr': '', +# 'ipv4': [{'bcast': '', +# 'ip': '', +# 'mask': '', +# 'scope': 'host'}], +# 'ipv6': [{'ip': '::1/128', 'scope6': 'host'}], +# 'up': True}} DEFAULT_NETDEV_INFO = {"ipv4": [], "ipv6": [], "hwaddr": "", "up": False} +def _netdev_info_iproute_json(ipaddr_json): + """Get network device dicts from ip route and ip link info. + + ipaddr_json: Output string from 'ip --json addr' command. + + Returns a dict of device info keyed by network device name containing + device configuration values. + + Raises json.JSONDecodeError if json could not be decoded + """ + ipaddr_data = json.loads(ipaddr_json) + devs = {} + + for dev in ipaddr_data: + flags = dev["flags"] if "flags" in dev else [] + address = dev["address"] if dev.get("link_type") == "ether" else "" + dev_info = { + "hwaddr": address, + "up": bool("UP" in flags and "LOWER_UP" in flags), + "ipv4": [], + "ipv6": [], + } + for addr in dev.get("addr_info", []): + if addr.get("family") == "inet": + mask = ( + str(IPv4Network(f'{addr["prefixlen"]}').netmask) + if "prefixlen" in addr + else "" + ) + parsed_addr = { + "ip": addr.get("local", ""), + "mask": mask, + "bcast": addr.get("broadcast", ""), + "scope": addr.get("scope", ""), + } + dev_info["ipv4"].append(parsed_addr) + elif addr["family"] == "inet6": + ip = addr.get("local", "") + # address here refers to a peer address, and according + # to "man 8 ip-address": + # If a peer address is specified, the local address cannot + # have a prefix length. The network prefix is associated + # with the peer rather than with the local address. + if ip and not addr.get("address"): + ip = f"{ip}/{addr.get('prefixlen', 64)}" + parsed_addr = { + "ip": ip, + "scope6": addr.get("scope", ""), + } + dev_info["ipv6"].append(parsed_addr) + devs[dev["ifname"]] = dev_info + return devs + + def _netdev_info_iproute(ipaddr_out): """ - Get network device dicts from ip route and ip link info. + DEPRECATED: Only used on distros that don't support ip json output + Use _netdev_info_iproute_json() when possible. @param ipaddr_out: Output string from 'ip addr show' command. @@ -47,7 +120,10 @@ def _netdev_info_iproute(ipaddr_out): } elif "inet6" in line: m = re.match( - r"\s+inet6\s(?P\S+)\sscope\s(?P\S+).*", line + r"\s+inet6\s(?P\S+)" + r"(\s(peer\s\S+))?" + r"\sscope\s(?P\S+).*", + line, ) if not m: LOG.warning( @@ -57,8 +133,10 @@ def _netdev_info_iproute(ipaddr_out): devs[dev_name]["ipv6"].append(m.groupdict()) elif "inet" in line: m = re.match( - r"\s+inet\s(?P\S+)(\sbrd\s(?P\S+))?\sscope\s" - r"(?P\S+).*", + r"\s+inet\s(?P\S+)" + r"(\smetric\s(?P\d+))?" + r"(\sbrd\s(?P\S+))?" + r"\sscope\s(?P\S+).*", line, ) if not m: @@ -209,8 +287,13 @@ def netdev_info(empty=""): devs = _netdev_info_ifconfig_netbsd(ifcfg_out) elif subp.which("ip"): # Try iproute first of all - (ipaddr_out, _err) = subp.subp(["ip", "addr", "show"]) - devs = _netdev_info_iproute(ipaddr_out) + try: + (ipaddr_out, _err) = subp.subp(["ip", "--json", "addr"]) + devs = _netdev_info_iproute_json(ipaddr_out) + except subp.ProcessExecutionError: + # Can be removed when "ip --json" is available everywhere + (ipaddr_out, _err) = subp.subp(["ip", "addr", "show"]) + devs = _netdev_info_iproute(ipaddr_out) elif subp.which("ifconfig"): # Fall back to net-tools if iproute2 is not present (ifcfg_out, _err) = subp.subp(["ifconfig", "-a"], rcs=[0, 1]) diff --git a/tests/data/netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-json b/tests/data/netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-json new file mode 100644 index 00000000..8f6a430c --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/data/netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-json @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +[ + { + "ifindex": 1, + "ifname": "lo", + "flags": [ + "LOOPBACK", + "UP", + "LOWER_UP" + ], + "mtu": 65536, + "qdisc": "noqueue", + "operstate": "UNKNOWN", + "group": "default", + "txqlen": 1000, + "link_type": "loopback", + "address": "00:00:00:00:00:00", + "broadcast": "00:00:00:00:00:00", + "addr_info": [ + { + "family": "inet", + "local": "", + "prefixlen": 8, + "scope": "host", + "label": "lo", + "valid_life_time": 4294967295, + "preferred_life_time": 4294967295 + }, + { + "family": "inet6", + "local": "::1", + "prefixlen": 128, + "scope": "host", + "valid_life_time": 4294967295, + "preferred_life_time": 4294967295 + } + ] + }, + { + "ifindex": 23, + "link_index": 24, + "ifname": "enp0s25", + "flags": [ + "BROADCAST", + "MULTICAST", + "UP", + "LOWER_UP" + ], + "mtu": 1500, + "qdisc": "noqueue", + "operstate": "UP", + "group": "default", + "txqlen": 1000, + "link_type": "ether", + "address": "50:7b:9d:2c:af:91", + "broadcast": "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", + "link_netnsid": 0, + "addr_info": [ + { + "family": "inet", + "local": "", + "prefixlen": 24, + "metric": 100, + "broadcast": "", + "scope": "global", + "dynamic": true, + "label": "enp0s25", + "valid_life_time": 2339, + "preferred_life_time": 2339 + }, + { + "family": "inet6", + "local": "fe80::7777:2222:1111:eeee", + "prefixlen": 64, + "scope": "global", + "dynamic": true, + "mngtmpaddr": true, + "noprefixroute": true, + "valid_life_time": 6823, + "preferred_life_time": 3223 + }, + { + "family": "inet6", + "local": "fe80::8107:2b92:867e:f8a6", + "prefixlen": 64, + "scope": "link", + "valid_life_time": 4294967295, + "preferred_life_time": 4294967295 + } + ] + } +] diff --git a/tests/data/netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-json-down b/tests/data/netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-json-down new file mode 100644 index 00000000..7ad5dde0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tests/data/netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-json-down @@ -0,0 +1,57 @@ +[ + { + "ifindex": 1, + "ifname": "lo", + "flags": [ + "LOOPBACK", + "UP", + "LOWER_UP" + ], + "mtu": 65536, + "qdisc": "noqueue", + "operstate": "UNKNOWN", + "group": "default", + "txqlen": 1000, + "link_type": "loopback", + "address": "00:00:00:00:00:00", + "broadcast": "00:00:00:00:00:00", + "addr_info": [ + { + "family": "inet", + "local": "", + "prefixlen": 8, + "scope": "host", + "label": "lo", + "valid_life_time": 4294967295, + "preferred_life_time": 4294967295 + }, + { + "family": "inet6", + "local": "::1", + "prefixlen": 128, + "scope": "host", + "valid_life_time": 4294967295, + "preferred_life_time": 4294967295 + } + ] + }, + { + "ifindex": 23, + "link_index": 24, + "ifname": "eth0", + "flags": [ + "BROADCAST", + "MULTICAST" + ], + "mtu": 1500, + "qdisc": "noqueue", + "operstate": "DOWN", + "group": "default", + "txqlen": 1000, + "link_type": "ether", + "address": "00:16:3e:de:51:a6", + "broadcast": "ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff", + "link_netnsid": 0, + "addr_info": [] + } +] diff --git a/tests/data/netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-output b/tests/data/netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-output index b2fa2672..2aa3f90c 100644 --- a/tests/data/netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-output +++ b/tests/data/netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-output @@ -4,10 +4,9 @@ inet6 ::1/128 scope host \ valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever 2: enp0s25: mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000 link/ether 50:7b:9d:2c:af:91 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff - inet brd scope global dynamic enp0s25 + inet metric 100 brd scope global dynamic enp0s25 valid_lft 84174sec preferred_lft 84174sec inet6 fe80::7777:2222:1111:eeee/64 scope global valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever inet6 fe80::8107:2b92:867e:f8a6/64 scope link valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever - diff --git a/tests/unittests/ b/tests/unittests/ index 5ed15729..aecce921 100644 --- a/tests/unittests/ +++ b/tests/unittests/ @@ -2,16 +2,26 @@ """Tests netinfo module functions and classes.""" +import json from copy import copy -from cloudinit.netinfo import netdev_info, netdev_pformat, route_pformat -from tests.unittests.helpers import CiTestCase, mock, readResource +import pytest + +from cloudinit import subp +from cloudinit.netinfo import ( + _netdev_info_iproute_json, + netdev_info, + netdev_pformat, + route_pformat, +) +from tests.unittests.helpers import mock, readResource # Example ifconfig and route output SAMPLE_OLD_IFCONFIG_OUT = readResource("netinfo/old-ifconfig-output") SAMPLE_NEW_IFCONFIG_OUT = readResource("netinfo/new-ifconfig-output") SAMPLE_FREEBSD_IFCONFIG_OUT = readResource("netinfo/freebsd-ifconfig-output") SAMPLE_IPADDRSHOW_OUT = readResource("netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-output") +SAMPLE_IPADDRSHOW_JSON = readResource("netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-json") SAMPLE_ROUTE_OUT_V4 = readResource("netinfo/sample-route-output-v4") SAMPLE_ROUTE_OUT_V6 = readResource("netinfo/sample-route-output-v6") SAMPLE_IPROUTE_OUT_V4 = readResource("netinfo/sample-iproute-output-v4") @@ -21,11 +31,7 @@ ROUTE_FORMATTED_OUT = readResource("netinfo/route-formatted-output") FREEBSD_NETDEV_OUT = readResource("netinfo/freebsd-netdev-formatted-output") -class TestNetInfo(CiTestCase): - - maxDiff = None - with_logs = True - +class TestNetInfo: @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.subp.which") @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.subp.subp") def test_netdev_old_nettools_pformat(self, m_subp, m_which): @@ -33,7 +39,7 @@ class TestNetInfo(CiTestCase): m_subp.return_value = (SAMPLE_OLD_IFCONFIG_OUT, "") m_which.side_effect = lambda x: x if x == "ifconfig" else None content = netdev_pformat() - self.assertEqual(NETDEV_FORMATTED_OUT, content) + assert NETDEV_FORMATTED_OUT == content @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.subp.which") @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.subp.subp") @@ -42,7 +48,7 @@ class TestNetInfo(CiTestCase): m_subp.return_value = (SAMPLE_NEW_IFCONFIG_OUT, "") m_which.side_effect = lambda x: x if x == "ifconfig" else None content = netdev_pformat() - self.assertEqual(NETDEV_FORMATTED_OUT, content) + assert NETDEV_FORMATTED_OUT == content @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.subp.which") @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.subp.subp") @@ -54,13 +60,19 @@ class TestNetInfo(CiTestCase): print() print(content) print() - self.assertEqual(FREEBSD_NETDEV_OUT, content) + assert FREEBSD_NETDEV_OUT == content + @pytest.mark.parametrize( + "resource,is_json", + [(SAMPLE_IPADDRSHOW_OUT, False), (SAMPLE_IPADDRSHOW_JSON, True)], + ) @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.subp.which") @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.subp.subp") - def test_netdev_iproute_pformat(self, m_subp, m_which): - """netdev_pformat properly rendering ip route info.""" - m_subp.return_value = (SAMPLE_IPADDRSHOW_OUT, "") + def