# Copyright (C) 2017 Canonical Ltd. # # Author: Ryan Harper # # This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. import copy import functools import ipaddress import logging import socket import struct from cloudinit import safeyaml, util LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) NETWORK_STATE_VERSION = 1 IPV6_DYNAMIC_TYPES = [ "dhcp6", "ipv6_slaac", "ipv6_dhcpv6-stateless", "ipv6_dhcpv6-stateful", ] NETWORK_STATE_REQUIRED_KEYS = { 1: ["version", "config", "network_state"], } NETWORK_V2_KEY_FILTER = [ "addresses", "dhcp4", "dhcp4-overrides", "dhcp6", "dhcp6-overrides", "gateway4", "gateway6", "interfaces", "match", "mtu", "nameservers", "renderer", "set-name", "wakeonlan", "accept-ra", ] NET_CONFIG_TO_V2 = { "bond": { "bond-ad-select": "ad-select", "bond-arp-interval": "arp-interval", "bond-arp-ip-target": "arp-ip-target", "bond-arp-validate": "arp-validate", "bond-downdelay": "down-delay", "bond-fail-over-mac": "fail-over-mac-policy", "bond-lacp-rate": "lacp-rate", "bond-miimon": "mii-monitor-interval", "bond-min-links": "min-links", "bond-mode": "mode", "bond-num-grat-arp": "gratuitious-arp", "bond-primary": "primary", "bond-primary-reselect": "primary-reselect-policy", "bond-updelay": "up-delay", "bond-xmit-hash-policy": "transmit-hash-policy", }, "bridge": { "bridge_ageing": "ageing-time", "bridge_bridgeprio": "priority", "bridge_fd": "forward-delay", "bridge_gcint": None, "bridge_hello": "hello-time", "bridge_maxage": "max-age", "bridge_maxwait": None, "bridge_pathcost": "path-cost", "bridge_portprio": "port-priority", "bridge_stp": "stp", "bridge_waitport": None, }, } def from_state_file(state_file): state = util.read_conf(state_file) nsi = NetworkStateInterpreter() nsi.load(state) return nsi def diff_keys(expected, actual): missing = set(expected) for key in actual: missing.discard(key) return missing class InvalidCommand(Exception): pass def ensure_command_keys(required_keys): def wrapper(func): @functools.wraps(func) def decorator(self, command, *args, **kwargs): if required_keys: missing_keys = diff_keys(required_keys, command) if missing_keys: raise InvalidCommand( "Command missing %s of required keys %s" % (missing_keys, required_keys) ) return func(self, command, *args, **kwargs) return decorator return wrapper class CommandHandlerMeta(type): """Metaclass that dynamically creates a 'command_handlers' attribute. This will scan the to-be-created class for methods that start with 'handle_' and on finding those will populate a class attribute mapping so that those methods can be quickly located and called. """ def __new__(cls, name, parents, dct): command_handlers = {} for attr_name, attr in dct.items(): if callable(attr) and attr_name.startswith("handle_"): handles_what = attr_name[len("handle_") :] if handles_what: command_handlers[handles_what] = attr dct["command_handlers"] = command_handlers return super(CommandHandlerMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, parents, dct) class NetworkState(object): def __init__(self, network_state, version=NETWORK_STATE_VERSION): self._network_state = copy.deepcopy(network_state) self._version = version self.use_ipv6 = network_state.get("use_ipv6", False) self._has_default_route = None @property def config(self): return self._network_state["config"] @property def version(self): return self._version @property def dns_nameservers(self): try: return self._network_state["dns"]["nameservers"] except KeyError: return [] @property def dns_searchdomains(self): try: return self._network_state["dns"]["search"] except KeyError: return [] @property def has_default_route(self): if self._has_default_route is None: self._has_default_route = self._maybe_has_default_route() return self._has_default_route def