import json import logging import os import re import socket import struct import tempfile import time from cloudinit import stages from contextlib import contextmanager from xml.etree import ElementTree from cloudinit import util LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) @contextmanager def cd(newdir): prevdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(os.path.expanduser(newdir)) try: yield finally: os.chdir(prevdir) class AzureEndpointHttpClient(object): headers = { 'x-ms-agent-name': 'WALinuxAgent', 'x-ms-version': '2012-11-30', } def __init__(self, certificate): self.extra_secure_headers = { "x-ms-cipher-name": "DES_EDE3_CBC", "x-ms-guest-agent-public-x509-cert": certificate, } def get(self, url, secure=False): headers = self.headers if secure: headers = self.headers.copy() headers.update(self.extra_secure_headers) return util.read_file_or_url(url, headers=headers) def post(self, url, data=None, extra_headers=None): headers = self.headers if extra_headers is not None: headers = self.headers.copy() headers.update(extra_headers) return util.read_file_or_url(url, data=data, headers=headers) class GoalState(object): def __init__(self, xml, http_client): self.http_client = http_client self.root = ElementTree.fromstring(xml) self._certificates_xml = None def _text_from_xpath(self, xpath): element = self.root.find(xpath) if element is not None: return element.text return None @property def container_id(self): return self._text_from_xpath('./Container/ContainerId') @property def incarnation(self): return self._text_from_xpath('./Incarnation') @property def instance_id(self): return self._text_from_xpath( './Container/RoleInstanceList/RoleInstance/InstanceId') @property def certificates_xml(self): if self._certificates_xml is None: url = self._text_from_xpath( './Container/RoleInstanceList/RoleInstance' '/Configuration/Certificates') if url is not None: self._certificates_xml = self.http_client.get( url, secure=True).contents return self._certificates_xml class OpenSSLManager(object): certificate_names = { 'private_key': 'TransportPrivate.pem', 'certificate': 'TransportCert.pem', } def __init__(self): self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.certificate = None self.generate_certificate() def clean_up(self): util.del_dir(self.tmpdir) def generate_certificate(self): LOG.debug('Generating certificate for communication with fabric...') if self.certificate is not None: LOG.debug('Certificate already generated.') return with cd(self.tmpdir): util.subp([ 'openssl', 'req', '-x509', '-nodes', '-subj', '/CN=LinuxTransport', '-days', '32768', '-newkey', 'rsa:2048', '-keyout', self.certificate_names['private_key'], '-out', self.certificate_names['certificate'], ]) certificate = '' for line in open(self.certificate_names['certificate']): if "CERTIFICATE" not in line: certificate += line.rstrip() self.certificate = certificate LOG.debug('New certificate generated.') def parse_certificates(self, certificates_xml): tag = ElementTree.fromstring(certificates_xml).find( './/Data') certificates_content = tag.text lines = [ b'MIME-Version: 1.0', b'Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Certificates.p7m"', b'Content-Type: application/x-pkcs7-mime; name="Certificates.p7m"', b'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64', b'', certificates_content.encode('utf-8'), ] with cd(self.tmpdir): with open('Certificates.p7m', 'wb') as f: f.write(b'\n'.join(lines)) out, _ = util.subp( 'openssl cms -decrypt -in Certificates.p7m -inkey' ' {private_key} -recip {certificate} | openssl pkcs12 -nodes' ' -password pass:'.format(**self.certificate_names), shell=True) private_keys, certificates = [], [] current = [] for line in out.splitlines(): current.append(line) if re.match(r'[-]+END .*?KEY[-]+$', line): private_keys.append('\n'.join(current)) current = [] elif re.match(r'[-]+END .*?CERTIFICATE[-]+$', line): certificates.append('\n'.join(current)) current = [] keys = [] for certificate in certificates: with cd(self.tmpdir): public_key, _ = util.subp( 'openssl x509 -noout -pubkey |' 'ssh-keygen -i -m PKCS8 -f /dev/stdin', data=certificate, shell=True) keys.append(public_key) return keys class WALinuxAgentShim(object): REPORT_READY_XML_TEMPLATE = '\n'.join([ '', '', ' {incarnation}', ' ', ' {container_id}', ' ', ' ', ' {instance_id}', ' ', ' Ready', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', '']) def __init__(self, fallback_lease_file=None): LOG.debug('WALinuxAgentShim instantiated, fallback_lease_file=%s', fallback_lease_file) self.dhcpoptions = None self._endpoint = None