test_netdev_iproute_pformat(self, m_subp, m_which, resource, is_json): + """netdev_pformat properly rendering ip route info (non json).""" + m_subp.return_value = (resource, "") + if not is_json: + m_subp.side_effect = [subp.ProcessExecutionError, (resource, "")] m_which.side_effect = lambda x: x if x == "ip" else None content = netdev_pformat() new_output = copy(NETDEV_FORMATTED_OUT) @@ -70,19 +82,19 @@ class TestNetInfo(CiTestCase): new_output = new_output.replace( " | . |", " | host |" ) - self.assertEqual(new_output, content) + assert new_output == content @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.subp.which") @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.subp.subp") - def test_netdev_warn_on_missing_commands(self, m_subp, m_which): + def test_netdev_warn_on_missing_commands(self, m_subp, m_which, caplog): """netdev_pformat warns when missing both ip and 'netstat'.""" m_which.return_value = None # Niether ip nor netstat found content = netdev_pformat() - self.assertEqual("\n", content) - self.assertEqual( - "WARNING: Could not print networks: missing 'ip' and 'ifconfig'" - " commands\n", - self.logs.getvalue(), + assert "\n" == content + log = caplog.records[0] + assert log.levelname == "WARNING" + assert log.msg == ( + "Could not print networks: missing 'ip' and 'ifconfig' commands" ) m_subp.assert_not_called() @@ -95,57 +107,62 @@ class TestNetInfo(CiTestCase): "", ) m_which.side_effect = lambda x: x if x == "ifconfig" else None - self.assertEqual( - { - "eth0": { - "ipv4": [], - "ipv6": [], - "hwaddr": "00:16:3e:de:51:a6", - "up": False, - }, - "lo": { - "ipv4": [{"ip": "", "mask": ""}], - "ipv6": [{"ip": "::1/128", "scope6": "host"}], - "hwaddr": ".", - "up": True, - }, + assert netdev_info(".") == { + "eth0": { + "ipv4": [], + "ipv6": [], + "hwaddr": "00:16:3e:de:51:a6", + "up": False, }, - netdev_info("."), - ) + "lo": { + "ipv4": [{"ip": "", "mask": ""}], + "ipv6": [{"ip": "::1/128", "scope6": "host"}], + "hwaddr": ".", + "up": True, + }, + } + @pytest.mark.parametrize( + "resource,is_json", + [ + ("netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-output-down", False), + ("netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-json-down", True), + ], + ) @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.subp.which") @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.subp.subp") - def test_netdev_info_iproute_down(self, m_subp, m_which): + def test_netdev_info_iproute_down( + self, m_subp, m_which, resource, is_json + ): """Test netdev_info with ip and down interfaces.""" - m_subp.return_value = ( - readResource("netinfo/sample-ipaddrshow-output-down"), - "", - ) + m_subp.return_value = (readResource(resource), "") + if not is_json: + m_subp.side_effect = [ + subp.ProcessExecutionError, + (readResource(resource), ""), + ] m_which.side_effect = lambda x: x if x == "ip" else None - self.assertEqual( - { - "lo": { - "ipv4": [ - { - "ip": "", - "bcast": ".", - "mask": "", - "scope": "host", - } - ], - "ipv6": [{"ip": "::1/128", "scope6": "host"}], - "hwaddr": ".", - "up": True, - }, - "eth0": { - "ipv4": [], - "ipv6": [], - "hwaddr": "00:16:3e:de:51:a6", - "up": False, - }, + assert netdev_info(".") == { + "lo": { + "ipv4": [ + { + "ip": "", + "bcast": ".", + "mask": "", + "scope": "host", + } + ], + "ipv6": [{"ip": "::1/128", "scope6": "host"}], + "hwaddr": ".", + "up": True, }, - netdev_info("."), - ) + "eth0": { + "ipv4": [], + "ipv6": [], + "hwaddr": "00:16:3e:de:51:a6", + "up": False, + }, + } @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.netdev_info") def test_netdev_pformat_with_down(self, m_netdev_info): @@ -166,9 +183,9 @@ class