# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file ... import copy import os from cloudinit import log as logging from cloudinit import safeyaml, subp, util from cloudinit.net import SYS_CLASS_NET, get_devicelist from . import renderer from .network_state import ( IPV6_DYNAMIC_TYPES, NET_CONFIG_TO_V2, NetworkState, subnet_is_ipv6, ) KNOWN_SNAPD_CONFIG = b"""\ # This is the initial network config. # It can be overwritten by cloud-init or console-conf. network: version: 2 ethernets: all-en: match: name: "en*" dhcp4: true all-eth: match: name: "eth*" dhcp4: true """ LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _get_params_dict_by_match(config, match): return dict( (key, value) for (key, value) in config.items() if key.startswith(match) ) def _extract_addresses(config, entry, ifname, features=None): """This method parse a cloudinit.net.network_state dictionary (config) and maps netstate keys/values into a dictionary (entry) to represent netplan yaml. An example config dictionary might look like: {'mac_address': '52:54:00:12:34:00', 'name': 'interface0', 'subnets': [ {'address': '', 'mtu': 1501, 'type': 'static'}, {'address': '2001:4800:78ff:1b:be76:4eff:fe06:1000", 'mtu': 1480, 'netmask': 64, 'type': 'static'}], 'type: physical', 'accept-ra': 'true' } An entry dictionary looks like: {'set-name': 'interface0', 'match': {'macaddress': '52:54:00:12:34:00'}, 'mtu': 1501} After modification returns {'set-name': 'interface0', 'match': {'macaddress': '52:54:00:12:34:00'}, 'mtu': 1501, 'address': ['', '2001:4800:78ff:1b:be76:4eff:fe06:1000"], 'ipv6-mtu': 1480} """ def _listify(obj, token=" "): "Helper to convert strings to list of strings, handle single string" if not obj or type(obj) not in [str]: return obj if token in obj: return obj.split(token) else: return [ obj, ] if features is None: features = [] addresses = [] routes = [] nameservers = [] searchdomains = [] subnets = config.get("subnets", []) if subnets is None: subnets = [] for subnet in subnets: sn_type = subnet.get("type") if sn_type.startswith("dhcp"): if sn_type == "dhcp": sn_type += "4" entry.update({sn_type: True}) elif sn_type in IPV6_DYNAMIC_TYPES: entry.update({"dhcp6": True}) elif sn_type in ["static", "static6"]: addr = "%s" % subnet.get("address") if "prefix" in subnet: addr += "/%d" % subnet.get("prefix") if "gateway" in subnet and subnet.get("gateway"): gateway = subnet.get("gateway") if ":" in gateway: entry.update({"gateway6": gateway}) else: entry.update({"gateway4": gateway}) if "dns_nameservers" in subnet: nameservers += _listify(subnet.get("dns_nameservers", [])) if "dns_search" in subnet: searchdomains += _listify(subnet.get("dns_search", [])) if "mtu" in subnet: mtukey = "mtu" if subnet_is_ipv6(subnet) and "ipv6-mtu" in features: mtukey = "ipv6-mtu" entry.update({mtukey: subnet.get("mtu")}) for route in subnet.get("routes", []): to_net = "%s/%s" % (route.get("network"), route.get("prefix")) new_route = { "via": route.get("gateway"), "to": to_net, } if "metric" in route: new_route.update({"metric": route.get("metric", 100)}) routes.append(new_route) addresses.append(addr) if "mtu" in config: entry_mtu = entry.get("mtu") if entry_mtu and config["mtu"] != entry_mtu: LOG.warning( "Network config: ignoring %s device-level mtu:%s because" " ipv4 subnet-level mtu:%s provided.", ifname, config["mtu"], entry_mtu, ) else: entry["mtu"] = config["mtu"] if len(addresses) > 0: entry.update({"addresses": addresses}) if len(routes) > 0: entry.update({"routes": routes}) if len(nameservers) > 0: ns = {"addresses": nameservers} entry.update({"nameservers": ns}) if len(searchdomains) > 0: ns = entry.get("nameservers", {}) ns.update({"search": searchdomains}) entry.update({"nameservers": ns}) if "accept-ra" in config and config["accept-ra"] is not None: entry.update({"accept-ra": util.is_true(config.get("accept-ra"))}) def _extract_bond_slaves_by_name(interfaces, entry, bond_master): bond_slave_names = sorted( [ name for (name, cfg) in interfaces.items() if