0.7.0: - unified binary that activates the various stages - Now using argparse + subcommands to specify the various CLI options - a stage module that clearly separates the stages of the different components (also described how they are used and in what order in the new unified binary) - user_data is now a module that just does user data processing while the actual activation and 'handling' of the processed user data is done via a separate set of files (and modules) with the main 'init' stage being the controller of this - creation of boot_hook, cloud_config, shell_script, upstart_job version 2 modules (with classes that perform there functionality) instead of those having functionality that is attached to the cloudinit object (which reduces reuse and limits future functionality, and makes testing harder) - removal of global config that defined paths, shared config, now this is via objects making unit testing testing and global side-effects a non issue - creation of a 'helpers.py' - this contains an abstraction for the 'lock' like objects that the various module/handler running stages use to avoid re-running a given module/handler for a given frequency. this makes it separated from the actual usage of that object (thus helpful for testing and clear lines usage and how the actual job is accomplished) - a common 'runner' class is the main entrypoint using these locks to run function objects passed in (along with there arguments) and there frequency - add in a 'paths' object that provides access to the previously global and/or config based paths (thus providing a single entrypoint object/type that provides path information) - this also adds in the ability to change the path when constructing that path 'object' and adding in additional config that can be used to alter the root paths of 'joins' (useful for testing or possibly useful in chroots?) - config options now avaiable that can alter the 'write_root' and the 'read_root' when backing code uses the paths join() function - add a config parser subclass that will automatically add unknown sections and return default values (instead of throwing exceptions for these cases) - a new config merging class that will be the central object that knows how to do the common configuration merging from the various configuration sources. The order is the following: - cli config files override environment config files which override instance configs which override datasource configs which override base configuration which overrides default configuration. - remove the passing around of the 'cloudinit' object as a 'cloud' variable and instead pass around an 'interface' object that can be given to modules and handlers as there cloud access layer while the backing of that object can be varied (good for abstraction and testing) - use a single set of functions to do importing of modules - add a function in which will search for a given set of module names with a given set of attributes and return those which are found - refactor logging so that instead of using a single top level 'log' that instead each component/module can use its own logger (if desired), this should be backwards compatible with handlers and config modules that used the passed in logger (its still passed in) - ensure that all places where exception are caught and where applicable that the util logexc() is called, so that no exceptions that may occur are dropped without first being logged (where it makes sense for this to happen) - add a 'requires' file that lists cloud-init dependencies - applying it in package creation (bdeb and brpm) as well as using it in the modified setup.py to ensure dependencies are installed when using that method of packaging - add a 'version.py' that lists the active version (in code) so that code inside cloud-init can report the version in messaging and other config files - cleanup of subprocess usage so that all subprocess calls go through the subp() utility method, which now has an exception type that will provide detailed information on python 2.6 and 2.7 - forced all code loading, moving, chmod, writing files and other system level actions to go through standard set of util functions, this greatly helps in debugging and determining exactly which system actions cloud-init is performing - switching out the templating engine cheetah for tempita since tempita has no external dependencies (minus python) while cheetah has many dependencies which makes it more difficult to adopt cloud-init in distros that may not have those dependencies - adjust url fetching and url trying to go through a single function that reads urls in the new 'url helper' file, this helps in tracing, debugging and knowing which urls are being called and/or posted to from with-in cloud-init code - add in the sending of a 'User-Agent' header for all urls fetched that do not provide there own header mapping, derive this user-agent from the following template, 'Cloud-Init/{version}' where the version is the cloud-init version number - using prettytable for netinfo 'debug' printing since it provides a standard and defined output that should be easier to parse than a custom format - add a set of distro specific classes, that handle distro specific actions that modules and or handler code can use as needed, this is organized into a base abstract class with child classes that implement the shared functionality. config determines exactly which subclass to load, so it can be easily extended as needed. - current functionality - network interface config file writing - hostname setting/updating - locale/timezone/ setting - updating of /etc/hosts (with templates or generically) - package commands (ie installing, removing)/mirror finding - interface up/down activating - implemented a debian + ubuntu subclass - implemented a redhat + fedora subclass - adjust the root 'cloud.cfg' file to now have distrobution/path specific configuration values in it. these special configs are merged as the normal config is, but the system level config is not passed into modules/handlers - modules/handlers must go through the path and distro object instead - have the cloudstack datasource test the url before calling into boto to avoid the long wait for boto to finish retrying and finally fail when the gateway meta-data address is unavailable - add a simple mock ec2 meta-data python based http server that can serve a very simple set of ec2 meta-data back to callers - useful for testing or for understanding what the ec2 meta-data service can provide in terms of data or functionality - for ssh key and authorized key file parsing add in classes and util functions that maintain the state of individual lines, allowing for a clearer separation of parsing and modification (useful for testing and tracing) - add a set of 'base' init.d scripts that can be used on systems that do not have full upstart or systemd support (or support that does not match the standard fedora/ubuntu implementation) - currently these are being tested on RHEL 6.2 - separate the datasources into there own subdirectory (instead of being a top-level item), this matches how config 'modules' and user-data 'handlers' are also in there own subdirectory (thus helping new developers and others understand the code layout in a quicker manner) - add the building of rpms based off a new cli tool and template 'spec' file that will templatize and perform the necessary commands to create a source and binary package to be used with a cloud-init install on a 'rpm' supporting system - uses the new standard set of requires and converts those pypi requirements into a local set of package requirments (that are known to exist on RHEL systems but should also exist on fedora systems) - adjust the bdeb builder to be a python script (instead of a shell script) and make its 'control' file a template that takes in the standard set of pypi dependencies and uses a local mapping (known to work on ubuntu) to create the packages set of dependencies (that should also work on ubuntu-like systems) - pythonify a large set of various pieces of code - remove wrapping return statements with () when it has no effect - upper case all constants used - correctly 'case' class and method names (where applicable) - use os.path.join (and similar commands) instead of custom path creation - use 'is None' instead of the frowned upon '== None' which picks up a large set of 'true' cases than is typically desired (ie for objects that have there own equality) - use context managers on locks, tempdir, chdir, file, selinux, umask, unmounting commands so that these actions do not have to be closed and/or cleaned up manually in finally blocks, which is typically not done and will eventually be a bug in the future - use the 'abc' module for abstract classes base where possible - applied in the datasource root class, the distro root class, and the user-data v2 root class - when loading yaml, check that the 'root' type matches a predefined set of valid types (typically just 'dict') and throw a type error if a mismatch occurs, this seems to be a good idea to do when loading user config files - when forking a long running task (ie resizing a filesytem) use a new util function that will fork and then call a callback, instead of having to implement all that code in a non-shared location (thus allowing it to be used by others in the future) - when writing out filenames, go through a util function that will attempt to ensure that the given filename is 'filesystem' safe by replacing '/' with '_' and removing characters which do not match a given whitelist of allowed filename characters - for the varying usages of the 'blkid' command make a function in the util module that can be used as the single point of entry for interaction with that command (and its results) instead of having X separate implementations - place the rfc 8222 time formatting and uptime repeated pieces of code in the util module as a set of function with the name 'time_rfc2822'/'uptime' - separate the pylint+pep8 calling from one tool into two indivudal tools so that they can be called independently, add make file sections that can be used to call these independently - remove the support for the old style config that was previously located in '/etc/ec2-init/ec2-config.cfg', no longer supported! - instead of using a altered config parser that added its own 'dummy' section on in the 'mcollective' module, use configobj which handles the parsing of config without sections better (and it also maintains comments instead of removing them) - use the new defaulting config parser (that will not raise errors on sections that do not exist or return errors when values are fetched that do not exist) in the 'puppet' module - for config 'modules' add in the ability for the module to provide a list of distro names which it is known to work with, if when ran and the distro being used name does not match one of those in this list, a warning will be written out saying that this module may not work correctly on this distrobution - for all dynamically imported modules ensure that they are fixed up before they are used by ensuring that they have certain