# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. """Ubuntu Drivers: Interact with third party drivers in Ubuntu.""" import os from textwrap import dedent from cloudinit import log as logging from cloudinit import subp, temp_utils, type_utils, util from cloudinit.config.schema import get_meta_doc, validate_cloudconfig_schema from cloudinit.settings import PER_INSTANCE LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) frequency = PER_INSTANCE distros = ["ubuntu"] meta = { "id": "cc_ubuntu_drivers", "name": "Ubuntu Drivers", "title": "Interact with third party drivers in Ubuntu.", "description": dedent( """\ This module interacts with the 'ubuntu-drivers' command to install third party driver packages.""" ), "distros": distros, "examples": [ dedent( """\ drivers: nvidia: license-accepted: true """ ) ], "frequency": frequency, } schema = { "type": "object", "properties": { "drivers": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": False, "properties": { "nvidia": { "type": "object", "additionalProperties": False, "required": ["license-accepted"], "properties": { "license-accepted": { "type": "boolean", "description": ( "Do you accept the NVIDIA driver license?" ), }, "version": { "type": "string", "description": ( "The version of the driver to install (e.g." ' "390", "410"). Defaults to the latest' " version." ), }, }, }, }, }, }, } OLD_UBUNTU_DRIVERS_STDERR_NEEDLE = ( "ubuntu-drivers: error: argument : invalid choice: 'install'" ) __doc__ = get_meta_doc(meta, schema) # Supplement python help() # Use a debconf template to configure a global debconf variable # (linux/nvidia/latelink) setting this to "true" allows the # 'linux-restricted-modules' deb to accept the NVIDIA EULA and the package # will automatically link the drivers to the running kernel. # EOL_XENIAL: can then drop this script and use python3-debconf which is only # available in Bionic and later. Can't use python3-debconf currently as it # isn't in Xenial and doesn't yet support X_LOADTEMPLATEFILE debconf command. NVIDIA_DEBCONF_CONTENT = """\ Template: linux/nvidia/latelink Type: boolean Default: true Description: Late-link NVIDIA kernel modules? Enable this to link the NVIDIA kernel modules in cloud-init and make them available for use. """ NVIDIA_DRIVER_LATELINK_DEBCONF_SCRIPT = """\ #!/bin/sh # Allow cloud-init to trigger EULA acceptance via registering a debconf # template to set linux/nvidia/latelink true . /usr/share/debconf/confmodule db_x_loadtemplatefile "$1" cloud-init """ def install_drivers(cfg, pkg_install_func): if not isinstance(cfg, dict): raise TypeError( "'drivers' config expected dict, found '%s': %s" % (type_utils.obj_name(cfg), cfg) ) cfgpath = "nvidia/license-accepted" # Call translate_bool to ensure that we treat string values like "yes" as # acceptance and _don't_ treat string values like "nah" as acceptance # because they're True-ish nv_acc = util.translate_bool(util.get_cfg_by_path(cfg, cfgpath)) if not nv_acc: LOG.debug("Not installing NVIDIA drivers. %s=%s", cfgpath, nv_acc) return if not subp.which("ubuntu-drivers"): LOG.debug( "'ubuntu-drivers' command not available. " "Installing ubuntu-drivers-common" ) pkg_install_func(["ubuntu-drivers-common"]) driver_arg = "nvidia" version_cfg = util.get_cfg_by_path(cfg, "nvidia/version") if version_cfg: driver_arg += ":{}".format(version_cfg) LOG.debug( "Installing and activating NVIDIA drivers (%s=%s, version=%s)", cfgpath, nv_acc, version_cfg if version_cfg else "latest", ) # Register and set debconf selection linux/nvidia/latelink = true tdir = temp_utils.mkdtemp(needs_exe=True) debconf_file = os.path.join(tdir, "nvidia.template") debconf_script = os.path.join(tdir, "nvidia-debconf.sh") try: util.write_file(debconf_file, NVIDIA_DEBCONF_CONTENT) util.write_file( debconf_script, util.encode_text(NVIDIA_DRIVER_LATELINK_DEBCONF_SCRIPT), mode=0o755, ) subp.subp([debconf_script, debconf_file]) except Exception as e: util.logexc( LOG, "Failed to register NVIDIA debconf template: %s", str(e) ) raise finally: if os.path.isdir(tdir): util.del_dir(tdir) try: subp.subp(["ubuntu-drivers", "install", "--gpgpu", driver_arg]) except subp.ProcessExecutionError as exc: if OLD_UBUNTU_DRIVERS_STDERR_NEEDLE in exc.stderr: LOG.warning( "the available version of ubuntu-drivers is" " too old to perform requested driver installation" ) elif "No drivers found for installation." in exc.stdout: LOG.warning("ubuntu-drivers found no drivers for installation") raise def handle(name, cfg, cloud, log, _args): if "drivers" not in cfg: log.debug("Skipping module named %s, no 'drivers' key in config", name) return validate_cloudconfig_schema(cfg, schema) install_drivers(cfg["drivers"], cloud.distro.install_packages)