# Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd. # # Author: Scott Moser # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import cloudinit.DataSource as DataSource from cloudinit import seeddir as base_seeddir from cloudinit import log import cloudinit.util as util import os.path import os import json import subprocess DEFAULT_IID = "iid-dsconfigdrive" class DataSourceConfigDrive(DataSource.DataSource): seed = None seeddir = base_seeddir + '/config_drive' cfg = {} userdata_raw = None metadata = None dsmode = "local" def __str__(self): mstr = "DataSourceConfigDrive[%s]" % self.dsmode mstr = mstr + " [seed=%s]" % self.seed return(mstr) def get_data(self): found = None md = {} ud = "" defaults = {"instance-id": DEFAULT_IID, "dsmode": "pass"} if os.path.isdir(self.seeddir): try: (md, ud) = read_config_drive_dir(self.seeddir) found = self.seeddir except nonConfigDriveDir: pass if not found: dev = cfg_drive_device() if dev: try: (md, ud) = util.mount_callback_umount(dev, read_config_drive_dir) found = dev except (nonConfigDriveDir, util.mountFailedError): pass if not found: return False if 'dsconfig' in md: self.cfg = md['dscfg'] md = util.mergedict(md, defaults) # update interfaces and ifup only on the local datasource # this way the DataSourceConfigDriveNet doesn't do it also. if 'network-interfaces' in md and self.dsmode == "local": if md['dsmode'] == "pass": log.info("updating network interfaces from configdrive") else: log.debug("updating network interfaces from configdrive") util.write_file("/etc/network/interfaces", md['network-interfaces']) try: (out, err) = util.subp(['ifup', '--all']) if len(out) or len(err): log.warn("ifup --all had stderr: %s" % err) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as exc: log.warn("ifup --all failed: %s" % (exc.output[1])) self.seed = found self.metadata = md self.userdata_raw = ud if md['dsmode'] == self.dsmode: return True log.debug("%s: not claiming datasource, dsmode=%s" % (self, md['dsmode'])) return False def get_public_ssh_keys(self): if not 'public-keys' in self.metadata: return([]) return(self.metadata['public-keys']) # the data sources' config_obj is a cloud-config formated # object that came to it from ways other than cloud-config # because cloud-config content would be handled elsewhere def get_config_obj(self): return(self.cfg) class DataSourceConfigDriveNet(DataSourceConfigDrive): dsmode = "net" class nonConfigDriveDir(Exception): pass def cfg_drive_device(): """ get the config drive device. return a string like '/dev/vdb' or None (if there is no non-root device attached). This does not check the contents, only reports that if there *were* a config_drive attached, it would be this device. per config_drive documentation, this is "associated as the last available disk on the instance" """ if 'CLOUD_INIT_CONFIG_DRIVE_DEVICE' in os.environ: return(os.environ['CLOUD_INIT_CONFIG_DRIVE_DEVICE']) # we are looking for a raw block device (sda, not sda1) with a vfat # filesystem on it. letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" devs = util.find_devs_with("TYPE=vfat") # filter out anything not ending in a letter (ignore partitions) devs = [f for f in devs if f[-1] in letters] # sort them in reverse so "last" device is first devs.sort(reverse=True) if len(devs): return(devs[0]) return(None) def read_config_drive_dir(source_dir): """ read_config_drive_dir(source_dir): read source_dir, and return a tuple with metadata dict and user-data string populated. If not a valid dir, raise a nonConfigDriveDir """ md = {} ud = "" flist = ("etc/network/interfaces", "root/.ssh/authorized_keys", "meta.js") found = [f for f in flist if os.path.isfile("%s/%s" % (source_dir, f))] keydata = "" if len(found) == 0: raise nonConfigDriveDir("%s: %s" % (source_dir, "no files found")) if "etc/network/interfaces" in found: with open("%s/%s" % (source_dir, "/etc/network/interfaces")) as fp: md['network-interfaces'] = fp.read() if "root/.ssh/authorized_keys" in found: with open("%s/%s" % (source_dir, "root/.ssh/authorized_keys")) as fp: keydata = fp.read() meta_js = {} if "meta.js" in found: content = '' with open("%s/%s" % (source_dir, "meta.js")) as fp: content = fp.read() md['meta_js'] = content try: meta_js = json.loads(content) except ValueError: raise nonConfigDriveDir("%s: %s" % (source_dir, "invalid json in meta.js")) keydata = meta_js.get('public-keys', keydata) if keydata: lines = keydata.splitlines() md['public-keys'] = [l for l in lines if len(l) and not l.startswith("#")] for copy in ('dsmode', 'instance-id', 'dscfg'): if copy in meta_js: md[copy] = meta_js[copy] if 'user-data' in meta_js: ud = meta_js['user-data'] return(md, ud) datasources = ( (DataSourceConfigDrive, (DataSource.DEP_FILESYSTEM, )), (DataSourceConfigDriveNet, (DataSource.DEP_FILESYSTEM, DataSource.DEP_NETWORK)), ) # return a list of data sources that match this set of dependencies def get_datasource_list(depends): return(DataSource.list_from_depends(depends, datasources)) if __name__ == "__main__": def main(): import sys import pprint print cfg_drive_device() (md, ud) = read_config_drive_dir(sys.argv[1]) print "=== md ===" pprint.pprint(md) print "=== ud ===" print(ud) main() # vi: ts=4 expandtab