# (c) Copyright IBM Corp. 2020 All Rights Reserved
# Author: Aman Kumar Sinha <amansi26@in.ibm.com>
# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information.

Refresh IPv6 interface and RMC
**Summary:** Ensure Network Manager is not managing IPv6 interface

This module is IBM PowerVM Hypervisor specific

Reliable Scalable Cluster Technology (RSCT) is a set of software components
that together provide a comprehensive clustering environment(RAS features)
for IBM PowerVM based virtual machines. RSCT includes the Resource
Monitoring and Control (RMC) subsystem. RMC is a generalized framework used
for managing, monitoring, and manipulating resources. RMC runs as a daemon
process on individual machines and needs creation of unique node id and
restarts during VM boot.
More details refer

This module handles
- Refreshing RMC
- Disabling NetworkManager from handling IPv6 interface, as IPv6 interface
  is used for communication between RMC daemon and PowerVM hypervisor.

**Internal name:** ``cc_refresh_rmc_and_interface``

**Module frequency:** always

**Supported distros:** RHEL


from cloudinit import log as logging
from cloudinit.settings import PER_ALWAYS
from cloudinit import util
from cloudinit import subp
from cloudinit import netinfo

import errno

frequency = PER_ALWAYS

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Ensure that /opt/rsct/bin has been added to standard PATH of the
# distro. The symlink to rmcctrl is /usr/sbin/rsct/bin/rmcctrl .
RMCCTRL = 'rmcctrl'

def handle(name, _cfg, _cloud, _log, _args):
    if not subp.which(RMCCTRL):
        LOG.debug("No '%s' in path, disabled", RMCCTRL)

        'Making the IPv6 up explicitly. '
        'Ensuring IPv6 interface is not being handled by NetworkManager '
        'and it is  restarted to re-establish the communication with '
        'the hypervisor')

    ifaces = find_ipv6_ifaces()

    # Setting NM_CONTROLLED=no for IPv6 interface
    # making it down and up

    if len(ifaces) == 0:
        LOG.debug("Did not find any interfaces with ipv6 addresses.")
        for iface in ifaces:

def find_ipv6_ifaces():
    info = netinfo.netdev_info()
    ifaces = []
    for iface, data in info.items():
        if iface == "lo":
            LOG.debug('Skipping localhost interface')
        if len(data.get("ipv4", [])) != 0:
            # skip this interface, as it has ipv4 addrs
    return ifaces

def refresh_ipv6(interface):
    # IPv6 interface is explicitly brought up, subsequent to which the
    # RMC services are restarted to re-establish the communication with
    # the hypervisor.
    subp.subp(['ip', 'link', 'set', interface, 'down'])
    subp.subp(['ip', 'link', 'set', interface, 'up'])

def sysconfig_path(iface):
    return '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-' + iface

def restart_network_manager():
    subp.subp(['systemctl', 'restart', 'NetworkManager'])

def disable_ipv6(iface_file):
    # Ensuring that the communication b/w the hypervisor and VM is not
    # interrupted due to NetworkManager. For this purpose, as part of
    # this function, the NM_CONTROLLED is explicitly set to No for IPV6
    # interface and NetworkManager is restarted.
        contents = util.load_file(iface_file)
    except IOError as e:
        if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
            LOG.debug("IPv6 interface file %s does not exist\n",
            raise e

    if 'IPV6INIT' not in contents:
        LOG.debug("Interface file %s did not have IPV6INIT", iface_file)

    LOG.debug("Editing interface file %s ", iface_file)

    # Dropping any NM_CONTROLLED or IPV6 lines from IPv6 interface file.
    lines = contents.splitlines()
    lines = [line for line in lines if not search(line)]

    with open(iface_file, "w") as fp:
        fp.write("\n".join(lines) + "\n")

def search(contents):
    # Search for any NM_CONTROLLED or IPV6 lines in IPv6 interface file.
        contents.startswith("IPV6ADDR") or
        contents.startswith("IPADDR6") or
        contents.startswith("IPV6INIT") or

def refresh_rmc():
    # To make a healthy connection between RMC daemon and hypervisor we
    # refresh RMC. With refreshing RMC we are ensuring that making IPv6
    # down and up shouldn't impact communication between RMC daemon and
    # hypervisor.
    # -z : stop Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem and all resource
    # managers, but the command does not return control to the user
    # until the subsystem and all resource managers are stopped.
    # -s : start Resource Monitoring & Control subsystem.
        subp.subp([RMCCTRL, '-z'])
        subp.subp([RMCCTRL, '-s'])
    except Exception:
        util.logexc(LOG, 'Failed to refresh the RMC subsystem.')