# vi: ts=4 expandtab # # Copyright (C) 2012 Canonical Ltd. # Copyright (C) 2012 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P. # Copyright (C) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. # # Author: Scott Moser # Author: Juerg Haefliger # Author: Joshua Harlow # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 3, as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see . import hashlib import os from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart from email.mime.text import MIMEText from email.mime.base import MIMEBase from cloudinit import log as logging from cloudinit import url_helper from cloudinit import user_data as ud from cloudinit import util # Various special content types TYPE_NEEDED = ["text/plain", "text/x-not-multipart"] INCLUDE_TYPES = ['text/x-include-url', 'text/x-include-once-url'] ARCHIVE_TYPES = ["text/cloud-config-archive"] UNDEF_TYPE = "text/plain" ARCHIVE_UNDEF_TYPE = "text/cloud-config" OCTET_TYPE = 'application/octet-stream' # Msg header used to track attachments ATTACHMENT_FIELD = 'Number-Attachments' # This will be used to create a filename from a url (or like) entry # When we want to make sure a entry isn't included # more than once across sessions. INCLUDE_ONCE_HASHER = 'md5' MAX_INCLUDE_FN_LEN = 64 LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class UserDataProcessor(object): def __init__(self, paths): self.paths = paths def process(self, blob): base_msg = ud.convert_string(blob) process_msg = MIMEMultipart() self._process_msg(base_msg, process_msg) return process_msg def _process_msg(self, base_msg, append_msg): for part in base_msg.walk(): # multipart/* are just containers if part.get_content_maintype() == 'multipart': continue ctype = None ctype_orig = part.get_content_type() payload = part.get_payload(decode=True) if not ctype_orig: ctype_orig = UNDEF_TYPE if ctype_orig in TYPE_NEEDED: ctype = ud.type_from_starts_with(payload) if ctype is None: ctype = ctype_orig if ctype in INCLUDE_TYPES: self._do_include(payload, append_msg) continue if ctype in ARCHIVE_TYPES: self._explode_archive(payload, append_msg) continue if 'Content-Type' in base_msg: base_msg.replace_header('Content-Type', ctype) else: base_msg['Content-Type'] = ctype self._attach_part(append_msg, part) def _get_include_once_filename(self, entry): msum = hashlib.new(INCLUDE_ONCE_HASHER) msum.update(entry) # Don't get to long now entry_fn = msum.hexdigest()[0:MAX_INCLUDE_FN_LEN] return os.path.join(self.paths.get_ipath_cur('data'), 'urlcache', entry_fn) def _do_include(self, content, append_msg): # is just a list of urls, one per line # also support '#include ' for line in content.splitlines(): includeonce = False if line in ("#include", "#include-once"): continue if line.startswith("#include-once"): line = line[len("#include-once"):].lstrip() includeonce = True elif line.startswith("#include"): line = line[len("#include"):].lstrip() if line.startswith("#"): continue include_url = line.strip() if not include_url: continue includeonce_filename = self._get_include_once_filename(include_url) if includeonce and os.path.isfile(includeonce_filename): content = util.load_file(includeonce_filename) else: (content, st) = url_helper.readurl(include_url) if includeonce and url_helper.ok_http_code(st): util.write_file(includeonce_filename, content, mode=0600) if not url_helper.ok_http_code(st): content = '' new_msg = ud.convert_string(content) self._process_msg(new_msg, append_msg) def _explode_archive(self, archive, append_msg): entries = util.load_yaml(archive, default=[], allowed=[list, set]) for ent in entries: # ent can be one of: # dict { 'filename' : 'value', 'content' : # 'value', 'type' : 'value' } # filename and type not be present # or # scalar(payload) if isinstance(ent, str): ent = {'content': ent} if not isinstance(ent, (dict)): # TODO raise? continue content = ent.get('content', '') mtype = ent.get('type') if not mtype: mtype = ud.type_from_starts_with(content, ARCHIVE_UNDEF_TYPE) maintype, subtype = mtype.split('/', 1) if maintype == "text": msg = MIMEText(content, _subtype=subtype) else: msg = MIMEBase(maintype, subtype) msg.set_payload(content) if 'filename' in ent: msg.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=ent['filename']) for header in ent.keys(): if header in ('content', 'filename', 'type'): continue msg.add_header(header, ent['header']) self._attach_part(append_msg, msg) def _multi_part_count(self, outer_msg, new_count=None): """ Return the number of attachments to this MIMEMultipart by looking at its 'Number-Attachments' header. """ if ATTACHMENT_FIELD not in outer_msg: outer_msg[ATTACHMENT_FIELD] = str(0) if new_count is not None: outer_msg.replace_header(ATTACHMENT_FIELD, str(new_count)) fetched_count = 0 try: fetched_count = int(outer_msg.get(ATTACHMENT_FIELD)) except (ValueError, TypeError): outer_msg.replace_header(ATTACHMENT_FIELD, str(fetched_count)) return fetched_count def _attach_part(self, outer_msg, part): """ Attach an part to an outer message. outermsg must be a MIMEMultipart. Modifies a header in the message to keep track of number of attachments. """ cur = self._multi_part_count(outer_msg) if not part.get_filename(): fn = ud.PART_FN_TPL % (cur + 1) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=fn) outer_msg.attach(part) self._multi_part_count(outer_msg, cur + 1)