attributes, if they do not have those attributes they will be set to a sensible set of defaults instead - adjust all 'config' modules and handlers to use the adjusted util functions and the new distro objects where applicable so that those pieces of code can benefit from the unified and enhanced functionality being provided in that util module - fix a potential bug whereby when a #includeonce was encountered it would enable checking of urls against a cache, if later a #include was encountered it would continue checking against that cache, instead of refetching (which would likely be the expected case) - add a openstack/nova based pep8 extension utility ('hacking.py') that allows for custom checks (along with the standard pep8 checks) to occur when running 'make pep8' and its derivatives 0.6.4: - support relative path in AuthorizedKeysFile (LP: #970071). - make apt-get update run with --quiet (suitable for logging) (LP: #1012613) - cc_salt_minion: use package 'salt-minion' rather than 'salt' (LP: #996166) - use yaml.safe_load rather than yaml.load (LP: #1015818) 0.6.3: - add sample systemd config files [Garrett Holmstrom] - add Fedora support [Garrent Holstrom] (LP: #883286) - fix bug in netinfo.debug_info if no net devices available (LP: #883367) - use python module hashlib rather than md5 to avoid deprecation warnings. - support configuration of mirror based on dns name ubuntu-mirror in local domain. - support setting of Acquire::HTTP::Proxy via 'apt_proxy' - DataSourceEc2: more resilliant to slow metadata service - config change: 'retries' dropped, 'max_wait' added, timeout increased - close stdin in all cloud-init programs that are launched at boot (LP: #903993) - revert management of /etc/hosts to 0.6.1 style (LP: #890501, LP: #871966) - write full ssh keys to console for easy machine consumption (LP: #893400) - put INSTANCE_ID environment variable in bootcmd scripts - add 'cloud-init-per' script for easily running things with a given frequency - replace cloud-init-run-module with cloud-init-per - support configuration of landscape-client via cloud-config (LP: #857366) - part-handlers now get base64 decoded content rather than 2xbase64 encoded in the payload parameter. (LP: #874342) - add test case framework [Mike Milner] (LP: #890851) - fix pylint warnings [Juerg Haefliger] (LP: #914739) - add support for adding and deleting CA Certificates [Mike Milner] (LP: #915232) - in ci-info lines, use '.' to indicate empty field for easier machine reading - support empty lines in "#include" files (LP: #923043) - support configuration of salt minions (Jeff Bauer) (LP: #927795) - DataSourceOVF: only search for OVF data on ISO9660 filesystems (LP: #898373) - DataSourceConfigDrive: support getting data from openstack config drive (LP: #857378) - DataSourceNoCloud: support seed from external disk of ISO or vfat (LP: #857378) - DataSourceNoCloud: support inserting /etc/network/interfaces - DataSourceMaaS: add data source for Ubuntu Machines as a Service (MaaS) (LP: #942061) - DataSourceCloudStack: add support for CloudStack datasource [Cosmin Luta] - add option 'apt_pipelining' to address issue with S3 mirrors (LP: #948461) [Ben Howard] - warn on non-multipart, non-handled user-data [Martin Packman] - run resizefs in the background in order to not block boot (LP: #961226) - Fix bug in Chef support where validation_key was present in config, but 'validation_cert' was not (LP: #960547) - Provide user friendly message when an invalid locale is set [Ben Howard] (LP: #859814) - Support reading cloud-config from kernel command line parameter and populating local file with it, which can then provide data for DataSources - improve chef examples for working configurations on 11.10 and 12.04 [Lorin Hochstein] (LP: #960564) 0.6.2: - fix bug where update was not done unless update was explicitly set. It would not be run if 'upgrade' or packages were set to be installed - fix bug in part-handler code, that prevented working part-handlers (LP: #739694) - fix bug in resizefs cloud-config that would cause trace based on failure of 'blkid /dev/root' (LP: #726938) - convert dos formated files to unix for user-scripts, boothooks, and upstart jobs (LP: #744965) - fix bug in seeding of grub dpkg configuration (LP: #752361) due to renamed devices in newer (natty) kernels (/dev/sda1 -> /dev/xvda1) - make metadata urls configurable, to support eucalyptus in STATIC or SYSTEM modes (LP: #761847) - support disabling byobu in cloud-config - run cc_ssh as a cloud-init module so it is guaranteed to run before ssh starts (LP: #781101) - make prefix for keys added to /root/.ssh/authorized_keys configurable and add 'no-port-forwarding,no-agent-forwarding,no-X11-forwarding' to the default (LP: #798505) - make 'cloud-config ready' command configurable (LP: #785551) - make fstab fields used to 'fill in' shorthand entries configurable This means you do not have to have 'nobootwait' in the values (LP: #785542) - read /etc/ssh/sshd_config for AuthorizedKeysFile rather than assuming ~/.ssh/authorized_keys (LP: #731849) - fix cloud-init in ubuntu lxc containers (LP: #800824) - sanitize hosts file for system's hostname to (LP: #802637) - add chef support (cloudinit/CloudConfig/cc_chef.py) (LP: ##798844) - do not give trace on failure to resize in lxc container (LP: #800856) - increase the timeout on url gets for "seedfrom" values (LP: #812646) - do not write entries for ephemeral0 on t1.micro (LP: #744019) - support 'include-once' so that expiring or one-time use urls can be used for '#include' to provide sensitive data. - support for