iter_interfaces(self, filter_func=None): ifaces = self._network_state.get("interfaces", {}) for iface in ifaces.values(): if filter_func is None: yield iface else: if filter_func(iface): yield iface def iter_routes(self, filter_func=None): for route in self._network_state.get("routes", []): if filter_func is not None: if filter_func(route): yield route else: yield route def _maybe_has_default_route(self): for route in self.iter_routes(): if self._is_default_route(route): return True for iface in self.iter_interfaces(): for subnet in iface.get("subnets", []): for route in subnet.get("routes", []): if self._is_default_route(route): return True return False def _is_default_route(self, route): default_nets = ("::", "") return ( route.get("prefix") == 0 and route.get("network") in default_nets ) class NetworkStateInterpreter(metaclass=CommandHandlerMeta): initial_network_state = { "interfaces": {}, "routes": [], "dns": { "nameservers": [], "search": [], }, "use_ipv6": False, "config": None, } def __init__(self, version=NETWORK_STATE_VERSION, config=None): self._version = version self._config = config self._network_state = copy.deepcopy(self.initial_network_state) self._network_state["config"] = config self._parsed = False self._interface_dns_map = {} @property def network_state(self): return NetworkState(self._network_state, version=self._version) @property def use_ipv6(self): return self._network_state.get("use_ipv6") @use_ipv6.setter def use_ipv6(self, val): self._network_state.update({"use_ipv6": val}) def dump(self): state = { "version": self._version, "config": self._config, "network_state": self._network_state, } return safeyaml.dumps(state) def load(self, state): if "version" not in state: LOG.error("Invalid state, missing version field") raise ValueError("Invalid state, missing version field") required_keys = NETWORK_STATE_REQUIRED_KEYS[state["version"]] missing_keys = diff_keys(required_keys, state) if missing_keys: msg = "Invalid state, missing keys: %s" % (missing_keys) LOG.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) # v1 - direct attr mapping, except version for key in [k for k in required_keys if k not in ["version"]]: setattr(self, key, state[key]) def dump_network_state(self): return safeyaml.dumps(self._network_state) def as_dict(self): return {"version": self._version, "config": self._config} def get_network_state(self): ns = self.network_state return ns def parse_config(self, skip_broken=True): if self._version == 1: self.parse_config_v1(skip_broken=skip_broken) self._parsed = True elif self._version == 2: self.parse_config_v2(skip_broken=skip_broken) self._parsed = True def parse_config_v1(self, skip_broken=True): for command in self._config: command_type = command["type"] try: handler = self.command_handlers[command_type] except KeyError as e: raise RuntimeError( "No handler found for command '%s'" % command_type ) from e try: handler(self, command) except InvalidCommand: if not skip_broken: raise else: LOG.warning( "Skipping invalid command: %s", command, exc_info=True ) LOG.debug(self.dump_network_state()) for interface, dns in self._interface_dns_map.items(): iface = None try: iface = self._network_state["interfaces"][interface] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError( "Nameserver specified for interface {0}, " "but interface {0} does not exist!".format(interface) ) from e if iface: nameservers, search = dns iface["dns"] = { "addresses": nameservers, "search": search, } def parse_config_v2(self, skip_broken=True): for command_type, command in self._config.items(): if command_type in ["version", "renderer"]: continue try: handler = self.command_handlers[command_type] except KeyError as e: raise RuntimeError( "No handler found for command '%s'" % command_type ) from e try: handler(self, command) self._v2_common(command) except InvalidCommand: if not skip_broken: raise else: LOG.warning( "Skipping invalid command: %s", command, exc_info=True ) LOG.debug(self.dump_network_state()) @ensure_command_keys(["name"]) def handle_loopback(self, command): return self.handle_physical(command) @ensure_command_keys(["name"]) def handle_physical(self, command): """ command = { 'type': 'physical', 'mac_address': 'c0:d6:9f:2c:e8:80', 'name': 'eth0', 'subnets': [ {'type': 'dhcp4'} ], 'accept-ra': 'true' } """ interfaces = self._network_state.get("interfaces", {}) iface = interfaces.get(command["name"], {}) for param, val in command.get("params", {}).items(): iface.update({param: val}) # convert subnet ipv6 netmask to cidr as needed subnets = _normalize_subnets(command.get("subnets")) # automatically set 'use_ipv6' if any addresses are ipv6 if not self.use_ipv6: for subnet in subnets: if subnet.get("type").endswith("6") or is_ipv6_addr( subnet.get("address") ): self.use_ipv6 = True break accept_ra = command.get("accept-ra", None) if accept_ra is not None: accept_ra = util.is_true(accept_ra) wakeonlan = command.get("wakeonlan", None) if wakeonlan is not None: wakeonlan = util.is_true(wakeonlan) iface.update( { "name": command.get("name"), "type": command.get("type"), "mac_address": command.get("mac_address"), "inet": "inet", "mode": "manual", "mtu": command.get("mtu"), "address": None, "gateway": None, "subnets": subnets, "accept-ra": accept_ra, "wakeonlan": wakeonlan, } ) self._network_state["interfaces"].update({command.get("name"): iface}) self.dump_network_state() @ensure_command_keys(["name", "vlan_id", "vlan_link"]) def handle_vlan(self, command): """ auto eth0.222 iface eth0.222 inet static address netmask hwaddress ether BC:76:4E:06:96:B3 vlan-raw-device eth0 """ interfaces = self._network_state.get("interfaces", {}) self.handle_physical(command) iface = interfaces.get(command.get("name"), {}) iface["vlan-raw-device"] = command.get("vlan_link") iface["vlan_id"] = command.get("vlan_id") interfaces.update({iface["name"]: iface}) @ensure_command_keys(["name", "bond_interfaces", "params"]) def handle_bond(self, command): """ #/etc/network/interfaces auto eth0 iface eth0 inet manual bond-master bond0 bond-mode 802.3ad auto eth1 iface eth1 inet manual bond-master bond0 bond-mode 802.3ad auto bond0 iface bond0 inet static address gateway netmask bond-slaves none bond-mode 802.3ad bond-miimon 100 bond-downdelay 200 bond-updelay 200 bond-lacp-rate 4 """ self.handle_physical(command) interfaces = self._network_state.get("interfaces") iface = interfaces.get(command.get("name"), {}) for param, val in command.get("params").items(): iface.update({param: val}) iface.update({"bond-slaves": "none"}) self._network_state["interfaces"].update({iface["name"]: iface}) # handle bond slaves for ifname in command.get("bond_interfaces"): if ifname not in interfaces: cmd = { "name": ifname, "type": "bond", } # inject placeholder self.handle_physical(cmd) interfaces = self._network_state.get("interfaces", {}) bond_if = interfaces.get(ifname) bond_if["bond-master"] = command.get("name") # copy in bond config into slave for param, val in command.get("params").items(): bond_if.update({param: val}) self._network_state["interfaces"].update({ifname: bond_if}) @ensure_command_keys(["name", "bridge_interfaces"]) def handle_bridge(self, command): """ auto br0 iface br0 inet static address netmask bridge_ports eth0 eth1 bridge_stp off bridge_fd 0 bridge_maxwait 0 bridge_params = [ "bridge_ports", "bridge_ageing", "bridge_bridgeprio", "bridge_fd", "bridge_gcint", "bridge_hello", "bridge_hw", "bridge_maxage", "bridge_maxwait", "bridge_pathcost", "bridge_portprio", "bridge_stp", "bridge_waitport", ] """ # find one of the bridge port ifaces to get mac_addr # handle bridge_slaves interfaces = self._network_state.get("interfaces", {}) for ifname in command.get("bridge_interfaces"): if ifname in interfaces: continue cmd = { "name": ifname, } # inject placeholder self.handle_physical(cmd) interfaces = self._network_state.get("interfaces", {}) self.handle_physical(command) iface = interfaces.get(command.get("name"), {}) iface["bridge_ports"] = command["bridge_interfaces"] for param, val in command.get("params", {}).items(): iface.update({param: val}) # convert value to boolean bridge_stp = iface.get("bridge_stp") if bridge_stp is not None and type(bridge_stp) != bool: if bridge_stp in ["on", "1", 1]: bridge_stp = True elif bridge_stp in ["off", "0", 0]: bridge_stp = False else: raise ValueError( "Cannot convert bridge_stp value ({stp}) to" " boolean".format(stp=bridge_stp) ) iface.update({"bridge_stp": bridge_stp}) interfaces.update({iface["name"]: iface}) @ensure_command_keys(["name"]) def handle_infiniband(self, command): self.handle_physical(command) def _parse_dns(self, command): nameservers = [] search = [] if "address" in command: addrs = command["address"] if not type(addrs) == list: addrs = [addrs] for addr in addrs: nameservers.append(addr) if "search" in command: paths = command["search"] if not isinstance(paths, list): paths = [paths] for path in paths: search.append(path) return nameservers, search @ensure_command_keys(["address"]) def handle_nameserver(self, command): dns = self._network_state.get("dns") nameservers, search = self._parse_dns(command) if "interface" in command: self._interface_dns_map[command["interface"]] = ( nameservers, search, ) else: dns["nameservers"].extend(nameservers) dns["search"].extend(search) @ensure_command_keys(["address"]) def _handle_individual_nameserver(self, command, iface): _iface = self._network_state.get("interfaces") nameservers, search = self._parse_dns(command) _iface[iface]["dns"] = {"nameservers": nameservers, "search": search} @ensure_command_keys(["destination"]) def handle_route(self, command): self._network_state["routes"].append(_normalize_route(command)) # V2 handlers def handle_bonds(self, command): """ v2_command = { bond0: { 'interfaces': ['interface0', 'interface1'], 'parameters': { 'mii-monitor-interval': 100, 'mode': '802.3ad', 'xmit_hash_policy': 'layer3+4'}}, bond1: { 'bond-slaves': ['interface2', 'interface7'], 'parameters': { 'mode': 1, } } } v1_command = { 'type': 'bond' 'name': 'bond0', 'bond_interfaces': [interface0, interface1], 'params': { 'bond-mode': '802.3ad', 'bond_miimon: 100, 'bond_xmit_hash_policy': 'layer3+4', } } """ self._handle_bond_bridge(command, cmd_type="bond") def handle_bridges(self, command): """ v2_command = { br0: { 'interfaces': ['interface0', 'interface1'], 'forward-delay': 0, 'stp': False, 'maxwait': 0, } } v1_command = { 'type': 'bridge' 'name': 'br0', 'bridge_interfaces': [interface0, interface1], 'params': { 'bridge_stp': 'off', 'bridge_fd: 0, 'bridge_maxwait': 0 } } """ self._handle_bond_bridge(command, cmd_type="bridge") def handle_ethernets(self, command): """ ethernets: eno1: match: macaddress: 00:11:22:33:44:55 driver: hv_netsvc wakeonlan: true dhcp4: true dhcp6: false addresses: - - 2001:1::1/64 gateway4: gateway6: 2001:1::2 nameservers: search: [foo.local, bar.local] addresses: [,] lom: match: driver: ixgbe set-name: lom1 dhcp6: true accept-ra: true switchports: match: name: enp2* mtu: 1280 command = { 'type': 'physical', 'mac_address': 'c0:d6:9f:2c:e8:80', 'name': 'eth0', 'subnets': [ {'type': 'dhcp4'} ] } """ for eth, cfg in command.items(): phy_cmd = { "type": "physical", "name": cfg.get("set-name", eth), } match = cfg.get("match", {}) mac_address = match.get("macaddress", None) if not mac_address: LOG.debug( 'NetworkState Version2: missing "macaddress" info ' "in config entry: %s: %s", eth, str(cfg), ) phy_cmd["mac_address"] = mac_address driver = match.get("driver", None) if driver: phy_cmd["params"] = {"driver": driver} for key in ["mtu", "match", "wakeonlan", "accept-ra"]: if key in cfg: phy_cmd[key] = cfg[key] subnets = self._v2_to_v1_ipcfg(cfg) if len(subnets) > 0: phy_cmd.update({"subnets": subnets}) LOG.debug("v2(ethernets) -> v1(physical):\n%s", phy_cmd) self.handle_physical(phy_cmd) def handle_vlans(self, command): """ v2_vlans = { 'eth0.123': { 'id': 123, 'link': 'eth0', 'dhcp4': True, } } v1_command = { 'type': 'vlan', 'name': 'eth0.123', 'vlan_link': 'eth0', 'vlan_id': 123, 'subnets': [{'type': 'dhcp4'}], } """ for vlan, cfg in command.items(): vlan_cmd = { "type": "vlan", "name": vlan, "vlan_id": cfg.get("id"), "vlan_link": cfg.get("link"), } if "mtu" in cfg: vlan_cmd["mtu"] = cfg["mtu"] subnets = self._v2_to_v1_ipcfg(cfg) if len(subnets) > 0: vlan_cmd.update({"subnets": subnets}) LOG.debug("v2(vlans) -> v1(vlan):\n%s", vlan_cmd) self.handle_vlan(vlan_cmd) def handle_wifis(self, command): LOG.warning( "Wifi configuration is only available to distros with" " netplan rendering support." ) def _v2_common(self, cfg): LOG.debug("v2_common: handling config:\n%s", cfg) for iface, dev_cfg in cfg.items(): if "set-name" in dev_cfg: set_name_iface = dev_cfg.get("set-name") if set_name_iface: iface = set_name_iface if "nameservers" in dev_cfg: search = dev_cfg.get("nameservers").get("search", []) dns = dev_cfg.get("nameservers").get("addresses", []) name_cmd = {"type": "nameserver"} if len(search) > 0: name_cmd.update({"search": search}) if len(dns) > 0: name_cmd.update({"address": dns}) self.handle_nameserver(name_cmd) self._handle_individual_nameserver(name_cmd, iface) def _handle_bond_bridge(self, command, cmd_type=None): """Common handler for bond and bridge types""" # inverse mapping for v2 keynames to v1 keynames v2key_to_v1 = dict( (v, k) for k, v in NET_CONFIG_TO_V2.get(cmd_type).items() ) for item_name, item_cfg in command.items(): item_params = dict( (key, value) for (key, value) in item_cfg.items() if key not in NETWORK_V2_KEY_FILTER ) # we accept the fixed spelling, but write the old for compatibility # Xenial does not have an updated netplan which supports the # correct spelling. LP: #1756701 params = item_params.get("parameters", {}) grat_value = params.pop("gratuitous-arp", None) if grat_value: params["gratuitious-arp"] = grat_value v1_cmd = { "type": cmd_type, "name": item_name, cmd_type + "_interfaces": item_cfg.get("interfaces"), "params": dict((v2key_to_v1[k], v) for k, v in params.items()), } if "mtu" in item_cfg: v1_cmd["mtu"] = item_cfg["mtu"] subnets = self._v2_to_v1_ipcfg(item_cfg) if len(subnets) > 0: v1_cmd.update({"subnets": subnets}) LOG.debug("v2(%s) -> v1(%s):\n%s", cmd_type, cmd_type, v1_cmd) if cmd_type == "bridge": self.handle_bridge(v1_cmd) elif cmd_type == "bond": self.handle_bond(v1_cmd) else: raise ValueError( "Unknown command type: {cmd_type}".format( cmd_type=cmd_type ) ) def _v2_to_v1_ipcfg(self, cfg): """Common ipconfig extraction from v2 to v1 subnets array.""" def _add_dhcp_overrides(overrides, subnet): if "route-metric" in overrides: subnet["metric"] = overrides["route-metric"] subnets = [] if cfg.get("dhcp4"): subnet = {"type": "dhcp4"} _add_dhcp_overrides(cfg.get("dhcp4-overrides", {}), subnet) subnets.append(subnet) if cfg.get("dhcp6"): subnet = {"type": "dhcp6"} self.use_ipv6 = True _add_dhcp_overrides(cfg.get("dhcp6-overrides", {}), subnet) subnets.append(subnet) gateway4 = None gateway6 = None nameservers = {} for address in cfg.get("addresses", []): subnet = { "type": "static", "address": address, } if ":" in address: if "gateway6" in cfg and gateway6 is None: gateway6 = cfg.get("gateway6") subnet.update({"gateway": gateway6}) else: if "gateway4" in cfg and gateway4 is None: gateway4 = cfg.get("gateway4") subnet.update({"gateway": gateway4}) if "nameservers" in cfg and not nameservers: addresses = cfg.get("nameservers").get("addresses") if addresses: nameservers["dns_nameservers"] = addresses search = cfg.get("nameservers").get("search") if search: nameservers["dns_search"] = search subnet.update(nameservers) subnets.append(subnet) routes = [] for route in cfg.get("routes", []): routes.append( _normalize_route( { "destination": route.get("to"), "gateway": route.get("via"), } ) ) # v2 routes are bound to the interface, in v1 we add them under # the first subnet since there isn't an equivalent interface level. if len(subnets) and len(routes): subnets[0]["routes"] = routes return subnets def _normalize_subnet(subnet): # Prune all keys with None values. subnet = copy.deepcopy(subnet) normal_subnet = dict((k, v) for k, v in subnet.items() if v) if subnet.get("type") in ("static", "static6"): normal_subnet.update( _normalize_net_keys( normal_subnet, address_keys=( "address", "ip_address", ), ) ) normal_subnet["routes"] = [ _normalize_route(r) for r in subnet.get("routes", []) ] def listify(snet, name): if name in snet and not isinstance(snet[name], list): snet[name] = snet[name].split() for k in ("dns_search", "dns_nameservers"): listify(normal_subnet, k) return normal_subnet def _normalize_net_keys(network, address_keys=()): """Normalize dictionary network keys returning prefix and address keys. @param network: A dict of network-related definition containing prefix, netmask and address_keys. @param address_keys: A tuple of keys to search for representing the address or cidr. The first address_key discovered will be used for normalization. @returns: A dict containing normalized prefix and matching addr_key. """ net = dict((k, v) for k, v in network.items() if v) addr_key = None for key in address_keys: if net.get(key): addr_key = key break if not addr_key: message = "No config network address keys [%s] found in %s" % ( ",".join(address_keys), network, ) LOG.error(message) raise ValueError(message) addr = net.get(addr_key) ipv6 = is_ipv6_addr(addr) netmask = net.get("netmask") if "/" in addr: addr_part, _, maybe_prefix = addr.partition("/") net[addr_key] = addr_part try: prefix = int(maybe_prefix) except ValueError: if ipv6: # this supports input of ffff:ffff:ffff:: prefix = ipv6_mask_to_net_prefix(maybe_prefix) else: # this supports input of prefix = ipv4_mask_to_net_prefix(maybe_prefix) elif netmask and not ipv6: prefix = ipv4_mask_to_net_prefix(netmask) elif netmask and ipv6: prefix = ipv6_mask_to_net_prefix(netmask) elif "prefix" in net: prefix = int(net["prefix"]) else: prefix = 64 if ipv6 else 24 if "prefix" in net and str(net["prefix"]) != str(prefix): LOG.warning( "Overwriting existing 'prefix' with '%s' in network info: %s", prefix, net, ) net["prefix"] = prefix if ipv6: # TODO: we could/maybe should add this back with the very uncommon # 'netmask' for ipv6. We need a 'net_prefix_to_ipv6_mask' for that. if "netmask" in net: del net["netmask"] else: net["netmask"] = net_prefix_to_ipv4_mask(net["prefix"]) return net def _normalize_route(route): """normalize a route. return a dictionary with only: 'type': 'route' (only present if it was present in input) 'network': the network portion of the route as a string. 'prefix': the network prefix for address as an integer. 'metric': integer metric (only if present in input). 