# Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd. # Copyright (C) 2012, 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. # # Author: Scott Moser # Author: Juerg Haefliger # Author: Joshua Harlow # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. from cloudinit import distros from cloudinit import helpers from cloudinit import log as logging from cloudinit import util from cloudinit.distros import net_util from cloudinit.distros import rhel_util from cloudinit.settings import PER_INSTANCE LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _make_sysconfig_bool(val): if val: return 'yes' else: return 'no' class Distro(distros.Distro): # See: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/7/html/Networking_Guide/sec-Network_Configuration_Using_sysconfig_Files.html # noqa clock_conf_fn = "/etc/sysconfig/clock" locale_conf_fn = '/etc/sysconfig/i18n' systemd_locale_conf_fn = '/etc/locale.conf' network_conf_fn = "/etc/sysconfig/network" hostname_conf_fn = "/etc/sysconfig/network" systemd_hostname_conf_fn = "/etc/hostname" network_script_tpl = '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-%s' resolve_conf_fn = "/etc/resolv.conf" tz_local_fn = "/etc/localtime" usr_lib_exec = "/usr/libexec" def __init__(self, name, cfg, paths): distros.Distro.__init__(self, name, cfg, paths) # This will be used to restrict certain # calls from repeatly happening (when they # should only happen say once per instance...) self._runner = helpers.Runners(paths) self.osfamily = 'redhat' cfg['ssh_svcname'] = 'sshd' def install_packages(self, pkglist): self.package_command('install', pkgs=pkglist) def _write_network_config(self, netconfig): return self._supported_write_network_config(netconfig) def _write_network(self, settings): # TODO(harlowja) fix this... since this is the ubuntu format entries = net_util.translate_network(settings) LOG.debug("Translated ubuntu style network settings %s into %s", settings, entries) # Make the intermediate format as the rhel format... nameservers = [] searchservers = [] dev_names = entries.keys() use_ipv6 = False for (dev, info) in entries.items(): net_fn = self.network_script_tpl % (dev) net_cfg = { 'DEVICE': dev, 'NETMASK': info.get('netmask'), 'IPADDR': info.get('address'), 'BOOTPROTO': info.get('bootproto'), 'GATEWAY': info.get('gateway'), 'BROADCAST': info.get('broadcast'), 'MACADDR': info.get('hwaddress'), 'ONBOOT': _make_sysconfig_bool(info.get('auto')), } if info.get('inet6'): use_ipv6 = True net_cfg.update({ 'IPV6INIT': _make_sysconfig_bool(True), 'IPV6ADDR': info.get('ipv6').get('address'), 'IPV6_DEFAULTGW': info.get('ipv6').get('gateway'), }) rhel_util.update_sysconfig_file(net_fn, net_cfg) if 'dns-nameservers' in info: nameservers.extend(info['dns-nameservers']) if 'dns-search' in info: searchservers.extend(info['dns-search']) if nameservers or searchservers: rhel_util.update_resolve_conf_file(self.resolve_conf_fn, nameservers, searchservers) if dev_names: net_cfg = { 'NETWORKING': _make_sysconfig_bool(True), } # If IPv6 interface present, enable ipv6 networking if use_ipv6: net_cfg['NETWORKING_IPV6'] = _make_sysconfig_bool(True) net_cfg['IPV6_AUTOCONF'] = _make_sysconfig_bool(False) rhel_util.update_sysconfig_file(self.network_conf_fn, net_cfg) return dev_names def apply_locale(self, locale, out_fn=None): if self.uses_systemd(): if not out_fn: out_fn = self.systemd_locale_conf_fn out_fn = self.systemd_locale_conf_fn else: if not out_fn: out_fn = self.locale_conf_fn locale_cfg = { 'LANG': locale, } rhel_util.update_sysconfig_file(out_fn, locale_cfg) def _write_hostname(self, hostname, out_fn): # systemd will never update previous-hostname for us, so # we need to do it ourselves if self.uses_systemd() and out_fn.endswith('/previous-hostname'): util.write_file(out_fn, hostname) elif self.uses_systemd(): util.subp(['hostnamectl', 'set-hostname', str(hostname)]) else: host_cfg = { 'HOSTNAME': hostname, } rhel_util.update_sysconfig_file(out_fn, host_cfg) def _select_hostname(self, hostname, fqdn): # Should be fqdn if we can use it # See: https://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/Deployment_Guide-en-US/ch-sysconfig.html#s2-sysconfig-network # noqa if fqdn: return fqdn return hostname def _read_system_hostname(self): if self.uses_systemd(): host_fn = self.systemd_hostname_conf_fn else: host_fn = self.hostname_conf_fn return (host_fn, self._read_hostname(host_fn)) def _read_hostname(self, filename, default=None): if self.uses_systemd() and filename.endswith('/previous-hostname'): return util.load_file(filename).strip() elif self.uses_systemd(): (out, _err) = util.subp(['hostname']) if len(out): return out else: return default else: (_exists, contents) = rhel_util.read_sysconfig_file(filename) if 'HOSTNAME' in contents: return contents['HOSTNAME'] else: return default def _bring_up_interfaces(self, device_names): if device_names and 'all' in device_names: raise RuntimeError(('Distro %s can not translate ' 'the device name "all"') % (self.name)) return distros.Distro._bring_up_interfaces(self, device_names) def set_timezone(self, tz): tz_file = self._find_tz_file(tz) if self.uses_systemd(): # Currently, timedatectl complains if invoked during startup # so for compatibility, create the link manually. util.del_file(self.tz_local_fn) util.sym_link(tz_file, self.tz_local_fn) else: # Adjust the sysconfig clock zone setting clock_cfg = { 'ZONE': str(tz), } rhel_util.update_sysconfig_file(self.clock_conf_fn, clock_cfg) # This ensures that the correct tz will be used for the system util.copy(tz_file, self.tz_local_fn) def package_command(self, command, args=None, pkgs=None): if pkgs is None: pkgs = [] if util.which('dnf'): LOG.debug('Using DNF for package management') cmd = ['dnf'] else: LOG.debug('Using YUM for package management') # the '-t' argument makes yum tolerant of errors on the command # line with regard to packages. # # For example: if you request to install foo, bar and baz and baz # is installed; yum won't error out complaining that baz is already # installed. cmd = ['yum', '-t'] # Determines whether or not yum prompts for confirmation # of critical actions. We don't want to prompt... cmd.append("-y") if args and isinstance(args, str): cmd.append(args) elif args and isinstance(args, list): cmd.extend(args) cmd.append(command) pkglist = util.expand_package_list('%s-%s', pkgs) cmd.extend(pkglist) # Allow the output of this to flow outwards (ie not be captured) util.subp(cmd, capture=False) def update_package_sources(self): self._runner.run("update-sources", self.package_command, ["makecache"], freq=PER_INSTANCE) # vi: ts=4 expandtab