# This file is part of cloud-init. See LICENSE file for license information. from collections import namedtuple from copy import deepcopy import stat from unittest import mock import yaml import pytest from cloudinit.sources import DataSourceLXD as lxd, UNSET DS_PATH = "cloudinit.sources.DataSourceLXD." LStatResponse = namedtuple("lstatresponse", "st_mode") NETWORK_V1 = { "version": 1, "config": [ { "type": "physical", "name": "eth0", "subnets": [{"type": "dhcp", "control": "auto"}] } ] } NETWORK_V1_MANUAL = deepcopy(NETWORK_V1) NETWORK_V1_MANUAL["config"][0]["subnets"][0]["control"] = "manual" def _add_network_v1_device(devname) -> dict: """Helper to inject device name into default network v1 config.""" network_cfg = deepcopy(NETWORK_V1) network_cfg["config"][0]["name"] = devname return network_cfg LXD_V1_METADATA = { "meta-data": "instance-id: my-lxc\nlocal-hostname: my-lxc\n\n", "network-config": NETWORK_V1, "user-data": "#cloud-config\npackages: [sl]\n", "vendor-data": "#cloud-config\nruncmd: ['echo vendor-data']\n", "1.0": { "meta-data": "instance-id: my-lxc\nlocal-hostname: my-lxc\n\n", "config": { "user.user-data": "instance-id: my-lxc\nlocal-hostname: my-lxc\n\n", "user.vendor-data": "#cloud-config\nruncmd: ['echo vendor-data']\n", "user.network-config": yaml.safe_dump(NETWORK_V1), } } } @pytest.fixture def lxd_metadata(): return LXD_V1_METADATA @pytest.yield_fixture def lxd_ds(request, paths, lxd_metadata): """ Return an instantiated DataSourceLXD. This also performs the mocking required for the default test case: * ``is_platform_viable`` returns True, * ``read_metadata`` returns ``LXD_V1_METADATA`` (This uses the paths fixture for the required helpers.Paths object) """ with mock.patch(DS_PATH + "is_platform_viable", return_value=True): with mock.patch(DS_PATH + "read_metadata", return_value=lxd_metadata): yield lxd.DataSourceLXD( sys_cfg={}, distro=mock.Mock(), paths=paths ) class TestGenerateFallbackNetworkConfig: @pytest.mark.parametrize( "uname_machine,systemd_detect_virt,network_mode,expected", ( # None for systemd_detect_virt returns None from which ({}, None, "", NETWORK_V1), ({}, None, "dhcp", NETWORK_V1), # invalid network_mode logs warning ({}, None, "bogus", NETWORK_V1), ({}, None, "link-local", NETWORK_V1_MANUAL), ("anything", "lxc\n", "", NETWORK_V1), # `uname -m` on kvm determines devname ("x86_64", "kvm\n", "", _add_network_v1_device("enp5s0")), ("ppc64le", "kvm\n", "", _add_network_v1_device("enp0s5")), ("s390x", "kvm\n", "", _add_network_v1_device("enc9")) ) ) @mock.patch(DS_PATH + "util.system_info") @mock.patch(DS_PATH + "subp.subp") @mock.patch(DS_PATH + "subp.which") def test_net_v2_based_on_network_mode_virt_type_and_uname_machine( self, m_which, m_subp, m_system_info, uname_machine, systemd_detect_virt, network_mode, expected, caplog ): """Return network config v2 based on uname -m, systemd-detect-virt. LXC config network_mode of "link-local" will determine whether to set "activation-mode: manual", leaving the interface down. """ if systemd_detect_virt is None: m_which.return_value = None m_system_info.return_value = {"uname": ["", "", "", "", uname_machine]} m_subp.return_value = (systemd_detect_virt, "") assert expected == lxd.generate_fallback_network_config( network_mode=network_mode ) if systemd_detect_virt is None: assert 0 == m_subp.call_count assert 0 == m_system_info.call_count else: assert [ mock.call(["systemd-detect-virt"]) ] == m_subp.call_args_list if systemd_detect_virt != "kvm\n": assert 0 == m_system_info.call_count else: assert 1 == m_system_info.call_count if network_mode not in ("dhcp", "", "link-local"): assert "Ignoring unexpected value user.network_mode: {}".format( network_mode ) in caplog.text class TestDataSourceLXD: def test_platform_info(self, lxd_ds): assert "LXD" == lxd_ds.dsname assert "lxd" == lxd_ds.cloud_name assert "lxd" == lxd_ds.platform_type def test_subplatform(self, lxd_ds): assert "LXD socket API v. 1.0 (/dev/lxd/sock)" == lxd_ds.subplatform def test__get_data(self, lxd_ds): """get_data calls read_metadata, setting appropiate instance attrs.""" assert UNSET == lxd_ds._crawled_metadata assert UNSET == lxd_ds._network_config assert None is lxd_ds.userdata_raw assert True is lxd_ds._get_data() assert LXD_V1_METADATA == lxd_ds._crawled_metadata # network-config is dumped from YAML assert NETWORK_V1 == lxd_ds._network_config # Any user-data and vendor-data are saved as raw assert LXD_V1_METADATA["user-data"] == lxd_ds.userdata_raw assert LXD_V1_METADATA["vendor-data"] == lxd_ds.vendordata_raw class TestIsPlatformViable: @pytest.mark.parametrize( "exists,lstat_mode,expected", ( (False, None, False), (True, stat.S_IFREG, False), (True, stat.S_IFSOCK, True), ) ) @mock.patch(DS_PATH + "os.lstat") @mock.patch(DS_PATH + "os.path.exists") def test_expected_viable( self, m_exists, m_lstat, exists, lstat_mode, expected ): """Return True only when LXD_SOCKET_PATH exists and is a socket.""" m_exists.return_value = exists m_lstat.return_value = LStatResponse(lstat_mode) assert expected is lxd.is_platform_viable() m_exists.assert_has_calls([mock.call(lxd.LXD_SOCKET_PATH)]) if exists: m_lstat.assert_has_calls([mock.call(lxd.LXD_SOCKET_PATH)]) else: assert 0 == m_lstat.call_count # vi: ts=4 expandtab