passing public and private keys to mcollective via cloud-config - support multiple staticly configured network devices, as long as all of them come up early (LP: #810044) - Changes to handling user data mean that: * boothooks will now run more than once as they were intended (and as bootcmd commands do) * cloud-config and user-scripts will be updated from user data every boot - Fix issue where 'isatty' would return true for apt-add-repository. apt-add-repository would get stdin which was attached to a terminal (/dev/console) and would thus hang when running during boot. (LP: 831505) This was done by changing all users of util.subp to have None input unless specified - Add some debug info to the console when cloud-init runs. This is useful if debugging, IP and route information is printed to the console. - change the mechanism for handling .ssh/authorized_keys, to update entries rather than appending. This ensures that the authorized_keys that are being inserted actually do something (LP: #434076, LP: #833499) - log warning on failure to set hostname (LP: #832175) - upstart/cloud-init-nonet.conf: wait for all network interfaces to be up allow for the possibility of /var/run != /run. - DataSourceNoCloud, DataSourceOVF : do not provide a default hostname. This way the configured hostname of the system will be used if not provided by metadata (LP: #838280) - DataSourceOVF: change the default instance id to 'iid-dsovf' from 'nocloud' - Improve the OVF documentation, and provide a simple command line tool for creating a useful ISO file. 0.6.1: - fix bug in fixing permission on /var/log/cloud-init.log (LP: #704509) - improve comment strings in rsyslog file tools/21-cloudinit.conf - add previous-instance-id and previous-datasource files to datadir - add 'datasource' file to instance dir - add setting of passwords and enabling/disabling of PasswordAuthentication for sshd. By default no changes are done to sshd. - fix for puppet configuration options (LP: #709946) [Ryan Lane] - fix pickling of DataSource, which broke seeding. - turn resize_rootfs default to True - avoid mounts in DataSourceOVF if 'read' on device fails 'mount /dev/sr0' for an empty virtual cdrom device was taking 18 seconds - add 'manual_cache_clean' option to select manual cleaning of the /var/lib/cloud/instance/ link, for a data source that might not be present on every boot - make DataSourceEc2 retries and timeout configurable - add helper routines for apt-get update and install - add 'bootcmd' like 'runcmd' to cloud-config syntax for running things early - move from '#opt_include' in config file format to conf_d. ie, now files in /etc/cloud.cfg.d/ is read rather than reading '#opt_include <filename>' or '#include <filename>' in cloud.cfg - allow /etc/hosts to be written from hosts.tmpl. which allows getting local-hostname into /etc/hosts (LP: #720440) - better handle startup if there is no eth0 (LP: #714807) - update rather than append in puppet config [Marc Cluet] - add cloud-config for mcollective [Marc Cluet] 0.6.0: - change permissions of /var/log/cloud-init.log to accomodate syslog writing to it (LP: #704509) - rework of /var/lib/cloud layout - remove updates-check (LP: #653220) - support resizing / on first boot (enabled by default) - added support for running CloudConfig modules at cloud-init time rather than cloud-config time, and the new 'cloud_init_modules' entry in cloud.cfg to indicate which should run then. The driving force behind this was to have the rsyslog module able to run before rsyslog even runs so that a restart would not be needed (rsyslog on ubuntu runs on 'filesystem') - moved setting and updating of hostname to cloud_init_modules this allows the user to easily disable these from running. This also means: - the semaphore name for 'set_hostname' and 'update_hostname' changes to 'config_set_hostname' and 'config_update_hostname' - added cloud-config option 'hostname' for setting hostname - moved upstart/cloud-run-user-script.conf to upstart/cloud-final.conf - cloud-final.conf now runs runs cloud-config modules similar to cloud-config and cloud-init. - LP: #653271 - added writing of "boot-finished" to /var/lib/cloud/instance/boot-finished this is the last thing done, indicating cloud-init is finished booting - writes message to console with timestamp and uptime - write ssh keys to console as one of the last things done this is to ensure they don't get run off the 'get-console-ouptut' buffer - user_scripts run via cloud-final and thus semaphore renamed from user_scripts to config_user_scripts - add support for redirecting output of cloud-init, cloud-config, cloud-final via the config file, or user data config file - add support for posting data about the instance to a url (phone_home) - add minimal OVF transport (iso) support - make DataSources that are attempted dynamic and configurable from system config. changen "cloud_type: auto" as configuration for this to 'datasource_list: [ "Ec2" ]'. Each of the items in that list must be modules that can be loaded by "DataSource<item>" - add 'timezone' option to cloud-config (LP: #645458) - Added an additional archive format, that can be used for multi-part input to cloud-init. This may be more user friendly then mime-multipart See example in doc/examples/cloud-config-archive.txt (LP: #641504) - add support for reading Rightscale style user data (LP: #668400) and acting on it in cloud-config (cc_rightscale_userdata.py) - make the message on 'disable_root' more clear (LP: #672417) - do not require public key if private is given in ssh cloud-config (LP: #648905)