 - fix bug where update was not done unless update was explicitly set.
   It would not be run if 'upgrade' or packages were set to be installed
 - fix bug in part-handler code, that prevented working part-handlers
   (LP: #739694)
 - fix bug in resizefs cloud-config that would cause trace based on
   failure of 'blkid /dev/root' (LP: #726938)
 - convert dos formated files to unix for user-scripts, boothooks,
   and upstart jobs (LP: #744965)
 - fix bug in fixing permission on /var/log/cloud-init.log (LP: #704509)
 - improve comment strings in rsyslog file tools/21-cloudinit.conf
 - add previous-instance-id and previous-datasource files to datadir
 - add 'datasource' file to instance dir
 - add setting of passwords and enabling/disabling of PasswordAuthentication
   for sshd.  By default no changes are done to sshd.
 - fix for puppet configuration options (LP: #709946) [Ryan Lane]
 - fix pickling of DataSource, which broke seeding.
 - turn resize_rootfs default to True
 - avoid mounts in DataSourceOVF if 'read' on device fails
   'mount /dev/sr0' for an empty virtual cdrom device was taking 18 seconds
 - add 'manual_cache_clean' option to select manual cleaning of
   the /var/lib/cloud/instance/ link, for a data source that might
   not be present on every boot
 - make DataSourceEc2 retries and timeout configurable
 - add helper routines for apt-get update and install
 - add 'bootcmd' like 'runcmd' to cloud-config syntax for running things early
 - move from '#opt_include' in config file format to conf_d.
   ie, now files in /etc/cloud.cfg.d/ is read rather than reading
   '#opt_include <filename>' or '#include <filename>' in cloud.cfg
 - allow /etc/hosts to be written from hosts.tmpl. which allows
   getting local-hostname into /etc/hosts (LP: #720440)
 - better handle startup if there is no eth0 (LP: #714807)
 - update rather than append in puppet config [Marc Cluet]
 - add cloud-config for mcollective [Marc Cluet]
 - change permissions of /var/log/cloud-init.log to accomodate
   syslog writing to it (LP: #704509)
 - rework of /var/lib/cloud layout
 - remove updates-check (LP: #653220)
 - support resizing / on first boot (enabled by default)
 - added support for running CloudConfig modules at cloud-init time
   rather than cloud-config time, and the new 'cloud_init_modules'
   entry in cloud.cfg to indicate which should run then.
   The driving force behind this was to have the rsyslog module
   able to run before rsyslog even runs so that a restart would
   not be needed (rsyslog on ubuntu runs on 'filesystem')
 - moved setting and updating of hostname to cloud_init_modules
   this allows the user to easily disable these from running.
   This also means:
   - the semaphore name for 'set_hostname' and 'update_hostname'
     changes to 'config_set_hostname' and 'config_update_hostname'
 - added cloud-config option 'hostname' for setting hostname
 - moved upstart/cloud-run-user-script.conf to upstart/cloud-final.conf
 - cloud-final.conf now runs runs cloud-config modules similar
   to cloud-config and cloud-init.
 - LP: #653271 
   - added writing of "boot-finished" to /var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished
     this is the last thing done, indicating cloud-init is finished booting
   - writes message to console with timestamp and uptime
 - write ssh keys to console as one of the last things done
   this is to ensure they don't get run off the 'get-console-ouptut' buffer
 - user_scripts run via cloud-final and thus semaphore renamed from
   user_scripts to config_user_scripts
 - add support for redirecting output of cloud-init, cloud-config, cloud-final
   via the config file, or user data config file
 - add support for posting data about the instance to a url (phone_home)
 - add minimal OVF transport (iso) support
 - make DataSources that are attempted dynamic and configurable from
   system config. changen "cloud_type: auto" as configuration for this
   to 'datasource_list: [ "Ec2" ]'.  Each of the items in that list
   must be modules that can be loaded by "DataSource<item>"
 - add 'timezone' option to cloud-config (LP: #645458)
 - Added an additional archive format, that can be used for multi-part
   input to cloud-init.  This may be more user friendly then mime-multipart
   See example in doc/examples/cloud-config-archive.txt (LP: #641504)
 - add support for reading Rightscale style user data (LP: #668400)
   and acting on it in cloud-config (cc_rightscale_userdata.py)
 - make the message on 'disable_root' more clear (LP: #672417)
 - do not require public key if private is given in ssh cloud-config 
   (LP: #648905)