TestNetInfo(CiTestCase): "up": False, }, } - self.assertEqual( - readResource("netinfo/netdev-formatted-output-down"), - netdev_pformat(), + assert ( + readResource("netinfo/netdev-formatted-output-down") + == netdev_pformat() ) @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.subp.which") @@ -186,7 +203,7 @@ class TestNetInfo(CiTestCase): m_subp.side_effect = subp_netstat_route_selector m_which.side_effect = lambda x: x if x == "netstat" else None content = route_pformat() - self.assertEqual(ROUTE_FORMATTED_OUT, content) + assert ROUTE_FORMATTED_OUT == content @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.subp.which") @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.subp.subp") @@ -204,21 +221,133 @@ class TestNetInfo(CiTestCase): m_subp.side_effect = subp_iproute_selector m_which.side_effect = lambda x: x if x == "ip" else None content = route_pformat() - self.assertEqual(ROUTE_FORMATTED_OUT, content) + assert ROUTE_FORMATTED_OUT == content @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.subp.which") @mock.patch("cloudinit.netinfo.subp.subp") - def test_route_warn_on_missing_commands(self, m_subp, m_which): + def test_route_warn_on_missing_commands(self, m_subp, m_which, caplog): """route_pformat warns when missing both ip and 'netstat'.""" m_which.return_value = None # Niether ip nor netstat found content = route_pformat() - self.assertEqual("\n", content) - self.assertEqual( - "WARNING: Could not print routes: missing 'ip' and 'netstat'" - " commands\n", - self.logs.getvalue(), + assert "\n" == content + log = caplog.records[0] + assert log.levelname == "WARNING" + assert log.msg == ( + "Could not print routes: missing 'ip' and 'netstat' commands" ) m_subp.assert_not_called() + @pytest.mark.parametrize( + "input,expected", + [ + # Test hwaddr set when link_type is ether, + # Test up True when flags contains UP and LOWER_UP + ( + [ + { + "ifname": "eth0", + "link_type": "ether", + "address": "00:00:00:00:00:00", + "flags": ["LOOPBACK", "UP", "LOWER_UP"], + } + ], + { + "eth0": { + "hwaddr": "00:00:00:00:00:00", + "ipv4": [], + "ipv6": [], + "up": True, + } + }, + ), + # Test hwaddr not set when link_type is not ether + # Test up False when flags does not contain both UP and LOWER_UP + ( + [ + { + "ifname": "eth0", + "link_type": "none", + "address": "00:00:00:00:00:00", + "flags": ["LOOPBACK", "UP"], + } + ], + { + "eth0": { + "hwaddr": "", + "ipv4": [], + "ipv6": [], + "up": False, + } + }, + ), + ( + [ + { + "ifname": "eth0", + "addr_info": [ + # Test for ipv4: + # ip set correctly + # mask set correctly + # bcast set correctly + # scope set correctly + { + "family": "inet", + "local": "", + "broadcast": "", + "prefixlen": 24, + "scope": "global", + }, + # Test for ipv6: + # ip set correctly + # mask set correctly when no 'address' present + # scope6 set correctly + { + "family": "inet6", + "local": "fd12:3456:7890:1234::5678:9012", + "prefixlen": 64, + "scope": "global", + }, + # Test for ipv6: + # mask not set when 'address' present + { + "family": "inet6", + "local": "fd12:3456:7890:1234::5678:9012", + "address": "fd12:3456:7890:1234::1", + "prefixlen": 64, + }, + ], + } + ], + { + "eth0": { + "hwaddr": "", + "ipv4": [ + { + "ip": "", + "mask": "", + "bcast": "", + "scope": "global", + } + ], + "ipv6": [ + { + "ip": "fd12:3456:7890:1234::5678:9012/64", + "scope6": "global", + }, + { + "ip": "fd12:3456:7890:1234::5678:9012", + "scope6": "", + }, + ], + "up": False, + } + }, + ), + ], + ) + def test_netdev_info_iproute_json(self, input, expected): + out = _netdev_info_iproute_json(json.dumps(input)) + assert out == expected + # vi: ts=4 expandtab -- cgit v1.2.3