cfg.get("bond-master", None) == bond_master ] ) if len(bond_slave_names) > 0: entry.update({"interfaces": bond_slave_names}) def _clean_default(target=None): # clean out any known default files and derived files in target # LP: #1675576 tpath = subp.target_path(target, "etc/netplan/00-snapd-config.yaml") if not os.path.isfile(tpath): return content = util.load_file(tpath, decode=False) if content != KNOWN_SNAPD_CONFIG: return derived = [ subp.target_path(target, f) for f in ( "run/systemd/network/10-netplan-all-en.network", "run/systemd/network/10-netplan-all-eth.network", "run/systemd/generator/netplan.stamp", ) ] existing = [f for f in derived if os.path.isfile(f)] LOG.debug( "removing known config '%s' and derived existing files: %s", tpath, existing, ) for f in [tpath] + existing: os.unlink(f) class Renderer(renderer.Renderer): """Renders network information in a /etc/netplan/network.yaml format.""" NETPLAN_GENERATE = ["netplan", "generate"] NETPLAN_INFO = ["netplan", "info"] def __init__(self, config=None): if not config: config = {} self.netplan_path = config.get( "netplan_path", "etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml" ) self.netplan_header = config.get("netplan_header", None) self._postcmds = config.get("postcmds", False) self.clean_default = config.get("clean_default", True) self._features = config.get("features", None) @property def features(self): if self._features is None: try: info_blob, _err = subp.subp(self.NETPLAN_INFO, capture=True) info = util.load_yaml(info_blob) self._features = info["netplan.io"]["features"] except subp.ProcessExecutionError: # if the info subcommand is not present then we don't have any # new features pass except (TypeError, KeyError) as e: LOG.debug("Failed to list features from netplan info: %s", e) return self._features def render_network_state(self, network_state, templates=None, target=None): # check network state for version # if v2, then extract network_state.config # else render_v2_from_state fpnplan = os.path.join(subp.target_path(target), self.netplan_path) util.ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(fpnplan)) header = self.netplan_header if self.netplan_header else "" # render from state content = self._render_content(network_state) if not header.endswith("\n"): header += "\n" util.write_file(fpnplan, header + content) if self.clean_default: _clean_default(target=target) self._netplan_generate(run=self._postcmds) self._net_setup_link(run=self._postcmds) def _netplan_generate(self, run=False): if not run: LOG.debug("netplan generate postcmd disabled") return subp.subp(self.NETPLAN_GENERATE, capture=True) def _net_setup_link(self, run=False): """To ensure device link properties are applied, we poke udev to re-evaluate networkd .link files and call the setup_link udev builtin command """ if not run: LOG.debug("netplan net_setup_link postcmd disabled") return setup_lnk = ["udevadm", "test-builtin", "net_setup_link"] for cmd in [ setup_lnk + [SYS_CLASS_NET + iface] for iface in get_devicelist() if os.path.islink(SYS_CLASS_NET + iface) ]: subp.subp(cmd, capture=True) def _render_content(self, network_state: NetworkState): # if content already in netplan format, pass it back if network_state.version == 2: LOG.debug("V2 to V2 passthrough") return safeyaml.dumps( {"network": network_state.config}, explicit_start=False, explicit_end=False, ) ethernets = {} wifis = {} bridges = {} bonds = {} vlans = {} content = [] interfaces = network_state._network_state.get("interfaces", []) nameservers = network_state.dns_nameservers searchdomains = network_state.dns_searchdomains for config in network_state.iter_interfaces(): ifname = config.get("name") # filter None (but not False) entries up front ifcfg = dict( (key, value) for (key, value) in config.items() if value is not None ) if_type = ifcfg.get("type") if if_type == "physical": # required_keys = ['name', 'mac_address'] eth = { "set-name": ifname, "match": ifcfg.get("match", None), } if eth["match"] is None: macaddr = ifcfg.get("mac_address", None) if macaddr is not None: eth["match"] = {"macaddress": macaddr.lower()} else: del eth["match"] del eth["set-name"] _extract_addresses(ifcfg, eth, ifname, self.features) ethernets.update({ifname: eth}) elif if_type == "bond": # required_keys = ['name', 'bond_interfaces'] bond = {} bond_config = {} # extract bond params and drop the bond_ prefix as it's # redundent in v2 yaml format v2_bond_map = NET_CONFIG_TO_V2.get("bond") for match in ["bond_", "bond-"]: bond_params = _get_params_dict_by_match(ifcfg, match) for (param, value) in bond_params.items(): newname = v2_bond_map.get(param.replace("_", "-")) if newname is None: continue bond_config.update({newname: value}) if len(bond_config) > 0: bond.update({"parameters": bond_config}) if ifcfg.get("mac_address"): bond["macaddress"] = ifcfg.get("mac_address").lower() slave_interfaces = ifcfg.get("bond-slaves") if slave_interfaces == "none": _extract_bond_slaves_by_name(interfaces, bond, ifname) _extract_addresses(ifcfg, bond, ifname, self.features) bonds.update({ifname: bond}) elif if_type == "bridge": # required_keys = ['name', 'bridge_ports'] ports = sorted(copy.copy(ifcfg.get("bridge_ports"))) bridge = { "interfaces": ports, } # extract bridge params and drop the bridge prefix as it's # redundent in v2 yaml format match_prefix = "bridge_" params = _get_params_dict_by_match(ifcfg, match_prefix) br_config = {} # v2 yaml uses different names for the keys # and at least one value format change v2_bridge_map = NET_CONFIG_TO_V2.get("bridge") for (param, value) in params.items(): newname = v2_bridge_map.get(param) if newname is None: continue br_config.update({newname: value}) if newname in ["path-cost", "port-priority"]: # -> : int() newvalue = {} for val in value: (port, portval) = val.split() newvalue[port] = int(portval) br_config.update({newname: newvalue}) if len(br_config) > 0: bridge.update({"parameters": br_config}) if ifcfg.get("mac_address"): bridge["macaddress"] = ifcfg.get("mac_address").lower() _extract_addresses(ifcfg, bridge, ifname, self.features) bridges.update({ifname: bridge}) elif if_type == "vlan": # required_keys = ['name', 'vlan_id', 'vlan-raw-device'] vlan = { "id": ifcfg.get("vlan_id"), "link": ifcfg.get("vlan-raw-device"), } macaddr = ifcfg.get("mac_address", None) if macaddr is not None: vlan["macaddress"] = macaddr.lower() _extract_addresses(ifcfg, vlan, ifname, self.features) vlans.update({ifname: vlan}) # inject global nameserver values under each all interface which # has addresses and do not already have a DNS configuration if nameservers or searchdomains: nscfg = {"addresses": nameservers, "search": searchdomains} for section in [ethernets, wifis, bonds, bridges, vlans]: for _name, cfg in section.items(): if "nameservers" in cfg or "addresses" not in cfg: continue cfg.update({"nameservers": nscfg}) # workaround yaml dictionary key sorting when dumping def _render_section(name, section): if section: dump = safeyaml.dumps( {name: section}, explicit_start=False, explicit_end=False, noalias=True, ) txt = util.indent(dump, " " * 4) return [txt] return [] content.append("network:\n version: 2\n") content += _render_section("ethernets", ethernets) content += _render_section("wifis", wifis) content += _render_section("bonds", bonds) content += _render_section("bridges", bridges) content += _render_section("vlans", vlans) return "".join(content) def available(target=None): expected = ["netplan"] search = ["/usr/sbin", "/sbin"] for p in expected: if not subp.which(p, search=search, target=target): return False return True def network_state_to_netplan(network_state, header=None): # render the provided network state, return a string of equivalent eni netplan_path = "etc/network/50-cloud-init.yaml" renderer = Renderer( { "netplan_path": netplan_path, "netplan_header": header, } ) if not header: header = "" if not header.endswith("\n"): header += "\n" contents = renderer._render_content(network_state) return header + contents # vi: ts=4 expandtab