self.openssl_manager = None self.values = {} self.lease_file = fallback_lease_file def clean_up(self): if self.openssl_manager is not None: self.openssl_manager.clean_up() @staticmethod def _get_hooks_dir(): _paths = stages.Init() return os.path.join(_paths.paths.get_runpath(), "dhclient.hooks") @property def endpoint(self): if self._endpoint is None: self._endpoint = self.find_endpoint(self.lease_file) return self._endpoint @staticmethod def get_ip_from_lease_value(fallback_lease_value): unescaped_value = fallback_lease_value.replace('\\', '') if len(unescaped_value) > 4: hex_string = '' for hex_pair in unescaped_value.split(':'): if len(hex_pair) == 1: hex_pair = '0' + hex_pair hex_string += hex_pair packed_bytes = struct.pack( '>L', int(hex_string.replace(':', ''), 16)) else: packed_bytes = unescaped_value.encode('utf-8') return socket.inet_ntoa(packed_bytes) @staticmethod def _get_value_from_leases_file(fallback_lease_file): leases = [] content = util.load_file(fallback_lease_file) LOG.debug("content is %s", content) for line in content.splitlines(): if 'unknown-245' in line: # Example line from Ubuntu # option unknown-245 a8:3f:81:10; leases.append(line.strip(' ').split(' ', 2)[-1].strip(';\n"')) # Return the "most recent" one in the list if len(leases) < 1: return None else: return leases[-1] @staticmethod def _load_dhclient_json(): dhcp_options = {} hooks_dir = WALinuxAgentShim._get_hooks_dir() if not os.path.exists(hooks_dir): LOG.debug("%s not found.", hooks_dir) return None hook_files = [os.path.join(hooks_dir, x) for x in os.listdir(hooks_dir)] for hook_file in hook_files: try: name = os.path.basename(hook_file).replace('.json', '') dhcp_options[name] = json.loads(util.load_file((hook_file))) except ValueError: raise ValueError("%s is not valid JSON data", hook_file) return dhcp_options @staticmethod def _get_value_from_dhcpoptions(dhcp_options): if dhcp_options is None: return None # the MS endpoint server is given to us as DHPC option 245 _value = None for interface in dhcp_options: _value = dhcp_options[interface].get('unknown_245', None) if _value is not None: LOG.debug("Endpoint server found in dhclient options") break return _value @staticmethod def find_endpoint(fallback_lease_file=None): LOG.debug('Finding Azure endpoint...') value = None # Option-245 stored in /run/cloud-init/dhclient.hooks/.json # a dhclient exit hook that calls cloud-init-dhclient-hook dhcp_options = WALinuxAgentShim._load_dhclient_json() value = WALinuxAgentShim._get_value_from_dhcpoptions(dhcp_options) if value is None: # Fallback and check the leases file if unsuccessful LOG.debug("Unable to find endpoint in dhclient logs. " " Falling back to check lease files") if fallback_lease_file is None: LOG.warn("No fallback lease file was specified.") value = None else: LOG.debug("Looking for endpoint in lease file %s", fallback_lease_file) value = WALinuxAgentShim._get_value_from_leases_file( fallback_lease_file) if value is None: raise ValueError('No endpoint found.') endpoint_ip_address = WALinuxAgentShim.get_ip_from_lease_value(value) LOG.debug('Azure endpoint found at %s', endpoint_ip_address) return endpoint_ip_address def register_with_azure_and_fetch_data(self): self.openssl_manager = OpenSSLManager() http_client = AzureEndpointHttpClient(self.openssl_manager.certificate)'Registering with Azure...') attempts = 0 while True: try: response = http_client.get( 'http://{0}/machine/?comp=goalstate'.format(self.endpoint)) except Exception: if attempts < 10: time.sleep(attempts + 1) else: raise else: break attempts += 1 LOG.debug('Successfully fetched GoalState XML.') goal_state = GoalState(response.contents, http_client) public_keys = [] if goal_state.certificates_xml is not None: LOG.debug('Certificate XML found; parsing out public keys.') public_keys = self.openssl_manager.parse_certificates( goal_state.certificates_xml) data = { 'public-keys': public_keys, } self._report_ready(goal_state, http_client) return data def _report_ready(self, goal_state, http_client): LOG.debug('Reporting ready to Azure fabric.') document = self.REPORT_READY_XML_TEMPLATE.format( incarnation=goal_state.incarnation, container_id=goal_state.container_id, instance_id=goal_state.instance_id, ) "http://{0}/machine?comp=health".format(self.endpoint), data=document, extra_headers={'Content-Type': 'text/xml; charset=utf-8'}, )'Reported ready to Azure fabric.') def get_metadata_from_fabric(fallback_lease_file=None): shim = WALinuxAgentShim(fallback_lease_file=fallback_lease_file) try: return shim.register_with_azure_and_fetch_data() finally: shim.clean_up()