'netmask': netmask (string) equivalent to prefix iff network is ipv4. """ # Prune None-value keys. Specifically allow 0 (a valid metric). normal_route = dict( (k, v) for k, v in route.items() if v not in ("", None) ) if "destination" in normal_route: normal_route["network"] = normal_route["destination"] del normal_route["destination"] normal_route.update( _normalize_net_keys( normal_route, address_keys=("network", "destination") ) ) metric = normal_route.get("metric") if metric: try: normal_route["metric"] = int(metric) except ValueError as e: raise TypeError( "Route config metric {} is not an integer".format(metric) ) from e return normal_route def _normalize_subnets(subnets): if not subnets: subnets = [] return [_normalize_subnet(s) for s in subnets] def is_ipv6_addr(address): if not address: return False return ":" in str(address) def subnet_is_ipv6(subnet): """Common helper for checking network_state subnets for ipv6.""" # 'static6', 'dhcp6', 'ipv6_dhcpv6-stateful', 'ipv6_dhcpv6-stateless' or # 'ipv6_slaac' if subnet["type"].endswith("6") or subnet["type"] in IPV6_DYNAMIC_TYPES: # This is a request either static6 type or DHCPv6. return True elif subnet["type"] == "static" and is_ipv6_addr(subnet.get("address")): return True return False def net_prefix_to_ipv4_mask(prefix): """Convert a network prefix to an ipv4 netmask. This is the inverse of ipv4_mask_to_net_prefix. 24 -> "" Also supports input as a string.""" mask = socket.inet_ntoa( struct.pack(">I", (0xFFFFFFFF << (32 - int(prefix)) & 0xFFFFFFFF)) ) return mask def ipv4_mask_to_net_prefix(mask): """Convert an ipv4 netmask into a network prefix length. If the input is already an integer or a string representation of an integer, then int(mask) will be returned. "" => 24 str(24) => 24 "24" => 24 """ return ipaddress.ip_network(f"{mask}").prefixlen def ipv6_mask_to_net_prefix(mask): """Convert an ipv6 netmask (very uncommon) or prefix (64) to prefix. If the input is already an integer or a string representation of an integer, then int(mask) will be returned. "ffff:ffff:ffff::" => 48 "48" => 48 """ try: # In the case the mask is already a prefix prefixlen = ipaddress.ip_network(f"::/{mask}").prefixlen return prefixlen except ValueError: # ValueError means mask is an IPv6 address representation and need # conversion. pass netmask = ipaddress.ip_address(mask) mask_int = int(netmask) # If the mask is all zeroes, just return it if mask_int == 0: return mask_int trailing_zeroes = min( ipaddress.IPV6LENGTH, (~mask_int & (mask_int - 1)).bit_length() ) leading_ones = mask_int >> trailing_zeroes prefixlen = ipaddress.IPV6LENGTH - trailing_zeroes all_ones = (1 << prefixlen) - 1 if leading_ones != all_ones: raise ValueError("Invalid network mask '%s'" % mask) return prefixlen def mask_and_ipv4_to_bcast_addr(mask, ip): """Calculate the broadcast address from the subnet mask and ip addr. Supports ipv4 only.""" ip_bin = int("".join([bin(int(x) + 256)[3:] for x in ip.split(".")]), 2) mask_dec = ipv4_mask_to_net_prefix(mask) bcast_bin = ip_bin | (2 ** (32 - mask_dec) - 1) bcast_str = ".".join( [str(bcast_bin >> (i << 3) & 0xFF) for i in range(4)[::-1]] ) return bcast_str def parse_net_config_data(net_config, skip_broken=True) -> NetworkState: """Parses the config, returns NetworkState object :param net_config: curtin network config dict """ state = None version = net_config.get("version") config = net_config.get("config") if version == 2: # v2 does not have explicit 'config' key so we # pass the whole net-config as-is config = net_config if version and config is not None: nsi = NetworkStateInterpreter(version=version, config=config) nsi.parse_config(skip_broken=skip_broken) state = nsi.get_network_state() if not state: raise RuntimeError( "No valid network_state object created from network config. " "Did you specify the correct version?" ) return state # vi: ts=4 expandtab